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Reviews Jobs, Resume TopCV

50 customer reviews of

SCAMMERS Katie Warren reviewed my CV via CV-Library who take a cut of the money...
Appalling Service. Spelling errors, poor grammar and punctuation, running rambling sentences. Previous employers name spelt incorrectly, address missing, employment dates missing, my objective removed. Complained and had the CV rewritten by a new writer, with exactly the same name as the previous writer! Strange! The writer is called Adam. N and sends Emails with spelling errors. I gave feedback regarding errors and even sent a copy worded exactly and correctly along with the errors. The revises 2nd CV for sent back to me exactly the same as the first. I've contacted Monique on customer care a number of times requesting a refund and have been blanked. The CV has now been written by PurpleCV who have also completed my cover letter and Linkedin profile all for £75, Maya got it right the first time and I have a year of unlimited free revisions, which shows how confident TopCV are in their work standards. Stay away from TopCV they are scammers, they don't refund because they would never make any money. I wish I had read reviews before signing up but as this was a review provided by CV-Library ( who I have also dropped) I felt it would be professional. How wrong was I?

First experience with a professional CV
I matched with an awesome writer who understood my experience and turned it into a beautiful story of promotions and changes I had made in my career.
I should add my CV previously looked overcrowded and lacked something to help me stand out in the market.
After matching with my writer he was very quick to respond to my queries, delivering the first draft within a few days. I was happy with the layout and how he had elaborated on my skills and even made it ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly, highlighting my achievements with keywords and phrases that people in my industry look for.
I was happy to accept the first draft but I did update a few areas myself, I think it was only natural that I have the final edit.
In summary, a great service and highly recommend for anyone looking for a professional CV that trumps all homemade ones.

Unfortunately I have found the Trustpilot too late, otherwise I'd never use the service. TopCV don't care about feedbacks absolutely and their writers don't read the reccomendations. They surely don't know nothing about deadline. In my case they have reacted when I requested a refund through the PayPal. The reaction: "... we are unable to provide you with a full refund. Due to the nature of our service, since we offer digital services that are intangible and irrevocable, you are entitled to a repair or replacement of the service; we are offering to repair the document for you." Being unable to do the paid job they permit the things like this. Draw conclusions youselves...

More Than Brilliant
Really an amazing and overwhelming restructuring
Took place in my CV and cover letter, which give me more
Than enough confidence compared to my former documents.

My writer, Shawn A, was really inspiring in bringing together millions
Of mind blowing professional contents into a two paged work without
A single grammatical error or spelling; every content explicit and well

It was awesome working with CVNow, I feel very proud of my
New documents; it's more than brilliant and I would recommend
Their services to anyone who needs a boost in his/her career both
Now & in the future.

Great Team, Great work!

Very happy with the end product
From the look at TopCV I wasn't really sure if this was for me however, after their free CV review I realised that my CV really did need some professional help. I then carried out some research to find other companies in the same field and after carrying out comparison between TopCV and its competitors I decided to trust TopCV with my CV as TopCV were financially more suitable and they offered an interaction scheme where I could discuss my CV with a specialist.
I was very happy with the services that they provided. The specialist that was assigned to me was very open-minded and took my comments into account to create a CV that I was really happy with. I would really recommend TopCV and i definitely see myself using their services in the future.

Really good communication and support, but had no effect
The person designing my CV and cover letter had really good communication throughout the whole process. However, it has made no impact on my job search, the cv has been broken into bullet points making it a lot easier to read and specific in terms of achievements. I have had feedback from some recruitment agencies stating that the CV does not highlight the skills for Human resources which is the role that I am applying for. Another recruiter did a match with their AI system and stated that it only had 81% match as it used a lot of repetitive verbs and did not highlight skills I have that match HR. I have emailed regarding the issue and had no response

My feedback regarding your review
I would like to thank you for your time spent on reviewing and evaluating my CV and for your valuable insights, advice and recommendations as to how improve my apparently disastrous CV. Also I tremendously appreciate all the pointers you've given on how to trick those heartless, soulless and methodical automaton tracking systems that so indiscriminately filter applicants regardless of candidates' true potentials and talents. However, to be honest I think I would rather prefer my CV to be dismissed by some stolid algorithm to begin with than to be accepted by it and subsequently passed on for some further evaluation which potentially, at the end of the line could result in actually landing a job and in a work for some hard-hearted, cold, crusty, inhuman employer who does not mind relaying on this sort of artificial HR manager in selection of his prospective workers. My reckoning here being that if he, that is the employer, doesn't even bother to review my CV by himself by reading it and appreciating it in its entirety, just as it was composed and presented to him then why should I give a darn hoot about his business operation not to mention all the toiling and grinding primarily for his and his company profits? One has to always remember that a hiring process is a two-way evaluation procedure. Sometimes it might prove to be worth more not getting that foot in the door to begin with than, once already inside, to get hit on the back side by the latter while on the way out, to put if figuratively. Therefore, I am thinking on putting a cautionary clause on my updated CV which would warn the hiring manager that if he (or she) uses some ATS CV scanning software to aid his work then he can safely spare his efforts on considering my candidacy by putting it through his fancy-shmancy 'digital whirlwind' and instead sent my CV straight to the shredder or deleted it form his system immediately, if it would have happened to be an electronic version thereof.

Very good service but with room for improvement
Very positive experience. The TopCV portal is a friendly easy tool, I liked it! My CV was undoubtedly improved, with a good and appropriate vocabulary.
Room for improvement: the dialogue with the person who writes your CV. Sometimes it seemed to be an automatic reply. And instead of accepting all suggestions for a change, the writer could say: no, let´s not do that because this will cause a red flag etc. I think the communication was an issue.
So, I felt I had freedom to suggest edits but I felt a bit unhappy in the end when I was told that the modifications would diminish the overall effectiveness of the CV.
But it is a service that I highly recommend.

'Licensed Magicians at Work!'
I was initially contacted by Top CV (Katie Warren), and I submitted my CV for a review. I was still very skeptical at this point, thinking that my CV was the best it could be. However, once my CV was reviewed and some basic yet fundamental flaws were brought to my attention, thats when I realised I needed professional help.
I was able to review the packages on offer and chose one that best suited my requirements. I was promptly contacted by a writer (Jonathan H), and within days a drafts was available for my perusal. After some minor amendments, the final draft was presented and I was very impressed with the final draft.
Top CV were able to transform my information from drab & dreary to creative & colourful. With all the salient details presented in such a professional manner.
Needless to say within days of submitting my 'new' CV, I had actually received replies including two job offers. Unfortunately TopCV were outside of my travel zone, however, its a positive start in the right direction thanks to Top CV.

Seriously, don't waste your time.
Take the free critique and make the changes yourself. From my experience this is a total con. MS Word has some templates, and Google can provide you with a list of action verbs. These guys won't add much more but will take a good chunk of your cash.

Having read the mixed reviews I was skeptical, but thought it was worth it even if TopCV only helped me address a couple of the sensible recommendations raised in the free critique. Despite, I was genuinely amazed at how terrible this was. In short, I spent a month engaging with two writers to generate something that still didn't address the recommendations from the free critique, and I certainly wouldn't consider submitting with a job application. For the record, my own CV has a 100% success rate on getting an interview, I just knew it could be better, and the critique hit some points I wanted to address. I was suckered in!

My first writer spent the best part of a week literally deleting all of my 16 years management experience, saying that as I was transitioning from the military it was no longer relevant. In two weeks we didn't make much progress at all, the product was significantly worse than the one I initially provided and didn't align to the target jobs. I put the new CV, which contained literally no experience at all - just a list of qualifications and a fictional summary, back through the TopCV critique tool and got an automated response saying it was in the top 4% of CVs - what a joke!

The complaints team was apologetic, and the second writer certainly had a better go at it, but still lacked either the will or ability to address the recommendations in the free critique. Having spent hours responding to drafts over a month I had to draw a line under it and move on.

Key issues from my perspective:
- Lack of interaction & exchange - this didn't provide the collaborative CV development I had hoped. The writers did nothing more than put the information I provided into one of their templates, with the addition of some action verbs. I made sure to respond to each draft with comprehensive comments within a few hours of receipt, but those comments fell on deaf ears.
- Poorly trained & experienced staff - If these guys were professional CV writers then I should be punting for a job as their CEO. I would be amazed if either of my writers had any real experience of recruitment.
- Lack of internal assurance - it was very clear that there was no process of checking the writers work before it was sent back to me. The first writers drafts were riddled with inaccuracies, spelling, and grammar mistakes. His response when I asked him to re-check his work was to ask if I could highlight the errors. Well, if i'm doing that then I have no need for your services as it's quicker to correct them myself as I go.

A long review, but I wanted to offer something I would have appreciated before I wasted my cash and several hours of my life.

Avoid like the plague
I purchased their service following a review of my CV which had some useful CV feedback.

The person who actually drafted my CV was not only not an expert but couldn't write english properly.

Actual content I was sent through in a draft:
" Drove all aspects of customer service for sender across all platforms by executing."
" escalating 20% payment completion rates"
"Ensured outstanding customer experience by building and leading product team of 26 globally."
" to create templated for final products"
"allowing digital approach globally which escalated $[] in revenue"

I spent my first review correcting basic errors and the response I received from my writer was:
"I extremely apologise for the errors!"

I wrote to complain I had been mis-sold their service and was told that as its "subjective" that all sales are final.

If a 14 year old had written this, TopCV would've failed their school assignment.

The free review of my CV was good and got me in. I have to say that the format TopCV used for the first page of my CV is good and is what recruiters are looking for but... after that all downhill
The QUALITY of the writing is TERRIBLE. I believe it was either written by a machine or someone who did not spend enough time to understand the CV I sent them. Completely mixed up roles, projects and achievements.
Finally, by the end of this, I got the impression they just did not care.
Each draft was LATE and took 3 weeks to complete the entire exercise.
Like at said at the beginning, avoid this outfit at all costs. I gave them two stars for the format which I have built on myself.

Doesn't get any worse than this. Stay away!
Don't waste your money. Very unprofessional service. Their "first draft version" was essentially my existing CV, except TopCV had removed very important information and replaced it with totally inaccurate stuff. Clearly it was written by someone who didn't understand my line of work. It was a simple template job they did. After complaining their response was that they would of course make improvements once I told them what I want adding... sure like I'm paying in excess of £100 for me to re-write my own CV!

I asked for my money back but of course that was not possible either - in the end I got a small portion back. Terrible service.

No complaints - great CV revision
Do people just like to complain, or maybe TopCV have false expectations? Reading the reviews here show a real mixed bag, with polarised opinions about CVNow. Well, I'm certainly a happy camper.

I am a professional writer and like many in my line of work find it difficult to edit, precis or cull my own words. Well, Jonathan at CVNow managed to pull my way-too-lengthy CV apart and then successfully reduce 23 pages down to three. He encapsulated my 25-year background working as a contract Senior Technical Writer for numerous multi-national oil and gas companies down to an easy to read, succinct and too-the-point CV.

Well done, and thanks for the capturing the essence of my resume in what I now regard as a user-friendly format. Only time will tell, but I have already received an enquiry from SEEK and I only updated my profile with my new 'words' three days ago.

Thanks for a job well done.

Great CV rewrite service
I did the free evaluation which was answered quickly with all the point that needed improvement. I was skeptical about the possible result because it seemed to be done in a highly automated manner. CVNow came back to me later with a special offer and I decided that it was worth the shot. After payment you have to fill out a form which requires you to think about your dream job and how you want your CV to stand out. I didn't have the time for this intellectual exercise at that moment and left the form pending for several months until I graduated. My profile is very atypical and I thought the niche market I was shooting for would have given the writer a hard time. I received the first draft within 5 days and I was really surprised by the result. It looked professional, with all the right key words and a very appealing summary. I contacted the writer about a few details that he corrected/answered quickly. I was very satisfied with the result.

Nearly a month without an acceptable CV
This company are all about algorithms. Artificial Intelligence based! Emails seem to be dated incorrectly and templated. Rey impersonal. TopCV don't want to get to know you or your past history. They remove key and critical roles in my career. It's been nearly a month and still not happy with the draft. I will end up writing my own now. I paid in good faith and there is no refund policy. I was allocated a writer who appeared not to know my business of FM or HSE. Speed is not everything. Quality should be the aim. Would never use these people again. My original CV will still have to be number one. Not TopCV. 3/10. Be careful what you wish for.

Template/buzzwords applied without thought
There is lack of transparency when you sign up for the package. TopCV say 'unlimited correspondence' with the writer but later went on to deny me a single phone correspondence. When I insisted on a call with the 'writer' since none of their communications specified 'email only', they say, speaking to the writer will cost me an extra £50!
The first draft I received had statements copied exactly from Netflix's JDs. And buzzwords stapled on to sentences without thought, hence rife with structural and grammatical errors. It did not meet some of the requirements I had mailed them in my brief and that's when I asked for a phone call which they denied for 2 weeks before getting back to me with a £50 option.

Scal alert: €75 cancellation charge, can't speak Englis and TopCV ignores request details from day 1
If you want your CV professionally done, and want to deal with professionals stay away from these third rate unprofessional people.

When making my €300 order, I explicitly requested a phone conversation with my writer - these people completely ignored my request and when I finally rang them up to find out why TopCV didn't respond to my question.

Instead, they wanted €50 to accept my phone call request and €75 to cancel it. Do not touch them with a ten foot pole - they're low class scammers who use a UK profile to build credibility - they can't even speak English, let alone write a paragraph in it. Total scam - I'm about $100 poorer for trying them and cancelling my order before it even began.

They prey on the vulnerable and overcharge!
Confirmed purchase: Order #B4F675031

I recently received (and tbh I don't even remember asking for it) feedback from topcv which said I was under selling myself and a "doer vs. achiever". It said my CV was badly laid out and TopCV recommended I use their writing service.

Given my lack of progress over the Christmas period I, against my better judgement, signed up for the CV writing service and was duped into upgrading to the LinkedIn rewrite service too!

I waited ages to eventually get a writer assigned to me who "knew my profession" and could "show me in my best light".

Once I received the first draft it was absolutely pitiful. It was a hacked up version of my CV written in a weird mixture of present and past tense, laid out in a similar way to mine and with anything personable removed... Including half my career! It was full of made up information and what felt like random buzz words to read.

I immediately emailed to complain and ask for my money back and received a stock answer telling me that the next version would be better and would I like to get it reassigned to another writer. I responded saying no and that I just wanted my money back only to receive the same answer!

On the third response from '*******@topcv' I was told that they wouldn't refund anything once the transaction had been processed. So despite the fact that they've not started the LinkedIn rewrite they won't refund anything.

The most recent reply to them quotes the consumer rights act and the following response was almost identical to the first one!

I question this company's morals and have been severely put out by them. I genuinely wish I'd seen previous feedback prior to signing up.

I have the full email trail and am happy to share.

SCAM! AVOID AVOID AVOID. I got a refund and you can too!
I can resonate with every one star review on here and I know how powerless you feel, but let me help! I too fell victim to the CV review and paid a large amount of money for TopCV to improve what was already a good CV, while also providing a cover letter. Within 24 hours a writer provided the most awful quality CV and cover letter, clearly written by somebody whose 4th language is still probably not English. Like many reviews on here, it was as if TopCV had regurgitated a thesaurus. They even made up stuff, I totally would not use it to apply for a job.

2 weeks I battled with customer service who initially wanted to try and rewrite it. IGNORE THEIR B******T TERMS AND CONDITIONS - IF YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED, DON'T ACCEPT IT! I repeatedly highlighted how unprofessional it was, they kept telling me "all sales are final". - (btw they're not because I got a full refund). I started reading through all their terms and conditions, all the fine print. Some pretty scary stuff, but don't forget your rights as a customer, they are obligated to provide the quality service you bought into.

1. Immediately make clear you're not happy the moment you receive (if you receive) a poor quality rewrite.

2. Request a refund.

3. Offer an opportunity for remedy. You have to do this, you need to provide them with a fair opportunity to put things right.

4. IF you're still not happy, make your dissatisfaction clear.

They cannot simply keep rewriting because this will mean your service was "not delivered within a reasonable amount of time". With a) a below standard service b) an opportunity to fix to no avail, and c) a reasonable amount of time provided still to no avail, you're now within your rights by law to request a full refund.

I did not accept a partial refund when offered (at this point I knew a refund was on the cards).

5. I sent a letter of intent to proceed with court action.

One hour later I received assurance of a full refund and 2 days later it was received.

I am not claiming TopCV provide a poor service to everyone, this account is true of MY experience and I want to help the many people who have recently left a review and clearly feel powerless to take action. I sincerely hope I've been able to help.

Writer wasn't connected and couldn't relate
I. Felt my writer wasn't able to take by resume to stand above. She wasn't connected and sentences were full of spelling errors. Some ended with a. Some did not. I wouldn't look at my resume as wow let's get an interview.

Felt computer generated
Unable to reach her for changes last 3 days until last our. Felt intentional.

Cover letter doesn't stand out and thank you letter is basic. I paid $480 Canadian and my co workers agrees.

I wanted a resume to apply in the AUE. This was dental targeted. I needed a different resume to try other options.

Most important layout is boring! I'd blend in with all the other basic resume that where not paid for.

No connection.

LinkedIn was good. Not many issues except description.

I do not see the value

Great CV - Limited results so far
The CV etc look great. However, the five working day lead-time actually took almost two weeks with no contact from the writer. This is despite that I only had a couple of minor requests that needed adding

Not sure if my writer was in The UK or some far flung place but only received updates after 10PM at night- Not sure why? Having said that I am happy with my package although I have not had a single interview since the new CV was developed and my LinkedIn profile has fewer hits than before - Not sure if thats just the time of the year but the guaranteed interest in me as an individual has not materialised

Why could not I see all those mistakes in my resume by myself?
Actually my resume was already checked by a human resources professional in Turkey, and it was edited. However when I read the comments of Katie from TopCV regarding my resume, I see that there is a lot more needs to be changed. I think I would never see those points by myself, I am not an expert in writing resume as I only made a job search for three times in my lifetime. There is no doubt that TopCV has evaluated lots of resumes and TopCV really know how to make your resume stand out the crowd, actually marketing your resume in the best applicable way. All that I can say is that I am really amazed by their service and I definitely believe that my new resume will give me the chance of being employed in the right position matching my career, expectations and skills set. It is just like a sickness, you cannot generally diagnose yourself even though you feel that something is wrong, lets assume that you made a correct diagnosis, you cannot know which medicines you should take or what kind of treatment you need, all you do is to go to a doctor and get the job done, now I see it is the same way with writing a resume, you need to see TopCV, I am sure you are going to feel much better! I heartedly thank you for the evaluation of my resume! All th3 best and greetings from Turkey!

Be aware impossible to get a refund
Please be aware before you trust in this company. I purchased the second best option £129 for a CV and covering letter. Big mistake. I was assigned a writer who sent me a first draft that was such a big disappointment. The format was for first grade students, some of the language did not make sense. I told them straight away I was not happy and wanted my money back. Well I'm still waiting after more than a week. Apparently TopCV don't refund since this is a non tangible goods. The customer service is non existent.
Don't trust them with your money
I'm not sure if I will get my money back. I will have to contact citizens advise bureau for help

Provides project management.
Group representation before the client.
Follow‐up of assembly work of electrical and mechanical equipment
Lifting reserves of laying work along the route.
Contractual follow‐up, progress control in relation to the planning and
Billing follow‐up of subcontractors.
Negotiation of amendments and preparation in the context of the
Development of conflicting attachments and signing of work situations
And price revision.
Preparation of weekly and monthly reports with cost calculation.
Preparation of the provisional project acceptance.
Contractual correspondence with the customer and stakeholders.

A detailed account of customer service and received products. Spoiler: Stay away.
If you're like me, your process will likely start by making use of their free CV review. This review has a lot of good feedback, so you'll feel confident about proceeding to purchase.
When you do, you will be greeted by a small questionnaire to help your writer get a better insight into your goals and aspirations. A few days later, you'll receive the first draft of your documents. You'll excitedly open them, and the excitement will turn to ashes in your mouth. The documents you received are full of lies (claiming you worked on things you never worked on), your bullet-points have been turned into paragraphs without changing grammar, and the documents contain multiple large grammatical errors like "minimized [...] by more than 50%", "understand how it serve videos" or "resolved ideas to team members". It will also quickly become apparent that your writer has no knowledge of your industry, using keywords in contexts where TopCV don't belong of mis-spelling commonly used words, such as changing "code" for a programmer to "codes".

Taken aback, you'll start spending time crafting your feedback, asking detailed questions on why the writer made certain choices and correcting linguistic errors and liesWhat you get back is a convoluted way of saying: Don't worry about language, it's fine. And the lies "have been set accordingly to your targeted position that would lead towards your targeted role." Didn't understand that sentence on the first read-through? Me neither.
You'll start to lose confidence in the product and proceed to contact customer support with your concerns, and desire to request a refund to which you are legally entitled. Their response is to send you to 2 other writers before being willing to process any kind of refund, one of which sends you a document where even the bullet-points are misaligned, and another completely ignores all instructions and feedback you give them.
Eventually, you keep nagging them with more than 20 emails in a month's time, and they concede to give you a 50% refund, citing that their terms of service state no refunds will be allowed. (Last I checked law always supersedes terms of service, but they refuse to budge, abusing the fact that legal fees would be more expensive than the refund.)
The customer service of this company is extremely bad, and if you're unlucky like me, the documents you get out will be worse than the CV you started with.
Please be careful with this company and read the negative reviews. You will see that most of them complain about the exact same thing.
You couldn't pay me to have to deal with this company again.

TopCV is "top" of nothing.
I found TopCV writers woefully inexperienced to write professional CVs, based on their poor English and subject matter ignorance. It is quite obvious that TopCV outsources to non-native English speaking writers who have little or no knowledge in my subject matter (security). The drafts received were riddled with sloppy layout, poor text, and English grammar mistakes ("focussed, prefect, amicus curaie" to name a few). The final draft was only bearable (and still inferior to mine) because I corrected all the errors for the writer and rewrote much of her text. I recommend TopCV to spend more money on NATIVE English speaking writers if it wants to impress native English speaking clients.

Late and Unprofessional *** see Update**
If I could give a zero I would! I placed an order for a CV and cover letter on 14 July. The organization claims it will give at minimal a rough draft 7 days after. Two weeks later and I do not have a writer assigned. I've written customer support four times and have not been given an update, a response or a refund. $300 later and my job search is on hold. I'm starting to believe I've been scammed! My advise is spend the extra $150 on a more professional organization.

*** update***

A new writer has contacted me. It seems promising but I will not know until I have received a product. I will update my review after completion. Stay tuned!

Thank You Message and a Request
Dear TopCV,

I would sincerely like to convey my hearty gratitude and thank you message to Naledi, my TopCV expert. I am sure she will take this appreciation with much modesty and may say that this was her professional responsibility. But this humble response would be unfair to her effort of trying to make the best of what she had in hand. I believe she is among the best TopCV experts aiming high end outputs to assure happiness of those who have trusted TopCV. I hope I won't loose contact with her and with TopCV team in the coming future as well.

My request would be to keep track of my applications since I am still not invited for an interview. I would appreciate if you could get into touch with me and provide further support if I have still not been contacted by the companies I have applied to in the mean time.

I thank you all for supporting me through the process and hope to hear from TopCV soon.


Ilksen Cetintas

Great professional service and a fantastic CV. Highly recommended.
Having decided to change jobs and knowing I needed a tip top CV, I submitted my current CV to CV now for the free critique service. I was expecting g a few tips and pointers but instead got a very thorough and honest review of what needed improving for my CV to properly represent me.

From this excellent feedback I registered with CV now and their writer contacted me and we went through the process of several iterations of my CV until I was completely happy. When I suggested changes these were considered but if there was a reason that TopCV believed the changes would not benefit the CV they were open and honest in explaining why.

All the promised time scales were kept to and I am extremely happy with the layout and content of my CV. The fact it is delivered in word which means you can use this template to update as your career changes is also very good and means the value from this investment will last as your career develops.

I have already recommended CV now to a close friend who will be using the service and have no problem in recommending them to anyone else.

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TopCV Rating

Based on 50 reviews from TopCV customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: TopCV writes and analyzes more CVs and LinkedIn profiles than any other service through their network of experienced writers.

Address: 5 Roundwood Lane, United Kingdom, AL5 3BW


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TopCV is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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