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Joann Fabrics

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Reviews Hobbies & Interests, Crafts, Fabric Joann Fabrics

51 customer reviews of

I'm done with JoAnn Fabrics!
It wasn't nice when they started putting fabrics on sale just so those fabrics could not be used with a coupon. Now I just had a 40% off coupon applied to $5 thread instead of the $27 dollar fabric purchase I had AND a $10 off total coupon gave me only $1 off :(! I was told that the employee couldn't control what the register did with the coupon ... WELL I CAN CONTROL WHERE I SPEND MY MONEY and it won't be at JoAnn Fabrics - in store or online! I'm done with your deceptive and lying practices! I'm going to Hobby Lobby!

Customer Service Sucks Beyond Belief
I tried to place a very simple order online, but got a message that my order couldnt be processed and I needed to call customer service. I called on a Sunday, but Joann Fabrics have no customer service on Sunday. I called on Monday, after having to speak with 2 people for 25 minutes, my one item order was finally placed. Nine days later, I check on my order online. My order number and email address dont match, so I have to call again. Im now 45 minutes on the call, they had my email address incorrect, are unable to tell me the status of the order, said it is unusual that is taking this long, said there might be an error, they can reach out and nudge the vendor, but it will likely be cancelled due to error. When asked about what kind of error, they said a computer kitch... WHAT?!? After speaking with my third representative, and her telling me she'd look into it, but wasn't sure when she'd get back to me, I cancelled the order. She said she can't guarantee that she cancel it. Crazy. I've been waiting 9 days, nobody can tell me anything about the order, and they are not sure if they can cancel it. Time to step out of your standardized responses and procedures and make it right for your clients Joann. Won't shop in store or online. Very backwards approach. Catch up to the 20th century.

Disgusted & Disappointed!
Was going to purchase a Bowdabra at walmart for $9.99, but would be several days to ship to store. JoAnn's had 6 of them in-stock for $14.99, but I had a 40% on one item coupon! So decided to make the 50 minute drive. I also bought 6 packs of novelty buttons and some Dritz brass pins that I needed.

At checkout - 2 cashiers and a long line of customers... I asked the cashier about price matching, to which she said she had not heard anything about it. I showed her the BIG sign above her head that said PRICE MATCHING. She had to call someone, who stated that for price matching Joann Fabrics needed a printed paper, and could not a competitor's website on my phone. Well o. K... I had 3 JoAnn app coupons that I could use - The 40% coupon was used on $3 buttons, not the Darice Bowdabra (most expensive item). Had a 50% of one Dritz sewing notions coupon that did not work for my Dritz brass sewing pins. Cashier said that coupons would not work on Darice or Dritz because the manufacturer doesn't allow it... Huh? The one coupon was specifically for Dritz brand sewing notions!

So I returned Bowdabra and called customer service. After 25 minutes on hold I explained to them what happened. I asked her why wasn't the 40% used on most expensive items, or why I couldn't pick which item. Was told that the computer just picks which items it wants to use. I guess I should have checked out each item separately. Next time I am in town I will be returning all items and NEVER shopping at JoAnn again.

I have them 2 stars because after 2 sales people not knowing what a Bowdabra was or where it might be, they did actually have 1 in stock.

BAD Customer Service
Good Afternoon,
My name is Amanda, My mother in law and I have recently had a very poor experience in your Clifton Park, New York store. In March as we were planning to decorate for my wedding we decided to use a white mesh fabric, After researching online as to where to get It we landed on Jo-Anns we called Clifton park gave them the item number we found online and was told it is carried in the store. Great! We went to Clifton Park late March to see about purchasing this product upon entering the store we were not greeted nor asked if we needed assistance.
After we stood around for several minutes an employee asked what we needed, We explained, she stated that store doesnt carry as much as we needed we would need to special order this (3 Bolts). Fine we ordered and paid for them right then and there.
Our order then didnt come in till middle of June. We picked it up no issues, it looked great at our wedding August 20th. We only ended up using one bolt. Last weekend I called the Clifton Park store and explained to who was on the phone the situation we had 2 bolts not opened still in the plastic, asked if Joann Fabrics could returned. She stated yes as long as they were not cut and we had the original receipt. Nowhere along the lines did she ask when we purchased these items or any information that was probably necessary.
9/6/2016 My mother in law and I entered the Clifton Park store to return said items, Upon entering we again were not greeted and stood at the counter for roughly 5-10 min before either of the two girls even came over. We explained the conversation we had over the phone, they stated we could not return these items and there was nothing they could do. We then asked for a Manager, The girl standing next to the register was apparently the Asst. Manager (now I am all for expression of personal whatever but this was not a good look she had faded green and blue hair and a ratty Joann shirt on, did not look professional at all) she then stated she could not help. We were told to call in the morning when the store manager was on.
My mother in law called today 9/7/2016 and again had the same conversation with the manager which we are having for the 3rd time this far, the manager continued to speak over her was rude and again not helpful at all, At the end of the conversation she asked for who we could speak to above her, she stated she could not give out the reginal phone number. Again argued with my mother in law Jackie. Finally was given the name and number to the Albany store.
There she spoke to a gentleman and again told the store for the 4th time now. Finally after much explanation and dismay of the manager they have agreed to return the items and refund her card.
Now we have to make a 2nd trip to Clifton Park to return the same items we tried to return yesterday.

Now besides my several issues with all of this, at no time did anyone say that other stores had this item in stock so we didnt have to special order the item.
The 90 days do not start when we pay for the items, as we didnt physically pick those items up till late June we are not even at 60 days of having the item in our position
Customer service was a joke, the attitude and disrespect of the employees was not acceptable.

I work on the construction business and work with clients building their million dollar homes, however we treat all clients whether we are doing a small 500 job or multi-million dollar job the same, Customer is always right and we do whatever we have to render any situation, even if we did not make the mistake or cause the issue in the first place. I believe that your employees could use a lesson in customer service and there should be some sort of guideline for then regarding appearance, again Im all for expression when it is done tasteful and with class.
You always should present yourself in the highest manor no matter if you work for Donald Trump or Walmart.

Thank you for your time in reading this email we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Don't order online. Huge hassle, received nothing, no customer service
I ordered 15 or so items online. Over the next two weeks, emails began trickling in that certain items were actually sold out and had been canceled, but my order status said "partially shipped". It was impossible to tell what was shipped and what was cancelled as several items were still in limbo after 2 weeks. No phone available on the site so I googled reviews and got one. Got an old-fashioned busy signal, no way to leave a message. Had already sent an email, took over a week for a response that said it had been delivered 11 days prior and have a nice day. I tracked it and found it was sent to Ohio. I told them this (I live in Wa State) and got an immediate response that it was actually damaged in transit and I'd have to wait 2-3 weeks for it to be returned to them to get a refund. I called 3 more times and got disconnected twice. Finally found out that Ohio is actually their point of origin for shipping but she still couldn't just issue a refund even though tracking even had a receiving employee's signature. I was placed on hold multiple times, so long their hold music just stopped and I'm left with silence wondering if I'm even still connected. I'm super patient and quiet, but this was so bad it was like someone was playing a joke on me. I am finally resorting to opening a Paypal claim because thank goodness that is how I paid. I have been in customer service my entire life and this is hands down the worst company I have ever dealt with, right up there with those Chinese companies that sell cheap junk online and never deliver. I have never said this before, but I will never shop online with this company again. Ever. Joann Fabrics failed on every point. Actual availability of what they advertised on their site, delivery, customer service, all of it. Way too hard to get my money back over their errors and after I'd already waited weeks. No one needs this headache.

Wonders of JoAnn Fabrics
The first of October marks the beginning of my preparations for my favorite seasonal holiday, Halloween. Despite my October obsessions, I have remained loyal to online shops; buying cheap, itchy costumes that have always ended up falling to pieces by the end of the night. It's not as if I lack the creativity to create my own costumes; I spend most of my free time drawing for hours on end. Generally, I do most of my shopping online, everything is just a click away. A store must have great atmosphere, be well organized, and above all have accommodating customer service to get me off the couch. I decided to give JoAnn Fabrics a fighting chance if I ever wanted to go down in the DIY hall of fame.
At first glance, the outside of JoAnn Fabrics resembled that of a Staples, bland and lacking in any artistic promise. One would think that a craft store would have added some eye-catching decorations for the festive season, or at least put up signs advertising the wonders found inside. Boy, was I wrong to judge a book by its cover.
Taking my first steps through the sliding doors was like stepping into Narnia. I was now standing in a new world, filled with rows stocked full with paints, fabrics, and craft supplies as far as the eye could see. The aisles were so well labeled and neatly arranged that it makes locating items a breeze, perfect for those who are in a time crunch. I was greeted with delightful scents of apples and cinnamon that were so tantalizing, I had to stop myself from taking a bite out of the air in front of me. I stood in awe. Finally, a store accurately reflected my true passion for Halloween and art.
I had been so distracted by all the dazzling arrays of festive décor that I almost forgot the reason why I had entered in the first place: to find the perfect materials to conceive my own Wonder Woman costume. Admittedly, I had no clue what I needed to even begin my super-sized project, and clearly, I looked like a JoAnn's rookie, because before I had even begun searching, an employee approached me asking if needed any assistance. After explaining my costume crisis, she offered her own personal advice on some of the best ways to create my costume. Instead of simply pointing to some random aisle, she had taken the time to put herself in my shoes and she ended up assisting me with things I hadn't even considered.
Overall, my experience at JoAnn Fabrics was nothing short of wonderful and had stemmed far beyond my expectations. Although I was disappointed by the outward appearance of the store, my hesitations immediately subsided the moment I walked in. The atmosphere was captivating and the effective organization of the merchandise made the aisles easy to navigate. Most notably, JoAnn Fabrics hands down has the most exceptional customer service I have ever had the fortune of encountering. With shopping bag in hand, I triumphantly made my way back into the world with a new sense of artistic authority, all thanks to my trusty sidekick JoAnn.

Worst online ordering experience in years
This review is about the worst experience I've had in years ordering products online at for pickup at a local store. I placed the order while I was in the store because there was an online special offer that was 1/2 the price being charged at the store. The order seemed to work just fine - my credit card was charged, and I got a confirmation of the order right away in email. However, after waiting 50 minutes in line while the good folks at the store tried everything Joann Fabrics could think of -- including waking the store manager at home by phone -- they were unable to find my online order, or find a way to let me walk out of the store with the items without paying for them twice. Here are the problems:

- The online ordering tools do not indicate that orders placed after 5pm are not transmitted to the store until the next day.

- Even the confirmation e-mail simply says "we'll let you know when your order is ready to pick up." There is no estimation of when that might be.

- There is no mechanism on the on-line ordering system to cancel an order -- you are instructed specifically that you can return items after you've picked them up. In this case I was asked by the lead cashier to cancel my online order so she could sell me the items in the store matching the online price - but there was no way to do it!

- Buried deep in a "Pick Up Information" web page that your order e-mail points to is an 888 number for customer service with an indication that they can cancel an order -- however they didn't answer the phone while I was standing in the store close to their 9pm closing time.

I had the sense that the folks in the store were trying their very best to be helpful. And they thanked me for not being mad -- because they said that many of their online customers are furious about the delays, not being able to change online orders, and having the store return the items to the shelves after 3 days if they aren't picked up -- with no timely refund of the purchase. However the local folks apparently have their hands tied by a hugely defective on-line ordering process - over which they have no real control.

I will likely return to the store when I need to, but I am VERY unlikely to ever try to purchase anything at again. Save yourself the wasted time and frustration. Don't purchase anything online at if you intend to pick it up at a local store.

"Impossible"... there words, not mine
I had a project I wanted to tackle on a Thursday night so on Wednesday morning I hopped onto Joann's website and placed my online order so I could pick up my items that night at my local store. I printed up my receipt and it stated that this order was being sent to my home. I called the local store and asked if Joann Fabrics could change the status of my order to store pickup rather than wait for the Ohio facility to cut and ship my items. They referred me to the national Joann help phone number. Once I actually spoke to someone (after being on hold for fifteen minutes) I was told that what I was asking was "impossible". I explained I was under a deadline and waiting for the item to be shipped wouldn't work for me so she suggested that I go to the local store, buy the same items, and when the order (that wasn't processed yet on their end) was shipped to my home, I could return it to the store. All this seemed like a lot more work than cancelling my order and filling it at the store but I wasn't getting any common sense help from their end. Thursday morning I stopped by the store and purchased what I needed (and my deadline was met). When the other items arrived they came with return slips and FedEx labels so alright, no biggie. I dragged both packages to FedEx and they told me that they gave me two identical shipping labels and they could only send back one item, Ugh! So I went to the store with the second item to return it. I didn't have my receipt so the cashier used my credit card number and low and behold, "we don't show this in our system"... what? I bought it less than a week ago! I was given store credit and for $20. Less because they use the lowest price they can offer the item for. Joann fabric... horrible website (I was told I didn't check a small box when ordering and it happens all the time), poor customer service, (pretty simple fix but it was "impossible" for them), poor follow through (wrong shipping label), and failed in store experience, (my transaction couldn't be found after a week). One star too many.

REALLY - just shut the doors if you can't handle being essential
I submitted an order Sat 04 APR 2020. Order was accepted - Singer 4411 and misc. Fabric. Never received an email. 05 APR 2020 Drove the the store from Methuen MA, waited for more than 2 hours - staff was strolling in and out with NO sense of urgency. May have filled 7 small orders while I was there for more than 2 hours. I saw three employees.
Went home, waited for an email. Never received it on 05 APR 2020
Received email on 06 APR 2020, saying Oops, no sewing machine. Really "Oops" no sewing machine. You have 3 days to pick up the rest of your order.
Called, spoke to someone who explained your ordering system isn't able to "really" know what's available. - I think you need an update!
Joann Fabrics said I had until Wednesday to pick up the fabric.
Phoned them on 08 APR, to make sure Order *******8117 was still there, she knew my name and confirmed - yes it's still there.
Before leaving the house I checked online for their hours, which states 10-7.
I drove AGAIN, from Methuen to Seabrook arrived at 4:26 - only to find a note on the door. We closed at 4PM. REALLY... Why a note when all ordering takes place online. Have your IT system update the hours if you need to close.
I then phoned Methuen, who explained the resourcing issue, and how all they're doing is answering phones and cutting material. Yes - I know. My entire family is working on the front lines! That's why I need to make masks!
Dear HR:
Learn to run a business during a trying time such as this and if you can't close a few stores. You shouldn't be essential if you can't provide for your customers who need you during this time. If your stores aren't able to staff appropriately, combine staff in one store, close others and for the love of GOD... hire an IT dept. that is capable of updating your website real-time. FIGURE IT OUT!

Curb side pick up is anything but convenient
I placed an online order at 3 pm Sunday, October, 3 for curbside pick up. When I called 2 1/2 hours later to see if it was ready. I was told it wouldn't be ready until the next day. When I called the next afternoon, I was told it still wasn't ready, and that I should check back later. When I called late in the afternoon, I was told that my order Still wasn't ready. At this point I was no longer satisfied with waiting. So I asked if I could just come in and pick up the items myself without having to pay again. I was told of course, that would be fine. No apology for the delays or inconvenience. So I grudgingly when into the store and selected the items I had ordered the day before for pick up. Then when I got to the check out and showed my order on my phone, I was told that Joann Fabrics had my order ready. When so asked since when it had been ready? I was told since last night just before closing. I explained that it would have been nice to have been told that during and one of the three times I'd called to inquire, or alerted via email as the website said I would be... Again, no apology for any inconvenience. Don't advertise services you're not actually capable of providing. Very disappointed and frustrated. In the future, I'll take my business elsewhere.

Fleeced -- Employee Inattention? Or Dishonesty?
"Caveat emptor" the ancient Romans warned. "Let the buyer beware!"
ReviewFeeder (this review forum) warns against making false claims, so I'm not accusing. But I have to wonder if someone in the JoAnn's Fabrics' -- Hudson, Ohio shipping dept. decided Joann Fabrics wanted my 2-yds of NFL New England Patriots Fleece material more than me and slipped a dummy load into the shipping carton to take its place. I hope not.
One week ago I placed this fleece order so that I could make my adult son a blanket -- a blanket to keep him warm as liver cancer and chemotherapy continues to strip him of body mass. All local JoAnn stores were out of stock of this hard-to-find NFL print, so I was forced to order online.
Text message alerts soon informed me that my order was on its way, and today the shipping box arrived. I was impressed and thankful for the fast turn-around, for I wanted to make the blanket as soon as possible. Then I opened the box.
What I received was a length of an unknown gray fabric wrapped nicely around a cardboard bolt, rubber banded in place with a shipping ticket tucked beneath, and nothing else. If it wasn't such a highly sought after fleece pattern, I probably wouldn't suspect anything intentional and regard it as a simple mix-up of orders. And it still might be...
I called the Customer Service number given on the back of the ticket (*******120.) After pressing #1 to choose English as my preferred language, I was then asked to press #1 or #2 to confirm my age as being over or under 60-yrs. Yellow warning flags popped up in my mind. After my selection, I was routed to a live person who had NOTHING to do with JoAnn Fabrics. This woman immediately went into a non-stop sales pitch for me to buy a Medic Alert device. She wouldn't stop talking, even after two or three polite requests to let me speak. I hung up.
Thinking I had misdialed, I tried again. This time I was routed to a car insurance sales pitch. That's when I lost faith in JoAnn's customer service legitimacy and began to consider an intentional swap of my NFL fleece. Having read so many customer service horror stories posted on this site, I'm somewhat convinced JoAnn's upper management is corrupt, out of touch, or simply doesn't care. If so, that would explain all of the many complaints posted to this forum... mine included.
When I visit our local JoAnn store on Monday to get my money refunded, I'll speak to their manager. But like so many others who have written, I will likely not shop JoAnn Fabrics again -- in person or on-line. Hobby Lobby and Michaels will be my sources for crafts, fabrics, etc. in the future.

Fraud Alert
I placed an order online on Sunday December 6th. My order total was $566.22 (several Christmas gifts). Joann Fabrics immediately charged my account the full amount. This is showing as a pending charge and is deducted from my account balance. Then on Monday morning I noticed my account balance was very low so I checked and found two more charges from them ($32.09 & $102.68). I called their customer service department and was on hold for 45 minutes. When I finally got to speak to someone and explained what was going I was told that the first charge for the full amount was just a hold to make sure I had the money available. He then explained that the other two charges were for parts of the order that were ready for shipping. He then explained that the $566.22 would be refunded once everything was shipped. I told him that I couldn't afford to have that much money not available in my account. He then said that there was nothing else he could do. I explained to him that I had some bills set up to come out of my account automatically and that by them holding that money it would cause my account to go negative and then I would be charged fees. He then repeated that there was nothing else he could do. So then I asked him to please just cancel my order so my money could be release and he informed me that was not possible but that I could return the items once they were received. So at this point I was in tears and just wanted off the phone. So I then had to call a family member to borrow money so I could cover my account. I have now had another charge for $90.48. I just wonder how long it will actually take them to ship out all of my items. I don't see how it is legal for them to double bill people and to hold money for however long it takes them to ship out the items. Oh and I almost forgot, they told me that it could take up to 10 business days after they remove the hold before my money will show back up in my bank. This is just so wrong and I order online ALL the time and I have NEVER had any other business do this to me.

Joann Fabrics Review
Joann Fabrics is the most disappointing franchise to ever exist. Unfortunately, I am forced to spend money here because I am a fashion student and it's the only store with fabrics you can feel in-person so it's my only option for fabric shopping. If there were ANY OTHER fabric store that had a decent amount of fabric options to choose from I would GLADLY go there. WITHOUT FAIL any time I walk into a Joann's fabric Joann Fabrics find a way to completely ruin my day. Whether it be TERRIBLE customer service, the fact that they are never fully stocked with basic fabrics that are not hard to find or simply their stupidity like not knowing how to use their own coupons. This is not one Joann's location either, I have been to SEVERAL locations and each one is the same. Their employee's are rude, incredibly unhelpful and unknowledgeable in every single item they sell in their stores. If you have a question about anything related to the items they sell, you are more likely to find the answer using google than asking an employee who will definitely waste your time.
For example, tonight I walked into Joann's Polaris location for Copic Markers and black Organza fabric. I walk over to where the organza is and don't see any so I ask an employee if they have any in the back and instead of looking for it the lady goes "Well if ya don't see it we don't have it" so I said "Can you look in the recently cut fabric?" and the lady goes over and says "yeah we don't have it" so I'm like well I should've expected that. Then I walk over to the markers section and all they have is off brand markers so I asked another employee if they still sold Copic's and she goes "uhhhhhhhh idk" and I said "Well can you find out?" and so she asked on her headset and said they have a few in the back but some one came to their store and stole the entire wall display of Copic markers. This is a great example of Joann employee's stupidity. A customer came in and stole an entire display case of markers and they did nothing about it. Sounds very on-brand for Joann's.
I truly wish I didn't have to give a single penny to this awful company because I honestly wish it didn't exist. But because it is my only option to go there I am going to continue to write reviews on my experiences until there is significant change.

DON'T ORDER FABRIC ONLINE from Jo-Ann Fabric and Crafts! I want to report the horrible customer service and ordering online material process this company has, and lack of any type of useful customer service Joann Fabrics offer... that is if you can get someone on the phone. If you are considering ordering from JoAnns, DON'T, DON'T, DON'T! Jo-Ann is one of the worst fabric companies out there. In short, I ordered 12 yards of material and 8 yards of lining material amongst other things. It took two weeks to get all the items, and the main material that I thought should come as one bulk size or two 6yrd pieces, came in 4 pieces, (a 2 yd, 2x 2.5 yrd, and 5 yard). Then the lining came as a 7 yard instead of 8 like I ordered, they sent an email that said they cancelled 1 yard of the order. I tried to contact JoAnne by phone, no luck... then by email, I left several messages, no answers. I called corporate, which is the same number as the online store help, who never answers their phone, (when I call most time anyway), but you get plenty 'tips' about crafts while you are waiting... THEN I called the store, who said call the online place, who took over an hour to answer the phone, then said well that's the way it is... They said THEY did nothing wrong... of course.

Terrible customer service
Ranks top 3 of my worst customer service experiences, along with Target and Lane Bryant.

Ordered fabric on 12/28. Realized there would likely be a delay due to the holidays. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I got a shipping notice the SAME DAY. The day after, I got another notification that there was a second shipment. That's fine. Until the warehouse never actually shipped it, just made the label. A small delay was fine, but I sent an email letting them know it was sitting around in a warehouse and I expected the item to go out promptly. No response.

Even if you also count NYE as a holiday (most retailers don't) today would be the 4TH BUSINESS DAY that my order has just SIT IN A WAREHOUSE FOR NO REASON.

I finally got an email reply; basically stating "it's not our fault, fedex hasn't updated yadda yadda, if you don't get it by 1/11 contact us then". See attached. As you can imagine, that made me irate. So I called.

I let the service agent know what was going on, the email I had gotten, and that under no circumstances was that acceptable. She went on hold to look at the issue, then came back on the line to tell me she passed it off to someone to "investigate" and that I should get a response in 3 days.

Well, that made me even angrier. I let her know that I wasn't here to put up with her passing the buck, or them making me wait another 3 days to actually ship an order they'd made a label for. She kept trying to talk over me, and when I wouldn't let her, decided she wasn't going to say anything at all. Fed up with her attitude problem, I asked for a supervisor.

The "supervisor" I got was a lying piece of work. She tried to tell me FedEx was having up to 2 week delays in their pickups. When I told her I worked direct customer service for a retail company, our company uses exclusively FedEx for standard shipments, and that there is no delay at all right now, she was a stuttering mess. Had no explanation other than "it can take so and so business days" with no explanation for the fact the order was processed already. When I told her about the inept customer service agents I'd talked to, she said Joann Fabrics would "look into it" again (referring to the order) with no indication of a timely follow up.

I let her know if I had done such a terrible CS job, I'd be written up and fired - and it must be nice to work somewhere, when you don't have to do your job to get paid. I guess I'd have to just call in and scream some more when nobody could be bothered to tell the warehouse to ship my order. After some more stuttering, along with another half baked lie of an excuse and her trying desperately to start ending the call, I hung up on her.

Later tonight, I get a message from FedEx that the package is on the way.

Would it not be easier to have your customer service agents actually do their jobs, so that people don't have to be nasty and yell to get their issue resolved? I work customer service. I know the job sucks, but if you do your job, decent people don't have to act like an ass to get anywhere. Unfortunately for them, me being a CS agent means I don't have any tolerance for terrible CS agents who can't be bothered to do their jobs, causing me inconvenience.

Bait & Switch
I was issued two refunds for corporate refund checks on January 10,2021 to be sent to me. I had been in communication with the Store manager and Asst. Store manager who actually assisted me with three previous returns (signing them) on my recently deceased mothers un-used new material as l etc. Each received a corporate check for dates of January 3,2021 & December 20,2020 & and a cash refund of $ 120.00 on December 18,2020. All without receipts but luckily still in the original packaging, mfg boxes, and Joann bags. My January 10th refunds never arrived so I reached out to returns customer service for status. I was than told to pick up the fabric or take a store credit? A day later I received a email from customer service asking for detailed information on my return, email, original dates of purchase, which I quickly replied with and asked why Joann Fabrics are asking for all this additional information... No one could tell me why? The store manager said the store policy was changed, inwhich I was bring penalized for their policy change after my transactions were done? Basically I was being called a thief and they were trying to imply that 3 bolts of unbleached muslin were stolen? Funny how when I returned it the sales associate was able to scan the bolts and the bolts were identified in the Joanne SKU files in their computer system? Absurd! I was given the choice to pick up the bolts of muslin or a useless store credit. I than took the store credit as they threatened that if I did not come in soon I would be forced to forfeit my merchandise/store credit! What a way to treat someone who's late mother taught all the quilting, cake decorating, needlework adult education classes in Bellevue, Ne. My late mother bought all her needs at this Joann store in Bellevue, ne. She also encouraged all her students to buy all their needs for class and leisure at this store. Pathetic way of biting the hand that keeps your sad little store open in Bellevue, Ne! Talk about Bait & Switch on an honest customer! No wonder this store is so empty. I have/will notify all local contacts of this horrible experience with trying to defame my character without any grounds, basis, or reasonable explanation. Even the supervisor at the returns customer service did not have the courage to call me and explain why the 30 day runaround? Cowards and shady business practice!

1 Star Far Too Generous
Joann Fabrics online is terrible. Go to Hobby Lobby.

The only reason I'm giving one star is because it wouldn't let me give minus a hundred.

The online customer order and customer service is far inferior to even a 3rd world country. Joann Fabrics deducted my fabric order in full when I placed it, and then sent me an email saying they could only ship 2/3rds of my order, which meant they would split and cut my fabric to suit their needs, not my needs. I requested a cancellation immediately, wherein they said no, that after I received their incorrect order, that they would then put me out more by making me take it back to a store in person, which is a 20 Mile drive for me. Then they deducted another 2/3rd of the entire charge from my bank account in addition to the first full charge.

I spoke with Rachel, Sonny and Lisa from the Hudson, Ohio customer service. All 3 continued to lie to me saying they did not deducted it from my bank account. Yet they certainly did and my bank confirmed this in writing.

6 days later I finally received a credit for the first fraudulent charge, but I am still waiting for the 2nd fraudulent charge, and my order. It's funny how they can immediately deduct from your bank account electronically, but state you must wait up to 10 business days for a refund, wherein they are in error.

And what idiot would cut and split and backorder a fabric order? Like my one piece outfit will now only cover the upper half of my body while letting my genitals hang loose. Whoever cut this order should have to wear it daily for their uniform and see how they like it.

Hobby Lobby thanks you for being so terrible. Interstate fraud charges are being filled and there is no reason in today's world that anyone should have to put up with all this pain and suffering at the hands of a multi billion dollar corporation.

Why didn't I look up reviews before ordering online?
Their whole online operation is a mess. My last order (one item) arrived after 2 weeks. I emailed customer service after the 1st week asking them to cancel my order since it was still processing and didn't get a response until 5 days later!

By that time the order had already shipped and their response was that Joann Fabrics couldn't cancel orders once placed, and that my only solution was to reject the package or return the item at the store. No apologies for the delay whatsoever and I don't recall seeing anything about orders taking so long to ship while checking out.

Once it arrived (it was a cardstock pad), it was in a plastic envelope without any indication to not bent. So the mail delivery person stuffed it inside the tiny building mailbox and the cardstock arrived bent.

I had already placed an order before where items shipped/were billed separately and after a week of placing my order I was emailed about one item being out of stock... and they just realized it after a whole week?!

I don't think I'll ever order from joann online again. I like the physical stores, and it's hard to pass the good offers they have online. I suggest you only buy online only if you don't care 1) how long items will arrive 2) if they ever do and don't get canceled 3) bent or in bad condition

The only good thing was that they included a coupon for $20 credit for shutterfly, but honestly I could do without that.

They can take the order, they just can't FILL the order... like a Seinfeld episode
On April 15, I ordered an article from Joann's, which was stated to be in stock. I followed on the website and there was no shipping information available a week later. I wrote on April 23 to customer service - that individual could not figure out my order. On April 25 I received this message: "It appears this delay was due to this order processing over to a warehouse that no longer fills orders for us as of last month. Due to this the order had to be cancelled, I apologize for the trouble! If you would like to reorder this item please respond to this email once the new order has shipped (please include the new order number) and I will assure you obtain the same sales pricing (with any coupons that were applied) as well as free shipping by processing a refund for these costs. Or, you can contact our Customer Care Department directly at *******120. We would be more than happy to honor the original sale price and waive the shipping. I would suugest waiting until Monday to place the new order, I have reported the issue and I want to be sure this is resolved so the same thing does not happen." Needless to say, I did not order again. Without my followup, Joann Fabrics never would have been forthcoming about this order.

I wish I could leave no stars!
My first order from Joann's, 16 skeins of Paton's Natural Mix Worsted Wool, arrived in 2 shipments. The first shipment had 6 skeins of the color I wantedand the color shown on the website. The second shipment had 10 yarns that were a completely different color.
On Friday morning, the 13th of December, I called Joann's customer service, explained the problem, and told the representative that I was leaving for the UK on Monday, the 16th of December, and would be abroad for almost 3 months. I needed the replacement yarn as soon as possible because I'd already started my project with the 6 skeins of the color I'd wanted, and planned to finish it in time for Christmas in the UK. We spent about 15 minutes on the phoneshe put me on hold a couple of times while she spoke to a manager. She told me she could expedite the shipping of the replacement yarn, and I would have it on either the 14th or the 15th of December. I questioned this because it was the weekend, and she promised that it would be here by Sunday the 15th at the latest. A couple of hours later I received a message from Joann's that the order had shipped. Though the message did say that the order wouldn't arrive until Tuesday the 17th, and the tracking showed that Fedex had not yet picked it up, I wasn't worried because the representative had promised me I'd receive it on time.
On Saturday morning, the 14th of December, I checked the tracking status, and Fedex had still not picked up the package. I called Joann's customer service again, and spoke to a man who told me there was no way a package would arrive on a Saturday or a Sunday if it had been ordered that Friday. I explained my predicament: that I'd be out of the country when the package arrived, and it would sit on my front steps for almost 3 months. He said he'd talk to the order department, and see if Joann Fabrics could get the package to me before I left on Monday, and if not they'd cancel the order. He said he'd call me back and let me know something that afternoon. He never called back.
That afternoon I emailed Joann's to cancel the order, and in the email detailed my terrible customer service experience.
It is now the 18th of December, and the yarn has just arrived on my doorstepin the US! And I'm in the UK.

Most Incompetent Business
A week ago today I went to the Joann website to order a sewing machine to make masks for myself and for friends. The Portland Maine Store Said the model sewing machine that I wanted was in stock and that I could pick it up at the store. I also ordered some extra needles which were also in stock at the store. I assumed that I could pick all of the items up in a reasonable amount of time. But I could not. Earlier this week I contacted the store and told them I wanted to cancel the order and get a credit for the amount that Joann Fabrics debited to my credit card. I was told that the only way to return the order was to wait until I got it and then return it to the store. But the store was closed so there was no way to do that. Yesterday the order arrived at the address associated with my credit card although I had indicated I wanted to pick the order up at the store. It had shipped from the state of Ohio and not from the local store. The return policy indicated that it was very easy to return a product just by taking it to the local store. There's no way to do that because the local store is closed. Yesterday I shipped the complete order back to the local store from my UPS store. The charge for the shipping was about $27. And Joanne fabrics is going to charge me another $7.95 for returning the order. I'm not sure how they will ever open their doors again if that's how they run their business. I don't know how long it will be before I get a credit or if I will get a credit at all.

WILL NEVER USE JOANN'S AGAIN. Took my money but still no delivery date on order after two weeks.
I have never written a review before but I want to warn others of the sales practices used by JoAnn's and their online scam posing as a store! I ordered 12 skeins of yarn online because the local store did not have enough of the same color to complete a project and I wanted the same dye lot. I used Paypal for the order and have since paid for the yarn via credit card, but NEVER received confirmation of a delivery date from JoAnn's. In checking on the order I got a Tracking Number from Fed Ex but through checking with it the only information I could find was that the shipment information was sent but no product has been sent to be delivered. Tried calling the online customer service telephone number and it is bogus. It consistently sends you to another site that attempts to sell me other products. When I called the local store for help, the salesperson refused saying that since I ordered it online Joann Fabrics could not help me at all even with an Order Number, nor would she give me a useful telephone number to contact the main office for help. This is the worst service I have ever experienced with any store and after over two weeks of waiting, I feel JoAnn's has simply stolen my money and has no intention of delivering my purchase. I would not recommend this store to anyone.

HORRIBLE experience. Went in on a Thursday afternoon because I had an hour to kill before my doctor's appointment. I ended up spending MOST of that time in line, both at the cutting counter and the check-out. Why are there not more employees at Both counters? At the cutting counter, I was 5th in line. There were 2 ladies cutting, so the line should have moved a little bit. But then one of the ladies (I think her name tag said Bobbi) decided that now would be a good time to put bolts of fabric away, instead of just pushing them aside and helping the 10+ people that were in line (and the line was growing). She proceeded to put away not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 or 6 piles of fabric bolts, taking her time in doing so. Then she came back to the counter and one would assume she would start cutting for the huge line; nope, she decided to fiddle around on some electronic device, ignoring those in line. She didn't even acknowledge us to tell us she was helping the other cutter (she could have easier been texting on her personal phone; I was too far back in line to see). Then a male employee came over and he started cutting fabric for online orders. I'm sorry, but why is someone cutting fabric in front of all of us for Online Orders? That employee could EASILY cut somewhere Out of Sight and then the line wouldn't have gotten so restless at seeing Yet Another employee NOT HELPING US. After a good 5 minutes of this (I have now been in line over 15 minutes and I'm getting closer and closer to my doctor's appointment now; this was SUPPOSED to be a quick trip), I finally say, "Excuse me sir, can you help someone in line?" He said something about cutting online orders and then went back to it. Then, FINALLY, Bobbi started to cut, then the male employee (Sean, maybe?) started to cut too. When it was Finally my turn, the girl cutting for me (Loki) felt it was appropriate to butt in to my personal phone conversation, since I was telling my fiancee about the terrible expierence I was currently gonig through. She said something like, "Oh, he's not allowed to cut for customers, so he's breaking the rules right now". A.) I did not say anything about that to Her and B.) why is she telling me this? It's none of my business. I don't care what he is and is not allowed to do. If he's CUTTING FABRIC at the CUTTING COUNTER and there's a HUGE line then why Wouldn't we (the customers) feel like we are being neglected? He should NOT have been out on the floor if that was the case. Or he should be allowed to cut for in-store customers. Then I FINALLY got out of the cutting line, making it to the register with 15 minutes to spare. Or so I thought. Of course, Joann Fabrics only have 2 cashiers and one of them is far too chatty with her customer. I say customer, because while she cashed out one person the other cashier (Shannon, maybe? Shorter girl with brown hair; very nice) was able to get 3 or 4 through her line. After 15 minutes in line (I'm not LATE to my appointment), a 3rd cashier finally wanders over and starts cashing out. The total time I spent at both counters (when I was actually at them completing a transaction) was maybe 3 minutes. 3 MINUTES! And I spent OVER AND HOUR in lines because of the complete lack of competence and planning on the part of the store and its manager. The staff are lazy and disrespectful for the most part, aside from the girl at the front, who is always very nice. I will be going to WalMart now instead of this place...

Order not delivered twice.
I placed an order for some batting. 6-yards. I received an email the day it was to be delivered that it was delayed due to address issues and that it would be delivered the next day. Ok so two days I have to sit and wait for this package. Im home in my living room working not 5 feet from the door when I receive a text that the package is at my front door. I check just encase I was in the kitchen or something but I know that I didnt hear anyone at the door. The package is not there. So I check with my neighbors as the message suggest I do just encase It was delivered to the wrong address. Not there either. Seeing as it is the weekend I have to wait til Monday to contact them as Joann Fabrics never provided a tracking number to me for Fed Ex. I called them and got the tracking number called Fed Ex and filed a complaint. I received a call from Fed Ex and the claimed that Joanns left a number off of my address and that the package was delivered to that address. Wrong because that address does not exist so Im not sure were you delivered it but thats not it. So I called Joanns back they issued me a refund and reordered it for me no charge for shipping this time. So I sent it to my parents home this time because I have always received packages when sent there no problem. Same issue. Got email and text that package was delivered and is at the front door. Its not there. So I called Joanns back and they state that they would issue a refund and thats about all they can do. I asked about maybe having it shipped to the store for pick up because I really need this batting to finish some orders and was told that that was not an option. They really seem to not care about customer service and could just really care less about the fact that they or Fed Ex who ever is at fault keeps losing there merchandise. Im so over Joanns.

Pathetic doesn't come close to describing their online service
If I could give them less than 1 star, I would, but since it is the lowest rating available, I had no choice but to give them 1 star when Joann Fabrics deserve much less.

If you are searching for the worst online shopping experience, then look no further. Joann Fabrics is, without question, completely inept in how they handle and support their online shopping platform.

Let's forget the 6-10 business days they suggest it may take to get your order processed (which in itself is ridiculous - who needs 6-10 business days to gather up a few trinkets laying around in their stores and put them in a box and ship it?). I placed an online order for some holiday items - after 14 business days, no update on when it would ship. After repeated calls to their helpless call center and receiving multiple run-arounds from nice people who were completely clueless about how to do anything, I suddenly receive an email from Joann that nearly all of my purchased items are no longer available to ship, even though I placed the order THREE weeks prior, they now suddenly were 'out of stock.'

Each communication with their customer service team resulted in different information, no direct answers to any of my questions, and next-steps they promised to take but never did (i. E. like sending me an email with the status of my 3-week old order that was lost in the abyss).

Note: When I did get someone in their helpless center who seemed to have an IQ higher than a doorknob, they indicated my order was going to be coming from the local store and was waiting for shipment for the past four days. Waiting for shipment? I could have been to the moon and back in the time it took these mental midgets to figure out how to put tape on a box and call UPS to pick it up.

Just read the other reviews here and you will see a clear pattern: Joann, who clearly is stuck in the stone age with their online shopping platform, and they must have required all their senior management to skip class the day business school offered Customer Service 101.

Avoid these guys like the plague. In fact, do yourself a favor and never shop here ever - EVER. I for one will never spend a nickel in a store that treats customers this way, and anyone with any self-respect shouldn't either.

Online order nightmare
November 7th I ordered about 10 Christmas items from Everything seemed fine at checkout, I received no order confirmation or anything, I assumed it was still on its way to me. 2 weeks pass and I go to the customer service page and it states that their warehouse had moved and shipping could take UP to 7 days. I was annoyed because Joann Fabrics had not mentioned that during check out. I needed these items to bring with me on Thanksgiving, you would think ordering on November 7th would give me ample time. Customer service took days to email me back the status of my shipment telling me it was in "shipping phase". I still had not received any confirmation email about the order so I responded telling them to cancel my order since I needed it in the next couple days. Days later (going on week 3) customer service got back to me saying they couldn't do that and also offered me absolutely no solution or support. I've never dealt with such horrid and useless customer service. Now we are at December 2 and I just received confirmation the shipment I no longer want is finally on its way. The kicker, today they cancelled some items from the shipment because they were out of stock. So they very well could have cancelled my extremely late order. I will never order or buy from JoAnn Fabric again. Their customer service is pitiful and this shipping process has been unforgivable. I advise all friends, family and readers not to spend their money at this store. I'm looking at an order that is coming a month late, way passed the date I needed it. Still hasn't even arrived! And no one in customer service could come up with a solution to resolve the situation or even make me feel better about this fiasco. Horrible, lying company.

Don't order online from Joann Fabrics!
UPDATE: 1/07/21: I apologize for the delay in updating this review. I finally received everything in 4 separate shipments that shipped on different dates. Evidently Joann just marks an order as shipped and fails to notify the customer that it will be coming in multiple shipments and may not arrive at the same time. Wouldn't it be lovely if companies would just be upfront and honest and practice good communication skills?:-) I still don't recommend ordering online because even when you pickup you will find that you purchase items that Joann Fabrics don't have.

I placed an order for 7 paper pads that were to be shipped to my home. Yesterday I received an email showing the order had shipped. Upon closer examination I discovered ONLY 1 pad was shipped! Then when I log in to my account it shows they shipped 7 pads. What the heck?! Are they falsifying information in our online accounts? Since my card was not charged the full amount for the order I feel fairly confident the information they are showing online is clearly falsified!

I have no need of a single pad! The fact that they would indicate this product is available while they have only 1 piece in stock is abhorrent to me! Then they have the gall to ship it to me as if I want only 1 piece of the 7 piece order without even contacting me. Their failure to communicate is a clear indicator that they do not value their customers nor do they respect them. I cannot do anything with that one pad. If I could I would have ordered only 1 pad.

I will NOT be shopping at Joann's in the future. This experience has really turned me off to this company. They are far more expensive than Michaels yet offer nothing for the higher prices. Michael's ALWAYS contacts me when there is a problem with an order!

I will return the product to my local Joann's store and then forget this disrespectful company even exists! It is not my fault that they can't honor the order and they should not be shipping me 1 piece when I clearly ordered 7 pieces!

Attaching images for order in online account and email showing they only shipped 1 pad out of the 7 on the order. I only received 1 email notice of shipping of that 1 piece. If I find they shipped in multiple orders later and shipped all items, I will return and update this review.

Service at Joann? What service?
The store I go to always looks like Joann Fabrics are going out of business with endcaps with just one item and shelves that are completely empty. Finding someone on the floor to help you never happens. Most people who work at the register there are moody and there typically is a long wait to get rung up. Their return policy is a pain. And then there is their website. It is slow, and has a non-functioning search engine and often won't display a picture of an item you are interested in. Going back and forth between items and lists requires many clicks and their shipping is extremely slow. Be prepared to wait for your item at least 2 weeks. Their prices are often above the suggested retail price so that when you use a 50% off coupon you are really getting more of a 20% to 30% off price. When looking at scrapbook stuff you find that they only carry items that are at least 6 months old. Also if you live on the West Coast and are putting in a sale around 9:00pm you might find that coupons and special shipping rate disappear due to the three hour time difference with where there office is located. If there is a way I can avoid buying at Joann I will. Luckily there are competitors who offer better selection, better service and often better prices.

They cancelled my order without notifying me
I placed an order for (1) 8oz Mod Pod Puzzle glue on April 23rd, 2020. I placed my order for curbside pickup based on Covid-19. I paid online on 4/23 and received my confirmation email and my Order# showing my item was in stock. About 10 minutes later I received another email stating to "hold on, do not pick up my curbside order yet, because Joann Fabrics are pulling my order and someone from their JoAnn Team would contact me when it was ready for pickup."
*** I've been waiting since April 23rd for a curbside pick up email.***
After finally getting tired of waiting I called Jo-Ann Fabrics yesterday, May 8th and an extrenely rude customer service woman answered the phone and TOLD ME with no explanation that my order had been canceled because my item is out of stock! I asked the customer service person why I was never contacted either by telephone, email or text to let let me know that my order has been cancelled? I told her I'm looking at the item online right now on their Jo-Ann Fabrics website and it shows the item is STILL in stock. Apparently that was the wrong question to ask because the customer service woman hung up on me. I am attaching my confimation email and another picture showing they have/had my item in stock but yet, they cancelled my order with no explanation whatsoever. Extremely RUDE customer service! I've been waiting 3 weeks for my order and even though it shows my item in stock, I was never notified the item is not in stock, I was never notified of anything! I will never buy one thing from Jo-Ann Fabrics again.
3. Your inventory needs to be adjusted, counted and corrected to show that you are out of stock if you don't have the product in stock.
4. Last but not least you should always contact the your customer (ME) when you find the inventory is wrong and the item is out-of-stock or on backorder. You just don't cancel an order with NO explanation! I suppose MY waiting 3 weeks for my JoAnn Fabrics order was not important enough to at least one person at J. A. F. Because not one person could be bothrered to send an email and say the item is out-of-stock momentarily. You should've called, emailed or texted me to keep me advised on my order or with a "new stock date" OR at the very least told me my order was canceled.
5. Shoddy business practices. Also the lady on the phone yesterday should be fired for handing up on me. (Yes, I was being "polite" on the phone)
Worst experience ever. Not only did I wait 3 weeks now, but now I need to go back to look through my credit cards and search for a credit to make sure I was credited back for my purchase. Complete 3 weeks waste of my time. I would like a store manager OR A DISTRICT MANAGER to call me as soon as possible. ALL my information, along with the order number is attached.
I am disgusted by your business practices.

Buy online for pickup ALWAYS gets canceled
It's shameful that Joann Fabrics only allow certain coupons for "buy online and pick up in store" because you will literally never get what you want when you order this way. Apparently their staff can't be bothered to fulfill online orders. One time, it had been almost two days, so I thought I would call and inquire when it might be ready... and no kidding the associate said all of their product is "in the back and it's really hard to get back there to find it." Seriously? I have ordered FOUR separate times, and every single time the order got canceled. I learned my lesson, but God forbid you aren't able to go into the store to pick it out yourself and you have to do curbside, you are better off sending someone on your behalf or have it shipped to you directly if you have time for all of that. The worst of my experience with buy online and pick up in store, was one time I ordered it online, only for it to get canceled instead of fulfilled bc it was "no longer available"... so I went to the store to find something comparable and found my "unavailable" product with plenty in stock. When this is how they choose to do business, they should really offer those great buy online for pickup coupons in-store as a courtesy to their customers who get the shaft when they buy online for pickup because their staff is too busy/lazy/understaffed (or whatever their problem is) to fill an order.

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Based on 51 reviews from Joann Fabrics customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Shop the largest assortment of fabric, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, knitting, crochet, jewelry and other crafts under one roof at JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores. Our online craft store is your source for all your creative needs.

Address: 5555 Darrow Road, 44236


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