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Reviews Relationships, Divorce OnlineDivorce

50 customer reviews of

I feel so happy
When I decided to proceed with the help of, it saved me a lot of time. A purely DIY divorce would have been too complicated for me.
And now, I have already submitted my divorce forms with the court (just a few days after registering on the site). I feel so happy! I've put off this step for too long…

I regret I took their service! Don't do it!
OnlineDivorce only take your money and disappear!
We wanted simple divorce since we are not fighting about any issue and have no children. I took the online divorce service I filled out the questionnaire I checked million times to make sure it's all right. I got the document full of mistakes the company made! Their only responsibility was to fill out the forms with 100% information I gave them! And they mixed answers! Filled it out so incorrectly! Even didn't follow the form directions for ex- it says to write only last 4 digit of account number and they wrote there the whole account info! I'm so upset that I had to go through all the documents filling them out my self! Waist of money! Was better doing it by myself! Not to mention that I called them 10 times and they said they will call me back for help and never got back to me!

I am requesting a refund asap
I am requesting a refund asap.
I had not completed this order before some fast talking man called stating he was with your company.
I asked him to calm down because I was unable to comprehend anything he was saying. His tone and manner was not professional and it makes me think this is scam... I notice after hanging up with him that my card was charged $139 and two additional separate $1.00 charges pending it does not look good.
So I will be requesting a refund ASAP.
Respectfully, Tammy Reed

Not happy
The documents were sent to the court without proof the papers were served. So now the clerk of courts has all the divorce documents and still can't do anything with them because OnlineDivorce have no proof he was served by certified mail. Online wasn't supposed to even send the paperwork to my court house until the entire packet was complete. Now once again I have to be the one paying the price. I also payed for this twice because I wasn't informed the first time there was a time limit. And I've been charged monthly for a service that hasn't proved to help at all and was also not agreed to. Then I did agree to a storage fee of $8.99 a year but I can't even log onto my account with them to get information or my own documents without upgrading for an additional $100+! I'm not happy with the service at all! I should be divorced by now and I've been at this since March! Now I have to re-send the documents to my husband by certified mail just for him to sign the certified mail so the court will have that on file. Then still have to wait 30 more days for the waiting period.

Good service, helpful
Went to OnlineDivorce because me & the wife were having issues, and we thought that it was going to be done. We are working on things still, but uncertain if we will end up filing the paperwork.
The people at OnlineDivorce were very helpful in getting the forms filled out, and provided the service for filing the paperwork - which was paid for but is still uncertain if it will be necessary.
While divorce is a difficult position to be in, the people of OnlineDivorce were extremly helpful in making sure that everything was in order for if we id want to ontinue with the proceedings.

Documents would benefit from proofreading by a legal professional or someone that knows correct formatting. Docs margins were too wide on the bottom, signature lines were split in half and there were numerous "widow-orphan" sentences hanging at the tops and bottom of pages which made the documents look very unprofessional. Otherwise, content was fine

responsive yet ineffective

During self-isolation,
During self-isolation, many things became more complicated. I couldn't just go to the Court Clerk's Office to get the divorce documents I needed, so I decided to use an online service. It turned out to be cheap and straightforward. Now I can't even imagine how I would have handled all the complicated paperwork on my own. Using OnlineDivorce. Com, you don't even have to worry about whether the documents are filled out correctly.

I wanted to use my emerald card from h&r block, but...
I wanted to use my emerald card from h&r block, but it wasn't accepted. So I had to use a different account that I didn't initially want to use. Additionally, there were multiple times that premium was offered to me and I had to reject it over and over. Those were minor inconveniences though. As a whole so far, the experience has been good.

Fast and easy
Although I haven't filed my paperwork yet, getting the paperwork done was simple and easy through OnlineDivorce! Just follow the instructions, write down your answers and in a few days you're paperwork will be done and ready for download or for a little more money OnlineDivorce can deliver them to your home. I chose to have them delivered which took about a week! Worth the money!

Worst customer service ever
Paid for the platinum services for a complete divorce in the state of Oklahoma. We had made over 10 customer service calls to no avail I had to goggle the necessary waiver of appearance form just to get us a court date. Then to have everything put on hold because we didn't have a child visitation schedule. We called and we emailed. Got no real answers from them. I asked for a refund and OnlineDivorce told me it had went beyond the 30 days. I have filed a small Chaim against the company for failure to provide the services that they advertised

Go to your state's website and find free forms
Just reviewed forms for a friend. He bought forms for California.
What a rip-off. He could have gotten all the forms for free at the state forms website! This website included forms that weren't needed. The instructions were unclear. I went to the state website--their instructions were clear. Don't waste your money. FYI I'm a retired family law attorney.


Online divorce
During steps 1 and 2 great online support; however, once I hit step 3 not so much. I have called twice with 2 different questions. The first rep didn't understand my question and the second one was very short. Didn't really listen to my question.

First rep didn't understand what I was asking. The instructions that were mailed with my forms were cut off the rep didn't know what I was or wasn't supposed to fill out.

Irritating, stressful, and inconvenient for anyone whose divorce proceedings are not smooth.
I used this service specifically for the promise of a speedy and simple process, but it has caused more trouble than it has helped. For one, the service did not take into consideration the different addresses listed for my spouse and I and did not warn us, nor allow us, to file in a state that was not Texas even though neither of us are eligible to do so. The forms OnlineDivorce prepared were for Texas alone and it took 2 weeks and a lot of calls made on my behalf to figure out that we couldn't file in the state of Texas anyway and those two weeks were wasted time. In addition, I have been bombarded by emails, phone calls, and promo pop-ups for a premium service I can't even use because I was filing in a state where that service is not provided. Overall this service has been irritating, stressful, and inconvenient.

In order to figure out I didn't qualify I needed to download the forms and follow the instructions to call the Montgomery courthouse and I only figured it out because I took the unprompted initiative to ask about my particular situation, i. E. not living in Texas and my spouse not living in Texas either. At that point, I was disqualified for a their 'Not Satisfied, Money Back' guarantee and thus they won't return their hefty one-time fee, included their monthly fee.

It is the fault of this service that I got far enough to download the documents in order to figure out that they were ultimately useless to me. The service is expensive for what they actually provide and extremely limited in providing resources to customers who fall outside the norm of those applying for divorce proceedings. I simply wanted a clearer and more guided process to filing but this service made it more convoluted and complicated than it would have been on my own and I had to take the initiative to figure out why. I had brought up my concerns with their phone representatives many times but they never told me it was going to be an issue, even though they asked me if I needed assistance and were calling to guide me when taking the next few steps.

Don't use them if you can help it. Scramble together some time and online resources and even call the courthouse itself before you ever use them. You'll ultimately be better off.

Service not rendered (Order ID: 3469021)
To this date July 12,2021, the forms which you completed continue to have major errors, which I have repeatedly requested that you correct. Your business practices have been shady from the start and have intentionally dragged this matter for additional financial gain. To this end, I am giving one you one last opportunity to REFUND me for the service which you have not provided. I intend on filing a formal complaint against your company with the District Attorney's office, BBB and other appropriate media platform because of your shady business practices.

The VIP package may not be worth it
The VIP service is not worth it. Have them draw up your forms if you'd like for $130. VIP is $299, but you will still have to pay the court filing fees which for me is an additional $293 in Texas.The customer service agent says the VIP service is for the extra leg work OnlineDivorce do... really? It's electronic filing though.

Use caution before using this company! I had a very easy non contested divorce. I filed and the paperwork seemed to be in order so that's the positive. Now for the negative, and the reason I would never use them again.
1) OnlineDivorce attempt to up sale you to more expensive service. Continuous emails, and phone calls about using their more expensive service.
2) You must read entire terms and conditions, you will find that they charge you a 39.99 fee every month till you cancel. When you think you have paid for their initial divorce charge, and that's all I wanted, you actually have ok'd them to charge you a monthly charge for their legal service. You must go into your account and cancel your subscription. Then after doing that they will charge you a $8.99 storage fee!
I wish someone would have warned of this prior to me using them. I NEVER would have used them if I had known of their unethical business ways.

Simple Divorce? Save your money and check your local County website
Mine was a simple divorce. We had already settled everything. Just needed the formal stuff done. For it to be so simple it took way too long. Then my spouse was out of the country and OnlineDivorce advised they couldn't serve him due to that. Along the way I found out that ALL of the documents I needed were on my local County website. Wasted my money on these folks. I ended up finishing the last half of the process myself. At one point when I called they accused me of cursing. I don't curse on the phone. I just wanted answers. Like I said I took over and finished it myself. Save your money.

Pretty quick and easy so far, but the pressure to upgrade...
Pretty quick and easy so far, but the pressure to upgrade and the almost hidden "no thanks" followed by a repeated push with covid and court related concerns is pretty low. Your platform should be focused on helping people through a situation that is already unpleasant. Why try to get the extra fee in a manner that isnt straightforward?

Very nice services
OnlineDivorce. Com turned out to be a genuinely reliable and efficient service. After considering several online divorce providers, I'm glad I chose this website. OnlineDivorce were very quick to reply to my questions and fill out all the required forms. The court accepted my forms with no problem, and the overall process was stress-free.

To be honest, I am not a big fan of sharing my opinion on web apps and stuff like that. But this online service impressed me so much that I wanted to show my appreciation by leaving a nice review. I needed some help with my documents, and this web tool handled it perfectly. The documents were approved by the court, and my divorce was as easy as possible.

Bad Experience
I cancelled the service without receiving any documents. OnlineDivorce will not refund my money and said by filling out a questionnaire they provided me a service therefore I cannot be refunded. Customer service was rude and when I asked to speak to a manager he refused. They have added a lot more stress and anxiety to an already bad situation I would not recommend this service.

Scam! Don't use them!
I paid them $439 and did not use their services. OnlineDivorce did not have to do one thing for me because I never submitted my forms. AND they started taking out money From my bank account for some subscription every month that I did not sign up for either. I asked for total refund because no services were rendered and they said no! I will be hiring an attorney!

Makes your divorce easier
Online Divorce made a hard time of my life easier. I'm glad I found this service and entrusted divorce paperwork to the professional system.
A non-contested divorce is no picnic. The same as litigation, it also can include plenty of difficulties and tricky details, especially related to document stuff. I'm so grateful to the customer service team for their answers and instructions. OnlineDivorce supported me any time of day!
Now, my divorce is final, and I managed to do everything on time thanks to I can recommend this service without hesitation!

Purchased this service because I'd read good reviews. My divorce is uncontested, no lawyers, and I was just unsure how to fill out some of the forms (mostly the financial/child support worksheets). Thought this would help with that. Turns out it doesn't. OnlineDivorce just fill in mostly basic information like name, address, etc. I ended up still having to struggle through the parts I had issues with. If I'd known before hand, I would've saved myself the $140 and not used this service. Plus I got a lot of emails about paying for other services and that was annoying as being informed once or twice is enough in my book.

Pay for a lawyer
This has been the worst experience ever. No communication. You can not get a hold of a person to speak to unless you are on hold for HOURS then the person is less than concerned cause OnlineDivorce are JUST a customer service person. They have no information and do not care, and they will charge you without your permission.

Run away

This process was pretty quick
This process was pretty quick. The only problem is you say $139 at the end of the basic info, then try to Swindle an additional 300 out of the client for premium services. Please make it known about this before we complete the info. So we can make a professional judgment and I feel like we have to because now we're stuck. Now the full amount is $439.00 and not $139. It is $139 this is what I was expecting to pay not $439.00.

Responsiveness and availability
Might i suggest you include instructions on your website for reference. I realize there are instructions that come with the forms once mailed however I have questions and have not found that sending an email results in speedy responsiveness. I sent an email on Wed the 30th about not receiving my forms that shipped on 6/26. There was no update on the tracking number other than label generated, and still have not received a response.
I did receive my forms on Friday 7/2 but the packet with instructions indicate needing a notary and printing forms. There is no indication on my form for a notary to sign nor are there any instructions for printing or making copies. Perhaps a little more clarification could be helpful.

I was only able to get someone on the phone 1 time after a long hold period. Another time I called I was on hold for 30mins+ and had to drop the call. I have sent a couple of emails of which responsiveness took days and a couple that never were responded to.
After purchasing my packet I received a phone call from a third party indicating your processing tool for credit cards was down and i would need to Zell money. When i asked for confirmation that my credit card would be credited OnlineDivorce were unable to provide. I choose not to Zell money and sent an email to make you aware and ask for confirmation that my order was processed. I did not get a response. I only got the email asking me to validate the forms.

Questions still pending, there should be more information...
Questions still pending, there should be more information regarding the form layout before comitting payments to a service that could possibly not work. I understand your money back guarantee, but if there are changes to be made to the forms, that guarantee is voided, which is not in compliance with your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee statement on your website.? Concerned

No divorce - "platinum" service complete sold me on the "platinum" service with the guarantee all the necessary forms would be filed with, and accepted by, the correct court. At the moment, that has not yet happened. Online Divorce has been a huge waste of time and money.
I did receive several documents filed with the court. However, the final document, the one the judge will sign, has not been filed with the court. Nevertheless, I received an email from the Online Divorce support staff informing me everything was done and that my "platinum" service was now complete.
Given that the name of this company is "Online Divorce" and not "Online - file a few forms and then leave you hanging", I assumed, and was assured by customer service, that I was paying to get a divorce. Instead, it looks like I will need to hire a lawyer and just wasted a lot of time thanks to this company's ignorance of local family court laws.

I'll be sure to update this post as things develop.

I was contacted by a representative who said I would...
I was contacted by a representative who said I would receive an email to be able to log in to my OD account, which I have not received. And, when I stated that I am asking for an annulment, he became very curt with me and said that my forms were being put on hold. The initial contact was a pleasant experience, but the follow up was rather unpleasant. I now feel as if I've been left hanging on my own here... NOT happy.

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OnlineDivorce Rating

Based on 50 reviews from OnlineDivorce customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Online Divorce is a reliable divorce document preparation service with 20 years of market history. Our vast experience gives us the knowledge to handle any case and satisfy the needs of every customer.

Address: 200 Continental Drive Suite 401, Newark, Delaware, United States, 19713


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