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50 customer reviews of

Open letter to vroom and Veda Hasazada
Mrs Hasazada,
You cost my husband a loan for a vehicle that he needs to do his trade of work. You know, the work that produced the pay stub that you called FAKE. Not only did you cost him the loan, but also his reputation with the bank that was going to finance the truck. You determined that the company wasnt a legal company because you googled it, WHAT! I provided you with the Texas tax ID and also the bank account. I was willing to send you copies of the W-9 for the company and, the W-2 for Kacy Price. The hit to Kacy Prices reputation with the bank will prove to be worse than losing the truck loan. The truck was a fathers day present and a need for his line of work. You dont know us, so let me help you understand.
This past years we have been through hell and back. We started a oil company that struggled after oil prices bottomed out. You have seen his credit, its not good. Let me tell you why its not good. Because when the oil company started losing money. He didnt take home a paycheck. We paid all of our employees without letting anyone go. So our finances and credit took a hit. Because our employees depend on us to support their families. We have a family to. So to make ends meet without a paycheck. I worked as a pharmacy tech at night and he mowed lawns. We were tired, so tired but we kept on going and made it. All of our employees never missed a pay period. We went to bed every single night knowing that our employees and their families had a roof over their heads and food on their tables. Yes, it would have been easier to let them all go. But that wasnt an option for us, because we possess qualities that are rare in this day and time. I have had experience with you so I know you wont understand what qualities I am referring to. Vroom are honesty, integrity and loyalty.
I pray that when you are in contact with the next person. That you will remember everyone has a life, and everyones life and happiness mean something to someone. So dont take it from anyone.
Rose Price

Do Not Fall For the Pictures
You'll regret doing business with the online site. Once you sign contract, the sales person will be removed out of the system. Yes you can not call them with the same phone number or extension. It's like Vroom don't exist. Your car pictures will vanish from the site so you can't confirm what was advertised on it. I waited 27 days before the car was delivered. I literally spent every day calling customer service at the Dallas hub. After 14 days passed and then another 14 days, deliver person drove the vehicle to my house with a check engine light on and 9 problem codes. He insisted it will turn off in a little bit or I would have refused vehicle. It was not on a flatbed as advertised. Discrepancy in mileage of 300 miles advertised. I am stuck with their buy back and return process. They are bidding for a carrier to pick it up but no time frame. Vroom illegally registered the vehicle in my name with a check engine light on. Vehicle did not pass inspection. How was it registered? Return policy is a joke. You're stuck with this vehicle until they decide to pick it up and will pay per dollar after 250 miles. Average driving means you can only drive it 3 days. Yes they will contract out the bid for pickup to the cheapest third party to pick up your vehicle. This means you'll be paying for miles. Also they put the car loan on your credit immediately after you sign papers. You are responsible for your loan before you see the vehicle prior to delivery. I contacted the financial bank to get assistance on the predatory financial behavior. This deceptive advertising should make you think twice about purchasing a car from them. People this is a big investment. Don't buy online. Vroom is a scam. They hide behind a curtain and get minions to throw poop at you. Protect yourself from the headaches and wasted time.

Check out the return email:
Vroom would like to take a moment to explain the logistics of the return process and confirm the vehicle pickup address xxxx. Please confirm any blackout dates/times you aren't available for pickup or if the pickup location will be somewhere other than the address listed above. Also, please be aware that if you exceed 250 miles on the vehicle while it is in your possession, you will be charged $1 per mile for any miles over the allotted 250 miles as per Section 7, F on your contract.

Pickup Process:
* Our logistics team will post the vehicle to Central Dispatch and set the price according to the average rates for similar deliveries. We try to price these competitively, to increase attraction, so the vehicle is picked up as soon as possible.
* At the time in which a transportation company accepts our bid, someone from their dispatch team will reach out to verify a pickup time and location. (Typically within 3-5 business days, but in rare cases can take longer)
* When we receive the Bill of Lading (BOL) or work order from you, all refunds are submitted and returne (Typically, within 2-4 business days).

When the vehicle you are returning to us is being picked up from you, you will sign a tablet or piece of paper called a Bill of Lading (BOL) or work order showing that you have released possession of the vehicle. Please take a picture of the work order/BOL so we can provide it to our accounting department to expedite the reimbursement. It can take anywhere between 3-14 days (sometimes more) to get the vehicle back at one of our facilities so please be sure to get the picture of the work order/BOL to us as soon as possible to prevent severe delays in your reimbursement.

Scammed and Deceived by Vroom
Honestly, my advice to anyone looking to buy a car from VROOM (on line dealership) is DON'T DO IT based on my experience. RUN! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. DON'T GO THERE! This is a lengthy review but please read to the end. Hopefully, you can avoid my pain. If I can give zero or negative stars to Vroom, I would.

My 2017 BMW X5 40e was finally delivered to me in NJ on 8/28/20; the process started in late May. Yes, that long. I will not rehash for you the long and lengthy process. Needless to say that it should have been a reason to walk away from this deal. To the point, keep in mind that VROOM guarantees a 7 days or 250 miles, from the date of delivery, to return the vehicle with no questions asked. It also guarantees a 90-day limited warranty. It also warranties that all vehicles go through a rigorous and thorough inspected before being sold. With that background, the vehicle test drove well when I got it but noticed that it came without the hybrid battery charger. What good is a hybrid car if I cannot charge it? So, as much as I liked the vehicle, I had no idea whether the hybrid features worked well.

I called Vroom and told them about this issue of the hybrid charging cable and one was delivered to me a little over two weeks later-- way beyond my 7 days to return the vehicle with no questions asked and I'd like to think that this was not deliberate; at this point, I cannot put anything past Vroom. I charged the battery to 100%. Mind you a 100% charge should give at least 14 city miles of driving. My fully charged battery, however, would not even give me a mile of driving; it dies less than a mile from my house-- goes from 100% to 8% each time in that distance. I called Vroom to report this issue immediately on 9/15/20. By this time, I was out of the 7 days window. Ticket #371761 was created and I was told that someone would contact me. No one called.

By 9/17/20 I started seeing wet spots everywhere I parked the car. On the morning of 9/19/20, what had appeared to be spots was now turning out to be a pour. I looked under the car and I noticed that oil is gushing out. What happen to Vroom's advertising that each car is pre-inspected? I bought a hybrid car to enjoy the benefit of a hybrid and that has not happened and now the car is leaking oil big time. I called Vroom again and Vroom uodated the ticket number to include the oil leak. Later that day, I received an email from Vroom with the number for Safeguard and asked that I call them; Safeguard, apparently, warrantiestheir cars.

I called Safeguard and they advised me to take the vehicle to a mechanic for diagnosis and that the mechanic should call them before doing any repairs. I asked then who would pay the cost for the diagnosis? They told me to just take the car. Implicitly, they are responsible for that cost also.

I took the first available appointment with the BMW service near me and took the car there on 9/24, where it has been since. BMW called Safeguard with the problem and cost for the repair ($450). Safeguard said they don't cover the issue and are not paying.

I called Vroom back and a new ticket numer 379124 was created-- to deal with the issue of paying BMW service the $450. No one called me back and I've had to call Vroom every day for a status. Mainwhile, I've been without a car since 9/24--a car I'VE ONLY OWNED FOR LESS THAN A MONTH. I have to uber my eay everywhere in the main time because I live in a suburban town.

Today, 9/26/20, I called Vroom and a lady told me that I am on my own if Safeguard is not covering the repairs because I did not call Vroom within 7 days of owning the car. I could not believe it. She was very cold about it. This is really technically a within 7 days issue because I would have returned the car within the 7 days period had I discovered the battery issue; I did not have this benefit because I had no charger for it. Also, had I returned the car within the 7 day period, I would have saved myself the heartache of the oil leak and owning a car I cannot presently drive.

Bottom line, stay away from Vroom. The warranty of selling inspected cars is a lie. How else could they have missed the oil unless they purposely sold a defective car? Not including the hybrid charger and sending it after 7 days may be part of the deception. Vroom sold me a lemon and now they're telling me I'm on my own. I will see Vroom in court. An almost $40K car should not have these many issues less than 30 days of owning it. For Vroom to not own this and telling me I'm on my own is disgusting and disgraceful. Don't be the next victim.

False Promises, Lack of Caring, Lots of Stress
I want to start out saying that I only blame myself for the below. I had come across thousands (yes literally thousands) of negative reviews on Vroom, yet against my better judgement I proceeded with my purchase. LESSON LEARND.
I have used Carvana and Driveway in the past, those experiences were amazingly smooth, honest and precise. Not at all what Vroom offers in terms of customer experience.
If you have LOADS of patience and are lucky enough to have a issue-free vehicle delivered, you'd be in an okay spot. Not a good spot though as I received my vehicle on 7/27. Prior to that I had received via FedEx a temporary tag with 8/11 expiration. It is now 8/18 and I am forced to drive with an expired tag due to incompetence at Vroom. I did call on 8/12 and was a assured a new tag would be issued within 48 hours. If you get to know Vroom, you'd take that with a grain of salt as everything I have heard from them since the buying experience begun turned out to be lies.
7/3 – I find a car I like on Vroom and state my interest on their site and placed a refundable deposit to hold the car. Very quickly after I received a call from a salesperson (this was the only communication with this individual, once deal is closed Vroom move on) guiding me to complete the purchase. I was told that the vehicle was in TX and would arrive 10-14 days from the purchase but usually it would arrive even sooner than that. This was wrong. The vehicle was in CA. I received my "Congratulations purchase is complete" email on 7/9 yet my car was delivered on 7/27 18 days after the purchase was complete.
7/27 – The car arrived with the exterior being very clean. The inside was a different story as it was filthy with stickiness and residue all over. I then find a nice tear on the door which was undisclosed in the listing. When I drove the vehicle, I noticed a vibration and rumble anywhere from 15 MPH and up. I immediately contacted Vroom and was advised to get estimates and that they would submit for approval.
8/7 I submitted an estimate to resolve the vibration issue to Vroom. The dealer stated the tires were choppy and were in need of replacement. Additionally, the rear brakes had to be changed immediately. It is now 11 days since and I have gotten nowhere.
8/13 I asked Vroom that I return the vehicle due to the issues not being resolved. I was told I would lose the $699 delivery fee plus $1 for each additional mile over 250 miles. Because of this, it is cheaper for me to keep the vehicle pay or the necessary maintenance and repairs myself.
As far as communication, there is very little of it. Most emails are either unanswered, answered days later or answered by seeming two different people giving entirely conflicting information.
If you want to buy a car online with convenience and confidence, try Carvana or Driveway. Do yourself a favor and keep away from Vroom.

I'm a moron
The fact I purchased a car site unseen online should be enough of a warning but here goes: I purchased a 2016 Ford Explorer, while negotiating buying my husband was told the best Vroom could was 10% he said no thanks and she kind of goes oh uh well uh let me check with other lenders, he goes you just said you only did three? She back tracks and says she's going to try again, calls back five minutes later says Oh I found a lender for you at 3%. We say ok that's a lot better then the 10% you said we could only get. We move forward with the purchase. That was red flag number 1. We get the extended warranty (thank goodness and you'll see why), car is delivered. After two days I notice the brakes grinding. Red flag number 2. Now when you buy from vroom they sell you a song and dance about how the car is inspected top to bottom. Everything is replaced and brand new. Ha! Call them to let them know brakes are grinding. Am given a song and dance about complaint number, someone will contact me about it blah blah. Two weeks go by. I call again. Am told Oh you must take it to a dealer, I explain a Ford dealer is 45 away and it isn't fair that the car I've owned 2 weeks is doing this. I'm then told oh you can take it to any place that does brakes and we'll refund the money when you send the receipt. Get the brakes changed,
My cost is 337$. Nice. Email receipt. Hear nothing back. Emails back and forth, phone calls and being told oh well we'll contact you. Hear nothing and finally give up and accept I'm an idiot for buying used car online. But wait gets better. Two months later? Ca condenser gives out, part is back ordered for a month so it sits in dealership because shocker they won't pay to fix it through shop in my town. They cover only ten days of car rental but cover the other 1700$ cost to fix issue. But I must cover 280$ shipping cost of last because the "platinum extended warranty " doesn't cover shipping. I get my car back, have two months of it running before the transmission begins to grind and jolt, sync Bluetooth completely gives out and battery is dead with corrosion. (I've owned this car 6 months now) it is currently in the shop now with an already 336$ bill racking up because batteries and corrosion are not covered. I live in Ca, I do not live in extreme weather where in under 6 months my battery should die and my cables corrode. Vroom will be of little help, in the sense you will call them and they will create a "number for you" which is their go to line and be in contact. No one will ever be in contact. You will call them repeatedly. I should've returned the car when I had the chance back after the brakes, like a fool I didn't and now I'm stuck with a lemon that I cannot get rid of. DO NOT BE STUPID AND BUY FROM THIS COMPANY YOU WILL LIVE TO REGRET IT. There's a reason buying a car online is a bad idea, somethings are better left bro g done the old fashioned. The money I "saved " buying from vroom has been eaten up in out of pocket repair costs for the car.

Terribly Incompentant
Incompetent, Incompetent, Incompetence is Veroom. This has to be a top down failure of a business model I've ever seen. This malfeasance can't even be avoided by the lowly workers who are willing to lie, mislead, obfuscate the truth.
Why hasn't there already been a Class Action Lawsuit against them for causing unnecessary harm to people's lives.
After reading so many negative reviews about this company I could only wish to had did my research.
I guess their TV commercials had me sold literally with their haggle free ease of doing business. I've been Haggle by them for an neglectful two months.
I was just trying to get my Daughter who attends college all day and works late at night off of a cold bus in the middle of a pandemic.
This process started 1st week of December with me not being allowed to co-sign for my daughter on a autoloan with my 850 FICO score.

Vroom would not accept a check or credit cards for the total payment on the vehicle so I had to wire transfer them $6200 in cold cash for the total amount in an attempted purchase of a 2010 Jeep Patriot.
On January 4th one day before we were to take delivery off this vehicle they called us and said the vehicle could not be sold to us because of water damage, WTH. I have been buying cars for over 40yrs and this has to be by miles the worse experience in forever.
Veroom suggested that we choose another vehicle which we did, a 2012 Jeep Patriot for over $8000.

It's the 2nd week of February and after multiple calls to veroom that they have been avoiding and lying vroom decided to call us for a delivery date of February 9th for the 2012 Jeep Patriot. Upon receiving the vehicle it we noticed that the driver side footrest was broken off. This was not told to us by zoom as they are suppose document such things as is.

It's been a month now and we have not received temporary license plate or vehicle registration information.
And now we're experiencing major mechanical problems. The engine RPM's is racing up when vehicle is started and the transmission is slipping not allowing the vehicle to go into gear. After all this nonsense since December here we are having to take this vehicle to a repair shop found out their crack certified mechanics sent us a vehicle that transmission case was overfilled
Vroom needs a class action lawsuits on their business practices.
Please message me on this post, I am in. "They deserve NO stars"

I wish I had known then what I know now...
I found the exact used car I was looking for (color, interior and options) online and it happened to be being sold by VROOM. I had never heard of this company and broke my own rule by not thoroughly researching a company first before doing business with them. If I had, I would have never started the purchase process on that $30K vehicle. As many, many people have reported, the customer service was excellent UNTIL Vroom got my money (wired down payment and funded loan through Chase bank). From that day on, ALL communication from VROOM completely stopped. 100%! I purchased this car 3 weeks ago and still have no idea when I'm going to get it. Because I had to sell my current car to place the large down payment I wanted, I've been car-less since paying for this car. I wasn't too concerned because they say you get it usually within 14 days (and I was going to be out of town for 2 weeks anyway). Fast forward to today (3 weeks after purchase): I haven't received the car, haven't received ONE call or email from VROOM or the car carrier about delivery and I'm bumming rides of family members and friends with no delivery date in sight for my new car! I called VROOM today about expected delivery date because I've heard NADA from them and not only could the customer service rep not tell me when it would arrive, he had NO IDEA where the car was at that moment. Was it in service? Still sitting in the warehouse? On the carrier? He couldn't tell me. I told him if you can't tell me, who can? You're the SELLER! Well VROOM has my money AND my car and no one knows or can tell you anything and you can't speak to a supervisor. The "customer service" rep on the phone was working from home with a lousy headset so I couldn't understand most of what he was saying but I did hear him when he said we don't have supervisors available to talk to customers on the phone (!) The post-purchase customer service and total lack of of communication from this company is beyond atrocious. I don't see them staying in business for very long with this terrible reputation. Soon, everyone will avoid purchasing from them and rightfully so! Oh, I should mention, I've already received my first payment bill for the car I don't have and VROOM can't even tell me where it is. This is a sad and infuriating JOKE! Please please do yourself a favor and DON'T buy from VROOM until they get their customer service sh*t together.

Don't buy a car from Vroom!
We started our trade in/purchase of a vehicle with Vroom July 6,2021. It's now August 10,2021 and I still don't have my new car and Vroom don't know when they'll be delivering it either. It started off seemingly easy and without the hassle and haggle you get at a regular dealership. They were giving us the best trade in offer and we didn't have to haggle about prices in either end. It's seems like a dream after going to several dealerships that weekend. Then the we hit the first snag- they had the wrong name on the trade in paperwork. Sounds simple to fix… It took over 2 weeks for them to send us the corrected paperwork and a lot of frustration! We called them almost every day for an update and were told every day we'd have the new paperwork within 24 hours but clearly that wasn't the case. AND THEN they cancelled the whole thing because of inactivity on the account on our part because we hadn't sent in the signed paperwork! Even though it showed we called every day asking for the updated paperwork so we could move forward. They couldn't even explain how someone could miss think the account was inactive. They had no real answers but assured me they'd fix it Lockett split and get it all back on track. It took them 4 more days after that to FINALLY get that corrected and to send out the new paperwork. After that we figured it would be smooth sailing… We didn't have to give them out trade in until we got our new car, but we didn't want to keep putting miles on it so had them come pick it up August 4th after waiting another week for them to finalize everything in their end after our down payment was received. After they finally process that next step we were told we'd get emailed within 2-3 days with delivery and pick up dates. Which we didn't. WE ended up scheduling the pick up with their carrier! Once our trade in was picked up we were told we'd get an email in 2-3 days with a tracking number for the payoff check they'd be sending the bank for our trade in. We still have not received that email. But allegedly the check has been processed. When I called to find out why we haven't received the email the rep said it's actually 3-5 days when they send the email but gave me a check number. We were also told our car would be delivered no later than 8/11 and that we'd be getting daily emails with status updates. I callef today because delivery is supposed to be tomorrow and I haven't had one status update and was told the carrier canceled the delivery today and rejected it. What does that mean? It means they don't know when my car will be delivered because now they need to find a new vendor to deliver it and don't know when that will be! Vroom has the most useless customer support team, not because of the people themselves, but because the people literally don't know what's going on and aren't trained properly. They also have no system in place for call escalation. Everyone works remotely so they have to use a chat program to ask support questions and then they always just seem to tell you what you want to hear. This is literally the worst car buying experience I've ever had. It's the worst purchase of anything ever. Period. Don't buy a car from vroom. It's worth getting less for your trade in or dealing with pushy salesman at a dealership. I could have been done with all this over a month ago if I just went through a real dealership. Never again.

Horrid process, Terrible service, Okay offer
The process for me to sell to Vroom was more difficult than Chinese algebra. Literally each step of the process was messed up by Vroom, detailed as follows:

Step 1 - Get an offer from Vroom, to which I accepted, and heard nothing back for a week. I call them to which Vroom say the offer is no longer valid due to time passed. I tell them they simply did not call me to move forward in the process, and they agree to uphold the offer as the error was their fault.
Step 2 - Vroom obtains payoff amount from my lender to agree to pay my car off. Vroom is silent for another few days. I have to call and remind them to call my lender. My lender then notifies me Vroom has finally obtained payoff amount.
I then get a notification to 'upload payoff amount', however Vroom did this step when they called my lender. I call Vroom to confirm, the Vroom rep sounds like he is clueless. I offer the theory that the 'upload payoff' notification is just an automated notification or sent in error, to which he nervously says 'that must be it'.
Vroom is silent again for a week.
I call Vroom, to which they say they have canceled the whole process because I did not upload payoff amount as prompted. I got no notification of cancelation. I explained how they did this step when they called my lender, and thus again, they are at fault for the hold up.
They agree to uphold the original offer, AGAIN, and reinitiate the process.
Step 3 - Sign physical papers via mail. I then have to make numerous phone calls before I receive the mail. I sign and return.
Step 4 - Schedule pickup. After a week I finally get a call from a shipping company stating they are going to pick up my car THAT SAME day. I cannot leave work, and they cannot pick up from my residence where the car is. I offer to meet driver after work. I get a text from the company that they forfeit the job, and Vroom will have to get another company. They then stop responding to my texts.
I wait a week in silence, before calling Vroom again. They say the company never communicated the issue with them, and were still on the list to pick up my car. Vroom then prompts the company again to pick up my car.
The company again waits until the last minute to tell me when they have scheduled to pick up my car (again without conferring with me). This time I make arrangements to have my car in a commercial area at the time of pick up.

Note, each phone call averages a 20 minute hold time. Multiply that for each call I had to make and I've lost hours of my life.
The only pro to using Vroom was the offer amount was higher than competitors such as Caravana or Carmax.
The process was hell from day 1 to finish. Simply selling my car took over a month of agony.

Successful purchase
I was in the market for a Toyota Tacoma for my wife in January of '21 and found a 2020 TRD Sport on Vroom with 1000 miles on it for what seemed to be a competitive asking price. I was very very hesitant buying a vehicle sight unseen. Customer service was initially responsive, rep seemed decent though he sounded like Lightning McQueen's agent from Cars. Trade in (with a balance owed still) seemed to go ok. All the paperwork came down, signatures, and financing through Vroom (Chase). Contracts were overnighted, signed, and sent back. We had the truck to us within two weeks.

My fears were, with only 1000 miles on it and coming from Florida, and registered in a city with flooding issues and traded in a window that would fall under hurricane season (based on dates in Carfax documentation), that it was possibly an undisclosed flood or hurricane vehicle. I took possession of the truck the aforementioned 2 weeks after all the paperwork. Much to my relief, the truck looked perfect. Nothing out of the ordinary, no signs of water or any other damage. Ran well, drove perfectly, had it checked out after the fact as well for good measure. All good. Big big weight off my shoulders.

Picking up the trade was delayed and communication there was a little inconsistent. Carriers are subcontracted out, so Vroom will issue contact info for them and kind of hand it off. I can't get a long flatbed down my driveway (400+ft long gravel with no turn around) so I gave them the address to a large parking lot about 5 min from home. The carrier dispatch gave an initial window, which was rescheduled to a different day. The rescheduled window (which was an afternoon pickup) then became later, then bumped again, and I think a 3rd time. The driver finally showed up at almost 10:00pm, seemed nice enough and I understand that sometimes things just don't go according to plan so I didn't give him a hard time. Had a long trailer with, I think 1 or 2 other vehicles on it. We pulled the plates on the trade in, inspected it, signed off on the bill of lading and took pics of the vehicle and the bill of lading to send to Vroom. However, instead of loading the car, he said he'd leave the car there in the parking lot and come back and get it after dropping off one of the other vehicles. This didn't sit well since, this is a vehicle still registered to me that would now be sitting in a parking lot at night with no plates. I ended up driving my wife home and came back and sat in the lot watching the car until he came back (hours). But in the end, it all went fine beyond that annoying bit of inconvenience.

ZERO response from my rep after the purchase, so there is no follow up customer satisfaction initiatives. Generally this is fluff anyway but it should be noted nonetheless. He'd even stated he was looking to build relationships (I'd mentioned there were a couple ZL1 Camaros that looked interesting in their inventory). Never heard from him again. Not exactly the right way to build relationships but, hey whatever. You do you buddy.

I'm in the process of getting another vehicle through them (different rep) as we speak, and hoping for the same result. Knock on wood. I'll add another review for that purchase after it's all said and done.

Terrible, waste of time and money
I was looking for a 2018 Ram pickup, a specific model of one actually. Vroom had one and it looked like what I was looking for. Lookimg st their website, the first think I noticed was pictures of all of vrooms cars are done under fluorescent lighting indoors. This is red flag #1. Truthfully, if you are as picky as I am, or picky at all you need to at the very least see pictures taken under natural light. The fluorescent lighting doesn't really show you everything you need to see. I also saw the drivers side head rest had a spot on it, like a grease spot probably from hair product. Or the last owner pissed of the wrong people, hard to really know. I thought about it for a week or so. I never thought of buying a car online like this, but I decided to give it a shot and tried to contact vroom. That should have been my first sign, Vroom are hard to get ahold of. I called and called. Called and left voicemails. I emailed. Finally, after about 2 days of trying I finally got ahold of someone, Alan Beydoun. I brought up a couple things from the pictures, and he assured me that they would be fixed. Well it was more of a "yeah yeah yeah" brush off kind of assurance. He told me the truck had to be reconditioned still. I should have realized I was being lied to but I figured the risk was low. I told him flat out that if it wasn't perfect, don't send it. He said it would be. I also told him if it wasn't perfect I would not be paying the 500 dollars to send it back. He assured me on the issues I brought up 3 different times. I told him I was picky, so let's not waste each other's time. He again told me there was nothing to worry about and against my better judgement, I bought the truck. They overnighted me documents to fill out and I sent them back with the overnight return envelope which they included from fedex. That process was quick and easy.
A couple days after they received my down payment with the paperwork, I got a target delivery date. I was to be updated daily according to the email, and on the day of delivery the driver was going to call me. Well I wasn't updated, I actually called 3 days before the target delivery and the person I talked to said that she didn't think the truck was even picked up yet and would get back to me. Well I decided that I would call back an hour later and the person I talked to this time said that it did leave and it is going to make it by the target day. Weary about what this was turning into, I reminded myself that a lot of the reviews I read said the service was terrible but they got a good car, and that's pretty much all I could hope for at that point. The day before the delivery date I called since I still hadn't heard anything, but left a voicemail because there was no answer. They called back at about 8:30pm, I work graveyard and was on my way to work. They said it would be there the following day, my window was 4-8pm. I said ok it better come during that time because I work at 9pm. The next day, the driver didn't call me until about 4:30pm to tell me he's running late and has one more stop before mine. I was annoyed, but didn't want to be a jerk to the driver, things happen so I said ok let me know when you are here. He called again and said he had to stop in Santa Clara on the way for a delivery. Wanting to speed this up I offered to meet him there instead of the local Walmart to save time for both if us, but I started to feel like I was speaking a different language, even though he spoke perfect English, he couldn't comprehend what I was talking about. After trying a few times I said it again real slow "you have to make a stop in Santa Clara right?"
He replies "yeah?"
"So what I'm saying is I could meet you in Santa Clara since it would be on my way to work and you can get two delivery's in one stop"
There's a long pause. "O. Ok. I'm still not sure what you mean."
Trying to make a simple plan to meet up was like pulling teeth, so finally I said forget it let's just go with the original plan. He said ok. By the time he was ready to deliver it was about 8:30pm, I should have refused delivery of a black truck at night but I just wanted this nightmare to end. I called my boss and said I was having car trouble (I wasn't really lying) and would be a couple hours late. About a half hour later the driver calls again trying to get me to drive 30 minutes further then the original meeting spot, closer to him clearly so he could save himself time. I guess my plan started to make sense but only after it was too little too late. He was trying to convinced me it was closer, but it was 30 minutes south of Walmart, and my job is 45 minutes north. I wasn't going to be even later to work than I was already going to be. Finally a while later he's at Walmart. Unfortunately it's 10pm at night now, and starting to rain. I get to Walmart with my wife and baby to see the truck.

The driver, cursing up a storm as he unloads the truck and complains about his problems, finally unloads it. The parking lot isn't very well lit. The truck is dirty and it's wet from the rain but it still actually looks pretty nice. I walk around it, the driver points out a couple small scratches he saw, and he asked me if I think it looks good and I say I don't know. He seemed shocked so I said "you are delivering me a black truck at night in the rain. Sure it looks fine now but I have to see it in the daytime to really know." He didn't seem satisfied but accepted my answer with a disappointed look on his face. I think he expected me to be ecstatic, and I really wanted to be but after all this delivery drama and needing to get to work, it just wasn't happening. The headrest was still gross. The leather had been hardened with grease on top. I could tell it wasn't just a dirty headrest, this thing had been permanently changed by whatever it came in contact with. I signed the form and had to go straight to work. For about 45 minutes I was letting myself feel happy about it. Luckily not too happy, because I've been hurt before so I knew not to fall in love with a car too fast.

So I got to work, and luckily my graveyard shift gave me some time to go out to the parking lot and check the truck out. At first glance, other than the headrest everything looks good. But it's dark so I still kept reservations. The interior was nice other than the headrest. Then I checked the oil. The oil was definitely over filled, and the last time I bought a car that came with too much oil it was an oil burner. Looking under the hood the battery terminals were much more corroded than I would expect for a 2018, even though it is more like 2 years old since it was sold in 2017. Then I got under it, and that's when it turned from a hippyish night with a slightly used but new truck to disappointment. I knew it came from Ohio and went to vroom in Texas, but there was way too much rust under it. WAY too much. I read online that it's normal to get some rust on new cars and trucks, but living in California where if a car spent its life here, it usually didn't have much if any it was just too much. I had a 97 Yukon that got stolen last year and that had far less rust than this 2018 Ram. But I thought well maybe I can clean all the rust off and under coat it. Then I started looking at the interior. The headrest was disgusting. It seemed to ooze grease. I would clean it and an hour later touching it with my fingers I would get grease on them. Then I cleaned it again, actually took it off and used interior cleaner, soap and hot water. Still oozed grease after that too, and still stayed hard in that spot. You could even see a deformed drip that was made from whatever ran down the headrest and permanently changing it. Some of the seat bolts were even rusty, but not all of them. I just didn't expect rust to be an issue on this truck and also inside the interior? Maybe this is normal in other parts of the country but not to me. The next day I took it to a friends shop and he noticed a big dent on the back of it. Above passenger side tailight next to the tailgate. If I decided to keep the truck I would have vroom pay for the fix at a body shop of my choosing. Then we put it on the lift and the rust, although still fixable was just everywhere. This turned from something I should be happy about to disappointment and frustration. On top of that the uconnect, the navigation/audio system that Ram has, for those that aren't familiar kept freezing. It would freeze, the system would crash and reboot, over and over while I was driving making it completely unusable. Sure there was a warranty left since it was so new, but I shouldn't be making a list of problems to fix a $40,000 2018 truck. I was going to take it to a Ram dealer to have it inspected the next morning while I still had time to return it but then I started putting it all together. This truck was a one owner lease return with 15,000 miles. From my experience working at car dealerships I know a little bit about how a legitimate car dealer would do business. This lease return was brought back to a Ram dealer, and legit dealers want clean cars and trucks on their lot. A lease is held to high standards and if you lease a vehicle you have to return it in pretty much perfect condition or get charged extra for it. A truck model that is what the dealer normally sales? Even better for the dealer to sell it. Dealers make more money on used cars than they do new ones and any dealer is going to want to sell clean model cars with their own brand. But this ram dealer didn't want the truck, so they auctioned it. Why would a ram dealer auction a "like new" 2018 ram with $15,000 miles on it? Because they know it has problems and they aren't going to damage their reputation by selling it. Then I also thought about all the floods they had this past year in Texas. Could this truck at least been effected a little bit? I don't know, but I wouldn't be able to sleep at night keeping a truck with all these inconsistencies so I didn't get it inspected because I decided I needed to send the truck back. And that's when... vroom was good. They asked if they could do anything to make me happy, maybe fix some things but I said no, I just wanted my money back. I wanted a like new truck because I didn't want a project. If I'm going to do body work and rust removal it shouldn't be on a two year old car. They agreed to refund all of my money, but only because they advertise their cars as being free from cosmetic defect. The dent on the back is the only reason I didn't have to pay the $500 to ship it back. They didn't want to talk about the rust, the headrest, the uconnect or the oil. That's fine, they had a reason to give it all back and that's all I needed. They arranged a shipping company, better than who dropped it off. This shipping company actually communicated and showed up early, during the daytime even, and picked it up a week after I got it. A few days after that they gave me back my money and actually paid off the loan under my name, which is good for my credit. That's why I was going to give them 2 or 3 stars. I got all my money back and was really only out the half tank of gas I put in it and the car wash I went to. I wasn't even going to write a review. I took a risk, I came out good other than I didn't get the truck I wanted. Just out of curiosity I checked every week or so since I sent it back to see if they were going to post it again. Well about a month later, this shady company posted it with photoshopped images.

Yes, I am saying that vroom is knowingly and blatantly trying to deceive customers in order to make a sale.

Remember that nasty headrest? Well looking at photos on their website the headrest looks a little. Edited this time, but if you look at other pictures at different angles they didn't even take the time to edit those ones too. Is the back of the truck fixed or is that edited too? I got the feeling they were shady after my experience with them but this is a whole new level. This is downright dirty. I mean I came out ok after all was said and done, but now they are straight lying to customers with edited images. I analyzed the image online. Paint Shop Pro was the program, the scratch removal tool was used to edit the headrest photo. It's pretty much a clone tool if you are familiar with photoshop. Come on vroom are you really going to try and play customers like this? This is just sick.

I took a chance on vroom because I figured the risk was low, unless you get stuck paying the $500 return fee. It's really not worth the stress, you send them your down payment and there is little to no communication about what's going on after that. Nerve racking to say the least. They didn't deliver what I wanted and I will never buy a car online again. I only took the chance because the availability of what I wanted was low in my area. On top of my experience, the shady game they are playing now, lying and manipulating customers should not be rewarded. Be patient, wait for something local. Even if you have to drive a few hours to get it, it will cost you less time and frustration. Vroom is just that shady used car dealership on the bad side of town that found a way to go nationwide.

Here is the link to their website, if it's still there take a look at the headrest in all the pics. You'll see it.

Vroom- Headache/Nuissance/Swingler
Before I get into the reason I would never let my dog buy from Vroom, let me first say that the car buying process is very simple and enjoyable. I had several questions about the vehicle before I purchased it, and Vroom were able to send me and email of detailed answers. Kudos to the sales department. Once the vehicle arrived, the problems began. I found online a 2018 Toyota Tundra that had approximately 10,000 miles on it. The first day driving the vehicle and turning on the radio, I noticed that there was a piece of paper in the speaker that was buzzing in the front passenger door. Upon closing the door I also noticed that the door had a rattling sound and did not close correctly. Since the vehicle was under the factory warranty, I took it to my local Toyota to have the paper removed and see what was wrong with my door. The technician came to me any asked me "Did you know that your door face had been completely replaced'? I told him "no, the carfax and description of the vehicle said no such thing and especially no body work repair". Upon inspection, the entire door skin had been replaced, the drip check seam sealer had been ripped off, there were grind and sanding marks to the door itself, and there were spots where the door had been poorly repainted, and the door did not line up right on the outside when closing. Vroom, states on their website " Every Vroom vehicle must pass multiple inspections for safety, mechanical, and cosmetic issues before it is sold. If a vehicle does not meet our strict retail standards, we do not list the vehicle for sale on our website." Evidently the inspection must not have been very thorough. After bringing these issues up with a customer support specialist I was told to go get a quote from the Toyota collision center so the issues could be resolved. I was told verbally over the phone to get the estimate and vroom WOULD FIX THE VEHICLE. This was a lie. To fix the door, the estimate was approximately 1,250 dollars. Vroom reaches back out to me a few days later and threatens later that I need to sell the vehicle back to them or I would be stuck with the repairs myself. I had searched for the vehicle for months and found exactly what I wanted, so I didn't want the vehicle to be taken away, I just simply wanted my door fixed. Vroom replied saying that it cost too much to fix the door, and they would set up for the vehicle to be sold back. This was obviously not what I wanted, and I did not understand why they would be willing to pay more money to send it back, and have a damaged vehicle they would have to fix or send to auction to lose money. After I refused for them to take the vehicle away from me, I had to get on the phone with higher ups and they finally told me they could give a maximum of 500 dollars to go towards the damages. In the end, I was responsible for fixing the damages on my truck, and Vroom got away with not having to fix the vehicle except for their 500 dollar contribution, which was just a drop in the bucket of what the damages actually cost. Congratulations Vroom, you sold me a damaged vehicle and swindled me into paying for the damages. Would never recommend!

Terrible & unreliable service
I bought Mercedes van and paid in full for it and was told it would be delivered to me in 7 days. Well, it took more than 14 days to receive it "after numerous calls". Once received, I realized the van was larger than it looked online and decided to return it and exchange it for a 2019 Dodge van, Beware, Vroom advertise that you can return the car within 7days or 250 miles but they never tell you that there will be $499 return fee, but it is in the contract in a small print. After multiple emails and calls, they confirmed by email and a phone call that the new van will arrive on Friday by 11am. I specifically asked them to have the driver call me when he is close to my place. By 5pm, no call, no van, no nothing. I called them and they acted surprised and said they will call me back with an update. The update was by email stating the delivery now will be on Monday. After calling them, at first they said the delivery truck had mechanical problem, them changed it to their truck driver had to stop driving because he was over the allowable driving hours and I had to wait until Monday. I asked them to keep it and refund the money... Guess what? They will charge you another $499. They do not give a damn about service, once you pay for the car, they can give a rats ass about your opinion and they are rude as hell on the phone.
Later, they called again and said they would be able to deliver the car on Sunday and I agreed. I was very clear that if they do not deliver it on Sunday, the delivery will have to move till next Friday as I am traveling out of town early on Monday. Well, they assured they would, then they called and said the driver will not make it on Sunday. I told them to move it to Friday (3 weeks after I paid for the car) and if they do not deliver it on Friday, I asked that they would need to keep the car and refund me my money... Guess what? They said they would charge me another $499 delivery fee if I cancel. I agreed to keep the car when they committed to deliver the car on Friday. Next morning at 6am, I sent them an email clearly stating that I decided to keep the Mercedes Van and they can keep the Dodge. At 5pm, ON SUNDAY, I got voice message from one of their clueless staff telling me that the dodge van will be at my place in the next 3 hours and I needed to be there to receive. I called and told them that since they were adamant that they could not deliver the car on Sunday, I sent them an email that I was keeping the Mercedes van and drove it to Chicago.
They are really idiots and can't even plan a delivery and expect the client to work for them not the other way around.
The bottom line, I advise everyone to NEVER EVER purchase a car online from them, try Carvana instead or Go to a dealer and save yourself a headache and hassle.


I wish I could give this company a 0 star review. I started this process the end of Aug/2021 and I am still dealing with their incompetency. The initial process was fairly easy, I got linked up with a sales representative, he started the process, and I thought that this would be seamless, however, I was wrong. Once my information was sent to the contracting to department, Vroom failed to enter my contract information correctly, and sent me the wrong contracts. I called them back multiple times over a 7-10 period to have the corrections made. It took them a total of 3 weeks to get the contracts correct and issued. When that finally happened, they arranged for delivery. The cost of delivery was $699, and then I had to wait 10-12 days for my truck to arrive. It took me from the end of 8/24/21 - 10/29/2021 to resolve the conflicts with my contracts and take delivery of my new vehicle. A was selling my old truck to vroom and due their processing delays, one of my car payments on my old vehicle lapsed--THE VEHICLE was no longer in my possession and it resulted in my credit being penalized.

The following day after my truck was delivered, I discovered that underside of the car had mud caked up into the undercarriage and I could smell it burning off the pipes. Not only that, but the interior of the truck was covered in mud from the previous owner going off-roading. The following day, we had a rainstorm and my truck filled up with water because there was a leak in the roof. Due to this, I took the vehicle to my local jeep dealership for a once-over. They found SEVERAL mechanical defects that needed to be repaired in addition to the roof. The total for the repairs plus an interior/exterior detail to have the mud removed was over $3,000. Vroom would only cover $2,100 despite these all being their error. I had to opt out of fixing some of these problems because vroom would not pay for it. These problems WERE NOT disclosed to me upon purchase, otherwise, I would not have bought the vehicle.

I took "OWNERSHIP" of the end of October- but due to having to have all of this work done on the truck, I didn't actually receive the vehicle until the second week in November. I was already making payments on a vehicle I STILL did not have possession of. Additionally, my temporary tags expired the end of November and despite submitting my information to have my tags replaced or another temporary tag send to me-- I still have NOT received anything. I have been forced to drive my truck with my old tags, which expire at the end of December, making my vehicle ILLEGAL and at risk of potentially being impounded should I be pulled over for any reason. I have been in email communication with a representative at vroom who has told me that the Texas DMV is rejecting my information and has not issued my registration and that I would hear from someone about replacement temporary tags in 48-72 hours, this is the 3rd time I have heard this!

I contacted the Texas DMV -- who searched my VIN number and their system multiple times, they have NO RECORD of any of my information being submitted for review and have advised me to file a dealer complaint. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing I can due to expedite this process and I am stuck!

In total I would estimate that I have spent 30+ hours on the phone with vroom and still have yet to have this resolved. Every time I call I am told that someone will either call back and there is never a supervisor available. I have had enough and I am contemplating legal action against this company.


They will lie to you until facts are in their face... you still pay.
First time car buyer. In December 2019, my family and I began the process of purchasing a car through Vroom. After having applied with different people for the best APR, we were assured by Terry in Sales that the simplest approval and purchase of the car would be to apply with my mom. Our credit was pulled, documents signed, and the car being delivered. It was mid-delivery on December 28th, when we received a call that Vroom required proof of income for the Co-Borrower. We sent the information that day. No response back. We were assured that the requiring the proof income was not to delay the delivery and Everything was in order. December 31st, We receive the car. There were already a couple things being of concern such as rust on the exhaust, Lipping on the brakes, and The infotainment system being unresponsive to Apple car play. We informed Vroom and began working on resolving the concerns. In such time we received a call from Vroom on January 4th that the Proof of Employment was required. On the 6th, we returned Vrooms call with the information required, having it noted on file. We were Assured that the car was Ours (Being Told Our first Payment was due on Feb2nd), that everything was handled, and not to worry about the non-response from our Loaning Bank by the given advice of the Vroom support agent as he used the same bank. We Never heard a response back. January 14th, Anxious on the response from either Vroom or the Bank, I contacted the Bank in regards to the status of application. I was informed by THE BANK the was application was denied because Neither of the Two documents Vroom requested from Vroom were not submitted to them, requiring the bank to "Send the Application Back". I call Vroom in panic as We Did our diligence in submitting what was asked and Vroom informed us that it was showing the Car "Sold" repeating I had my payment date set and all was in order. Forwarded to a supervisor I was informed that I would receive a call back the next day from the gentleman handling my financial application. Come the 17th, I hear no response yet. Nearing the end of day, I call vroom. Informed by the Customer Support agent, he was understanding of the situation and said to expect a call on the 18th (next day) but Everything was "Good" on Vrooms end.

FINALLY, I get a call back the next day as I was told. We are then informed that "Unfortunately, the Bank returned your application" and we were resubmit it for approval requiring a pull of my credit and families credit. Asked on why, they said the Bank was unable to receive all the required documents. Both the Proof of income and Proof of employment. I asked if and when did Vroom receive the documents. They confirmed they received them on the 28th and 6th. The application was returned on the 13th from the bank for not receiving either of those documents from Vroom. The Financial support agent was unable to clarify why Vroom was unable to send the documents but was assured I was not a fault and that he was just as "confused" on why.

He gave me my options of resubmitting the application, re-pulling my score in hopes of being approved. Unfortunately I reapplied through the Bank and due to the recent numerous hard inquiries that affected my score drastically when trying to get the car in the first place, I was denied. I informed Vroom that it would only hurt me and friends/family to pull our score again to then be denied. He informed me that Vroom would proceed with a Buyback Process... The Car Was Never Funded in the first place.
He then told me I would receive a call on Monday, January 20th by the Buyback department. Assuring me that my deposit wouldn't be affected.

Come Monday, January 20th. I receive call from a Jessica L, Customer Returns Manager. Unfortunately, given the timing of the call I was driving asking if I may call back when I get home. She informed me she is busy and would be unable to answer. I understood and preferred given the matter, to give Jessica my full attention by calling back when I got home. After our phone call, she sent a email on the timeline and overview of Vroom's return policy. It stated I would be charged ONE DOLLAR per mile after 250mi's. I anxiously call vroom in 3-4 times in attempt to be Connected to Jessica to explain and help me understand why I would be penalized for a clear mistake of Vroom not submitting documents and ONLY telling me there were problems now when In All, I should not have received the Car, Been told "Everything is Okay", "I own the car" and allowing me to be under such impression utilize the car PAST 7 days return and accrue milage as If It Was Own Vehicle. I was unable to go to work Monday as I drive to clients and accrue 125mi a day.
I got in touch Vroom Customer Support that night and they informed she "just left for the day". I asked for it to noted I called and asked for a return call in the morning.

Today January 21st. Jessica calls me back. Informed me that I no matter the cause, I was to pay for the full cost of mileage and the delivery fee. Expressing the situation to why she continued to state it wouldnt matter, that Vrooms policy stated in which I signed a contract.

My first time buying car. My preference on wanting to experience the "no dealership hassle" lead me to Vroom. Against advice from friends and family that Vroom was a scheme in its own I continued with them. They delivered the car, Informed Me there was Nothing to worry about, That I began my payments on the 2nd of February. Due such mistake on Vrooms part and after So Many times checking in to Only Act act on my do diligence, having contacted The Bank directly, skipping the middle man... I find myself being told Im at fault and penalized for Paperwork they did not forward.

I cannot say its been my worst experience in purchasing car as it is my First. I can say it was mistake and hope express to other the dangers with Using Vroom.
Bring told by the Customer Support/Delivery support/Financial support staff that they were sorry,"couldnt imagine what I was going through", "would do something but not their department"... but when it mattered, Vroom didnt care.

Vroom should have never delivered the car until the car was properly funded nor continue to assure me my purchase was "complete" after nearly a month after receiving the car. In reality it was not funded at all. It wasnt until two days after I informed vroom of my call with with bank that this matter came to light. How long and how much more would it have cost me should I have left it in Vrooms hands to manage...

Sad truths
Okay so this is my experience with purchasing a car from vroom. You are able to call and do the ordering process with a representative over the phone. Do not, i repeat, do not buy the extended warranty/maintenance plan from vroom. It is through a company called safeguard which is a scam.

Try to ask for the bank approval in writing from vroom to make sure that are not raising the interest rate. Make sure if you're trading in a vehicle to see if Vroom can raise the appraisal value; they did for me.

Make sure after you submit your documents to call the title department and ask all the questions about title. What they told me is the vehicle could show up with no tags, or the vehicle could show up with new buyer tags that are temp. After 2 months of having new buyers temp tags you have to call and ask for new temp tags and provide your insurance with the coverages that they allow in Texas to get the new temp tags. The title department said that the vehicle could take up to four months to get your actual plates which they should state on their website, I think that that is not cool.

With the 7-Day 250 mile return policy/warranty, usually they will only refund your deposit of $500 when you buy the car if there's a mechanical failure. Even though they say that you have a 7-Day 250 mile warranty in my research this is sort of not true. Something else to look out for is your vehicle could be late upon delivery they are using third-party HotShots to deliver the vehicles so delivery is kind of unreliable Based on the schedule that they set for delivery.

When I was approved from Santander Bank I did some research into the bank and they've had some shady situations and class actions that they had to pay back so I went ahead and called Santander Bank to confirm that I was approved for financing. Because upon research I found that vroom has approved auto loans on behalf of Santander Bank only to come to find out that the person was never really approved. So in my Situation I wanted to make sure that they did approve my loan before I sign the contract.

You will have to pay $500 as a deposit to hold the vehicle until 10 days after you received the vehicle which I think is very unfair. Also you have to pay $599 to transport a vehicle to you which can be in the finance.

Upon doing further research into them actually doing a deep check into the vehicle and also cleaning the vehicles I think this is where they're lacking. They don't actually service the vehicles or look at them and they don't really clean them so this is your responsibility when you receive your vehicle the first day you need to take it to the dealer that manufactured the vehicle and have a thorough inspection done.

In my situation I bought a new truck 1 year old that has 7000 miles I'm still waiting for the vehicle to arrive I finished contract sent all the information in and provided all the information for my trade in. I believe it's best also contact the original manufacturer give them the VIN and see what information you can get.

Do not for a second think that you can trust vroom. You need to do all your own research check on your own vehicle and make sure that if there's any issues I repeat make sure that if there's any issues with your vehicle you let them know within the first seven days because if you don't after the 7 days they will tell you that's all your fault. And they will not help you.

The issue that I see here is that when you receive your vehicle they are Texas plates and so you're buying a vehicle that's out-of-state one that saves them cost you are dealing with the company that has multiple different locations for operation so that saves the money there. They also own a dealership in Texas called Texas Direct; I would do research into that. They have not had a long-running history of doing the right thing so you have to be on top of all the information and knowledge About your vehicle.

The most important things that I think you should know is that this company is not trying to provide as much transparency as possible. Because most of the people that work at this company are new, and have worked there for less than three months or they have no idea what they're talking about.

You must must must call the titles department and make sure everything's okay. Call the delivery partment make sure everything's okay there and as well. Check in with the sales department to make sure that the contract was made correctly I think it's important for room to let people know that it could take up to four months to get your tags that you would be left with Texas plates for 4 months until you get yours originating States plates that you have to do a smog check and also take your vehicle in for a VIN check through the police department These are things that the website does not tell you. Sometimes carfax's are not up to date so you really do need to have a mechanic look at the vehicle as well as the original manufacturer look at the vehicle and do a computer diagnostic multi-point inspection.

If you can Finance your vehicle somewhere else, I would. Do not try to go through vroom because they did not want to show me my actual offer letter from the bank, meaning that vroom has some room to raise the interest rate to make a little capital.

The real reason they can save you money is because they don't have overhead due to Outsourcing and spreading out all the offices all over the place and having many different moving pieces to the whole situation. I believe that I will like my truck and that everything will be okay but I'm the kind of person that does deep Research into the company and if you look at the reviews from the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Reports they are not good from vroom and so if you don't do your own research it leads to a bad situation past the seven-day warranty which there's no point of return.

Lastly I would say do not buy their Gap coverage. Go with AAA or State Farm because they have reputable companies that will actually protect you vs. The Safeguard plan that this company offers. If you do research into that company it will take 3 months to pay off your vehicle if it is totaled which leaves you ultimately with no car.

So once again do not buy their maintenance plan, do not buy their gap insurance, and make sure to ask for the offer from the bank showing your interest rate so that you know that they're not making extra money there, and also raise your appraisal value on your vehicle. Get all of the information from the titles Departmen, get the vehicle inspected from the dealer, and make sure that there are no physical damages that are more what needs to be repaired through the company.

In my research the only way to have success with this company is to know what they're doing how they're doing it and to bring all the information together so that you can make an informed decision. I think that there are a lot of great cars here but I don't think you'll get the level of care and inspection of a vehicle like you would at a dealership unfortunately. Like the titles Department said " it's not like buying a pair of pants from Amazon, you are buying a car, and this will be a slow process". I believe that dealers block vroom so that's why it takes up to four months to get your tags and they do not save this on their website so I hope you have the best of luck to find your vehicle I will keep you updated on what my experience was at the end thank you so much for reading and I hope you stay blessed and safe.

Didn't get his way so he didn't do his job
On Sunday I found the perfect car at a fair price on Vroom. I was so excited, I quickly reviews it and then started a purchase. I paid my $500 deposit and then went back to really check out my find! Sadly, I had missed the word manual after transmission. I am 70 and don't need a manual transmission. I called and got a young girl, trying to be helpful but was having trouble with the English Language. She said she would start my refund process but I needed to talk to someone to finalize it. A man answered and was initially very friendly. I told him of my error and he asked me what it was that I liked about the car that made me buy it. Strange I thought but I said the color-a creamy beige, the trim and the fact it was a very good price. I had been looking for a CrossTrek before I found this one. I was familiar with the CrossTreks on Vrooms site as I looked everyday. He then began trying to sell me another cCrossTrek. He asked me about various colors available and options, one after another wanting to know if I might want one of the other CrossTreks available. Each time I said, I don't like the color, I don't want a light interior, it is too expensive. Finally I said calmly, I just want a refund. He abruptly changed his affect and said in a curt fashion, well OK. After I hung up, I thought I will bet this guy will give me poor service. All Sunday afternoon, the car was not returned for sale. All day Monday, was not returned to the sale site. So I called Vroom and ask if I could check the status of the vehicle I had rescinded.
A very nice gentleman answered the phone. Asked me a few questions but then he said he needed to transfer me to someone else as the car was still on hold and a return had not been initiated. Now we are talking nearly 48 hours after I called. My intuition was dead on. This jerk was angry because I only wanted the car I initially had chosen. What kind of an employee has malice toward a customer when the customer chooses not to buy? The good news is when I called to find out what was going on and the vehicle was still labeled "pending sale", a nice gentleman was kind and helpful. He told me he had to transfer me to someone else but he would explain the problem. The second gentleman did not disappoint either. He was friendly, courteous and my needs were met within two minutes. I trusted all was well when I hung up. That evening, I bought a vehicle from Carvana. A whole different world. Had I been treated with sincerity instead of dealing with an immature, revengeful jerk, I probably would have stayed on their site and purchased a vehicle. I sure wish Vroom could track down that guy with the recorded call they do for teaching services I always hear and fire him. Not conducive for someone to continue with the company so I moved on.

Great Experience With Vroom - April 2021/Arizona
Started purchase process on 03/28/2021, and took delivery on 04/15/2021.

I purchased a 2018 Ford F-150 XLT through Vroom and wanted to share my experience. I live in a small town that is at least 3 hours away from any major city. Being able to purchase the truck online, and have it delivered seemed like a good way to go. I will rate each part of the experience, and provide a timeline below. Points will be 1 to 5, with 5 being the most satisfied/positive.

[Selection and Website - 4]

I found the website easy to navigate. Being able to search, and browse was straight forward. There was a good amount of information available, and there were plenty of photos. The reason I do not give this area a 5 is due to the fact that Vroom do not show the undercarriage so you are not able to fully inspect the vehicle. I also noticed that although Vroom pointed out the damage, there were additional scratches on the vehicle. They were very small, so I could understand if they were simply overlooked. An important note for anyone buying a vehicle used in a snowy environment, there may be rust under the vehicle from salt build up.

[Purchase - 5]

My Vroom representative was very friendly, and I found it to be a genuinely positive experience to work with them. The representative provided me with an initial overview of the process, and for the most part the timeline was accurate. I worked with CapitalOne (I am a customer) and obtained a pre-approval certificate for the truck. I sent the certificate to the representative who advised a credit check would still be ran, and they could also see if there were any better offers. Full disclosure, their lenders were much higher. They do allow you to provide your own financing, so I suggest you work with your own bank beforehand. I was told a deposit of $500 was needed to hold the vehicle, and that the deposit could be put towards the downpayment of the vehicle. I paid the $500 with a credit card, and can confirm it was applied to my down. I received the DocuSign version of the contract within 2 days, and promptly e-signed to submit. This version of the contract also had the wire instructions, so I wired the rest of my down the same day. I sent the confirmation code to my representative to ensure it was noted. I received an email congratulating me on my purchase the next day, and three days later I received the FedEx envelope with my paper contract. I signed everything, and got the proper notary signature needed. I dropped this off at my local UPS store the same day, and was provided a receipt with the tracking number. For some reason, FedEx did take three days to deliver but I could confirm it had been delivered to its destination.

[Delivery - 4]

The email congratulating me for my purchase had stated the vehicle would arrive "on or around April 11th" which was a Sunday. I called Monday asking if they could provide a new estimate, simply so I could plan the next few days accordingly. I was told the delivery date was scheduled for Tuesday. Unfortunately, nothing came so I called later that day to inquire. I was told a representative would reach out to the transport company, and return my call within 24-48 hours. On Wednesday I received a call that the vehicle had arrived at a secure facility, and was waiting to be picked up for the next leg of the journey. The representative advised I would receive another call once this had been done. I received a call later that night stating the vehicle was picked up, and on its way. Thursday [today] afternoon, the transport company called me stating he would arrive around 6pm. The transporter arrived at 5:40PM and dropped the vehicle. He was very friendly, and professional.

[Vehicle - 4]

The vehicle arrived dirty, but this is to be expected given the vehicles are transported on an open carrier. I believe they may be stored outside for a period of time at the Vroom facility. Upon further inspection, I did find two other hair scratches. Personally, I already had an expectation for buying a used commercial vehicle. I counted on there being some very light cosmetic damage. Like the "Selection and Website" category, I give this a 4 because they did not technically document all of the flaws. The undercarriage was also showing a mild to moderate amount of rust. This vehicle was used in a snowy environment. Luckily it was not very bad, and structurally I did not see anything that was a concern. I also note that the rust was almost non-visible looking at the vehicle. There was no visible rust in the wheel wells. When ground level looking up, I could see the rust. I found it to be within reason for a used vehicle, and knowing where it came from. I was actually surprised at how well it looked. If it was a much older vehicle however, it might have been a different story. The interior was in stellar shape, with no smell or stains.

[Overall Experience - 4]

I can honestly say that I had positive experience with Vroom. They make it clear on their website that the delivery time usually is around 14 days, but it can take longer depending on certain circumstances. Even though I felt it was odd that the scheduled delivery date had changed a few times, it still arrived in a fair amount of time. I also have to point out that when calling Vroom, my hold time for someone in the delivery department never took more than 10 minutes. They also called me back within the timeframe they told me they would. The vehicle I purchased online, was the vehicle that arrived (minus the minor hair scratches). I will be calling Vroom next week to follow up regarding the registration process. The temporary tag will last until May, so I feel they have given me a pretty wide window of time for them to get this done. I will update you further.

[Final Thoughts]

I purchased the vehicle I wanted, and did not have to make any revisions or changes. The vehicle, agreed upon terms, and funding were the same from beginning to end. I am not sure how different things would have been if any "mid-process changes" had to be implemented. Overall, my experience stems from some pre-purchase research. I understood what the vehicle condition could be, what Vroom's process was, and most importantly that patience is everything. Regarding the hair scratches, I would be lying if I said I was not a little disappointed that these were not made visible on the ad. I will call Vroom and see if they would be willing to offer any compensation. I will agree that even though it was minor, a service that specializes in virtual showrooms should show you more of the vehicle.

That was my experience. I hope you have a great one as well!

Absolutely thrilled! Thank you Vroom!
I found a 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on the Vroom site for 26K with 37K milesmy dream car it was love at first site. I spoke with a very nice and knowledgeable sales person who helped me through the process. Very easy and straight-forward.

The next day (Saturday) I received all of my paperwork. It all seemed a little too easy so I started searching around on the internet for Vroom reviews. I found a TON of bad reviews on Vroom. At this point, I started getting very anxious and thinking what have I gotten myself into.

I decided to shop locally to see if I could find anything similar in the same price range. Not a single dealership within 100 miles could even come close to the Vroom price. At this point I felt like I was taking a chance but I really wanted that car.

On Monday before I sent my paperwork in, I just wanted to speak with someone at Vroom who could ease my anxiety about this purchase. I heard from several people that day who were all extremely helpful and professional. Each of them assured me that I would be well taken care of by Vroom.

Vroom has grown overnight and were experiencing the growing pains of a rapidly growing start-up. Vroom were well-aware of the reviews and assured me that they were putting a wide-variety of plans and processes in place to assure these bad reviews didn't happen again. They were able to address many of the bad reviews directly and put my mind at ease.

I sent the paperwork in within 24 hours, I received an email stating they had received my paperwork and were getting my car ready for delivery. They kept in constant communication and ensured me that all was continuing to run smoothly. This was on Wed and they told me my car was on schedule to be at my house by the following Tuesday.

On Saturday morning I received a call from Vroom asking if I would be in the area that day between 3-6 because the were going to be able to drop my car off then if I was. Literally 3 days after they received my paperwork.

The delivery man called me when he was an hour away and brought my car right to my door. He couldn't have been nicer and I couldn't have been more excited.
Today, I had a mechanic take a look at the jeep to ensure that it was OK. He looked it over very thoroughly he told me that the jeep is in like new condition and that I basically got a brand new jeep. Needless to say, I couldn't possibly be happier.
Buying a car online is a scary process because it's a major purchase decision and something I had never done before. After my experience with Vroom, I will never buy a car another way.

Thank you Vroom for bringing me my dream car and for assuring me every step of the way.

Lying Sales Associate
I purchased a used Honda Accord from Vroom in 2021. Before the purchase, the saleswoman, Rachel Brown, was very helpful and we discussed a lot of my hesitancies. One of them being that Vroom could not give me a set delivery date after I purchased the car. She said it would be around 14 days, but Vroom could not guarantee a certain date until "later on" and did not specify when they would provide that date. With that in mind, I asked if I could change the shipping address on a later date after the purchase. I had plans to drive up to Illinois from North Carolina to deliver my current car to a family member the following week that I had purchased this new car. Rachel assured me that this was possible if I contacted Vroom before the shipping company contacted me back on a set delivery date. With this assurance, I felt that it was a reasonable decision to purchase the car.

Four days after my purchase, I contacted Vroom's delivery team to change my delivery address from North Carolina to Illinois. The delivery team said that from the time of the purchase, I could not change my delivery address to another address greater than 20 miles away. I explained to the team that this contradicted what I was told when I purchased the car from Rachel, their sales associate. The delivery team said there was nothing they could do.

I then immediately called Rachel to explain the problem and the false information that she gave me before I purchased the car. After explaining the contradicting information that the delivery team gave me, we lost service. I tried to call her direct line back, but it went to voicemail. I left a voicemail asking her to please return my call. Instead, she emailed me back saying that she had replayed the call with her boss and did admit to giving me false information regarding changing the delivery address, but could not do anything about it. I tried calling her direct line again, hoping for her to connect me to someone higher up to resolve this problem. Again, no response. She sent another email back, now obviously hiding from me, saying to stop contacting her and that she could do nothing.

I was so angered by her lack of responsibility to help resolve a problem that she had caused, I called Vroom's customer service to lodge a complaint and to try and change my delivery address. If they were unable to change my delivery address to Illinois, I would have no choice but to purchase a last-minute flight back to North Carolina, rather than driving my new car back to North Carolina. When I called Vroom, I was thrown into this frustrating cycle of being put on hold for up to 70 minutes and then transferred, as each employee "could not help me out". I was finally given to a manager named Ashley Joseph who assured me she would contact her boss to resolve this problem. Over a week has gone by with no follow up. I have sent emails back to her and tried to contact Vroom through the phone. No action has been taken and now I have to purchase a last-minute flight because their employee was unable to hold responsibility for her actions.

This company's customer service is beyond awful. Prepare to be put in a cycle of hour-long hold times and multiple transfers to people "who can't do anything", but "are very sorry". In fact, one customer service representative admitted that if you leave your phone number during high-volume call times, with the intention to receive a call back, the representatives are unlikely to call you back! This is by far the worst service I have ever received, especially for a company whose customers are making typically over a $20,000 purchase with them. Please do not support their business.


UPDATE 01/16/2020: Don't let their canned responses to reviews like this fool you! Vroom called me to say there is NOTHING they are willing to do. This car has clearly been in an accident in the rear, and Vroom refuses to remedy the issue! If you are looking to purchase a car online, I highly suggest one that calls out ALL of the damage on the car! If Vroom wants to step up and do the right thing, I will update this review.

***I Will let Vroom respond and I will provide updates if they choose to take car of the HORRIBLE repair job that was done previously on the car (2018 Audi *******@14k miles)****

While the first purchase in Vroom happened in 2018 and was an overall decent experience, my second purchase in late 2019 was a terrible experience. First off, the sales portion of the transaction was fine. After I decided on the car and purchased it, everything went downhill.

This was terrible. There was 0 communication from the purchase on when the car was going to be delivered. After about 2 weeks of waiting, I received a call and email stating the car was coming the very next day. The morning of the next day (Friday) I received a call saying the car was being delayed until Saturday. Later on Friday, I received yet another call stating the car was in fact going to be there Friday night. This is difficult when you work for a living, especially if you have a life outside of buying cars.

When it was delivered, the car came FILTHY! It literally looked like it was a flood damaged car. The car was delivered in the Midwest, and there was no way to get the car washed as all car washes were closed due to the weather. On top of this, the car came with summer tires only (not stated anywhere).

When you receive a car that you cannot see any damage, and you cant even drive it, it is difficult to commit to keeping it. However, I warmed up my garage over the next few days and tried to clean it up to check for damage/paint.

I found many poorly repaired spots on the car with some dents. I contacted Vroom within the 7 Days and they agreed to repair what I did find - however, it was like pulling teeth! While the car was in the shop and undriveable for the first 3 weeks I owned it, I could not look it over more. When the car came back from the shop, they pointed out the rear bumper was one of the worst hack jobs they have seen! Mind you, this was a $36k Audi, next to "new" Audi that I couldn't actually look over properly because of the condition the car came in.

Once the reimbursed the body shop for the repairs they initially agreed to, I contacted them about the rear bumper. Vroom has not returned my calls/emails. They have CHECKED OUT. After repeated attempts, they have not returned my emails/calls.

Overall, I like the car, but damage was not disclosed (they tout "Clean Car Fax"! What a JOKE!). Not only was the damage not disclosed, there was no way for me to see the damage when delivered!

I want the rear bumper repaired by a professional, not the spray-paint Vroom used to take low-res pictures on their site.

I will update this review if Vroom decides to do the right thing, and repair the damage not disclosed for a repeat customer.

If you are willing to deal with bad customer service, lack of visibility, and delays...
If you are willing to deal with bad customer service, lack of visibility, and delays. The price on Vroom is the price you're willing to deal with their orchestrated BS.

Before I go into my reasons why I would not recommend them. I will say that if Vroom only had been more transparent and had even average customer service than I would recommend them on their prices.

However, this is one shady company with very shady practices. The initial search process is very smooth and friendly like a scam, they'll rush you through it like a sleazy salesman and once they get your money they will stop talking to you.

Keep in mind that upon agreeing to the purchase you automatically opt-in to a clause where you will settle only through arbitration and that to opt-out you need to physically mail them with a verified signature (within 30 days). They will lie about the location as their actual office is in Houston and not New York. You should consider documenting every single interaction if you're unfortunate enough to purchase a bad vehicle. You're waiving a lot of your rights.

Be prepared to call them multiple times per week during the delivery period, if the initial customer rep cannot help you, you need to scream and yell to get to Tier 2 Support. They will flat out lie to you that there is no "Tier 2" but there absolutely is. They will lie to you that they cannot disclose the car's location, but you can get the information if you keep pressing them. You can even get the 3rd party carrier (mine was United) name and the last-mile delivery hub phone number which is your best bet to coordinate the delivery.

Do not believe the words from their mouth that things are on time. Get exact details and keep pressing for them.

Be prepared for delays, lack of updates and lies during this period.

Prepare to do the same when you think the car is right and need them to deliver the title. This will take time but you need to call and make sure you open a case. Do not wait.

While I do not recommend Vroom, if you're in no rush and can wait on delays then this might be an option for you.

Worst ever! I would rather have Covid -19
On May 9th, I decide to trade in my vehicle to new car vehicle from Vroom and spoke with 4 different sales agents. I explained that I had an approval from capital one On May 9th, I decide to trade in my vehicle to purchase a vehicle from Vroom and spoke with 4 different sales agent. I explained that i had an approval from capital one already. I had two different contract sent out. On June 4 my new car was delivered. On June 9, my credit was ran by 5 different banks. I was then call to confirm my month payment by a Vroom employee and was told that capital one quoted me a different price. The representative stated that if i didn't hear anything do not worry about it this was July 7. July 17 called capital one and was told that Vroom were sending out my welcome booklet in 4 weeks. August the 13th i notice that my credit report showed two late payments on my past car loan on the car the that i traded in. The bank stated that they received that check in July and it was short two months payment. I then contacted vroom I left 4 voice messages from the 13-19 of August. I finally spoke with someone that stated that they will contact me back. Yet on September 2 i was notify by credit karma that my credit was ran again for a auto loan by 2 banks I then proceeded to contact Experian due to fraud. I received an email stating the the deal had expired and the representative stated that she took it upon herself to run my credit without my knowledge. Now that my credit has been hit 8 different time since May 6 along with the missed payments. Now I have been in form that the deal that payment that i agreed to has gone up buy $136. And if i don't agree with the payment. I would have to give the vehicle up an d be left with nothing. Already. I had two different contract sent out. On June 4 my new car was delivered. On June 9, my credit was ran by 5 different banks. I was then call to confirm my month payment by a Vroom employee and was told that capital one quoted me a different price. The representative stated that if i didn't hear anything do not not worryut it this was July 7. July 17 called capital one and was told that they were sending out my welcome booklet in 4 weeks. August the 13th i notice that my credit report showed two late payments on my past car loan on the car the that i traded in. The bank stated that they received that check in July and it was short two months payment. I then contacted vroom I left 4 voice messages from the 13-19 of August. I finally spoke with someone that stated that they will contact me back. Yet on September 2 i was notify by credit karma that my credit was ran again for a auto loan by 2 banks I then proceeded to contact Experian due to fraud. I received an email stating the the deal had expired and the representative stated that she took it upon herself to run my credit without my knowledge. Now that my credit has been hit 8 different time since May 6 along with the missed payments. Now I have been in form that the deal that payment that i agreed to has gone up by $136. And if i don't agree with the payment. I would have to give the vehicle up an d be left with nothing.

I was skeptical at first because Vroom don't tell you, but the whole process takes 2 weeks from the day you put down your deposit til you actually get your car. So I put down my $500,4 days later my truck pops up for sale again. I call and (you always speak to someone foreign who's working from home) the lady says my deposit is only good for one day. I say "Bulls***! There's no way!". She puts me on hold then I speak to someone else who says no, everything is good and my truck is on hold for me. A few days later, they send me everything to docu-sign. I sign, then wait. 3 days go by and I call my loan officer. She's received NOTHING FROM THEM. So they say "oh she needs to wire us or send us a cashiers check". I said no, my bank doesn't just send money without verification of a title. They're not going to just send money somewhere. So my loan officer finally gets their email of where to send the drafting letter. A week goes by, we are now at 2 weeks. I call Vroom and they say they haven't received anything from my bank. My loan officer sends me a copy of where she sent it. So I resend it to the email provided. Then get a notification that the email is no longer being monitored, WTH?!?! I've sat for a week waiting for nothing? So the lady gives me her email and I send it there. And she gets it. So I ask, now how long are we talking? She says "2-3 business days for your loan officer to get the letter, then she overnights us a cashiers check, then from there it's 3-5 business days. Wow. I said nope, I'm done! We are at the 2 week mark and I've already rented a car now for 2 weeks thinking I'd have my truck by then, now I'm looking at another 5-7 business days on top of the weekend. This company simply doesn't not have their s**** together! Constantly put on holds, confusion and never getting a straight answer from them, and you never speak to the same person twice. Do yourself a favor and buy from a dealership, this company has an "F" rating from the BBB (look it up) for a reason! Finally, I guarantee you, all the positive reviews are fabricated or paid for from the company. This company is a complete JOKE. Run! Trust me

ABYSMAL sums up my experience with Vroom. For the record my wife and I have good jobs and good credit. Selected a 2017 jeep wrangler on their site and put a deposit on it Nov 26. It is now 01/10 and I STILL do not have a vehicle. With the exception of my agent Allen utter incompetence and confusion throughout this company. Ran into problems when their underwriters requested a ton of paperwork because my wife and I got married recently and half of her ID's have her maiden name and the other half her married name. Among these was a copy of our marriage certificate and her BIRTH CERTIFICATE! I wasn't VETTED this hard when I applied for a mortgage! Once that nightmare was cleared Vroom sent me a contract with an added Service Fee of $1800 on it that I didnt ask for or need. When I demanded it be removed they sent a second contract but that was " Lost in the mail". Then kept getting calls from various Vroom sales reps and when I questioned the purpose of why they were calling even THEY didn't know! WTF? All this time I was given an extension to reach my sales agent Allen and he was apologetic. I told him we've given them EVERYTHING Vroom has asked for what's the delay? Why is this taking forever? The ONLY reason I was tolerating any of this was the 4.25 % interest rate Vroom quoted my wife. Turns out Chase bank PULLED that offer when they discovered my wife was going to use the vehicle on Turo. Now vroom has to do ANOTHER hard pull of her credit which is at least 20 points or more less than it was the last time they did and she ends up with a 12% rate? I ask Allen Vroom should WAIVE my delivery fee ($699) or at least expedite the delivery and NEITHER has happened. To make matters worse? Vroom has PULLED extensions for its sales reps meaning if you need to reach one you have to go through their 855 number and sit ON HOLD for an hour until you get through to someone and then be told " Sorry we cannot transfer you to that extension any longer" meaning yiu deal with somebody DIFFERENT every time you call... $#*! company no matter how you cut it. If you LOVE incompetence, delays, extra charges, long waits on the phone, excuses, confusion, digging through archives to find your birth certificate, ineptitude and absolutely ZERO knowledge of customer satisfaction? Then this is the company for you... Only giving a single star because my agent TRIED his best to make this as painless as possible. Didn't happen..

Abysmal Customer Service
Once you purchase a used car through Vroom's website, the problems begin. Initially, it took about two weeks to complete the purchase of my car. While that wasn't a huge issue for me, if anyone is in a rush to purchase a car, Vroom should avoid using Vroom. Within a week of the delivery of my car, I noticed a tear in the weatherstripping of the convertible roof. This is an issue that is clearly covered by the warranty. I called Vroom and asked if they would pay for the repairs. They asked me to submit a quote from a mechanic, so I did so. Then, for nearly three weeks, nobody responded to me. I sent Vroom several emails and made several calls, to no avail. Finally, after over two hours of telephone calls, I spoke with someone who could help me and approved my request. They told me they would pay the mechanic directly. Once the mechanic fixed my car, they called Vroom and they told the mechanic they would call him back with the payment. That didn't happen for several hours. I called Vroom, only to speak with several people who could not help me. They repeatedly transferred me to other people who couldn't help me either. Instead, they told me that my specialist was going to call the dealership at some unspecified point in the future. She never did. Since I need my car, I was waiting at the dealership and trying to get someone to help me. Finally, I was connected to someone would could help me and they facilitated the payment. Getting there, however, was a monumental task. In short, a simple mechanical issue with the car took about 4-6 hours of phone calls and emails to address and fix. This was far and above the worst customer service experience that I have ever encountered. They don't respond to my emails. They don't respond to my calls. This is utterly unacceptable. Vroom has abysmal customer service and other people should know about it before they spend tens of thousands of dollars on a car. If you're lucky enough to receive a flawless car, and are in no rush to buy a car, Vroom is fine. But if there are any issues whatsoever with your purchase, it is nearly impossible to get the issue fixed.

Worst Car Dealership ever!
My name is Ashley Murariu, when i first began looking at vrooms website it seemed like the website was a great way to buy my first car. I picked up the phone and called a sales rep. His name was Devon. Devon helped me buy a 2013 Mercedes Benz c-class. After speaking with Devon the contract came in just a few short days and the car came soon after, but this is where the problems started, i signed the paper for the vehicle, got into the car and the engine light was on! I had to drive the car to my local Mercedes dealership where Vroom did not want to give me any information about the vehicle and why the engine light was on. Later i found out that Mercedes-Benz never recalled the vehicle and Vroom has sold it to me with the engine light on and everything. I immediately began calling Vroom customer service numbers and i spoke to Chelsea Rice. Chelsea said she'd send over all the information to my loaner about the new vehicle i wanted to swap out with the Mercedes - Benz. Well this process took almost a month, i waited and waited and never heard anything from anyone working at Vroom and every time i called they kept telling me that i needed to be patient and that they needed to wait for the bank. Finally after almost a month of not being able to drive the Mercedes- Benz and not having a car at all to drive i finally received a call from someone named Patrick. Patrick took down all my information AGAIN about the vehicle that i wanted to swap for and after many weeks of waiting, Christmas day i received the vehicle. I was reassured by Patrick that everything would be sent to my loaner and everything would be updated and setup for my payment and i thought the worries were going to finally stop. Although i just received a call from the bank i am financing the vehicle with and they asked me for my monthly payment on my MERCEDES- BENZ C CLASS! I am now currently fighting with Vroom and everyone on the phone because every person is telling me that my loaner has received the new contract but my bank has said that they didn't. Clearly someone doesn't know how to their job.
Vroom has done nothing but ruin my first experience at buying my very own car. Every single person i've talked to did not help me at all and they don't do their jobs nor try and help their customers. Please if you're thinking about buying a car from Vroom, DON'T DO IT! Save yourself the stress and headache. Vroom is not a good car dealership!

Vroom treats the customer like the customer owes them something
Well, I just had two of Vroom's employees not listen to me and the "specialist" had a nasty attitude.

I told the first person I talked to that my husband wasn't home and she transferred me to the "specialist" and I told him my husband wasn't home.

The "specialist" made it clear he was in a great hurry and I was slowing him down. When I told him my husband was at work, that he's not permitted to take personal calls at work and he would be home at 6:30 our time, he still wanted me to get him on the phone. It was all about making the Vroom employee's day easier and not inconveniencing him and wasting his time.

I told him to forget it, I don't want to continue with the process. Because by that point, I was sick and tired of the jerk on the other end of the phone acting like I'm not making him happy and not doing what he wants fast enough.

Then he said he would call in the morning, his time, which is 10:00 our time and again, MY HUSBAND IS AT WORK. It didn't matter how many times I told him my husband would be at work, he would be home at 6:30 our time, he would respond that it would be stupid not to buy the car because of a phone call.

If Vroom's website would have stated, "You are on OUR TIME", "You have to cater to us and be available when we're available", I never would have applied.

I told him that he doesn't have to talk to me the way he was and that it's not appropriate. Of course, he didn't apologize for the attitude. He tried to side-step his responsibility by acting like his insisting on getting my husband on the phone when he was at work was all that was wrong. Or maybe he's such a self-entitled jackass that he thinks it's okay to be rude to people, treating the customer like Vroom owe him money, because he was trained to do so.

This is just another entity that thinks the customer is working for them and being rude and pushy is they way they are trained to treat the customer.
I will tell everyone I know not to do business with Vroom.

Customer Service at its worst
I am writing this review on behalf of my experience with the purchase of a car Vroom. I went to the dealership on Saturday August 4,2018 and was literally the last couple out of the door around 8:45pm.

I was finalizing the finance paperwork through my lender for the purchase of my 2017 BMW X3. We were unable to complete paperwork so I was told to come back on Monday to finish and pay any remaining balance. I received a telephone call early Monday morning from Casandra the sales woman asking what time was I coming into the dealership.

I arrived at the dealership at@ 12pm to meet with finance to complete the final paperwork. I was at the dealership for 2hrs+ and no one told me the car was not ready. It was when I arrived at the delivery desk that I found out the car was in the shop. If the car was not ready Vroom should have called me just like they called me to find out when I was coming in to complete paperwork. Poor service and communication and I told the manager Mike and saleswoman that is NOT acceptable. I took the day off from work to pick this car up.

I asked Mike how do I provide feedback on my customer experience and he said that I will receive an email with information to provide customer service. I called the number and the woman that answered the line was not a friendly person. I did not feel comfortable leaving any comments with a person that is onsite at the dealership and not receptive.

I had other things that I needed to get done and visiting the dealership more than once in one day was not in my plans. I received a call from the sales woman telling me the car had a problem with brake light and it needed to go to the dealership. That the dealership can send it or I can take it as it. By this time I was stretched over a barrel. The car was supposed to be in make ready sent by Mike on Saturday. I asked on the phone if the car was clean and it was one excuse after another. They said yes. But it was the opposite we arrived at the dealership at 6:30pm and the car was not cleaned they made more excuses and told me that I can take the car myself to get detailed. So I would have to pay out of pocket scan an email the receipt and be reimbursed 5 days later. NOT acceptable.

Just like they called to follow-up about when I was coming in to bring my money is how they should keep customers in the loop and be upfront and transparent about the status of the car even if it is a delay. When a car changes a status or delay it should notify people throughout the process no matter where they are in the process all the way to delivery.

For God sake I could have taken the car on Saturday if I have to take to the dealer because its delivered with a problem. I have to clean it myself.

You have to figure out how to maintain quality customer service throughout the process in a high volume sales model. The process started out good and was negated with the customer service going downhill... fast!

I wasted my time had to take the (day off), gas, had to change plans. I am not happy about it at all and at no time did the manager or saleswoman accept responsibility for the service..

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Based on 50 reviews from Vroom customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Buy, sell or trade-in a certified used car online from anywhere in the USA. We offer no-haggle car buying, top quality cars, full warranties & home shipping.

Address: 75052


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