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Reviews Pets & Animals, Dogs TrainPetDog

50 customer reviews of

Complete scam..
Complete scam. I have paid for the training book about two months ago. I have left dozen messages n received three calls back with we r sorry its on its way n still no training book. I'm frustrated n upset at how there r people who take advantage of others to make money. I will not stop calling n making it a priority in calling as many times as i can through out the day n night until i receive what i have paid for. I too wish that I had read the reviews prior in wasting my money, time n energy. Karma is a beautiful thing. How many people can u screw

I'm an IDIOT, for believing it would help me!
I'm on disability, I ordered the course and also paid for monthly membership thing. Thought it was my phone, that it wouldn't bring up any of the sites I received. After $150 plus $37 elite members fee, still no access to anything. I tried to let them know I coudn't bring stuff up. Fraudulent charges on card, so card is temporally frozen. Then I get text monthly payment not going thru, called and TrainPetDog were supposed to return my call. GOT CANCLED, (Ok by me I guess after seeing the other reviews)won't get my money back, but no more charges either! I did receive the paper back book though, verry expensive paper back at that price! Any way hope others have better luck, me im an IDIOT, and in dept for something I believed could help. Good thing for other reviews, I will cancel frozen card and get new one so no more fraudulent charges can be made, it won't exist anymore. As to that a big THANKS, good luck to anyone else and as for the company, carma sucks.

Total rip off-thjey are professional thief
Do not trust them with your credit card! I order a hard copy training book. TrainPetDog issued 3 different charges one for $101.95, other for $37.00 and the third one for $97.00. I do not know the reason for 3 charges when I only want was the hard copy book. Also they charge me for international fees 3 charges for a total of $7.08. As far as I know Santa Monica, CA is still part of USA. After they got my credit card they charged me for whatever they sell without my authorization and refused to give me credit for the things I did not order but they say I did. I called them and they also denied the refund ant told me that my complain was outdated. My purchase was made on 12/27/2017 and I started to complain as my fist billing date Dec 12/ 2017 to Jan 11,2018. I did not wait long to dispute but they absolutely denied my claims. Be careful with this people, they are professional thief, after they get your credit card number they charge anything they want. I have been charged total $247.05 for a book? This is the most expense book I ever paid for, but I did not order.

Empty Storefront/Bogus address
Like so many here, I am glad I checked reviews before I got conned. Red flag for me was " We guarantee your credit card info is 100% secure". Who would promise that?

According to the web their address is 8721 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 1010, Los Angeles CA except there is no such place. 8721 Santa Monica Blvd is in West Hollywood. Google Map shows it to be an outdoor strip mall of restaurants, a VCA emergency vet, etc. No suites. Number 8721 is an empty store front with a For Rent sign.

I would encourage you to take your complaint to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint which is since it is credit card fraud and to report an international scam. The only way anything will change is if the victims report it!

Applying your recommendations have been rewarding
Thank you Nancy for the emails I have received these past two days. TrainPetDog have been very helpful being that this is the first time we are having a dog and don't have a single experience in having a pet. Applying your recommendations have been rewarding, especially on seeking attention at the wrong time. Out first instinct (My husband and i) has been to play with Ariana each time she jumps on us. But ignoring her and looking away when she jumps has been working. I guess it will take a while for her to settle.We will be sure to follow the training and hope we will have a well behaved lab very soon. Thank you.

Training is OUTDATED and they will NOT REFUND YOU
Purchased the training from and found it to be outdated and pretty much useless. TrainPetDog advertise a full 30-day and full 120-day refund on their site. Requested a refund through their site, by telephone, and email, none of which will provide any documentation of cancellation or refund status. They have figured out the loophole with VISA and Mastercard... don't provide any confirmation of anything, and they can keep your money, even when disputing the transaction with the credit card company. I'm out $178. It's a perfect way for them to do fraudulent business, especially during the pandemic. THEY WILL NOT REFUND YOU EVEN THOUGH THEY MAY COMMIT TO DOING SO ON THE PHONE. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY. THEY ARE A FRAUD.

Sammy is stubborn but getting better
These 12 week old puppies came to us only a week ago. Since then, TrainPetDog walk pretty well on leashes, (when noises and moving objects don't scare them), they are mostly content when in their playpen, almost housebroken, they respond to commands "come", "follow me" and "go home" and for the most part, "No". (Sammy's a little more stubborn than Loki, but he's getting it) We appreciate the mini course, and if we can find the money, would love to get your full course! Thank you for revealing the correct and "positive" approach to training. Our relationship with Sammy and Loki is much more peaceful because of it.

I did not realize this program would be reading. It was presented as though it would be video. The question, if we wanted the book as well, prompted that to be misleading. I have tried to read thorough some of it and, in no way, want to sit at my computer reading all of this. Many of the things I skipped over, as it appeared TrainPetDog were tips for show dogs. It's just a lot of fluff. I would not recommend!
Then I went to request a full refund on their site. I tried several times to follow the procedure and message through their websie. It would not let me submit a request. It continued to tell me my email was incorrect, I even copied and pasted it. I tried several times. I also kept checking to see the all of the information was correct, and it still would not work. I emailed for a refund and hopefully it will get done since there is 120 money back guarantee.

Willful Blindness
When I saw this video I thought it was too good to be true but I didn't listen to my instinct I had my credit card information in and was ready to pay but it just bugged me how in the video she kept pushing for the sale like dragged it in for like an extra 30 minutes and the site it was on didn't look professional and with "10s and thousands of people loving the experience " it felt too good to be true so thank god I looked at these reviews or I might have been scammed hope everyone who purchased this can resolve it DONT BUY THINGS ONLINE IF TrainPetDog SOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE most of the time it's a scam Always always look at reviews hope this company goes out of business


Nancy Richards, or whoever she is, has been making...
Nancy Richards, or whoever she is, has been making me all kinds of promises to help me train my pet Italian Greyhound. She says Iggies are different, but Im sure you already know that, and need different training. You really need to get inside their heads! To see what makes them tick and we can teach you to have a perfectly trained dog and some great tricks to show off to your friends
It was rather unnecessarily Wordy, and some of the phrase sounded like theyd been badly translated from Chinese into English. That made me suspicious. TrainPetDog were not who they were pretending to be.
Another thing that raised my suspicions was the great announcements about how safe your credit cards would be. They said their security was great! Very Safe! Or something similar. That raised alarm bells in my head,
Bona Fide companies dont need to tell us that, as we usually know a bit more about the companies we are dealing with.
I became very scared to give these clowns my credit card details, and will definitely not do so.
I do quite a bit of buying on the net and all the firms I deal with I believe are very good, so I have no hesitancy in dealing with them by credit card.
But this one -- LOOK OUT!
Nancy Richards has been emailing me for weeks, and the offers get cheaper and cheaper. Instead of $37US I can get the course free, for a limited time. All they want me to do is buy a dog grooming book for my Italian Greyhound at $4.99 for packing and handling. I thought that if this keeps getting cheaper they will be paying me to take it away! Then I knew, they just want my credit card details! How stupid do they think we are, and yet I have been reading Nancys Blurbs for two weeks. Oh Help! She has my email address.
What I was suspicious about was when they asked for the $4.99 for the silly book. I mean, why would an Italian Greyhound need a grooming book? His hair is so short, and a single coat, there is practically no coat to brush! (but he loves a nice massage). I also got alarm bells when they talked about some Italian Greyhounds having a bit of a longer coat. Pedigree Iggies, do not have thicker coats. Maybe the ones Nancy has seen have been crossbreds. No, Ive got that wrong! Im beginning to think they have never even seen a real Italian Greyhound.
Get these people out of our cyber-space please?
Sorry about the diatribe.
Regards Ena.

Bought it and was glad I used paypal to get my money back.
It wasn't anything that I was expecting and I couldn't get online either to their site so I wrote to paypal which is what I used to pay for it with. I bought this some years back now. Anyway, I told paypal what was going on and TrainPetDog reimbursed me my money because they were not giving me what I bought. So at least I got my money back,. Tonight a friend of mine was talking about her granddaughters dog having issues and I told her I still had this training thing and she was welcome to use it to see if there was anything of use on it. So I went to the emails I had and clicked on the link and nothing... the website will not come up! Piece of trash. If you do want to buy it I suggest you use paypal who will back you up if you want a refund. Visa will too but it's more difficult.

Don't give them a dime!
First, The booklet I received for my "specific" breed was clearly generic and used for other breeds, as it wasn't edited well, nor was it terribly accurate. The site access to "free information" all seems to lead to more books to buy.

Second, I left messages for months to get someone to call me back to discuss cancelling my monthly "subscription." No one calls back. When I finally gave up calling and went to the website, it gave me an inducement to pay another $37 for a lifetime membership. For "faster" service, it told me to log a ticket which the system won't submit. Nor will it submit your cancellation. I had to go to my bank and initiate a dispute in order to stop the payments.

It really does work
I just want to thank you for your emails and training guides. I am absolutely amazed at how quickly he is responding. I will tell you this little story:Yesterday is his second day of training. Your tip on only reacting to the positive REALLY works. So he was just going to make a wee in the house and I clapped my hands together and said No, picked him up and took him outside and just ignored him until he made his wee...and then I made a huge fuss. Later on in the day I took him outside to see if he wanted to wee and he started playing with me and biting my feet so hard it hurt. I clapped my hands together and said NO and he stopped, looked all dejected and went to make a wee and then turned round all excited. It was so cute...he knew I wasn't happy with him so he went to wee to make me happy. It really does work, thank you so much for your help. I have a 5 year old Beagle as well and I will definitely be subscribing for your emails for my Beagle. Thank you again.

Good, but could give more tips/info
While the tips to training my german shepherd puppy have been somewhat helpful, almost every email I receive says I have to get the German Shepherd Lovers book or course to get all the info. It says you're most likely making mistakes, but won't tell you what the mistakes are. I understand TrainPetDog do need money, but that's just plain mean because if they really were german shepherd lovers, they would care more about the dogs/puppies than their own wealth. I came across this through an ad so I probably should have expected this, but it is quite upsetting that I am constantly bombarded with the payment link and I'm not receiving the information I was told I would be provided with.

"Breed facts are not true"
I had to rate the site a 1 to put this review on line. Undeserved however. I work training dogs of all types. My breed of choice is Alaskan Malamutes and I have specialized in training "nordic or spitz" breed dogs for over 35 years. I have raised and trained multiple National Obedience Champions of my own, all of which have been alaskan malamutes and siberian huskies. The claims of teaching breed specific etiology and remedy is completely not true. The overwhelming majority of what TrainPetDog claim about malamutes is not true, unsubstantiated, or generic at best. Even what they claim are behavioral normalities unique to only malamutes is not true. Example: Malamutes are pack animals and require being dealt with in a different way. Truth is, all dogs are pack animals. All the info they give on how to train an alaskan malamute can and should be applied to all dogs. Are there specific training techniques and ways to behaviorally condition and or modify the Alaskan Malamute, absolutely. But there course and information does not discuss any of them. Like I said "generic". To the average indidvidual who is unknowledgeable about their breed or dogs in general, the course and info sounds legitament. To a savvy individual, it's easy to see it for what it is... GARBAGE AND LIES... Stay away from this scam...

We have been conned
Dear Train Pet Dog... Since I had heard nothing about my refund from yourselves I registered a complaint to the so called US Complaints Board. You must have seen this and wrote to them and to me saying the amount had been refunded. This was UNTRUE... NOTHING has been refunded.
Do not think that because we live in Africa that we have bones through our noses and do not understand the ethics of doing business. When we make a promise - we keep it. When we sell you something we deliver it.
In case you plead amnesia the latest correspondence is as below. While I am at it can I appeal to those of you US business who do have the proper values to lean on these charlatans who are dragging your name through the mud... read on

From: Charles Withington (Office) <*******>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2019 4:01 PM
To: '' <*******>
Cc: 'Info DogTrainingInstitute' <*******>
Subject: Payment over deducted

Dear Sir,

I must tell you the statement that we have been repaid in full is NOT TRUE.

These people are dishonest.

TrainPetDog think that because we come from Africa they can behave like this.

Pet Dog should be ashamed of themselves.

My letter to them below:

From: Charles Withington (Office) <*******>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2019 3:55 PM
To: 'Info DogTrainingInstitute' <*******>
Cc: '*******' <*******>
Subject: Complaint to complaints board - Train Pet Dog

This has NOT been done

There is no money in our account.

How dare you reply to the US Consumer Complaints association and advise you have paid us when you patently have not.

This is unethical and dishonest.

I am once again going to bring this to their attention.

Charles Withington

Telephone: +27 22 492 3971 | Mobile Phone: + 27 74 1941 711

This is Kim
This is Kim. Marlee's Mommy. I've only had a chance to read one so far but, out of all the training classes I had never heard this tip before and it is going to be very helpful. It was the one on training her to stop jumping and telling her paws on ground while taking her paws and actually putting her paws on the ground at the same time. Marlee is proving to be very smart. We have mastered sit, down, stay and currently trying to teach her to watch me, or look at my face and hand expressions when talking to her. She is also doing fairly well walking with me on her leash.Thank you for all of your wonderful tips I truly enjoy reading them and learning more ways of doing something.

So glad we just just found this site and all the horrifying...
So glad we just just found this site and all the horrifying reviews on the Nancy Richards dog training course for our dachshund. We were just about to sign up when we decided to take a look on Google to see if there were any reviews... and here we are!
So glad to find out, it was/is a SCAM before we paid any money.
Thank you to all you poor folk (who have already been caught out by this so called dog training site) for taking the trouble to warn others that is is a SCAM?
You have saved us the same fate you have sadly become involved in.
I have to say after receiving so many convincing daily emails from dear Nancy Richards I actually believed it was all for real, I was so convinced I was ready to join up.
The dog website is all very believable with the cartoons to take your interest and the voice over offering and promising such amazing results, I was well taken in...
Today, I showed my husband all the helpful and personal emails from Nancy I had been receiving and

Said, "isn't she helpful, this sounds really good don't you think", but my hubby was not quite so convinced by it and when all the hard selling started with offers of discounts, free books, elite membership and the money back guarantee. " he said "let's check it out and try and find some reviews on it before we go any further... And HEY HO...
Thank goodness for this review site. Now we know, yes it is all TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!
I hope TrainPetDog are dealt with if they ever catch people behind the scam.
Shame on those behind the site!
I just hope they get caught and dealt with... why are people just so wicked to others?
Please don't be fooled, just RUN in the opposite direction to dear Nancy.

Refunds offered - and on request was received two days later
I subscribed for the $37us cost after noting their refund policy - namely

Refunds provides an unconditional, 120-day money back guarantee for all its products. If you purchase one of our products and are not satisfied with it for any reason whatsoever, please Contact Us within 120 days from the date that you purchased the product, and we will provide a full, no-questions-asked refund to you.

I wrote for a refund five days after purchase and this was ******* that it had been paid - not received. I have followed up and will update this review if/when funds received.

Refund received three days following my request. Well done

Ordered the training manual nothing arrived
To anyone who is thinking of purchasing mytrainingpet please don't.

I paid a one off 37usd amount and received absolutely nothing except email after email asking you sign up for the training course. Which I already had and paid for.

I had a one off response to one of my many emails to the company saying TrainPetDog would get back to me which they never have... signed by Nancy Richard's.

Using their website... which is terrible... I raised a 'ticket' asking for the dachshund training manual to be sent to me with a screen shot of my bank account showing the payment being taken.

I received no reply to this.

Similarly to another person on this review site I entered the information about 8 times before the Catcha robot check worked. It doesn't work as it should. It really is a terrible website.

I still live in hope the manual will come as I'm desperate to train my puppy and I've paid for it.

However I think this trainmypet website is a scam and I don't advise anyone to use it.

Save your money and time.

Sarah Rodney

You sound inocent, but you are not
I requested everything I already listed, but you disputed and did not refund any money, everything was done before the 120 days, but you did not acknowledge any of my request, I do not mind to pay for the pain book, nothing elite, and nothing interesting either, but all the other charges you did not refund, you probably cancel the subscription but never give me ANY REFUND! You sound like an angel, but your company only sucks money from honest people. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS OUTFIT, ready all other reviews! All the same, TrainPetDog just keep your money!

Rip Off!
Several months ago I joined TrainPetDog for what I thought was one month for $37.00. TrainPetDog have been charging my account for all the months since then. I will have to check the records to see exactly how long. My husband handles all the accounting and bank statements; he figured I had ordered something beneficial. He asked me what I was getting for the $37 monthly. Well, I have never been on the site! During all those months! We immediately cancelled the card and got another one. NOW, we get emails from them that the card will not process their invoice.

This is a rip off. You can find the answers to all the training they offer FREE on other dog sites.

I would like a refund of all money taken from my credit card account during this time. They don't deserve even one star!

R Rogers

More than one reason for marking... and more than one way to address it!
We talked about my dog's marking - some is getting much better and now she has made up new spots and times. As some of my dog's issues are ongoing--definitely territorial in nature--I visit TrainPetDog and make appointments sometimes to report progress in other areas while also addressing current issues. Living with a Parson Russell Terrier/Foxhound mix girl has its moments! I appreciate how the trainer was knowledgeable about my dog's breed mix and could help me zero in on how to speak to the Foxhound in her. I'm thankful for the trainer who spoke with me, as she reassured me that I'm on the right track but need to tweak things up a bit. The trainers at TrainPetDog/Elite Dog Club have been amazing. If you have a difficult-to-train dog, I recommend that you sign up today!

Dog obeisance training at its best!
I love the training program that Nancy Richards has TrainPetDog. Not only do I get daily tips for training my dog, but TrainPetDog are tailored to my dog's specific breed. This is not your average "one size fits all" training program! The suggested training tips work REALLY well and if used consistently you see REAL results- VERY quickly! Because of this program my family and I are enjoying our time with our puppy instead of feeling like we are constantly reprimanding him for being in mischief. Thank you!
I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has a Terrier.

Trust me when I say how much nicer it is to take him for a walk now.
I have received your emails and thank you so,so very ,very much TrainPetDog have been extremely helpful. I wont lie it is still a work in progress but I can most defiantly see that its working as Prince is already calming down a lot sooner than he normally does when jumping up on anyone he can get close enough to, he actually has started to listen to me now and understands what hearing my voice at these times mean. Trust me when I say how much nicer it is to take him for a walk now. Thank you so much for all your help and I look forward to receiving your gift & your next email step to making my Prince an amazing & wonderful dog.

Thank you site jabber!
Thank you site jabber! Unfortunately I had put my credit card info in then got suspicious while TrainPetDog kept saying my order wasn't complete and kept trying to sell me more. When I didn't want to buy all the extra's they never gave me a chance to confirm the order just suddenly said the order was complete. I immediately ( before even leaving the page) asked for a refund! I will let you know how that goes.
Also when I tried to cancel the order all their troubleshooting FAQs definitely indicated a scam. I just wish I would have checked ReviewFeeder a few minutes sooner.!

NOT a reputable company
Very unhappy with this company's cancellation policy. I've called their customer service line (and actually got a human once, who assured me that the matter was resolved), emailed them, submitted trouble tickets to them, and completed their cancellation form online. No joy. I have since been charged two further months for this service and received yet another automated message today notifying me of an upcoming charge. Interesting thing is that TrainPetDog have apparently cut off my access to the site while CONTINUING TO BILL ME. Avoid this company at all costs. It's too easy to get good info for free of thru your vet or trainer.

Unique to your BREED is a lure!
I too was lured in by the information that this course had all the inside scoop on my Siberian Huskies (AKA "Sibies")! So glad and lucky that I google'd the "company" to get to the reviews. I was tipped off just as I was about to put in my credit card information... I looked for the VeriSign logo, which I did not see. It IS awful the way scammers go to such great lengths to get your money.
IS THERE NO WAY TO SOMEHOW HACK THEIR SITE TO PUT IN A "SCAMMER ALERT'? I am not tech-savvy, but someone who is should try to do this! Beat them at their own game!

My Cane Corso can even give me hi five within this 72 hours of training.
I'm very happy for this short course as I can now understand my Cane Corso better than before, I realised that my Cane Corso can understand simple words like sit, down and stay simply by just encouraging and petting him more which makes learning very easier. My Cane Corso can even give me hi five within this 72 hours of training. Cane Corso can not learn when you are hard with them, you need to be tactful when training them as he needs to be cheerful or happy while learning something.The course is very useful for me as I can now relate with my Cane Corso easily and even if it's doing something bad like biting or tearing he will understand better and be very calm by just tapping his back or rubbing his head. I'm really grateful for this course and I appreciate it so much.

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TrainPetDog Rating

Based on 50 reviews from TrainPetDog customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: TrainPetDog provides breed-specific dog training and housebreaking information.

Address: 8721 Santa Monica Blvd, 90069-4507


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