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One Call Insurance

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Reviews One Call Insurance

20 customer reviews of

I purchased car insurance through Quidco compare and you were the best deal. I had to wait for the policy to come through and when it did two hours later, my son had been missed off. I then had a live chat to find out why and to try and cancel policy. I was told there would be fees to cancel even though the policy had only just come through. I then spent an hour on live chat only to be told that my son couldn't be added as they couldn't insure his age. This was very frustrating so she asked me to a ring a number. This number said I couldn't cancel unless I did it on live chat. I said I didn't have time to go back on live chat as I had already wasted alot of my time due to an error that left my son off the policy. My policy was finally cancelled. My refund hasn't come through yet and I am being charged a cancellation fee all through no fault of my own. No thought as to the time I had to spend on live chat and then on the phone.

I was transferring my car insurance to my new car from Friday 29th at 5.30pm using your portal service, and needed a quote by your portal change cars insurance would not release the new quote and directed me your live chat where there's I was number 8 I'm the queue after about 50 mins I got through an while I was answering all the relevant questions I was cut off
So I gave up and started again on your portal service at 9.10am again no quote and directed me to the live chat again a waited 40 mins and once again while answering the relevant questions I was cut I went to the portal again got through to a live chat staff, this time I managed to get almost to the end when I was given a new quote for new car transfer only tobe cut off again before the live chat staff could confirm my new insurance was once again I had to go through the portal and click on live chat and spoke to a member of staff that confirmed my new car was this time more then 2.5 hours had past..I find this not acceptable and a terrible service and got me angry and frustrated..
Your portal service is rubbish for giving out quotes and needs updating or scrapping..

I tried to change my motorcycle insurance to a new vehicle. This was attempted by the portal. It told me I needed to contact one call using the chat service. When I tried this on my computer the chat service pop-up had a star shape where each point would highlight in turn. I left this running whilst I looked for a phone number. The only number I could find was for claims and they could not help me or give me an alternative number. I then tried the chat service on my phone. It worked but I was 80th in the queue. Half an hour later I was chatting (more like texting) with someone who tried to do the "change of vehicle" and said that the company wasn't providing cover. I started to panic. Was the bike I had just bought a write off, stolen or have finance outstanding? They couldn't give me an answer why it was declined. They did however give me a phone number for sales. I rang the number and was told to press 1 for a callback or keep holding. I pressed 1 then waited. Eventually, a callback came. I still got no explanation why my "change of vehicle" wasn't accepted, but they managed to get me a new policy with a different insurer.
So, if you want to get a better rating from me in future.
1. Tell me the reason for being declined on your portal.
2. If the only way I'm supposed to contact you is by the chat service, make sure it works.
3. Try supplying a telephone number as it is much easier to sort problems out by speaking rather than typing.
4. Employ more staff for both the chat service and answering the telephone so I don't have to wait for ages to get a response.
My thanks go to MK5 for eventually getting me the insurance cover I needed and being polite when I was getting to the stage where I wasn't. The rating in no way reflects on her actions!
I communicated by live chat and telephone.

Over the years I've been with One Call a few times. They've always been good and never had a problem.
This time, I set up my car insurance and everything is fine.
They send me a letter requesting some odd information but OK, I did it. They wanted driver and named driver share my details, copies of the V5 and a statement about my mileage that I'd already made in the quote.
I uploaded all this stuff to their customer portal immediately, the day I got the letter.
I think everything is fine but then a week or so later I get a text, an email AND a letter with them threatening to cancel my insurance.
I go to call them but you can't! You have to Live Chat. So I wait in a queue of 46 people to talk to someone and this woman called Paige comes on.
I say I don't know why you're threatening me with cancellation, if this is something to do with the letter then I've done everything you've asked.
She waffles on without reading ANY of my messages to her. Repeating the stuff that's in the letter and speaking to me as if I'm an idiot for being upset that they're threatening me without just cause.
She checks. Comes back with some attitude saying I hadn't sent the driving licence numbers. One again speaking to me like I'm an idiot and using some term I'm supposed to understand that I think she created on the spot saying that, that's what they asked for. Well the damned well didn't because I've checked the letter 5 times!!!! I've even asked others to check it, just in case I've gone mad.
Anyway. I send everything I'd already uploaded to the portal, all over again on chat.
I think the matter is dealt with.
Then yesterday, approx another week later, I get another text, email and letter threatening to cancel my insurance.
I go on live chat. I'm 46th in the queue AGAIN!!!! How is that even possible?
I speak to another girl who's name I cannot recall (don't take that as an opportunity because I have the transcript and screenshots) and I'm telling her I'm really sick of this business, what the hell could possibly be wrong now?
She says I didn't send the named driver licence number or share my details code.
I went insane!!!! Are you kidding me? I've sent all this to you twice already!!!!!!!!!! Why the hell do I have to put up with this when it's YOUR staff that can't do their jobs properly???
I send it all again. But this time, she not only wants the licence and share my details numbers, now she wants a national insurance number and a postcode. Clearly trying to make out like there was a reason for them threatening me because I said I was going to complain and review and warn others of this rubbish customer service.
She says they'll be in touch if there is anything else.
I swear to god. If they cancel my insurance I'm going to the ombudsman and I'm suing them for negligence and breach of contract. This is disgusting behaviour. I do not understand why this company has become so poor. But I'm telling you now, you're much better off going with a different company. This one is a damned joke and I don't trust them at all. Unfortunately, I can't afford to lose the deposit and go with someone else, so I'm stuck.
Read reviews and choose wisely. Their advisors are a immature, incompetent bunch of children who don't know what they're doing and severely lack professionalism. Perhaps they should spend more time training than going to football matches and sexualising their female employees in F1 outfits at the race track.

The agent: JL8
JL8 helping on Live Chat was excellent. I’d give him 5 stars if there was a separate feedback for the chat/agent.
The poor ratings (2stars) are for ‘one call insurance’ (the brokers), and their abysmal ‘contact’ infrastructure.
Telephone service:
1 star:
I had a Terrible experience. For starters in order to get through, One has to listen to a mind numbing long recorded message and then you are put on hold.
Today it took 35 minutes to get through. I was 22nd in the queue.
A human voice finally answered and said ‘we can’t help you here. Please go to live chat/portal.’ 😣
Live Chat:
Next it took 30 minute to connect to an agent. I was 44 in the queue…
One would think live chat would be available on the spot.., but no. Not with Onecall!!
God forbid if your phone locks you you out while you are waiting. So next 30 min we’re spent tapping the screen to keep it alive!
Once the agent connected, the rest was done quickly, But once again I was directed to ‘Portal’ for downloading the documents.
Bottom line:
Ensure you have a robust phone/computer/printer and never ending supply of patience if you want to do business with OneCall.
And then aside at least 2-3 hours if you want to make even the minutest of changes to your policy.
Message for OneCall:
Please sort out your telephone service or you are set to lose customers.

After almost five hours of back and forth between online live chat and phone calls and call backs I finally spoke to Lucas LO6 who was very helpful and after a little bit of confusion he was able to do what I asked within a 17 minute call that included being on hold for a few minutes till he checked things out. He was able to transfere vehicle details from my old car which was being traded in to my new car.
From 08.10 I had been on live chat online for over an hour being asked questions that weren't relevant and trying to change things that didn't need to be changed only to be cut off.
I then called the office to find out lines were busy, press 1 for a callback, which is acceptable at times. I received a callback only to be told they could help me but transfered me to someone else who then transfered me to sales for the process of press 1 for a callback started again.
It was over an hour before I got the call back again to be told they couldn't help but did give me another number to try. I called this number again pressed 1 for a callback which I got about 30 minutes later and as stated at the beginning I finally spoke to Lucas LO6.
On the whole this is one of the worst experiences I have had with One Call. Usually problems are solved quickly with no issues.
I would rate this experience as a two star but Lucas LO6 can have five stars 🌟
Ad I'm only able to choose one option for how did I communicate with One Call I have chosen telephone but I did also use live chat, as previously stated.

Feedback and complaint to be logged and investigated.
Service on the 24th June great.
Service prior to very poor.
Tried to contact chat 21st and 21 in a queue and this queue didn’t move less than 20 in over 10 minutes.
Also asked to provide NI and DL number and threatened to terminate policy by letter only at first within one week - what if I’d not received the letter. You only emailed again the working day before, the same threat and this ironically was after the details were submitted on the portal - yet your system didn’t check before I then had to waste time on the 24th chasing, I’m only grateful little wait this time and someone efficiently advised of cross over and kindly apologised for this error.
I’d also like to know why I wasn’t notified at the time the policy was taken, you were quick to ask for money and quick to validate me into one call and offer house insurance etc but no email nothing when policy taken out via - in yet all DL details were on this and should port across. I’ve no idea why you’d require a national insurance number, it’s car insurance, not a pension!! Anyway not only feedback here but a complaint, please respond asap, by email and letter!! Thank you H Heath

Very poor service from this company. Phoned up with 5 months to go on my policy as I needed to change my vehicle. Agent told me they could do a straight change as I’d changed to a Campervan and said it would have to be cancelled and someone would ring me about a new policy. Said I was due a £70 refund from a £350 policy. No one rang me so I insured elsewhere as needed to be on the road. Go onto their live chat 2 weeks later as they still hadn’t processed my refund and asked the agent what had happened. She stated the agent hadn’t processed the refund and no one had called, I said I knew and had insured elsewhere. She said she had to add cancellation charges and admin now to the cancellation and my refund was £9.32. I told her to keep it. Incredibly poor customer service from a company trying to keep overheads low by keeping you on chat sitting waiting for ages whilst agents deal with multiple customers and then steal your money. Worth the whole £10 never to have to deal with them again. Beware, cheap prices but there is a reason why.

Absolutely TERRIBLE customer service. First person I spoke to took all my details including those I have for a new vehicle I am in the process of purchasing. When I informed her I did not have a registration number for the car she told me she can give me a quote based on they’re if vehicle. I then went through the vehicle make and model giving the exact details which was fine. She then put me through to the ‘Sales Team’ where i was asked the exact same questions a second time. I was then told they were unable to provide a quote as I did not have a registration number. This call was made after having similar problems on your One Call Portal where it just seems like you don’t want any business. I have given this a ‘1 Star’ review purely because there is not an option if Zero
I feel I must now update this review after speaking to Lucas, who has re-westablished the faith I had in One Call Insurance and the reason I was looking at a fouth straight year dealing with them Well done Lucas (LO6)

Had new policy and received letter after less than a week asking for more documents. After sending all documents tru portal,no confirmation or acknowledgement.another letter came saying they cancelled my policy and wanted cancellation fee. No phone lines nor box 87 in que, when finally got in, Emma M who introduce herself as a Manager couldnt give any consideration nor any other way to reinstate my policy.aparently they received all my documents but still want another copy of license,without letting me know and just cancelled my policy. Letter came after 3days so I was driving my car without insurance.Emma keep saying she cannot help and recommended to reapply to pay new deposit and monthly and also asking for cancellation fee which they did without telling me. Clearly just money grabbing scambag. Unable to reach now and ignore my complaint but have the guts to get cancellation fee. Unprofessional, waste of time, useless and disgusting company iv ever seen. Dont be a victim of this scambags.

Trying to get through to one call was ridiculous and stressful, I couldn’t find an email address, I tried to phone, but I was told to use customer portal. Tried to access portal and told details not recognised so tried to register and told I was already registered - still can’t access it!!!! Web chat just as bad, put details in tried to send but no luck. EVENTUALLY with a web chat I managed to transfer my insurance on to another car, tried again to access portal but no luck!!! EVENTUALLY managed to web chat with a very helpful lady and in desperation asked for hard copies of my insurance documents to be sent to me. I have never had this stressful problem before and if I have any more difficulty in future trying in desperation to contact one call I will switch insurance companies!!! Can you please tell me why a) the customer portal doesn’t recognise my details and b) I can’t register because I’m told I’m already registered?!!!!

Customer service, I've received a letter that I would like to discuss and there is no phone number or email!!! Then I have logged onto the portal to use the live chat as suggested and I can't find it on the website.
I've missed a payment which I didn't realise and now I'm being charged 15 GBP charges which I don't think is fair as the company haven't given me chance to rectify it therefore I am not paying the charges. If you want to cancel the policy go ahead.
At times like this, companies should take on a more sensitive approach and give people a chance instead of hitting them with charges that they can't afford. At no point in the letter does it offer help if the customer is struggling and the tone of the letter is very threatening!! I live and manage severe anxiety and this has not helped my mental health, especially not being able to talk to anyone about it. If you decide not to cancel my policy then I will not be renewing it when it runs out.

I contacted one call to add business to my existing policy. There was no clear number displayed on the portal to contact an advisor so I used “Live chat” queued what seemed an eternity, just to be told that I could add business to me policy because of the underwriter. I was annoyed, but understandable- as I had contacted out of office hours. As a Nurse, that work shifts, it is difficult to get things done outside of said office hours.
I was then emailed to expect a phone call two days following as the issue was not resolved. No number provided.
I had to Queue again for live chat for about 20mins , eventually the instruction to was to call!? I asked for the number and had to queue again, to have to go through the same thing for the 3rd time.
When I got through eventually the operator sorted the problem without any issue? Which made me feel like I’d massively wasted my time, when the matter was sorted quickly. Why couldn’t this be sorted by an advisor on the live chat?! It is very annoying.

Been insured since the spring where I paid in full and they decided to take another 39.00 out of my account, this was due to them only "finding" 4 years ncb instead of the 5 I have, I didn't receive any letter or contact, they just took the money, obviously I queried it but they have no contact number, zero contact number!.. This is THE MOST INFURIATING THING! , Everything is done by online chat, so after being 48! In the queue I eventually got through to a person who was no help at all,Thank you for a wasted hour in the middle of the day, I emailed documents proving I was claim free for 5 years but they only want documents from my last insurers who just like one call operate an online portal, as I'm no longer with that insurance company I cannot access the document,.. But of course they won't budge, just keep repeating there "computer says no" line,you'd think that the insurance industry would have access to claims etc on a database, but obviously that would not help them from overcharging customers! .
We have two vehicles insured with this company, obviously when we renew we will not be renewing with one call.

Purchased my motorcycle insurance as they were the best quote, I had over nine years no claims bonus, which wasn't protected and I could prove but they didn't ask. Two weeks later I received an email saying that there had been a claim made in October 2020 with Highway insurance which hadn't been declared, and there would be an additional charge + £39.00 administration fee. I spoke to them and told them that I had never used this company or made a claim with any company and that I could prove my 9 years plus no claims, they were not interested and told me that I would have to contact this company and ask them for written confirmation that the claim wasn't made, but considering i had never used this company how was I supposed to do this. I consequently cancelled the policy and was charged another administration fee to do this, which I didn't mind as I no longer wanted anything to do with this company and since taking out another policy with a reputable company I have not had a problem my 9 years plus no claims still stands. That was over two weeks ago now since I cancelled and I have just checked my Mastercard bill and it looks as though they are taking the original charge for the undisclosed claim, which never happened PLEASE BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY

Our experience of one call is putting it politely appalling (due to the fact I don't like swear)
Having spent over 2 hours on live chat and getting cut off numerous times and having to start again.
This should not happen if a country leading company actually employed people who can actually talk to people instead of employing people who can take the easy way out and do live chat instead which delays the response time for your customers who are paying your wages and increasing your profits.
In our case we was not happy with your service and wanted to cancel our policy and all your company wants to do is screw every penny out of us for not being happy with your service.
As a company that is supposed to looking after their customers you fail on all fronts.
The management and owners of this company should be fully ashamed of themselves for letting their customers down and only thinking of how much profit you can make.
I know this will fall on deaf ears as companies like yours only want possitve reviews and ignore everything that is negative

Kerry was lovely and quickly resolved my query.
Only thing I wasn’t impressed with was I phoned once the other day and held for 7 mins without talking to anyone before I hung up.
Today, I phoned 3 times and experienced similar timescales to the above. I got through to Kelly on 3rd attempt.
Also- I don’t know if the company earns money when customers use the 01302 567820 number but I am not impressed that the initial prerecorded message takes approximately 2mins 30 secs before you go into the “hold” queue waiting for customer service. This is a ridiculously long amount of time to be waiting before actually queuing…maybe provide an “opt in” option for those who haven’t heard the legal jargon beforehand? As I say…today I spent 7.5 mins just listening to the same pre rec and being charged for it, despite only managing to connect with Kerry on the 3rd attempt.
Also please invest in a phone queuing system that tells the customer what queue position they are in. At the moment it’s like “Waiting for Godot

The overall experience was good. Daniel L dealt with live chat and was professional and courteous. Although the session took up to about 20 minutes and then told I couldn’t change the vehicle on my insurance policy, as the underwriters would not accept the change and I needed to cancel my existing policy and open a new policy for the new vehicle. Which I couldn’t do over live chat. I was given a telephone number to contact One Call insurance, which I did. After listening to dreadful upbeat music for about 5mins I spoke with Jordan. Who was also courteous, professional, patient and knowledgeable. Again, when he had to put the conversation on hold, I had to endure the dreadful upbeat music. In addition to this I could hear background noise, lots of voices, (call centre I presume), which was very distracting, whilst talking with Jordan. From Live chat, with Daniel L to end of call with Jordan, the call took over an hour, which was very frustrating especially with the background noise and the dreadful ‘on hold’ music that had to be endured.

AVOID Onecall at all cost. A DISHONEST COMPANY
I applied through a comparison site and answered all questions truthfully. OneCalls quote came back (not the cheapest) so I accepted it. 2 hours later I received an email stating that I had been refused Insurance NO REASON WAS GIVEN. I contacted them and they refused to give me the reason.
Because OneCall Insurance refused me Insurance I now have to declare it on future applications.
I went to another 2 Insurance provider who also refused me Insurance because although they could find no reason to not insure me because OneCall had they decided not to insure me because Onecall would not give me the reason why.
I started the complaints process 12 days later I received an email stating
1) that my address did not validate when I had already told them I was staying at my parents address - Why could they not have told me this?
2) I had been refused insurance before but they did not know which company has refused me so they couldnt tell me who it was. I HAVE NEVER BEEN REFUSED INSURANCE BEFORE AND THIS IS A BLATANT LIE.
I have requested an application for a FOI Request and I am in contact with the Ombudsman.
I have now found an Insurance provider.

I have used one call for quite a number of years for my motor and home insurance but my experience this year with my motor has been terrible spending hours doing an online chat, i bought a new car and wanted to know how much it would cost to amend my existing policy and a quote for a new policy, this appeared to be very difficult. I was told someone would have to ring me regarding a new policy... my phone rang twice a while later and i was not able to answer, i tried a few times to call back and just got cut off each time, back to the dreaded online chat, in the end i took out a new policy with one call but through compare the market as it was much quicker. I have been on today to get a price for adding business mileage as i am volunteering in taking generally the elderly to appointments, i was quoted £55, if I could of done this on the portal it would of been £15 less.. but the system wouldn't let me. I left it for a while and have come back to try and do online chat and the date box will not recognise the date which was in the correct format, tried this about 6 x but no luck, so decided to ring the telephone number i had, but after listening to the spiel and waiting for 15 minutes gave up. Come on one call bring the telephone lines back.

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One Call Insurance Rating

Based on 20 reviews from One Call Insurance customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Here at One Call Insurance, you can compare insurance quotes from our panel of trusted insurance brands.

We offer a range of benefits you don't get with other insurers, for instance our motor insurance policies come with FREE Breakdown Membership and FREE Motor Legal Service. Whereas our home insurance policies come with FREE Home Emergency Cover and FREE Family Legal Advice.

You can complete your quotes online or speak to a member of our team via Live Chat to arrange your insurance quickly and easily. For queries of any kind, our Live Chat can be accessed on our website from the hours of 8am-8pm Monday - Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday - Sunday.

We always aim to provide you with the best possible customer service experience and value your feedback greatly - so why not leave us a review?

(We're authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority).


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