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50 customer reviews of

Horrible, used to be great
Several issues in the past few months - first issue was an order that was delivered, missing one of the items. It took more than four months to finally see a credit for the item, there was almost a month between each email from them, and even though their questions were answered within the email thread, WomanWithin kept asking the same questions again. It seemed as though they were just waiting for me to give up. I do give them some credit for finally providing the credit on my account, but I shouldn't have to work so hard when they left the item out of the delivery in the first place. It's as if they refused to believe they could have made a mistake. The latest issue is the one that will disconnect me from this business forever - I made a big order, just weeks after we moved out of our home of 24 years. Our realtor gave me a generous gift card, knowing I like these clothes, so a few weeks after the move, I shopped using the gift card. Immediately upon pushing the "place my order" button, I realized I had not revised the shipping address, so it would be going to our former home. I emailed within an hour of placing the order, and changed the default address on my account, yet *three weeks later*, when they finally responded to that email, it had already been shipped. I made a phone call when I got the shipping confirmation (2.5 weeks after making the order), seeing that it was indeed going to our former address, and was told that, once the items were delivered and I did NOT receive them, it would be a simple matter of filling out a form, then a replacement gift card would be provided as a refund. They also agreed to cancel the final item that was on backorder. However, via email, I was told that I could "just" re-direct the package (I cannot - it was the US Postal Service, they only take alternate directions such as "drop off with a neighbor" or similar - not "oh, ship it 250 miles away"). We've gone back and forth with further emails after that (at least two weeks between their messages, again), and last night I received an email telling me that it was my fault, I had them shipped to the wrong address, I should follow up with the shipper directly (did that, couldn't change), or ask the current residents to send it to me (it's up for sale, no residents yet, and the renovation team hasn't seen it), because there are NO REFUNDS in this case. I am heartsick over this, I have shopped here for decades, and I will NEVER do it again - not Woman Within, not any of their affiliated brands - and I'm sorry to say it, because the products are high quality and I will miss them, but no one should have to suffer this kind of garbage. Each time they email, I write back immediately, and I never receive a response before at least two weeks have passed. It's awful. Do not shop here. They don't deserve the business, when they treat customers this way.

Don't bother to order from here!
I ordered a long wool winter coat (hard to find and in my size) Had one from 9 years ago that was worn and a little tight-same company and same brand. I saw a review where someone said WomanWithin no longer had W's on the sizes so not to assume you were getting a woman's plus size. (should have listened to the review) I called the company and they assured me that the lack of W's on their sizes did not mean anything and they were still Woman's plus sizes. So, I ordered the wool coat in one size larger than my old one and sure enough when I tried it on the one size larger (with the missing W) was actually smaller than my old one which was one size smaller, but with the W on the size.
So, now the best part. The mailing label said to put on the outside of mailer bag and they would deduct 7 0r 8 dollars from your refund for postage. This sounded like the easiest thing to do rather than having it weighed at the post office etc. Wouldn't you know however, this did not prove to be true either. In the end they deducted 25 dollars from my refund listing a bunch of meaningless stuff such as handling etc! What a rip off 25 dollars plus my original postage to try on a coat that was not sized as I was told it was going to be (you know the W part designating it to be Women's plus size) Also forgot to mention the coat I received was much lighter weight wool than the one I had from 9 years ago. It was very poor quality and it was almost like a piece of felt! Don't bother with this company!

Customer Service = a Big Fat ZERO
In the words of Donna P.
And now for the BAD... the customer service is just about the worst customer service you will probably ever come across! If you DO have to call, first of all. "Avoid Calling" really. Try to NOT call, unless you absolutely must! WomanWithin are so very rude and they really don't care that you have a problem and could care less if they help you or not! I know, how do these people get away with it or why in the world do they even still have a job?! I really "have no idea!" I don't know why any company would allow this kind of bad behavior and terrible customer service! Obviously they just don't give a s__t... It is very bewildering! I use to call my order in but I would be so pissed off and disgusted by the time I got off the phone, that I was sorry I called in the first place! I now only order, ONLINE from Woman Within! That way I don't have to speak with ANY of their RUDE people! If you DO want to order some clothes, don't call! Don't put yourself through their shenanigans! It is just NOT worth it! After all of the terrible reviews they get you would think they would have a "Gigantic meeting" or something and TELL these people that they really NEED to be NICER and provide GREAT customer service and they should have a survey at the end of the phone call to ask various questions on the customer service you received! And if these people had too many negative surveys or comments, that there WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS, PERIOD! Hopefully that would change the way they treat people! But, does whoever is in charge over there, or the owners, care enough to do that? We may never get the proper service from Woman Within, you just have to decide if you want to purchase their clothes, to ORDER ONLINE! OR not order all!
{Thank you Donna P. For that eloquent description of WW Customer Service}
**BTW... It's nice to see that some of the WW clothing can be found on Amazon.
A Much Better and more Dependable business**

{{UPDATE}} Dear "Magali R. – Woman Within Rep" ~ Why waste your time writing all of these vapid responses? They're meaningless because nothing changes.

You really ordering from DON'T DO IT
Well after being a former customer service rep and fired for finding fraudulent activity within the company WomanWithin don't give a damn if you get the correct order or not they trick you into ordering then you sign up for a members reward program that charges you the site is setup for failure. They turned it around on me fired me for doing the right thing and I knew it was going to cost me dearly. I am now homeless they didn't pay me just threw me out the door if you are smart get your money back and don't order from any of them they taught me a valuable lesson don't order online you don't know what kind of hurt you are doing by giving them your credit bank and PP account information. They had me going by my government name and turned it on me when I got proof I didn't take nothing. Roam in is like roaming in your phone they get the reward they are crooks and I might be homeless but the longer I would have stayed with MCI Communications Clarus and that company that handles the claims and rewards the more damage I would have been blamed for. The only reason they fired me because I found out about them snooping in my phone the videos are public you can see on my Trey Haziq page and I am going to report all these sites that push them because they didn't have to fire me

Terrible experience... DO NOT SHOP HERE
I would like to leave a review regarding my overall experience with Woman Within (and by association, its collective umbrella companies as well i. E. Roamans, Full Beauty, Jessica London, etc). On December 11,2015 I placed my first order with Woman Within. Im always hesitant to order from a new clothing company, especially being a plus sized woman and fits and sizes being all over the board as WomanWithin are. I was also hesitant to order given the reviews and feedback Ive read and researched online. But Woman Within was running a decent sale/special, and I took the plunge. Initially I was charged for the entire order at once. Then a few days later, when just one of my two items shipped, was the order partially refunded. They gave me a ship date for my second item that was just a week later, so no biggie. I received my first item, a denim shirt dress. I had ordered my regular size, but what I received was extremely tight! I followed the instructions provided with my invoice to return the item, thinking it would be an even exchange as I just wanted an alternative size. No, that is not the logical way WW processes their returns/exchanges! First, send your item back. Then, it will take us 2-4 weeks to process your return. Then, you will get your cost back less $7.50 for return processing. Then you repurchase your item at full cost (because after such a lengthy turnaround, it is likely that your item is no longer on sale). Thank you for shopping WW!
Fine, ok. I just want my items at this point. So I obtain my shirt dress in an alternate size. The quality is mediocre. Ive definitely found worse and better in my plus size clothing shopping journeys. However, the price they charge for their itemsdefinitely not on par with what the quality of the items actually are. Think Macys prices for Walmart items. I had high hopes for this dress. Alas, even with alterations, it still will likely sit in my closet, unworn.
In all of this mess, I am still waiting for my second item. A pintuck flannel shirt that Im extremely excited about. About a week after the fiasco with the shirt dress, I receive an email from WW explaining that my item is on back order, and it should be shipped by 1/25/16. Ok, okI can wait. I like it too much to go back now. So I choose to wait. And wait. And wait. Because I also received a backorder notification from WW on 2/21/16, then 3/22/16.
So today, 3/21/16, I receive an email that my order has been cancelled because the item is no longer available. Seriously? You werent aware that this item was unavailable before? I am so disappointed with everything I have experienced with this company and umbrella of companies. From their customer service, which ranges everywhere from total indifference to utter incompetence. From their items, which are modeled on size 4 models in catalogs without a real idea of how their clothing fits on their plus size clientele. And ultimately to their prices, lack of follow through on their focus or mission.

Will Not Order from this Company Again!
I have previously ordered clothing from Woman Within and was pleased with the quality & fit of the items I ordered. However, shipping seemed to take a long time & not all items were shipped at the same time. I waited about 6 weeks for one item last summer. This May 16th, I placed an order for 10 items. As of today, June 2nd, nothing has been received, in fact, nothing has been shipped. When I tried the Chat, all I got was answers to common questions, the answer being that WomanWithin are experiencing shipping delays. Yep, I'd say 16 days for all these pieces is certainly a delay. I called customer service and none of their telephone tree options actually connect you with a person. After 4 calls, I selected the order option. I was quickly connected to a customer service rep who was nice, checked on the order, and said it would be shipped with an estimated delivery date of June 8th. That is 3 weeks plus from when I placed the order. Totally unacceptable especially when I'm paying for shipping, unlike most other companies. If this order arrives within a day or two of the expected delivery, I will keep it, but if it doesn't, I will cancel it. I will not be ordering from Woman Within again. This is totally unacceptable service. Don't bother ordering from them.

Online Complaint with Woman Within
Online Complaint with Woman Within - If this is deleted I will still place this review on 100s of other sites worldwide.

I had the worst experience. I will go into greater details after I have contacted the right authorities. I will say when I placed my order I asked what my subtotal amount is before having them charge my credit card. I decided to call back in to see if I could add something else to my order. I gave the representative my confirmation number and asked what my subtotal is for the order I had just placed. This person gave me my subtotal and it was over $100.00 more than what I was told from the person who took my order by phone! WOW!:(

I told this representative this is unacceptable. I had all the prices in front of me which included my discount coupon.

There online store system, I was told jacked up several clothing items! FOR Example, a short sleep shirt was $13.00 with coupon code $9.97, was jacket up to now $29.99! Several prices went up over $20.00 per item and my new total with adding nothing else to my order was $100.00 MORE!

What I was told AND agreed to pay when ordering was not the fact. When the lady took my order by phone she gave me a confirmation number with my
Subtotal amount that was to be charge to my credit card. That is what a confirmation number is all about. In the beginning I was going to place my own order online but the online system would not take my coupon code for some reason. The coupon code was not expired I was told. I called in to have my ordered placed and the person I spoke to said the coupon code works on her side and she will take my order by phone. I said okay. I had the prices right in front of me on my computer with my calculator with my totals before calling in. I just needed the tax amount. I am a osp member, however; since this whole thing wasted hours of my time, I am giving my business to a reputable company who doesn't work hard on stealing from their customers. The people in charge of this operation know what WomanWithin are doing. I have a close friend who is an attorney who I am going to have his office take a closer look at this company policies. I am also going to report this to the right authorities! They have their system change the prices on purpose.

How do I know? Please continue to read on.

This is the reason onstopplus, women within, etc does not send you a confirmation receipt to your email address with detail information of what you just purchased. They will send you an email concerning your shipping but not a detail receipt. I interviewed dozens of employees from the call center and recorded what each one of them said about the prices after a purchase is process. Basically, the representative at the call center are told if a customer calls in about an over price item or purchase to refer them to customer service. Customer service is careful about what they say to a customer and makes an excuse as if there are different prices for the same items within thousands of other catalogs they send out. Customer service does not care and according to my interviews and recordings I believe they are fully aware of over charging and taking advantage of their customers. This is illegal and something must be done about it. When all of this was taking place, I had decided to call back again with in a few minutes later. I had resolved the $100.00 over charge to my order, but it was still off a few dollars more out of my pocket. I spent an extra 30 minutes on the phone going over my order and the person at the call center made the corrections. Before hanging up I had my subtotal, the amount that is to be charged to my credit card.

I am keeping great records of names and what was said to me.

I called back in and spoke to another person and wanted to know what my total amount that was charged to my credit card and this person told me
Now $76.00 more! WOW! It was just corrected and the system over charged me again or what I was told! We went back over the charges and this person corrected it but could tell this person didn't care about making the corrections. I again recorded the conversation and wrote down more details and I decided to call again a few hours later on to see what is really going on here. I did and AGAIN THEY WERE CHARGING ME NOW $47.00 MORE than what I agreed to pay. This is called false advertisement and is against the law. This company is NOT TRUST WORTHY. It appears they do not send out email receipts to their customers because they don't want anyone to acknowledge they are taking advantage and over charging their customers whatever their system is setup to do. At this point, I have canceled my order. I will not be a member and of course, they will not refund my money but this is okay with me. It is better to acknowledge this is an on going problem than to be swindled out of your money. When you place an order you know what you are spending before giving the company permission to charge your credit card. Later on when you get your order delivered your mind is not so fresh about the total amount you had paid.

Just because I have invested hours of my time to experience this horrible situation I'm going to see what I can do about getting the right authorities involved. There are laws in our land to protect us from theft. I am going to call a investigator news reporter, etc. I am interested now in pursuing this matter and getting to the bottom of this. If a Company over charges each customer $1.00 and they to this to a few million customers. That adds up to million of
Dollars of stolen money. OneStopPlus with all the other stores involve over charge you and then act like it is not a big deal. I recommend you find another place to spend your money and energy.

Terrible products & even worse customer service.
I've ordered vnecks and polos from WW in the past. They're all 100% cotton which I take into consideration when ordering as well as when washing/drying. The 1st pic shows a new white vneck behind the first time washed black vneck. Both vnecks are the same size. The 2nd pic shows a previously washed white vneck behind the same first time washed black vneck. Again, both vnecks are the same size. The shrinkage is unbelievable and unacceptable. When I called and told the 1st CS rep I spoke to about the shrinkage problem, her response was "well, the item is 100% cotton and we do not accept items back that have been washed". OMG, really? That's the CS response to a quality/defective item problem? The 2nd CS rep I spoke to was not as snotty as the first one but she told me that all items are inspected in their warehouse so it couldn't possibly be defective, period. Isn't washing a new item a good way to find a defect? I will never order from this company again. I also closed my account. I would hope WomanWithin review their return policy and actually "help" their customers rather than shirking responsibility for defective products. Do not order from this company, ever, or pray you don't have a problem that requires a common sense solution, like a free return or full credit.

Buyer beware!
This company has the slowest response time and the worst communication I have seen. Ordered a tankini top and bottoms on June 3. After a week finally received an email stating that the item was shipped. Followed the tracking and it literally sat for a week. Three weeks later I finally received a shipment from Woman Within. Unfortunately it was completely incorrect. Not only did I receive a bathing suit and not a tankini top, it was also the wrong size. Followed the "directions" for return and two weeks after I sent it back I did receive an email stating that WomanWithin had received my return, however, I have heard nothing else regarding the replacement items I requested. It has literally taken all summer to receive a bathing suit that will not be here in time for my vacation. This is sad. Also, beware if you sign up for their emails. You will be inundated with them. They come all day long and can be overwhelming I have unsubscribed from the emails, I have no idea if this affects any other communications with them or not. Horrible customer service. I will never order from them again. EVER! Would give zero stars if it were an option.

My review isn't about the company
My review isn't about the company. Its about some of the customers. We state all of our policies inside the catalogs AND the website! Do not take out all your anger out on us reps all because you did not bother to look up our policies on returns, exchanges, etc. WE ARE JUST DOING OUR JOB! We do understand your frustration if you didn't know about the return fee, or that we don't credit shipping, etc... but please stop yelling at us and bashing on us because we can't manipulate the system for you! I had a customer yell at me for not being able to use 2 coupons on one order. If you turn to the page that has more details for the coupon, it will state "CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS". Not only that, a customer wanted me to send her the exchange right away WITHOUT charging her even though she hasn't sent us the original order. Uhmmm hello, anything that leaves the warehouse IS always charged! It's like going to walmart and demanding to exchange an item but not having the item with you and expecting them to give you the new item for free! We can only do so much. We are just doing our jobs. Please, for future references, research the company's policy before you order from them. It would save not just you, but also an associate from having a bad day.

Frightening disaster. Stay away and cancel orders immediately
This is such a sad company. There is an absolute and total disregard for customer service at this establishment. The representatives and supervisors have no idea what WomanWithin are doing. This company makes you feel as if you are on one of those reality tv shows "what would you do?" in an attempt to exhibit bizarre and over the top unacceptable behavior and see what how the victim reacts. Woman Within has no notion whatsoever of what is going on at their showroom. When ordering it is the luck of the draw. Sometimes you receive your items most times you do not. No update is given to you to let you know when an item is on backorder and when you take the proper precaution to only purchase items that are available, they often turn to unavailable in a matter of moments. Once you ask for confirmation, the emails are usually not sent, and if they are the wrong merchandise appears on the invoices. After speaking to 4 reps I was guaranteed prices and items that were completely and absolutely fabricated. The woman within proceeded to commit fraud upon my bank account for which I am currently looking into taking them to small claims court about. Woman Within is a genuine disaster and it is shameful that a scam like this continues to operate actively and openly. I, along with many members of my community, have taken proper steps to exploit WW for its variety of unreasonable and disingenuine features and hopefully not many more people are taken advantage of through this incompetent and senseless entity.

Horrible Return and Exchange Practices.
Dissatisfied does not even come close to describing my latest experience with Woman Within. It seem to be their practice to say that you don't do exchanges if the item was paid through PayPal and refund the item, then do the exchange a week later WITHOUT communication to the customer, it is a horrible practice. A week after my refund had been processed, I reordered my item through one of one of their sister sites, only to find out that the same day an exchange was processed, causing me to get charged for the exact same item twice. Because both purchase were already processing I was told that neither order could be canceled. Now I have to wait for both shipments to arrive and return one for a partial refund, since I will be out the cost of shipping to send me the item. This has caused me such a headache with my finances and bank account because of getting charged twice when I was only planning and budgeting for ONE order/shipment. Thanks to this experience, I have no intention of ever ordering from Woman Within or any of it's sister sites again. It's shame because the clothes have always been good quality, but I don't have the desire to be screwed over in this way.

Didn't get what I wanted and was ripped off for $30.75!
I had ordered 8 shirts. Two didn't fit and I didn't like them so I returned them. The other 6 I liked but were too small so I returned them with the other two and wanted an exchange for a larger size on the 6 shirts. I filled out the exchange form, used the prepaid label which was a charge of $7.50. I shipped everything via USPS as Woman Within requested on August 27,2015. I never heard back about my return. I made about 4 or 5 phone calls to customer service only to be told to call back another time as WomanWithin had no answer for me. On Oct. 2,2015 I called again and customer service told me they refunded me for all 8 shirts and never got my request for exchange on 6 of the eight shirts. So I'm not getting an exchange and if I want them, I was told I had to reorder them. I checked with my credit card company and on Sept. 15,2015 I got a refund from Woman Within. However, minus tax and my original shipping charge of $13.99, my total merchandise order was $105.92. Minus the return charge of $7.50, I should be getting a refund of $98.42. Instead, they refunded me only $67.67! They cheated me out of $30.75! So long story short, I never got the shirts in the right size and they ripped me off for $30.75 because they didn't refund me the proper amount. Calling customer service to fix this is useless. I'm writing to the President and CEO of Woman Within.

Cheap Products, Poor Customer Service, Tripled Orders, and Excessive Shipping Charges
This review is a few years overdue, but important nonetheless...
I am so sorry I did not look up reviews about Woman Within before ordering from them. I somehow received a Woman Within catalog in the mail. I quickly glanced through it, and found two things that I needed (shorts and capris) which caught my eye. The items were on sale, so I decided to purchase them. I placed 3 orders with them, each between about $30 and $50. A few days later, I found online that Woman Within was offering a short-term special of 20% off one's entire order if purchased within the next couple of days. After seeing their shipping charges, I foolishly decided to go for it, and placed a sizable order to try out more of their clothing items and take advantage of this "offer" so I wouldn't be burned too much by shipping charges, as I'd recently been with another company. In my mind, I figured that I could always return the items that I didn't like, or that didn't fit, and I wouldn't be out much.

I have a number of complaints about this company, as follows:

SIZING: I am not a plus-size woman, but I am no longer a medium in regular sizes. Since I wasn't sure about sizing, I decided to use their sizing chart found online and in their catalog before placing my order. As others have noted on this site before me, their clothes are much bigger than WomanWithin claim them to be (and I used not only numeric sizing, but I took out a tape measure and measured myself to make sure it was accurate before ordering). I can basically swim in virtually everything I ordered using their sizing information. (And they expect customers to pay shipping both ways for their inaccurately posted sizing!)

QUALITY: Again, as others have noted, their clothing is very poorly made. Virtually every top I ordered has at least one pointed shoulder because the seams are sewn incorrectly.

SHIPPING CHARGES: Once again, like many others, I don't like being charged shipping coming and going. For small orders, you'd better either like it or give it away. Otherwise, you will be paying Woman Within for the item in shipping charges and have nothing to show for it. Also, as many may not know, and I just found out recently, Woman Within charges customer tax on their shipping charges. So that tax amount you see on your statement is not just for the clothing and accessories you may have bought from them. It is also a tax on the shipping charges they are making you pay. Shipping charges with most other companies are a set rate, with tax, if any, included. Not at Woman Within. They will see to it that you are giving them even more money by charging you tax for that as well.

OVERCHARGES, CHARGES TO MULTIPLE CREDIT CARDS and MISINFORMATION: Here's the real kicker... Since I was not familiar with this company, I decided to use PayPal rather than giving them my credit card number directly. My large order totaled $564.42 for the clothing; $623.97 with shipping and tax.

In about a week, half of my large order arrived to my home (about $370 worth). I tried on every item, carefully made notation as to why I would be returning most of it (mostly size and quality), and waited for the remainder of my order so I could send it all back at once.

A few days later, I stopped at my post office to pick up my mail there and found there were two delivery notices in my box. This seemed strange to me because it been at least six months since I ordered anything to be delivered to my P. O. box. In my mind, I thought perhaps there was a letter for me for which I needed to sign, and the two notices were a 1st and 2nd notice for the same item. Boy was I in for a big surprise! The postal worker took my delivery notice slips and returned with two huge packages from Woman Within. I couldn't understand why they had shipped to my P. O. box, but I let it go and just assumed this was the balance of my big order. When I opened the two packages it was like "Groundhog Day" all over again. WOMAN WITHIN TRIPLED MY ORDER! Nearly identically, the same things that I had already tried on a week earlier, were in these two bags. I then looked at the invoices. There were three different invoice numbers, and three different totals (each between $340 and $387). I then went to check my credit card transactions online and found that Woman Within had taken all of my orders, which totaled $747.13 including tax and shipping, and billed me over $1552. 80 for the items they shipped, with more to be billed once the balance of my original order shipped three times over.

It took countless calls and hours with my credit card company on the line with me to Woman Within to finally get this resolved, because they refused to help me when I called on my own

Stay away if you can. If they don't triple bill you, they will get you with their shipping charges and tax on same for their mostly cheap products of various unknown sizes that rarely align with their sizing charts.

I started ordering from Woman Within in 2005 when I was looking for an outfit for a certain occasion and at that time I was very pleased with that order and started ordering regularly. I still have some of the items from the first 5 to about 7 years that were decent quality pieces. Shortly after that, though, I started noticing a big decline in quality. As an example I had previously ordered several of their berber jackets for myself and others through the years but when I ordered another one it wasn't the same because the lining which originally had always been a soft silky material that stayed in place and felt very comfortable and warm had been replaced with a stiff slippery material that crackled when you move and would slide up when sitting in the car and WomanWithin were no longer warm and comfy. I had also in the first years ordered many of their thermal tops and thermal nightgowns which back then were thick and soft and warm. Their thermals now are a joke. They are thin and stiff and have a waxy feel to them. The so called print thermals are thin material with the print just stamped onto them, not woven in. After sending many of these back in recent years I will no longer order them. Other things I have bought, mostly tops, don't last. They get pills all over and lose their body and just look raggedy after just a few washings. Another problem I have written to them many times about is that the necklines on large sizes are cut out so wide and huge that they leave half your back bare or fall off your shoulders and that's not only on the scoop neck styles. Just because a woman wears a large size does not mean her neck is the size of a redwood tree. I have returned countless tops because of this even back when the quality of the clothes was still good. I also find the cost of returning items is too high and even the cost if the clothes is way too high, especially now that the quality is so poor. Another thing that is irritating is their so called "sale"prices. I get catalogs from them starting at the beginning of each season with "sale" prices right away, then get bombarded with more catalogs every week, sometimes 2 a week, all with different covers claiming sales but inside are same item with same prices all season long until the final end of season "sale" catalog with the same prices. Very seldom does any price go down. I am really disappointed in the decline in quality though as I was willing to pay their prices for the items and the shipping, returns etc. as long as I was getting good durable clothing. I still occasionally will order but usually end up sending most things back. The back orders have been terrible since the pandemic, several items never came at all and 1 return must have gotten lost because after months of checking I never received a refund and unfortunately I misplaced the tracking info so I am out about $80 on that one. I won't blame that on the company but I don't know how it did not reach them. Also the last thing I ordered had no invoice or return form in the bag. So I really don't have much good to say about this company anymore and the same goes for their counterpart, Brylane Home. Quality has gone way way down. Used to love their thermal blankets, now they feel like they are made of heavy rough ropes and they shed all over. Wish I could still get nice things like I used to from these companies.

Good and Bad
First I will tell you the GOOD! These clothes are really made very well and look very nice on! I always have compliments on whatever it is that I'm wearing! And it is always Woman Within or Roamans for the last few years! Everthing has washed well and nothing has shrunk! I will say that you should invest in laundry detergent for dark colors, because a few (not all) items have faded a bit. Really just 2 shirts and 1 pair of black pants. That's not too bad out of all their clothes I own and have washed! And that is "before" I bought the detergent for dark colors! I was just using regular detergent even some that said oxy clean! I found out, the hard way that even though those say "safe for colors" most of regular detergent is not! For bright colors, and especially dark colors, such as black, navy, dark grey or burgundy, you should really use a clothes detergent that actually says right on the label, for dark or colored clothes! Downy for darks is a good one, so is Cheer Colorguard! If you can't find them at the grocery store, you will find them online! It may sound like too much trouble but it's really not and it is worth it if you don't want your nice bright or dark clothes to fade! Another tip is to wash in "cold water" and "inside out"... and do not dry for longer than necessary or in too hot of a dryer! This can also "fade" your clothes! Plus, wash, inside out! Anyways, I really like these clothes! I have yet to be disappointed... now, On the other hand, for the BAD... the customer service is just about the worse customer service you will probably ever come across! If you DO have to call, first of all."avoid calling" really. Try to NOT call, unless you absoulutely must! WomanWithin are so very rude and they really don't care that you have a problem and could care less if they help you or not! I know, how do these people get away with it or why in the world do they even still have a job?! I really "have no idea!" I don't know why any company would allow this kind of bad behavior and terrible customer service! Obviously they just don't give a s__t... It is very bewildering! I use to call my order in but I would be so pissed off and disgusted by the time I got off the phone, that I was sorry I called in the first place! I now only order, ONLINE from Woman Within! That way I don't have to speak with ANY of their RUDE people! If you DO want to order some clothes, don't call! Don't put yourself through their shenanigans! It is just NOT worth it! After all of the terrible reviews they get you would think they would have a "Gigantic meeting" or something and TELL these people that they really NEED to be NICER and provide GREAT customer service and they should have a survey at the end of the phone call to ask various questions on the customer service you reveived! And if these people had too many negative surveys or comments, that there WILL BE REPURCUSSIONS, PERIOD! Hopfully that would change the way they treat people! But, does whoever is in charge over there, or the owners, care enough to do that? We may never get the proper service from Woman Within, you just have to decide if you want to purchase their clothes, to ORDER ONLINE! OR not order all all!

Very poor customer service and have not shipped my order after two weeks!
I have been repeatedly trying to e-mail and call Woman Within since my order of 2 weeks ago because last week WomanWithin had a flash 50% off sale all week and when I tried calling to get that sale on my items, I was on hold for 30-45 minutes. There was no way to get through. Then I e-mailed them about this and they just sent me a BOT (robot) response back that they had received my e-mail and would respond in 24-48 hours (they obviously didn't). Now the sale is over and I called 3 times today. The first customer service woman I got (Camille) was from somewhere in China, which I guess now makes sense with their pricing policies and how you cannot get a REAL person in the US to handle customer service. I asked to speak to her supervisor and she refused to put me through. When I asked again all she did was put me on a long hold so I would hang up (which I did). I talked with 2 others who were also in some 3rd world call center, so I just gave up and e-mailed them again. At least they have not charged my Paypal or credit card yet, so I am doubly protected as I WILL be returning all of my $87 order (which I wanted to wear for Mother's Day, obviously that didn't happen). Seems like others have had issues with returns so if that's the case, I will be calling both PayPal and my CC company to dispute the charges. Buyer beware and I hope no one else purchases from this SCAM company!

A Bit on the Shady Side with their Sale Codes
Back in the summer I got an email from Woman Within about a big sale with the ubiquitous code to get a certain % off my entire order. It was, truthfully, a good deal. I placed an order. What I didn't realize at the time was WomanWithin don't bill for items until they ship them and they apparently have until the 12th of never to do so. I noticed 2 items weren't listed with the order summary I received but didn't think much about it. A month later I began to wonder about the 2 tops I had not received and contacted them by email. I received a reply telling me when the items would ship and, seriously, it was outrageously late. One was over a month, the other over 6 weeks. It seems each billed as it shipped and my pay source rejected one for lack of funds. I received no notice of this at the time. At some point I began getting letters from a Full Beauty. Com. Having no idea who it was, I assumed it was an ad and tossed it. After a few of these I decided to open it and see who this Full Beauty. Com was. Well, it was a letter telling me of the rejected payment & threatening me with collections. So much time had passed I knew something was wrong with this picture but couldn't nail it down. After a while I went on and paid it just to avoid the hassle. Then it hit me. The two items that did not ship with the original orders were billed separately and at full price... NOT the discounted price I was to receive for the code I entered when placing the original order. The items were worth the discounted price but definitely not the full price I was billed and I would not have ordered them at that price. Sneaky, Woman Within, and you've bilked me out of the last dime you'll ever see from me.

Customer service alone makes it not worth it
If anyone has shopped here for any length of time, you know orders can take a month to get to you, and refunds are a pain. Still, every now and again, we roll the dice over that really cool clearance deal, or a go- to staple that we know works, like the Kate big shirt. Sadly, branching out and trying new things usually ends badly. For me, anyway.
It started in April when I ordered a dress. It was not forgiving, and I returned it despite the archaic policy of receiving store credit instead of an actual refund (even if you pay with your comenity credit card, which is a rip off right there). I waited patiently for over a month before I decided I'd better check on my refund status. I tried chat, which was available, but as soon as I typed my query, it was unavailable. I called and waited over a half hour. I finally resorted to sending an email, which took over ten days. But, in the end, I got my gift card information.
I decided to order a couple of tops using the gift card. I put the gift card number in by copying it straight from my email and pasting it into the appropriate gift card field. I entered the PIN. It does not work. I thought maybe copying and pasting may have messed something up, so I went back to my email to get the card number and type it manually. When I went back to the woman within tab, the order went through... but it had been charged to my comenity card.
I immediately used the available chat for help, but again it was unavailable as soon as i typed my message. I called and waited almost an hour before resorting to email again. All I wanted to do was change the payment method of the order to the gift card. This is not hard with other businesses.
It only took me 3 days to get a response, but during that time frame I'd tried chat two other times and called once. I got a rep on the phone who was obviously clueless and told me that since the order was processing the was nothing she could do... wait until it ships to call back, and then WomanWithin could change the payment method. As I was on the phone I got an email response that basically said sorry, nothing we can do.
Here's the thing. Nothing, and i mean NOTHING, should be this hard about ordering anything in the 21st century. WW seems to pride themselves on being stuck in 1995. Everything from lack of adequate customer service to having to pay for returns to waiting ridiculous times for merchandise to amending an order that hasn't even processed yet- none of this should be difficult. It doesn't make sense.
While no one was particularly rude to me, i'm completely turned off by WW and all full beauty brands due to the never working chat feature, paying for returns, and a generally poor shopping experience (don't get me started on the website glitches). If i can ever use this gift card, i'm done. I've blocked correspondence and don't plan to deal with them again. It's too easy to shop elsewhere.

Wish I could give negative stars
I placed 2 large orders almost a week ago, and paid for the expedited 1 day shipping, because all our clothes were destroyed in a flood. WomanWithin cancelled the order because I used more than 10 gift cards. Nowhere on the website, in the FAQs or terms, does it say that you cannot do this. If it is not allowed, then the checkout cart should be coded to not allow it. Their solution is I can reorder in smaller orders. However, now the sale is over, so it will cost $500-600 more for our order. Some of the items are now out of stock or gone forever. And they also told me the money would be back on the gift cards within 3 days, but guess what? It's still not there... Customer Service at this company is literally the worst I have ever encountered. If this had happened in one of my companies, I would have offered to redo the orders into smaller ones for the customer immediately, and price adjust everything for them, and then sent it out for overnight shipping asap. They couldn't even offer a promo code that might help bring down some of the extra cost. I am returning the gift cards as soon as they reload and will never be shopping here again. I will also be letting everyone I just recommended to them know my experience, and suggest they don't support this company after all. I will also be changing my review of them on the multiple social media accounts I run. They might not care if one customer leaves, but if hundreds never support them again, it will start to add up.

My first order with this company will also be the last. I should have realized Woman Within was not reliable when the Memorial Day coupon offer vanished from their website one day after it was posted and days before the stated deadline. I placed an order for two tankini tops in size 18 and one for two tankini bottoms in size 16 BASED ON THE SIZE CHART PROVIDED. I returned the bottoms because WomanWithin turned out to be too small. The instructions provided stated that the customer service of Woman Within was going to refund the original order and process the replacements as a new order using my credit card on file. I mailed by the items on June 4th but didn't get the acknowledgement email until June 15. It said that I would get an email once they process the replacement order. Today, June 30th, I started a chat with a customer service rep because I had not received the replacements or any email from Woman Within. She wrote back that the return department was not able to process the transaction. She wasn't able to give me an answer as to why they couldn't and why nobody informed me that there was a problem. It had nothing to do with my credit card. One of the bottoms was sold out in the new size I requested so that I had to agree to receive an alternate color. Which meant I had to request an exchange for the matching top that I ordered separately. I asked the CSR to email me a transcript of our conversation because I don't trust Woman Within to process the refund of the top in an alternate color.

Extremely expensive and extremely slow shipping.
This organization has absolutely terrible processing of orders. I have ordered from them for a long time, and WomanWithin get worse and worse and worse. It is the most expensive shipping I pay for clothes to be shipped from any website. But it takes them forever to process the order, and then it takes them forever to ship it, all based on the excuse that they are having "delays". ALL websites are having delays, but literally every other one I deal with can give me at least an approximate ship date or an approximate arrival date for my order. Whenever I call their customer service here, number one I can barely understand the people because their accents are so terrible, and number two you can tell that they have absolutely no power or control as far as correcting the situation at all, which makes matters 10 times worse. All they can say is it's been delayed. This would not be a big deal if I was getting free shipping or the shipping was inexpensive or the company was small or not well known. But this place has been around for a long time, and to run their company as poorly as they do is inexcusable in 2021. I placed an order 6 days ago and they have absolutely no idea when it's even going to go out. I can see why they have terrible reviews here. As I said, it makes things 10 times worse when the customer service rep is completely clueless and has absolutely no information they can give you and no way to help you. What's the purpose of having customer service representatives? I told her to pass this information along to management, and I'm sure that won't happen, but I told her after this order I will never order from them again. It is not worth it, and they have plenty of competitors that do business in a much more ethical and efficient manner.

Poor Customer Service and Worse Policies!
I just got finished with a very unproductive online chat with a Woman Within Associate named Meaghan. Allow me to share the feedback I left them. Hopefully it will let people know how this company treats customers.

First, your agents jump the gun and ask how WomanWithin can help but then type a response that they can help me before I've finished telling them HOW they can help. Secondly, they take shortcuts to get out of actually HELPING the customer. The point of customer service is to make the interaction as easy and effortless as possible for the CUSTOMER, not the associate. I have over 30 years of customer service experience and this was a piss-poor example of it. Instead of telling me what she COULD do for me Meaghan told me everything she COULDN'T do. Thirdly, an EVEN exchange is just that - EVEN. That means no other money needs to be received in any way. That's how every other company, including my own, operates when it comes to processing an even exchange. Not to mention that taking credit card information via Chat or email, seems to go against ANY PCI compliance I've ever been trained on. If I had known that this was the process, I would have been better off just making the new purchase of the right size and then returning the original dress in the wrong size. This is completely unnecessary and inconvenient to the customer. Only AFTER I mentioned this to Meaghan did she explain that I wouldn't have to pay for shipping on the exchanged item so her ability to educate the customer and express value to them is minimal and SORELY lacking at best. Your training methods seriously need to improve or maybe Meaghan needs to go back through the course. Then, while I was weighing my options, Meaghan gave me a total of one minute before saying I wasn't responding and making sure I was still connected, which the system didn't alert me to in any way, and then only another minute before she said - BYE! - and disconnected the chat altogether leaving me high and dry in the middle of getting assistance. MORE piss-poor customer service. This company has been absolutely RIDICULOUS to work with. NONE of my past orders, done under my account as I log in EVERY time, actually SHOW under my account. I've addressed this previously with another chat agent and he could see my orders, but I could not - nothing was done about it. I addressed it with Meaghan, and she blew it off telling me she couldn't help me with online accounts, but she could help me with the even exchange. Being an associate in a call center I know there are tickets and alerts that can be put in for these issues. Upon asking, as politely as possible, she addressed the issue and put a ticket in to IT. I shouldn't have to ASK for that to be done. It should be done automatically. NOWHERE... and I mean ABSOLUTELY nowhere in this conversation with Meaghan did I receive an apology for ANY of the issues I was encountering with the website, the exchange - NOTHING. Your company doesn't train their employees to show empathy at all?!? That's truly a shame and also shows that your customers are merely numbers and profit to you. At this point I will likely be looking elsewhere to be purchasing clothing. Once I clear up the exchange on this dress, I will do my best to avoid Woman Within and any of the companies associated with them. You really need to reevaluate your customer service methods if Meaghan is an example of them. Good Day.

Very Bad Customer Service!
I placed an order in November of 2016. WomanWithin billed me for 9 items on PayPal. I only received 4 items a couple weeks later. After 6 weeks I kindly requested information. Where were the 5 remaining items? WomanWithin customer support basically called me a liar, saying they don't bill until they ship, but they did bill me. I wrote back several times. Each time I was brushed off with some lame excuse. Each time I contacted them, I got a different person, which makes it easy for them not to care, knowing that you'll always get someone else when you contact them again. They didn't know where my order was at? Instead, they promised a refund in 3 payments to PayPal, totaling $58.95. Only 1 posted for $12.99. They lied again and said PayPal rejected the 2nd and 3rd refunds. Then they said two refund checks were in the mail instead, but they lied about that too. There were no checks. Then, after two months, the other 5 items finally arrived. I had tried to check the tracking number previously, but the number wouldn't go through when I tried to search for it. I contacted the company again, for the umpteenth time, to tell them I owe them $12.99, for the refund they sent to PayPal. I gave them permission to bill my PayPal. I offered to send them a payment. They brushed me off again, telling me I have to call them. No, let them call me! I've never seen such lazy, uncaring, worthless, incompetent employees at a company. I'LL NEVER ORDER FROM THEM AGAIN! What a bunch of unnecessary grief and aggravation. They just don't care, and why should they... they're hourly, it's not their company, and they know if they brush you off, you'll end up with some other employee if you contact them again. What a lousy system! Ironically, they claim to be a "very ethical" company on their website. They are NOT ethical. Don't take my word for it, go visit, and you'll see that they have the worst rating possible (only 1 out of 5 stars). I highly suggest that they change the way customers are handled. From beginning to end, each customer should be handled by only one employee, to prevent what I went through. Thank you for reading.

So I get on the woman within website to order a pair of my favorite pants. A size 16 TALL straight leg tummy tamer jeans. I select the right size and color and it says WomanWithin are in Stock so I order two pairs. Checkout goes smoothly all of my order info is correct so I check out.
NOW! I receive my conformation email and the size of the pants are 16W as in not the TALL pants I ordered. 16W is the average length that is WAY to short for me. So I email woman within and tell them what happened and to please cancel my order. Fast forward three days and still no response. So I get on their live chat and the woman says it is to late to cancel my order because in was already packaged. So now fast forward three more days and I still have not received my email that they say to "look out for in your inbox" letting me know my package has shipped. So I have no way of tracking it. So I online chat with one of their employees again and she says that there is nothing she can do. So I get ahold of fedex and track my package to which was scheduled to be delivered saturday. Never showed up and now fedex says they don't have an expected delivery date! The Woman within staff I spoke with were completely useless and I will never buy from that company again!

Poor Customer service and return policy
Never received an invoice nor return label in my delivery. That was concerning.
Spoke to one customer service representatives regarding a refund as the item was too large and didnt fit well. The first agent was lovely and attempted a full refund. But for whatever reason, the refund amount included a $10.00 return fee (amount of the shipping). She had said that I shouldnt be charged for a return. Unfortunately, she was unable to correct the mistake. I was fine with that as everyone makes mistakes and, she was lovely. She then transferred me to a resolution specialist who was a nightmare to deal with. In all my life, I've never dealt with such a ghastly and unprofessional representative. She was rude and incorrigible. No pleasantries. Poorly mannered. And in the end said, she didnt know why she couldnt adjust the refund amount and to just send it. I again requested an invoice with the CORRECT refund amount. She raised her voice and said, "I can't give you no refund without the item returned". She obviously didnt understand. I told her that she was rude and to forward me on to someone who may be able to help instead of brushing me off. She transferred me to someone else and the call was dropped. I called back and gave my order number. I then had to reiterate the story. I asked the agent to please review the notes. She said, "yes, it says here you wish to speak with a representative". I said "yes, at this point that would be great".
I finally spoke to a supervising representative who apologized for the inconvenience and the previous representatives lack of professionalism. I said please review the recorded call with both representatives. Apparently, both representatives were incorrect regarding the return amount. WomanWithin DO NOT REFUND THE SHIPPING. AND THEY CHARGE THE SHIPPING AMOUNT AGAIN WHEN YOU RETURN MERCHANDISE. PLEASE REVIEW THEIR RETURN POLICY BEFORE PURCHASING. Secondly, I stated that this is a teaching point for your customer service representatives as, they are a reflection of the company. I did not recommend here being terminated. I believe in educating the ignorant. Lol. Firing someone doesnt correct their behavior and, they will ultimately behave in the same manner until another customer suffers and complains.
Given my experience, the supervisor waived the shipping cost to return the item but, he cant refund the initial shipping cost. I explained to him that although that's fine and dandy but, to be charged for shipping and return is ridiculous. This is a partial refund.
He tried to convey that most companies have this policy which is not true. JCP, Macys, Nordstroms, Amazon, Walmart do not engage in such practices. Sadly, he was more focused on the good will of his "accommodation" instead of recognizing the shipping fees and still, only a partial refund at best. This is not disclosed at the time of purchase (albeit maybe in the online return policy). I DONT RECOMMEND THIS ENTITY.
Poor customer service. Terrible return policy. I highly doubt they will survive in the years to come.

I used to order on this website all of the time for my grandmother, and never had any issues. But after this last time (last month), I will NEVER ORDER from them EVER AGAIN! This has been an absolute nightmare and has left a really bad taste in my mouth.

I placed an order last month (April 17th to be exact) for her some shoes for Mother's Day. I ordered this ahead of time, thinking it would still get here on time, but boy was I wrong!

I experienced a 2-3 week shipping delay. The shoes finally shipped out May 1st. However, I still HAVE NOT received these shoes. Thanks to this company for deciding to use PITNEY BOWES as a shipping partner. Worst mistake ever! Everyone that has packages from this company NEVER receive it.

Woman Within customer service keeps telling me I can't get a refund until June 3rd, which I think is so wrong and not even fair. It's not my fault that I tried to order the shoes ahead of time and experienced delays and now my order is LOST. QUIT blaming shipping issues on COVID, when this is not the case, and PLEASE for crying out loud stop using PITNEY BOWES as a SHIPPING COMPANY! Also, please change the refund policy!

At this point, I just want a refund because I'm not expecting for these shoes to even come at this point.

Advertised Pricing Not Honored Nor Proof of Such Accepted
I bought 4 items in the wrong size. Confirmed with customer service about replacing identical items in one size smaller. Followed company directions and sent them back. Two items (pants remained at $14.99 when I bought them to when WomanWithin were received back to when the company shipped replacements in the smaller size). Despite my offer of sending screenshots of all three times I checked, company charged me $2 more per item for the pants - even though they were never listed online for the higher price. Only when I threatened to report them did they credit my account back. Customer reps and supervisors were belligerent and non-cooperative. I was a loyal customer of at least 5 years before they pulled this. Never again. Also, they are not BBB accredited.
Update: I was encouraged after receiving an email response (on this site) from customer service, but was soon, again, disappointed by the lack of cooperation and the continued belligerence from the company's escalation team. No offer of proof or my side of the story was enough. It just made things worse. It's like the company went out of its' way to continue to alienate a long-term, once loyal, customer. I will never understand and accept that I won't order from them again.

Bad Customer Service
I ordered some clothes from this company in December 2020. WomanWithin took money from my credit card a day after I ordered, then didn't notify me of shipment for another week. Two weeks later, their tracking showed it had been delivered to my towns post office. A week later, I contacted USPS and they checked and stated the parcel had not been delivered there. I called again a week later and the reply was the same. Woman Within tracking is still showing it as having been left at my post office as of 02/04. I called their shipping partner and they insisted of had been delivered. I called WW customer service to tell them the package was lost and I wanted a refund of my! Money and they refused, saying that covid was slowing delivery times and I should keep waiting for the package. I stated again that both their shipping partner and the USPS did not have a correct location for it, not that it was moving through the system slowly, and that has nothing to do with covid. They still refused to refund my money. Its a shame that this company is using this pandemic as an excuse to keep my money without delivering my merchandise. I will not shop here again.

Dumbest Customer Service I have ever experienced.
I discovered WW via their magazine. I was thrilled to see modest clothing at decent prices. I made a selection and went online to purchase it. First of all, it took forever to find the item I wanted. (It was a khaki skirt) I checked out as a guest, as I normally do unless it is a company I know I will buy from several times. When I put in the shipping address, it wanted to use the same address for billing, but I needed to change the billing address. Doing so, I didn't realize that this changed the shipping address to the billing address. When I got the confirmation email, I realized that my order would be shipped to the wrong place. I immediately went to try to change this. I ended up making an account to see if that would help, but since I checked out as a guest, it didn't sync my order with the new account. I ended up contacting customer service, and WomanWithin sent me an email with literally nothing addressing the problem. I then called, but they told me that there was nothing they could do to change it, except put a note for the person in charge of shipments. This makes no sense. For SOME reason (this also is silly) the order wasn't going to ship for a month! Why in the world can't they just change the address? Then I found out around the time I was supposed to finally get it that they won't be sending it for even longer! I've done the same thing with Amazon and if you get the address wrong, you can just change it with a click. And that's with two day shipping! Why in the world were they so incompetent?! I will never order from them again. I don't even want a skirt now.

Check fields!

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WomanWithin Rating

Based on 50 reviews from WomanWithin customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Woman Within has plus size clothing in size 12w-44w. Colorful, comfortable basics at low prices for plus size women.

Address: P.O. Box 8320, 46283


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WomanWithin is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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