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Vestiaire Collective

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Reviews Clothing & Fashion, Clothing, Used Clothing Vestiaire Collective

50 customer reviews of

Yet another issue
Item 12306771 I sold it on the 1st of November and shipped it the same day as the buyer told me she needs it for an event, so I packed and walked to the drop off shop (Vestiaire Collective use Hermes in the UK, a notoriously unreliable delivery service) I got the receipt for dropping it off, checked and checked, there is only the scan of me dropping it off... I thought maybe the update is lagging behind, then all of a sudden on the 3rd - no scan that it was picked up by Hermes - there is a message "An event out of our control is delaying us" I went to the drop off shop again to ask if it was picked up, an unfriendly "They come at 11 every morning, gone" so I contacted VC on Friday as there is still no update and got a glib "Well so the buyer won't get it in time, just wait", their website states if there has been no update for 48 hours to contact them, apparently that doesn't interest them. Today is Monday, a week later, still the only scan available is the one of me dropping it off, the customer service Jojo tells me they tried to deliver, I tell him it hasn't even reached the hub and there is nothing under out for delivery, the only scan is me dropping it off, they are not interested. If you go to chat you get auto replies and "Don't worry..." I do worry, if my item is not delivered I don't get paid.
Now they offer you to contact them if you want to use another service, however it takes them several days to issue a new label, if your buyer is in a hurry, plus you only got 5 days to ship or you lose point on deliver and your status goes down, so them doodling for a few days, chat trying to fob you off, emails get answered after DAYS, that simply doesn't work.
If an item is lost, you have to give them all sorts of info, including an official ID, well in the UK there are no ID cards, I don't have a passport atm since travel in times of Covid is difficult and with Brexit even more. The ID I have for work is not an official ID but a company one and they want an official ID card, which (I repeat) the UK doesn't have... All to open an investigation to a parcel that is lost and where I have the evidence that I sent it, however to get them to open that is another issue, as they try to do what they can to fob you off and make you go away.

Their chat is honestly a total and utter waste of time, you get somebody who's main thing is to press auto reply, so you give him your details and the problem, you get more auto reply messages and then "How can I help you" they then claim that they will contact you via email - that NEVER happens.

Their software doesn't seem to work, they sent me something that I need to confirm the availability of my items, then the link didn't work, after 5 emails back and forth, they finally figured out that there was a glitch in the system. Others weren't so lucky apparently and were given the usual rubbish that it is their cookies (a link that points to the wrong place has nothing to do with cookies, but hey...)

In the past I had a few issues where their system didn't register a delivery, the amount of time it takes you to contact them and check with the tracking of the delivery company that the item was delivered, weeks ago. It always seems to be auto reply or somebody not bothering to actually read your email and sending an auto reply that has nothing to do with the issue.

They really need to up their game and get a much much better customer service and delivery service, I understand they use the cheapest one, delivery service and "customer service" - possibly outsourced to a low wage country as the people seem to barely read or write English

Vestiaire Collective currently owes me 1500 euros! NO PAYMENT.
Always LOVED Vestiaire Collective but now Vestiaire Collective are not paying me for my items sold. I currently have 6 items that were scheduled for a payment through paypal on the 1st of December and still I have not received the payment. I called customer service 3 times. The first time they up front lied to me and told me that payment had been made and probably there was an issue with MY account. Furthermore, I was told that my claim could not be sent to the accounts department before more time had passed. Like what? Payment was already 4 days late... today 7 days and still no transfer of funds.
I called Paypal and they said there was no problem with the account in question. I called customer service again. Spoke to the same person and this time I was told that payment had only been scheduled. This time around I am told my query will be directly sent to the relevant department. I call customer service again at the end of the day to ask if they have an update for me. This time around I have to explain all of it again as there apparently was no indication that anything had been sent on to the accounts department earlier in the day. Seriously? This should be really quite easy for you to find out and should be taken care of immediately. It has happened one time before but back then customer service were so friendly and payment was made immediately.

Day 5: Called customer service again today and still NO payment.

Day 6: No payment. And still no update. SO DISAPPOINTED!

Day 7: No payment and no update. I was promised they would get back to me within 48 hours but that passed already. What a disgrace...

Ref nr:

In total I need to be paid 1500 euros..

As a buyer, Great! Seller, not so much.
I want to start with the good. I bought sunglasses and a coin purse for a really good deal and I had no issues. The key pouch was actually a centimeter or two off and I appreciate their attention to detail. It was a quick ship and easy check out. I think you can find some really good deals on there and some don't have customs charges (depending on the country). But those aren't anyone's fault, just how the system works.

A weird middle-man issue. I bought a bag, got it, and I just didn't like it. No big deal, VC offers a commission fee-free re-listing within 72 hours. I went straight to my account and tried to re-list. I didn't have the option, so I chatted with CS and Vestiaire Collective said it just hadn't been updated on their end, which I understand; it was the same day. Next day, still no option. Chatted with CD again. This time they say that it's reflected on their end and that they can go ahead and re-list for me. I said yes go ahead I want to be within the 72-hour window. She says i'll see it within 48 hours. Now onto the third day of communication, i wanted to just make sure it was going to be re-listed. They say yes. Okay great. I wait a full day and on the 5th day of having gotten the delivery I still don't see it. I chat again, he says it was never relisted and the other two CS should have known for whatever reason. I was sooo annoyed, he said 24 hours max and I can go in and re-list it myself.

THE NEXT DAYYYY, nothing. I chat again, I just basically say I won't stop until I get this up. No one's been consistent with their answers, and that final associate actually gets my listing up! But I had to email to make sure I was still going to be honored for the 72 hour period because I had been asking about the listing as soon as I got it.

Now that it's up I have people negotiating and all that. I find that there's an error in the currency exchange rate, from USD to Euros, i'm losing about $60. I chat and the CS is very rude when I ask. Said that Euros are worth more than dollars and I need to do the math. I did the math, it's literally how I found the issue. Now I'm once again waiting up to 72 hours for this to be addressed. I get that issues happen, I've worked retail. But this is just one too many people to go through to get something re-listed. I'm sure others have had smoother sells but I just can't see myself coming back.

Good and bad - but the bad is really bad and damaging
My experience is good and bad. Good, because I've sold and bought quite a bit. Yes, it's expensive but I think the experience is quite good.

Anyway, the bad part, like really bad:
I've sent a very expensive ring to Vestiaire Collective. I made a mistake in identifyinf the free shipping label (DHL instead of domestic) so at the local post office I had to pay for the shipment myself. That's my mistake so it's OK. For weeks I didn't hear anything, I've sent a lot of e-mails because the track and trace said it was delivered at the correct address. The costumer service per e-mail told me to not worry at all, everything would be fine. But I kept being worried and with good reason.

Today I saw THE SAME RING being sold on the website of Vestiaire Collective. Same size, same serial number, same everything. I called and the costumer service rep. Was nice and his English was impeccable.

But he informed me it wasn't delivered at their office, there are more offices on the same address. My local post office made a mistake by not putting their name on the newly printed label (I did provide them with all the information but that's a different story altogether). I have to try to see where the item was delivered and I can only hope I get my money back. Retail price of the ring is 3400,-.

Anyway, the stolen ring is still available online. Vestiaire Collective will 'look into the matter.' Meanwhile, a criminal who has stolen my ring is free to sell my ring. There's only three companies on that address and one of them is VC, the other two are a laboratory and a depot for office supplies I believe. One of them appears to open after the package was delivered. That narrows it down to two options. The way I see it is they're giving a platform to criminal activity. It has been hours and the ring is still up for sale, making anyone who buys it accessory to crime.

I'm really not convinced no one in the building of VC took it. But we'll see what happens.

Posted Item and never got paid!
If I can give 0 stars I would. This website is a total scam. The customer support teams that brings you in circles and keeps telling you Vestiaire Collective will pass the conversation onto someone from the "expert team" will resolve your issue, but no will ever contact you after the chat is closed. HUGE RED FLAG.

Don't trust this platform as a buyer, you will send your expensive items and never get paid! I got passed from one customer support person to the next with nothing ever getting resolved. The buyer is also very frustrated since using their direct shipping tool on their platform, they never got the item.

I sold a very expensive dress and dropped it off at a parcel point as per the Vestaire collective email instructions. The delivery company never picked it up, and had asked to pickup the item that is in Sydney, even though the buyer is located in Melbourne. The devilry team for some reason never picked up the item and I am getting angry messaged from the buyer saying that the parcel is still in Sydney, and I am getting emails from Vestaire saying the parcel is awaiting pickup. Even though the courier never picked it up, and Vestaire collective (who are the only one able to contact them since they have the item). When I contacted the support, the support team member even lied to me saying that the buyer contacted the support team today and said they were picking up the item. (Total lies! Because the buyer contacted me saying that she is unable to pickup the item because the pickup location never changed).

The never got the dress, and I never got paid. The dress is still with the courier and I just lost a very expensive dress which has been unable to be retrieved. I also wasted hours with the customer support team.


The app and website and their policies have some serious deficiencies. Delivery is slow.
It is impossible to shut off the annoying marketing notifications from the app.
The only solution is to disable all notifications from the app itself, which means missing out on useful notifications such as, an offer has been made on your item, and so on. Really, VC, you receive 20% commission, do you really need to pester people with annoying unsolicited marketing messages?

Also, it is apaprently a policy that VC will not forward on private messages, or alert you in any way, that you have received a message from a buyer. It sits there silently until you happen to log in to the website and come across it by accident. This is ridiculous. Ebay has no problem forwarding private messages to your email, why do you VC? It interferes with buyers and sellers efficiently exchanging information.

Finally, the delivery of the purchase is slowed down by their indirect shipping method, which I'm sure is supposed to add value but in my experience does not. I think it's unecessary and slows down the delivery to the point of it being a painful exercise waiting for your delivery to arrive. Why not let the seller ship directly; in the hopefully rare event that there is a problem, let the buyer return it to VC for review and VC can refund the buyer. The less meddling by the middleman, the better.

Finally, the website does not accept a pdf file as proof of receipt of purchase. Apparently it has to be an image file, but you do not know this until you waste 30 minutes messaging support and trying to find out what is the problem, because the website throws a meaningless "undefined" error message.

I don't see this website staying around for too much longer with these defects in place.

MULTIPLE ORDERS CANCELED (3): The first time it appeared that the seller sent the bag to VC, Vestiaire Collective received and then nothing happened the CS was awful they cancel my order after 15 days. The second time I bought from a "professional seller" that canceled my order the next day, the third time I bought from another "profesional seller" named JHROP from Hong Kong after I paid he sent 2 messages asking if I was the buyer? I responded yes and noticed that an other buyer was asking to buy the bag I just bought. So I asked the seller if everything was right with my order. They said yes and told me that my bag will be shipped the next day. I waited for more than a week and the bag wasn't shipped yet, the seller saw my messages and never responded. CS didn't want to cancel the order. After 14 days I decided to write in the comment section of each item he was selling. Just after that he canceled the order. VC or seller deleted all the comment. I contacted the person who was trying to buy the bag just after I bought it and she told me that the seller contacted her asking if she was the buyer. She responded no but she wanted the bag and the seller told her that the bag was available in their own page (outside VC) or will be posted soon because the buyer canceled the order. That looked shady to her that's why she wrote in the comments so the buyer could see.
PROFESSIONAL SELLERS: I could not believe a professional seller would do that. BUT I NOTICED THAT THEY HAVE A PROFESSIONAL SELLER title but NOT A TRUSTED OR EXPERT SELLER BADGES. Even having multiple items "SOLD"

CANCELED ORDERS/ SCAMMERS: The only person who wins from this fake orders is VC they refuse to refund before 15 days. After 15 days they start the refund process. 3 to 5 days or more to see your money back in your account. They keep your money for half a month, money they are investing and gaining interest from for 15 days. If you're from the US or any other place outside France your bank or most of the banks may charge you a FOREIGN FEE for the transaction and this WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.
Pay using PayPal but first transfer your money to your pp account or pay using a CC that doesn't charge you a foreign fee.

How VC stole 180 USD and took 3 months to handle the return of a damaged Chanel coat
I bought a Chanel suede coat from VC 20/10/2020 in "very good condition". It arrives and is damaged with marks to the skin and dirty -clearly it has not passed through their control system.

VC then issued a wrong DHL label, which made DHL loose it in their system for over a month. I had to try to rectify their mistake with countless hours on the phone with DHL. The coat was then wrongly sent to an old address of mine in France (I live in the US). Finally, after 2 months, the coat was with them at VC warehouse in France. Vestiaire Collective then took over a month to process the return.

I payed the coat in USD, using my a credit card in another currency. Because VC only returned the amount to my account 13/1/2021, the dollar had lost its value, and the amount they transferred back to my account was 180 dollars less then what I transferred to them in October 2020. If VC had not 1) lost the coat and then 2) spent months processing their mistake, all this could have been avoided. I've provided them with bank statements and spent literally dozens of hours with customer "service" throughout this whole story, and still they will not return the 180 usd. Absolutely horrible experience.

Do not shop here, they do not ensure a quality check, and then steal your money/do not own up to their mistake. I've been lied to by people at their customer service (saying they'll get back to me on certain dates, and then not doing so, telling me the processing will be done before Christmas), and only when I threatened to report them to Mastercard for fraud did they return my money partially.

Such a shame, because I've been a faithful enthusiast of VC for many years. But after this experience I'm never endorsing them again. My tip to anyone would be to save yourselves the high blood pressure, and extremely unsecure customer experience, and spend your time and money elsewhere.

They can't authenticate a REAL Chanel!
Vestiaire Collective can't authenticate a REAL Chanel!
If I could give 0 I would! Awful seller experience! They can't authenticate real item from fake. They started to charge buyers extra authenticate fees a few months ago but have no real expert, real Chanel expert can spot a real Chanel label and their tweed quality easily! I send an 200% authentic guaranteed Chanel jacket to them and they cannot authenticate it, so I sent a screenshot of billing info to them, and also requested them to have this jacket authenticated by any Chanel boutique or trusted third party authentication. WHY don't you have it authenticate somewhere else? You have no real experts at your team. If you have no guilt, why not authenticate by Chanel or trusted 3rd party first? This makes me so mad. Once I get my item back. I will have my Chanel boutique authenticate my item, Chanel won't accept fake item for alterations! And I will also have third party authenticate it, by then I will have enough paperwork from real experts and authorities to sue you and sue you by stating my item it's fake! I will also report to Better Business Bureau.

This is what they sent me:
Your item Manteau Chanel ref: 3772440 has been checked by our team of experts. Unfortunately, they were not able to confirm its authenticity due to the following reasons:

Finitions noncompliant
Label noncompliant
As stated in our Terms and Conditions of sale, since this item does not match the quality standards set by the brand, we will return this item to you upon receipt of a $12 cheque to cover the costs of shipping.

Please send your payment to the following address:

Vestiaire Collective - SRM
33 boulevard Général Martial Valin
75015 Paris

Please note that we will store your item at our Head Office for a period of 6 months from the date it was declared non compliant. After this date your item will be disposed of.

Now not only I lost the time and money. It's so crazy long to even get my item back! I will not selling my items on VC any more! Sellers please stay far away from this disgusting platform cost you arms and legs of selling fees! Please click all the bad reviews here, I am glad I am not the only one have the same awful experience! Stay far away from them if you don't want headaches! Sellers boycott this monopoly shady business! 35% selling fees!

Well, that was short lived!
I decided to list some of my higher end items on Vestiaire after having one good experience with purchasing in the past, & because Poshmark buyers lowball luxury goods.

If I thought Poshmark was bad, imagine my shock when Vestiaire began a price negotiation over a pair of rare Chanel sunglasses. Yes, other people have a similar style listed for less, but Vestiaire Collective dont have the exact pair in a dual tone colour... that also has all of its original packagingeven the receipt & a thank you note from my SA!

I listed them on Poshmark at $500. Vestiaire wanted me to drop to $292. I would only get $100-something. Guess what? I received an offer of $450 just before Vestiaire initiated their so-called price negotiation. I removed my listing from their site immediately. They dont do enough to warrant such a hefty commission. As a seller, if my item doesnt sell, then I can choose to lower it, but as it is, Im not negotiating price with these people as theyre not buying it! Its mine until it sells. I realize they have their tool to calculate a range, but hi, its called capitalism. Theres a market. Someone is willing to pay what Im asking. It isnt outrageous given the cost of Chanel sunniesand these are in pristine condition.

I was listing a bunch of my other luxury items, but I think Im going to pass & list on eBay & even list locally. Vestiaire had a great concept. Unfortunately, the concept is where it ends.

Take the site for what it is. If you dont mind not really being able to set your own prices, go for it. If your things are in excellent condition, sell them yourself & dont bother giving commission to them.

Waiting and waiting...
Follow up:
It turned out the seller never shipped the necklace to VC so after 30 days of VC holding my money I was reimbursed. It turned out the seller has done this before, reneged on the sale and did not cancel it, which I was told she could have done.
I asked for the sellers account to be closed, since clearly she is playing games, account is still opened. She is listing 3 item each for $500-700. I guess VC does not care other buyers will have the same experience with this seller.
To haveto wait 30 days for a refund is ridiculous. It was very obvious from the start the seller was not going to deliver the necklace. She did NOT respond to VC customer service for 30 days. What happened with my necklace? I wonder if it ever existed. Seller playing games.
To have to wait for 30 days to be reimbursed is ridiculous
VC does not seem to keeps its word about closing sellers accounts.

I will never shop on this site again.

Buyer impression after purchase:
I guess I should have read these reviews prior to making a purchase. I made a purchase online on the 15th of December. I spent close to $500.00. Last week I sent a follow up to customer service to find out why the item was not mailed out yet? Answer: Vestiaire Collective have not received the item from the seller yet... Today I received another e mail, that they sent another remainder to the seller...? To have a 30 day shipping policy should not mean the sellers should take advantage of it. After spending close to $500 Why do I have to wait and have no money and no purchased item for 30 days? Just absurd.
I shop online all over the world. Shop on ebay as well and receive items from overseas in less than a week. Customs processing included. The shipping policy of this co is not acceptable. It s very generous to the sellers, up to 30 days to ship the item, it is not generous at all to the buyers, who are out of the money, have no purchased item and end up waiting endlessly.
Vestiaire collective is not valuing the customer at all. I guess they do not believe a customer is vital for a business. I do not spend my money where I am not valued and appreciated. Looking at the reviews they are doing a terrible job. Do not recommend using this site. I certainly will not.

Passed quality control but non compliant---- FAKE MONCLER jacket
Received the jacket, first of all, the condition does not match what seller said "worn twice", instead the jacket came full of strong perfume and collar was dirty, as well as the Zips discoloured.
Also, the jacket does not look like aughentic
I since then contact an individual who runs a site to help people authenticate counterfeited Moncler jacket, called "Moncer Expert" and was confirmed this is NOT an authentic Moncler jacket, also advise me the signs to identify counterfeited Moncler
This jacket's generic zippers with no brand name are never used by Moncler, the logo is not a match either, the lettering on the tag with model name is not even close to authentic.
Most importantly, this Moncler jacket does not have authentic code,/QR tag which is a must have for very piece of Moncler jacket, plus the cartoon picture inside the jacket is too dark, and there are many poor spelling mistakes too, such as "Broadway" "New York" were spelled as "Boradway" "New Tork".
However, such jacket managed to pass the quality control, I had contact VC customer service, Vestiaire Collective asked me to return the jacket, the jacket is now with VC for 4 days without any progress.
I want to ask VC first of all, how possible such jacket can pass your "in house expert" quality control and confirm compliant, someone does not do their job properly for sure, "authenticity guarantee"--- is this not suppose to be the whole point buying from VC?
Also, why it takes so long to tell this is a counterfeited item with so many signs easily to tell!
I will not leave it like this and lose my £500, i need my money back and an explanation.
I have provide the purchase invoice to Trustpilot to approve I am YOUR customer VC, by denying I am not your customer is not the right way to resolve the issue!
Very bad experience!
Update: I had now received the offcial confirmtation from that the jacket is indeed NOT AUNTHENTIC Moncler jacket. Now let us see what is the result of VC 2nd inspection! I am still waiting after nearly 3 weeks!

Don't buy through
Don't buy through

At the end of march, I bought a Louis Vuitton bag through Vestiaire Collective. In the discription it said that the condition was as good as new (very good condition) and no user marks. When I received the bag, I was dissapointed about the colour so I used the resale option and sold the bag whitin 3 weeks. I didnot check the quality enough because there were some using marks. But in the resale, because it was a resale, without provision, I did not change the discription, condition, price etc. when I put it one the site for sale. I did not use it so why should I? After the sale, I send the bag to Vestiaire to send it to the buyer but then it went wrong. According to the quality check, the condition was not correct, it was good instead of very good. I found that very strange because I had bought it at their site and had not used it in those three weeks. I started asking through the contact form how this was possible and looking for an solution. The buyer did not want the bag anymore so the bag was send back. So I was back were I started but with a bag that I can not sell for the price I bought it for and no possibility to sell without the commission. After I think 15 mails my side and receiving an email back but never receiving an answer to my questions I litterly gave up. I have tried to call but after 10 minutes from Holland to France, a voice told me it was to busy and the connection was disconnected. I have never been traeted so badly and therefor I am very dissapointed. I tried everything to find a solution but every time I received an email back that was not an answer to my question but Vestiaire Collective wished me a nice day, hounestly an insult. I want to warn every body not to use the site because if something goes wrong, you have a problem!

Questionable merchandise. Read these reviews carefully before you buy.
I bought a Prada shirt from VC. It arrived but it did not have the Prada label. I returned it. After a few days, I checked the website, the Prada shirt I returned was back in the site and this time, it had the Prada label on it.

I bought a Vivienne Westwood bag from this site. The photo of the defect was not clear. The angle the photo was taken was such that it did not show just how bad the tear was, The brief description minimized the defect of the bag. VC rated is as in good condition.
When the bag arrived, it was poorly packaged. It was folded up like no one cared if it was going lose its shape or not. I discovered that the imperfection was not minor but major. The tear in the bag was noticeable. I called them because I wanted to return it but Vestiaire Collective said that because the seller indicated the defect and took photos of it, they were being truthful and that I should have examined it closely. I told them even if you magnify the photo, you won't see the magnitude of the defect. They did not take the product back. This was the last time I bought from this company.

Trying to return a product you are not happy with is a huge problem with this company. Basically once you ordered it, you don't have the option to return it unless you can prove that the mistake was made by the company but if you want to return it because you are unhappy with the product... too bad, it's yours now.

Once you order and pay the product, it takes forever to receive it even if the amount had already been deducted from your credit card. One of the items I purchase was an AMQ bag. It took more than a month before I received it. I followed up with the seller and VC, I received no reply from the seller and VC was useless in getting the seller to send it to me. Finally, out of frustration, I told VC that after my experience with the Westwood bag, I no longer want to get the AMQ bag. I was told I cannot cancel my order because it was already processed however if after 30 days, the merchandise has not yet been sent, VC will cancel the order and give me a refund. I told them that I hope the seller never delivers it because after my bad experience, I don't want it anymore. Lo and behold, after a few days, I have the bag. My question is: how did they finally get the seller to ship it right away and if they can enforce the seller to send it, why did it took so long and the possibility of a loss of sale before anything was done.

There are a lot of second hand online stores popping up that sell luxury high end items. They provide way better service, easy customer returns, more reasonable pricing, honors the merchandise they sell. In fact, I've been buying from one and I am quiet happy with their prices and service.

I will not be buying anything from VC. If you are considering buying an item from this store, take note that they are on the seller's side, not the buyer, returns are close to impossible. I was scandalized when I saw the Prada shirt I bought and returned because the label was missing back in the website this time with the label. The first thing that came to mind when I saw it is "that's authentication for you. Take the suspicious item and relabel them instead of just returning it to the seller, making a note on their file and exercise vigilance in any product this seller is selling. Nothing... business as usual. How can I trust a store that does this? Sell something you know is doubtful.

Do NOT ever ever ever buy from them
I saw those bad reviews. I should have listened.

Bought an Hermes kelly bag listed as in "very good condition" and "never worn" and the pictures were deceiving.
Instead, I received a significantly worn, scratched, and discolored bag.
Very disappointed. Where is so called "quality control"?
Also the seller Phillip, you are scamming a hard working person who has saved really hard. How do you sleep at night?

This website is a scam and the sell also has no conscience. "The quality control" just emailed me saying the bag passed their quality control therefore I have to keep it. How? There is a difference between "slight worn corners" and "corners look like bitten by a shark". It's over 4000$! I will not be able to sell it because the bag is a piece of garbage.
People, learn from my lesson. Never ever ever believe this website and the sellers on the website. I can't believe a business like this can sustain in the long run. I am reporting them to the BB bureau and where complaints can be shared with several nations.

Also the customer service people are useless. "There's nothing Vestiaire Collective can do. Quality control people don't have phone. They can't transfer phone calls to their supervisor." Sounds like a slump lord.

Dear Charline,

The reference number is 6736939.

I would appreciate if you can provide full refund. I will ship back the bag to you once I receive it. Apparently it is on the way back to me.
Please let the seller know that it is unethical to claim the bag is "in perfect condition" and "never used" when it is clearly heavily used and well-worn.
Also your quality control people should have standard. Otherwise why bother having them at all?
I have been working very hard and saving for very long for this bag. It costs me 4000$!
It is NOT a small purchase I can just let it go.
I have purchased many vintage items from the realreal, fashionphile, and yoogi's closet. I have never ever experienced this kind of treatment.
Please respect your customer and practice honest business.


Called the customer service again. The answer is that there's nothing they can do. It has been causing me significant stress. I don't understand why do they even have customer service if there's nothing they can do. Or why there's even quality control if anything and everything satisfies them.
Do NOT make a mistake like me. Don't ever buy from them! It's not worth the money, time, anxiety, and dismay.

BEWARE! VC is selling COUNTERFEIT and their professionals are qualifying them as authentic!
I have been a client for a couple of years now. I like VC because you can find items from seasonal collections more easily than other consignment sites.
Nevertheless there has been some counterfeit items in the site and once I called one out and VC deleted my comment. I let it go since I thought Vestiaire Collective would prefer to sort it out than have a client do it.
But on my latest purchase I received a COUNTERFEIT product. It is from Dior Jardin Japonais collection which only was being sold in Japan so it is very HARD to even know this collection exists. It is even harder to know what the real products look like. I collect them and I a bag, tote, 3 scarfs and was looking for the sweater. As soon as it arrived it came in this box that smelled like chemicals and looked like a replica of the original, on top the wrapping paper was washed out yellow and cheap. The packaging is absolutely nOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL Jardin Japonais PACKAGING AND THE FONT IS WRONG. I sent VC an email showing that and they never responded! I work in the fashion industry and one major way to tell fakes is by their packaging because they will never be done well. 2nd, I looked up a picture of the sweater at the Dior Boutique and Tokyo and compared it to my sweater and the EMBROIDERY IS OFF. I sent a message to VC asking to be reimbursed for this fake and they just answer that a 2nd "professional" will give it a look. Listen VC your professionals don't know what dior packaging even is supposed to look like, do you honestly believe they will package a 2k sweater on that crappy wrapping paper and box? I do not trust their authenticators, I don't want to ship under my name counterfeit products since it is a crime and I could risk. Being in problems with authorities and I work for the fashion business. Goodbye career! VC REFUND ME OR I WILL BE PUTTING A CLAIM WITH MY BANK AND U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION. You are clearly letting fakes into your system and valuing them as authentic and selling them to the naive public! Pictures has been attached to compare the packaging and sweater to the real ones.

Honestly, best online site for high end items.
I can't believe I'm seeing so many horror stories with Vestiaire Collective! I have purchased a Burberry, PRADA, Gucci and Chloé bag off this site and every bag was authentic and in the condition as stated. I even questioned the Burberry bag and their Customer Service went as far as to give me what manufacturing facility it was made at with a letter from Burberry in London. My PRADA bag was sold from a Professional Seller (which are the best to buy from because you have a guaranteed 14 days to decide if you will keep the bag or return it for a full refund.) The PRADA bag was a limited edition, pre-owned but I couldn't believe how well maintained this Seller kept this bag (it was interior/exterior leather- beautiful.) My Gucci bag was practically brand new, I was told, "The bag has barely been used." It was flawless. The Chloé bag was the quilted bay leather bag and still had the original sheeting in the front and back pockets, everything checked out with each bag. If I ever had questions, Customer Service always helped, even giving me free shipping Bc of a Promo Code expiring. It can be time consuming if the bags are not in the "Ready to Ship" status, but I've had the bags looked at in Neiman Marcus, Gucci, Burberry and Vestiaire Collective were all authentic- by law, if they were fake bags, they would seize the bags. So, it's best to always keep the receipt to every bag purchased "just in case" because if you do decide to go take a Gucci bag you purchased off the internet to a Gucci store to have them look at it, and they deem it a counterfeit... They will take that bag from you right then and there by law. So you're $#*! out of luck, no bag and out however much money spent on the piece of $#*!. I will say a horrible site I have had 2 bad experiences with was Tradesy. I've found identical bags, with identical serial numbers and they would not "take action" until one of the bags was purchased (so they received their cut) THEN I could send the bag to them to "authenticate." Yeah... Sure.

A year later and complaint still not resolved
I have never been compelled to leave a negative review on a site like this until my experience with Vestiaire.

Last Christmas I bought a pair of cufflinks for my partner. The item never arrived. After numerous calls I was assured someone would get back to me within 3 days. After not hearing anything from them and calling another several times I was told Vestiaire Collective would now get back to me within 30 days and that every time I called I would be put to the back of the queue!... Talk about tying a customer's hands behind their back!

I took it upon myself to contact the postal service in France and was told that Vestiaire had not put enough postage on the item and it was being held at their local post office. I called Vestiaire to tell them this and ask them to increase the postage (the French post office were unable to accept payment from me, only the sender). I was told that I was again at the back of the queue and they would contact them within a month. I said that they weren't able to hold it for that long and that I wouldn't receive the gift before Christmas. After not hearing anything back I asked for the postal service to track the package and they said it was no longer on their system. I requested a refund from Vestiaire and was told I wouldn't receive it until the case had been investigated. Still nothing. I only received a refund when I had to get Payal legal team involved.

After having to resort to messaging via Instagram I was offered a 50 euro gesture to cover my calls to them.

Almost a year later I still haven't received it. I have recently been back in touch with them about it and was told their accounting team would be in touch within 3 days. 2 weeks later and still nothing. No response to my follow-up email. I am having to now leave 'comments' on instagram in the hope it will get their attention.

I have never in my life had such bad customer service.

DO NOT BUY FROM Vestiaire!
Poor delivery service! Ref. 4532607

Placed my order 10days ago vestiaire collective after seeing bloggers etc rave about the website speed of delivery... order details indicated shipped Monday... it is now Thursday and still no delivery or sign it will be delivered via track. Very poor delivery service. After reading all the bad reviews really worried if I will ever receive my order! Was considering purchasing higher value items but will refrain after poor first buying experience.

Having spoken to customer services no joy- the lady initially told me that the sender has 30days to send --after arguing that it indicated the sender had sent the item and it had been reviewed as indicated by their own website...! She then changed her mind and said there is a delay in france with postage because of holidays?!

I would not advise any one to order from vestiaire as it has proved very stressful experience for me!

FOLLOW ON. I spoke on the phone to a lady called Pauline who informed me that Vestiaire Collective did not know where my order was. Whether it was with them or sent to the post office and that she would send me forms to fill out and send so they can investigate! Hours later no reply despite sending the forms immediately. Called her back with awful remark that it takes 3days for an answer? What kind of customer service is that! I aked to speak to a manager she said she couldnt pass me on and they wouldn't want to speak to me? I asked for a refund on shipping costs she couldn't do that.

This is the worst service possible from supposed luxury service provider. ADVICE IGNORE ANY GOOD REVIEWS FOR THIS COMPANY AS THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS APPALLING. Would not buy from them again. Now i have to wait and worry whether my order will arrive and if not if i will even be refunded.


Again no reply from anyone after the 2nd comment from Racheal... this morning i receive an email from *******@vestiare saying thanks for shipping my boots and they are being held at the paris head office?! BUT I AM THE BUYER? So naturally i call customer services and get through to an extremely rude Australian accented male. Granted i had a frustated tone in my voice after over 20 calls and asked what is going on with my order. He shouted and said that i must not talk to him in this tone as he won't help me and it will be "counterproductive" he then puts me on 'hold' (but obviously forgot to put the mute button on) and i can hear his conversation with his colleagues swearing about me using the f word and saying "at what point do we hang up on them" he then hung up on me! I am so upset at being treated in this way after simply trying to get answers from vestiaire. It's funny i wonder if this man i spoke to on the phone had been treated by a company after spending a huge sum of money in the way i have... would he speak in a kind tone? UNLIKELY! DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY

I wish I didnt have to leave a star here, Vestiaire Collective do not deserve any! I don't know how this company stays in Business with all the negative feedback and all the criminal activity! It's sickening... I considerate It grand theft if I am not refunded soon! I had sold a Gucci bag with the full set + receipt and was told it was fake( or non~ compliant) which is a fancy $10 word they use considering, a low-budget customer service! It's just the same old recycled phrase, The VC team is handling it, and will get back to you when they can. No matter what you inquire to the vc squad, they won't tell you anything to be helpful & accommodating to your issue. No peace of mind here!. They never get back to you to offer to fix the problem, tell you when they are going to fix the problem of reimbursement nor did they explain why this is even happening! You're just left in the dark with this shady company! Unbelievable how they get away with it) when I had bought it from the Gucci store they demanded a copy of my credit card statement so that they could have proof! So I sent it, along with emails and numerous phone calls and still nothing, I still haven't gotten my item back and the sale was canceled so not only did I lost a sale and a customer who really wanted to buy it, I did not get compensated for my Gucci bag I expect to get compensated by $3000 or my bag With the same serial number, and full set plus reciept. They completely suck towards fixing the matter, which in my opinion can be solved quickly if they really wanted to solve the problem! But no, it is going on almost ~ Almost a month! Still no refund, or Gucci bag, that was over $3000! I am pissed. I have read too many bad reviews which I should've read and done my homework before I got involved buying & selling here. A big waste of time! Ridiculous unprofessional, disorganized, and mostly disappointing. I will never sell here again. Real real would never do this to ANYONE. It's truly sad I no longer trust a company I sold over 30 items, successfully, in 5 years... This company who I no longer trust, has let me down twice. Doing the same thing with a chloe bag that I sold and pulled the non-compliance act again when I had bought the bag from them they thought it was counterfeit, however the joke was on them when, they realized I had purchased the bag through them. What a sad and cruel joke, that innocent people are getting victomized & scammed and robbed of their precious items and money. What is this world coming to? I see a lawsuit in my hands if this is not resolved...

Joke of a Company
I don't even want to give this company one star to be honest. To begin with this company was fine to sell through but of late it's a total mess. 'Quality Control', if you can call it that, has absolutely no idea about brands. Fact. I recently sold an item, sent it off same day, Vestiaire Collective received it on 4th August and then kicked off about the item being listed in Childrenswear. It wasn't and I proved this by sending them a snapshot of the listing, pointing out that it was in fact listed correctly in Womenswear. They then changed their tune and said that the item was Childrenswear. It isn't as the brand I sold doesn't sell Childrenswear. They literally had no comeback in what I proved them wrong on, but still today have marked the item as non compliant... 17 DAYS LATER. Incidentally, I emailed every single day and received just one response. They have ignored every other email I have sent. The buyer also left a message stating that they wanted to buy the item and wanted to know what was going on. So they are playing the seller (me) off against the buyer and vice versa, It's so incredibly unprofessional. I actually called them this morning and the guy, although very nice, is clearly unable to do or say anything except to 'urgently elevate the case further'. I can't be bothered waiting a further month for the 'wise' to decide on the fate of my womenswear cape so I am having my item returned. There are much better sites to sell on. I would suggest using those if you want a professional service where the company is interested in their business and clients rather than just taking the money. My item better be returned in the perfect, unworn, tags still attached, brand new condition it was sent. Just saying...

Original Post -->
BUYER BEWARE! This company is non-responsive to customer concerns and lacks integrity. I was a first time buyer with them who purchased a pair of Chanel earrings on 9/7/21. I had received discounts totaling $99.99 (a 12% cash back RetailMeNot cash back offer ($50), $30 off $300 promo, and $19.99 ship fee waiver (suppose to be processed as refund bc you can't use 2 codes at once). VC agreed to refund me the ship fee because 1. Vestiaire Collective attempted to charge me a customs fee for a seller in my same country (US) and 2. Because I was unable to use USWELCOME50 for $50 off first purchase due to problem with their app. The VC "Expert Team" WRONGLY CLAIMED THE EARRINGS INAUTHENTIC AND CANCELED THE ORDER, IGNORING BOTH MY REQUEST AND SELLER'S REQUEST FOR 3RD PARTY AUTHENTICATION. Both the seller and I knew the earrings were authentic. VC FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THEY HAD MADE A WRONG ASSESSMENT BUT REFUSE TO REINSTATE THE SALE OR PROVIDE A VOUCHER TO COVER THE FINANCIAL LOSS ($99.99 + $28.50 auth fee). The seller lost her Expert Status over their wrong assessment and then finally her status was reinstated and the earrings reposted. I am still trying to purchase these same earrings, but I am insisting that they honor a voucher for $128.49 (the financial loss of $99.99 and the charge for the Auth Fee). The auth fee should be credited because they made an incorrect assessment and wrongly canceled the order. I should not be paying for an incorrect assessment and all this trouble. To date, I am still trying to get them to right their wrong here and provide the $128.49 voucher. The RetailMeNot cash back offer is no longer effective. They are dishonest and claim they provided a refund of the ship fee, but they did not. They merely canceled the order. Now, I am unable to buy the earrings at the cost I had due to their error. The best I got from them is excess stress and a $30 promo. Their rep, Morgane, claimed she was providing an $80 voucher but she was dishonest because I discovered it to be for only $30. Even if they actually provided an $80 voucher, it would not cover the financial loss and stress. I just wanted everyone to know that these individuals at US Vestiaire Collective are NOT expert Chanel authenticators. They are wholeheartedly incompetent. They cause more trouble than anything else! I am considering filing a law suit for the exorbitant amount of time lost addressing this, the money lost and the stress and trouble they have caused. As of writing this review, I was just informed by the seller on IG, that the earrings have sold so I won't be able to buy them. PS. If anyone wants me to forward the back and forth emails I have with VC, please include your email and I will forward it to you as proof. Thanks and God Bless.

• Updated review
To date, I am still trying to get them to right their wrong here. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN JUST ANY PAIR OF EARRINGS. I WANT THE EARRINGS I PAID FOR, WHICH ARE A RARE FIND FROM A PRIOR COLLECTION. THE FINANCIAL LOSS AND STRESS THEY CAUSED ME IS VALUED FAR MORE THAN THE VALUE OF THE EARRINGS. The RetailMeNot cash back offer is no longer effective. They are dishonest and claim they provided a refund of the ship fee, but they did not. They merely canceled the order. I informed VC repeatedly that I would repurchase the earrings but I needed the voucher from them to not pay more than I paid on the original purchase. While in reconciliation process and waiting far too long for responses, they posted my earrings for sale and sold them to someone else. I insisted that VC reinstate my order AND inform the buyer that THESE earrings were already purchased. VC currently has the earrings, and has not mailed them out to the buyer. I HAVE INFORMED VC THAT THEY MUST CANCEL THAT ORDER AND SEND ME MY EARRINGS. THIS IS ALL DUE TO THEIR ERROR. This is the only resolution I see short of a lawsuit. Their business practices are highly suspect. Several other reviewers have stated that VC is wrongly canceling their orders also. Sellers are not receiving back their goods.

-Unable to verify and authentic item and asks for processing fee-
Ridiculous company. I have recently sold an authentic Dior item on Vestaire and sent it to them, after ‘verification' then Vestiaire Collective sent me the following email:

Tell us more about Bracelets Dior
O help us check your item's authenticity, we'd like you to send us the following:
- Proof of purchase
- Details of where and when you bought it
You'll need to send these details to
Within 7 days.

These are criteria's that they didn't ask for when I listed my item for approval/ before I post the item. I don't know the exact details as the bracelet is a gift from my ex-boyfriend but it is for sure an authentic Dior. So didn't reply to the email and days after I got another email asking me to pay them to get my item back:

We would be happy to return the item to you. If you'd like to have it shipped to you, we just ask that you pay a fee of 12 £/€/$, which covers our processing costs per item. This 12 £/€/$ payment can easily be made via bank transfer using the following details:

Bank: Crédit du Nord
IBAN: FR76 3007 6020 2017 1439 0020 058
Account Number: *******0200
BIC Code: (Bank Identifier Code) NORDFRPP

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the bank transfer description includes the item reference number and your surname and first name, as indicated on your Vestiaire Collective account.

Once you have made the payment, please send us proof of the transaction. To do that, click below and complete the contact form using the following responses to the prompts:

Topic: Seller
I need some help with: Quality Control & Authenticity
I have a question about: I'd like my item shipped back to me

How ridiculous. They are literally charging sellers for their inability to verify the items by the so- called authentication team.
So I contacted them with chat and the agent just replied with sorry I will let the team know about this but for now we will still need the processing fee to return the item.


I am sad to say: deceptive and misleading!
I have been a premium member with Vestiaire for about six months or so. As a buyer, I have had no problems, and all transactions have gone relatively smoothly. However, my experience as a seller recently has left me absolutely emotionally and financially gutted. Earlier this year I purchased an expensive bag through Vestiaire that was unsatisfactory to me, as it was much larger than what I had anticipated from the listing description. Reasonably enough, Vestiaire refused to accept a return of the item, though did offer me the opportunity to list the bag for resale, which I elected to do. The bag sold relatively quickly and it was then my responsibility to return the bag to Vestiaire within a month, so that it could be checked prior to sending on to the new buyer which was great. To ensure that the bag returned as quickly as possible, I spent almost $100AUD (from Australia) on express post international shipping. The parcel arrived in Paris within days, but I was dismayed to see from the tracking information that it firstly sat in customs for weeks, and then there were multiple "attempted deliveries" but still the parcel appeared to be undelivered back to Vestiare. Needless to say I was in almost daily communication with the customer support folks, notably Anna, about why Vestiare had failed to take delivery of the bag, she constantly reassured me that their "logistics team" was seeking to locate the parcel and that all would be well. I would have sent almost daily emails for a month trying to understand why it was that this parcel was not being delivered, and reconcile the tracking information with what Anna was telling me. Eventually, the month was up, so not only was the resale for the bag cancelled, but I had effectively lost the return express shipping costs. In utter desperation I contacted Australia Post to open an investigation to find out why this parcel had not been delivered. After all of this time, and all of the emails back and forth between myself and Anna, I then was to discover that in fact, Vestiaire had REFUSED TO TAKE DELIVERY of the returned item as there were customs duties owing on the bag, thus meaning that the sale was lost to me and that huge return shipping cost was lost to me also. Never did Vestiaire Collective provide me with that information and offer me the opportunity to pay those taxes to expedite the sale. Week in and week out, whilst encouraging me to be patient, they continually and BLATANTLY LIED TO ME, even with my increasingly desperate pleas for clear and precise information as to what was happening. The situation now is that the parcel is still "on board with the driver" and remains undelivered. Never once did Vesitiare or Anna advise me of the true nature of why that parcel was not delivered, or any kind of apology for what has occurred. They are now totally unreponsive to my emails, and requests to be able to speak to her superior have fallen on deaf ears. The actions of this company when clearly there was a problem that they needed to resolve has been breathtaking and without any kind of professional ethics. As an Australian citizen, I have no rights as the parcel falls under French shipping jurisdiction, and all the time, money and emotional energy I have spent on trying to do the right thing to resolve this unsatisfactory situation is now most likley lost to me. I am writing this review in the hope to caution others to be a little careful in their dealings with this company, but also in the hope that it may prompt some kind of action from Vestiaire itself to see this issue resolved.

Order 18194183
This was probably my last order- don't use Vestiaire. Criminal!
In January I ordered a Van Cleef Bracelet- white gold with a turquoise butterfly in a very good condition- that is how it was described. I asked the seller for a proof of purchase etc and everything was send to me.
When I opened the parcel- the bracelet was scratched and MORE important- it came with a FAKE proof of purchase and not just was it FAKE- the receipt was for a complete wrong item (yellow gold bracelet with a heart)! How did this not get picked up in quality control- can't Vestiaire Collective read? I therefore requested a 2nd quality control which VC agreed to.
They came to the conclusion (?) that the item was not FAKE and decided to send it back. When I received the parcel again- the jewellery pouch was empty and there was still the wrong receipt with it! Really?!
I than called, send pictures of the empty pouch and than was asked to send a scanned copy of my passport and to fill out a lost item form for their Postal administration. I have emailed those documents as requested by now three times and always got very vague answers why my documents had not been received... and now here comes the best: I just received this email:
Dear Ruth

Further to our telephone conversation regarding the VAN CLEEF & ARPELS bracelet, order number 18194183.

Our system shows that the item is currently in stock and we have sent a request to our logistic department for verification. They usually get back to us within 2 working days.

In the meantime we thank you for your patience.
So they let you fill out legal documents after they checked their cameras and than you get emails like this? They hold a passport copy and my signed declaration form- where is the item? They are trying to blame their logistics and probably claim it via insurance- one way to make a profit!
I really want to cancel this order as it drags on for a long time and I am emotionally done!

Their carrier has an issue and they are totally unhelpful
I sold an item (5132267) on the 04. 11. 21 shipped 05. 11. 21 the last scan was 07. 11. 21 on 10. 11. 21 the buyer asked me if I can tell her anything about where the jacket is, so I check tracking, since the 8th there seems to be a problem and a request to contact Hermes (the carrier) which I tried but Vestiaire Collective said the label is issued by VC they need to raise the issue, contacted chat, totally not interested and suggested to wait for a week. So I sent an email instead, on the 11th I get the reply that they are looking into the issue, I will hear from them within 24 hours. Obviously I didn't, today is the 14th, without a reply, I contact chat again, the agent can't even read the tracking info and sends auto replies and claims the parcel was recently scanned, over a week ago is not recently, especially if their website states that if there is no update within 48 hours on tracking to contact them. The buyer and myself are not getting information from the carrier (Hermes) as the label was issued by Vestiaire.

I totally get it that items can get lost, but they are using a carrier that is notoriously unreliable, their chat agents (customer service, allegedly) is hopeless and not even interested, they promise you to get in touch but it rarely ever happens, you usually get an auto reply. You are running around in circles...
The buyer and myself have raised the issue, we are both getting the brush off.

The buyer can always claim the money back via the credit card company or PayPal, as the seller, you sent your item, it is gone and you can't even get VC to get active. Obviously they have a contract with the shipping company that includes insurance, I packed the item in tissue paper, then into a plastic bag, before putting it into a sturdy cardboard box, attached the label and brought it to the drop off shop where it was scanned and I got the receipt, however the fact that the tracking is online, it even registered on the software of VC (that doesn't always happen) is also evidence I have sent and that something (no info what, so I can't even try and fix any issue), the drop off shop refuses to scan or accept parcels if they are not securely packaged and labeled, so it can't have been that issue.

Again, I fully understand that accidents during transport can happen (though they seem to happen a lot lately since VC started to use Hermes as a carrier, almost everybody I know who uses VC has had an issue with items bought or sold getting lost by Hermes) a lot of the items sold on Hermes are high end designer goods, there is no return address (another issue if somebody doesn't pick up a parcel, you don't get your item returned) the label also states it is from Vestiaire Collective, so it is easy for people in the know to pick out smaller parcels and have goods they can easily resell or pawn, given that Hermes seems to work with a lot of people in their hubs that are only temporary workers on minimum wage.
The other issue is the quality of the Vestiaire Collective customer service, there "service" seems to be pressing auto response, often not even related to the issue you are trying to discuss. As a personal feeling, I think they are trained to say anything, fob the customers off, make sure they go away, as some of them might simply give up out of frustration.

Need a Zero Star Option: Worst clothing reseller I've ever dealt with!
I don't understand how Vestiaire is still in business. If you set out to design a horrible company for resale, you could scarcely do a better job than these guys. Why do I say this?

I'm 0/5 on attempts to buy something as advertised from Vestiaire: 2 of them the seller reneged and never shipped. 2 of them saw the item rejected after 'Quality Control' reviewed and determined 'not as advertised.' The 5th was actually received--here's the story on that:

Bought a Kiton cashmere sport coat advertised as new. Shipped and passed Vestiaries' quality control. Guess what? 1. The jacket is clearly used; the lining has substantial permanent wrinkling only seen after MANY wearing's. 2. The lining center tacking is broken. 3. It has an ink stain on the lining by the left interior pocket. There are multiple stains on the exterior as seen in the pics, including a large (coffee?) stain near the front button closure.

Boy, what was 'Martine' smoking on March 19, when she inspected this jacket and decided it was indeed new?

So what now? I like the jacket, and figure even used maybe I can clean and repair it. So I reach out to customer service with the same pics posted here and ask about a price adjustment (which Vestiaire Collective tell you to ask for if you want to keep the 'not as advertised' item). The genius customer service rep, Paul, working off his standard script, replies:

"I understand that you would like to keep your item. We can offer an alternative of pressing cost, please provide us a quotation or estimated for repair cost of the item. After that we will coordinate this to our expert team if they will approve the cost."

Okay? How do I get a quote for restoring the jacket to 'new' condition? Kiton will tell me buy a new one from us for $8000. Okay, Paul, can you have your 'expert team' approve the $8000 cost to make this new?

In summary, Vestiaire has zero interest in taking any real responsibility for ensuring what they sell is as advertised. Unsurprisingly, they also don't require their sellers to take any responsibility for being honest either.

So, if you want to sell things and lie about the condition, this is your place. Buyers, I recommend Vestiaire 100% if you are a masochist and like having your time & money wasted.

VC lost part of my item (problem solved now)
Hello Vestiaire Collective,

I called your German customer service last Friday (11/10/2019) because my item (mini speedy HL) was deemed as 'non compliant' because of 'missing strap'. I am an expert seller and I have sold 45 items through your platform, and I always sent my stuffs max. 1 day after Vestiaire Collective were sold. I am 200% sure that I included the original strap in the package, and wrapped it.

When I called your customer service that I have put the strap inside my package and wrapped it (so i detached the strap from the bag), the guy who was on the phone with me said that they would check the status of it with their logistic team, and they claimed that they have a 'video' of their team unwrapping the stuffs. He also told me that I would be notified about the status of the 'lost strap' via email. That day, I wrote an email to make sure that the VC team is aware of my situation, not only from phone call, but written too.

Until now (15/10) I have not heard any progress, and that equals prolonged waiting time for my buyer, and for me. I would appreciate it if there is an update about the situation. Because let's be direct, you get my item, with the strap as described, and now you claimed that I did not send the strap. For a seller, losing a strap is a huge loss! Now, what are you going to do? Are you not going to respond to me and wait until the 25 days limit so that the order is going to be cancelled automatically and then you would send me my bag, without the strap? Please be more responsible not only to your buyers but also to your sellers. We have been feeding your employees with 30% commission for each sold item, and that is a pretty big amount of money.

I am including the order number in this comment, and should there be any update regarding my situation, please reply to me. Here, or through email.

UPDATE: 17/10/2019:
I've been trying to reach them per email and everything (chat, phone, email), They just ignored me. Beware of this scammer, they steal your stuffs. How? Here I will explain: You send your sold item to them (complete, with everything described in your listing). And then that item will go into 'quality control process' (usually takes 2-3 days. And then, they told you that your item is 'partially compliant' because the shoulder strap is missing. You would then be given a link to assess the quality report, and in this link you have only 2 options: to reduce the item's price to a certain amount (here they took 140 euros off the agreed price) OR to have the item sent back to you. Here is where they scam you. You have NO OPTION to explain. In my case, I sent them my bag, they STOLE my shoulder strap (original from Louis Vuitton by the way), and I have NO OPTION to even explain or comment on their quality report. So, the only possible way is to go to their 'customer service', who's only playing ping-pong with me. They did not give me any response. Sure, they will not admit that they lost my strap. They also said that there is a video recording on how the logistic team opened the package I sent them, WHICH IS B*LL$#*!. I doubt there is such video.

OK, so no one respond to you from their 'customer service', because apparently, they are robers, and robers don't want to be caught. So, they just said they will let me know once there is an updated process on this, VIA E-MAIL, which never comes. During this status quo time, your buyer will have 5 days to decide if they want to wait for the 'missing part' of the item OR receive the item as it is (without strap) with a highly reduced price. IF they chose to wait for the 'missing' strap to be sent, the seller would need to send the item within 5 days. So here is the point where Vestiaire Collective succeeded to be a professional thief, and you as a seller will have a lose-lose situation. IF the buyer wanted to wait, you will not be able to send the strap within 5 days because YOU ALREADY SENT IT and vestiaire collective stole it from you! This will end with your item being sent back - which obviously, will be without strap that you originally sent them. That's the first condition. IF the buyer wanted to settle with the item without the strap, YOU WILL LOSE 140 euro from your gain. The last condition is, that the buyer does not want to wait, and does not want to settle with the item as it is (without strap), and then your item's status will be changed to 'non compliant' from 'partially compliant', your sale will be cancelled, and then your bag will be returned WITHOUT THE STRAP. So every possibilities will be advantageous for Vestiaire Collective and You will lose money. Your buyer will also be at disadvantage because it takes several days for VC to return their money.

So, I am writing my review here to warn people before buying or selling with them. Maybe you have some successful transactions, but the moment something is wrong and you would need to contact their customer service, it's gonna be a lose-lose situation for you. For me, somehow they successfully stole a 200 euro worth of Louis Vuitton strap. Shameless company!

UPDATE: 30/10/2019
After the last updates, my bag was sent back to me without the strap, but I was still trying to send e-mails to their customer service. At last, one of their CS asked me to send back the 'returned' bag to their warehouse, and said that a payment for this bag would be arranged in 7 days. So I sent the bag back to them, and today (after 7 days) I received an e-mail that the bag has been received, and that a payment with the amount they 'owed' me will appear in my account in several days. I will post an update when I receive (or not) the money.

UPDATE: 6/11/2019
Yesterday (5/11/2019) I received the money I should have received from the buyer in my paypal account. The CS that helped me through this is called Joanna, thank you so much Joanna for helping me. So I updated my review (content and title), and changed the stars from 1 to 4. It was a lot of unnecessary stress, but I am happy that the problem is resolved.

Horrible Site to Sell Your items
Would like to share my review on my horrible experience of using this site. Below are the list of experience I encountered:
1. Tried listing 2 YSL items on their site for sale in June 2021. Despite showing them proof of authenticity (receipt & authenticity card), Vestiaire Collective still rejected my items AND no basis was given as to why. After MULTIPLE emails to them, finally both my item was listed.
2. Had a potential buyer that was interested in getting one of my YSL puffer bag, however she informed me (via the private message platform) that she was unable to click "buy now" or " make an offer" etc. due to this, I escalated this to the Vestiaire admin, and they mentioned this profile (potential buyer), was a fake profile and scam and it was quite common on their site to have these sort of scammers. I was quite taken aback, and asked them how/what controls are in place to ensure that buyers/sellers are protected, but they COULDNT provide me any assurance at all.
3. I informed the potential buyer about this and she was pissed! As she said she has been using this platform to sell many of her items, including a Chanel bag. In fact, her items seemed legit to me and she even managed to sell so many items. I told her to escalate this matter to the admin team.
4. After few days, noticed that Vestiaire just delisted/deleted my item without any prior notification to me. When i asked them, they replied that they delisted my item as there were many "similar" listings (YSL puffer) bags on the site and due to the that, they delisted it. Like WTF! This does not make sense. I even asked them if there were such Terms on their site that they could do this, of course they couldn't reply. Of course i know they did this as i called them out for informing me that my potential buyer was "fake", when in fact she wasnt. So they had no choice but to delete my item to permanently erase any correspondence on this matter.
5. Due to all this, i have decided to close my account and will never ever list/buy any items from fhis site anymore.

VC removed my feedback alerting potential buyers
Yesterday I received an e mail reply from VC. It says: "at the time, the seller has indicated in the comments that she has not been able to ship using DHL, because THE CARRIER SERVICE WAS NOT AVAILABLE WHEN SHE WAS, she could not switch to drop off, based on VC policy..."

- is this a joke? So according to VC and the seller it is OK not to deliver the item I paid for, almost $500, because in 30 days the seller could not find a day convenient for her to have the item picked up by DHL. On what planet is this a good excuse or explanation?

It appears to be an acceptable excuse for the seller and VC. Not sure how this person became a seller, because she is clueless. A seller is responsible to deliver the item sold and NOT put the buyer, who has nothing to do with the shipping dispute, in the middle of it. I would think every person with common sense would know this, but it looks like not. This seller is clueless about seller reputation and responsibility.

- the seller relisted the same item in August of 2017. Honestly, I have my doubts this necklace exists. The entire story regarding my purchase is just too far fatched...
Yesterday I wrote a comment on the VC necklace listing to alert other potential buyers to this sellers history. I only wrote what happened and the feedback I received from VC. I just checked, VC removed the comment. As stated before, VC does not care about the buyers at all. Otherwise why would Vestiaire Collective remove the comment?

- I have bought and sold on Ebay where all sellers are accountable. If a seller does not deliver the sold merchandize they will be eventually suspended and the buyer comments positive and negative are displayed on the seller's account. There is no accountability for the VC sellers. They have 30 days to deliver the item to VC, I think it is excessive but that means all items should always be delivered for inspection, no excuse not to.

The December purchase was my first purchase on VC and the last one. I will not purchase anything from this site and I would discouraged others to do so, until VC takes a different position to the buyers. Apparently the seller will not get the "trusted seller badge". How is this compensating me for the time spent sending e mails, making phone calls, trying to find out why the necklace was not being sent and the funds $500 in limbo for 30 days? It does not.

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Based on 50 reviews from Vestiaire Collective customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Buy, Sell, Share

The top site for buying and selling luxury pre-owned fashion.
Discover 30% - 70% off original retail price. 100% of items are curated before going online and once sold, are checked over by our team of quality control experts!

Address: 33 Boulevard du Général Martial Valin, France, 75015


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