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50 customer reviews of

My review/letter I wrote to JustFab's FB Page
My review/letter I wrote to JustFab's FB Page.

Dear JustFab,

Maybe this will speed up your terrible customer service, sales and business concepts.

I have now spoken three times with your pushy sales representatives about cancelling my order and "VIP Membership".

JustFab have script read me the same exact crap each and every time.

I have been told 24 hours each time I call that my order will be cancelled and that their "supervisor and shipping department" is looking into it.

Well, let me tell you that since October 6,2013 (my first call with Bernie your "fabulous" Sales Representative) 168 hours have passed - no reimbursement or cancellation of my order or your "fabulous VIP membership" has happened. Bernie ensured me that my "VIP membership" was cancelled as well as my order and that it would take 24 hours to process as confirmation would have to be made with the shipping department.

October 10,2013 I was charged by JustFab for $48.90, I did not authorize this. This brought on my second call and I hear the same exact thing. An added bonus of with a change Bernie did not cancel my JustFab "VIP Membership" like I requested about at least 20 times. So, I again had to waste another hour of my time. I'd say a good 30 minutes was the lady trying to keep me as a "VIP Member" and I again had to fight with her to say I am not interested in being a member any longer. The other 30 minutes hearing how it's going to take 24 hours for the supervisor to contact the shipping department and ensure the product hasn't left... which I heard on the 6th of October... No credit would be issued for the double charge or for the cancelled order.

Now, October 13,2013 after having my Financial Institution contact me regarding several fraudulent charges made to my account sparked my third phone call to JustFab as I had a hunch no credits or cancellation of my order or "VIP Membership" were processed.

The Sales Representative, Carmen, ensured me no cancellation of my order or my "VIP Membership" was made. Everything on my account was still active.

Again, I heard the same rehearsed speech "it's going to take 24 hours for the shipping department to confirm no order has been processed and then hopefully the funds will be released back to you" she then put me on hold and had her supervisor "escalate" it, which I've heard 3 times now. I again had to tell your Sales Representative that I do not want to continue any form of membership with JustFab about 30 times.

I do not know what it will take for your poorly ran company to figure this situation out, cancel my order, cancel my account and reimburse my bank account. Perhaps a legal representative meeting, at your cost, will have my situation resolved in a timely matter that isn't a rehearsed speech.

I hope this will make my situation go away and keep others informed about the shady business tactics your company prides itself in.

Just a FYI I will not be a returning customer or referring anyone to your business as this situation has been handled terribly and full of lies.

Have a FABULOUS day!

My wife signed up for their VIP program unknowingly, as did many others on this site. We didn't notice the charge for several months, and racked up monthly charges totalling over $300. After reading the reviews from others who fell for this scam, I was not confident that I'd ever see a dime of that money back.

To my surprise, my snarky attitude (and threats of a corporate lawyer) seemed to do the trick! The full $300+ was refunded into my account today. Less than 24 hours after chatting with their agent! I'm still in shock that JustFab actually refunded it. I have a feeling they're being sued or threatened with lawsuits from many parties, and it will only get worse for them if that goes public. Full transcript of my conversation is below. GO GET YOUR MONEY BACK!

********************************************************************************... /> Jan 22,2020, 5:20pm
Thank you for contacting JustFab
My name is AI Anna and I am a virtual agent who can help you with basic things like: check order status or skip the month.
How can I assist you today?
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:20pm
Put me through to Chad

Jan 22,2020, 5:20pm
I'm sorry, but I can't process returns or exchanges.
Please wait while I transfer you to a live agent.
Customer Name - Christina
Email Address -
Shipping Address -
Reason for this chat - I was just disconnected from an ongoing chat with "Chad"!
Customer ID -
Please wait for the next available representative.
Waiting for agent...

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:20pm
Hi, Christina.
Thank your for contacting JustFab. My name is Roy, and I will be your fashion consultant for today.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:21pm
Hi, I was just talking to a "Chad", and it got disconnected. Seemed like he closed it after telling me some useless information

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:21pm
Let me assist you today.
I am sorry about that.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:21pm
Here's what I was trying to explain to him:
Hi, I need to 1) cancel my account, and 2) I would like a refund of the past VIP charges made to my credit card. I was not aware that I was signing up for a recurring monthly charge. Looking into this online, I see I'm not alone in falling for this deceptive practice. I would like to be refunded for all but the initial VIP charge, as that was the only one I thought I was paying for.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:22pm
Upon checking, your membership was cancelled by Chad.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:22pm
So he did that and then immediately disconnected? He did not even tell me he was canceling it.
What about the refund?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:23pm
I am so sorry about that.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:23pm
I didn't want him to cancel it yet, as now I can't see my info or get to this chat again Can you process my refund?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:24pm
Let me check what I can do.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:25pm
I'm looking at a list of complaints from other members, who were also duped into the VIP charge. You WILL refund it, today, or I will be contacting my company's law firm.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:26pm
I can refund you 2 charges, it will be back in your card within 5-7 business days.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:26pm
You will refund me ALL VIP CHARGES
Because I was not aware I was signing up for this recurring fee. This practice is ILLEGAL, you know that right?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:27pm
We would like to inform you that you enrolled in our VIP program after taking advantage of our introductory promo and agreeing in our VIP program in that purchase.
We strive to ensure the terms and policy of the program is disclosed in the best way possible.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:28pm
Bull. I see HUNDREDS of complaints from other members, all duped into this program. This enrollment was NOT CLEARLY PRESENTED to me. I was MISLED.
So you can refund all of the charges, or you can hear from my company's law firm.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:28pm
I am sorry, this is the only refund I can offer in your account.
The remaining credit will remain in your account.
You can still use the credit in your account.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:29pm
What credit? I don't want the account, and I don't want store credit. Refund the charges, TO MY CREDIT CARD.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:30pm
Once we charge you for the month, it is converted into a member credit in your account.
You can use the member credit in your future purchase.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:30pm
I don't care, stop with the bullsh*t runaround. I'm not an idiot. You can refund the charges, and you will.
There will be no future purchases, this company is a scam.
Stealing money from unsuspecting customers

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:32pm
I am sorry if you think of our program that way.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:33pm
The word you're looking for is "ashamed".
Now please refund me these charges.
Still there?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:36pm
I am still here.
Checking what I can do.
Because the charge was taken with the terms of our program.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:36pm
Thank you.
Can you also send me a copy of the contract I signed, where it mentions this recurring fee?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:37pm
You can see that in the terms of our program.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:38pm
No, I want to see what I SIGNED, agreeing to this program.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:38pm
If you also try to add an item in your shopping cart right now, you can see the condition of our membership.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:38pm
Still not what I asked for. Show me MY SIGNATURE, ON THE CONTRACT.
If you cannot do that, then you cannot claim I agreed to anything, can you?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:41pm
Since this is an online purchase we do not have your signature but you hit the check button that says agree.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:42pm
Sure, and nowhere in that message did I see anything about the recurring charge. If it was there, it was buried in other text. THIS IS STILL MISLEADING AND ILLEGAL.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:44pm
I am so sorry if you think of it that way.
I am able to give all the charges refunded.
It will be back in your card within 5-7 business days.
Is there anything else we can help you with?
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:45pm
Can you confirm the total amount of those charges please?
And can you please confirm that you are refunding it to my CREDIT CARD, not some store card or anything other than my credit card.

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:47pm
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:48pm
I agree with that amount, thank you. Can you confirm it will be refunded to my credit card which I used to make the purchases?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:48pm
Yes, that is correct.
Is there anything else we can help you with?
Are you still there? I would love to get your concern taken care of, but I may have to end the chat if I don't hear back from you.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:50pm
Sorry yes i'm here
Can you confirm that the account is closed, and no additional VIP charges will be made to my card?

RoyJan 22,2020, 5:51pm
You will receive an email confirmation that your membership has been cancelled.
You will have no additional charge in your card.
Christina Jan 22,2020, 5:51pm
Ok, thank you. If this is all truthful, and I receive the refund, then I thank you for your help, and apologize for my tone!
Hopefully you understand. Thank you.

"Scam, Fraudulent Advertising"
I thought this site seemed too good to be true when i first came across it, as it advertised that your first outfit would be $25.00 when shopping in there fabletics department.
So, obviously I was drawn in by this great deal on athletic apparel.
As I made my first purchase, this turned out to be quite untrue, as I only had 2 items in my cart and my first outfit was not coming out to be this low cost and was in fact much more than $25.00, but I decided I would make my purchase anyways even though JustFab already falsely advertised this one deal. The Items I ordered were fine when I got them and I decided I would just not shop there again now that I had realized their deals were a way to draw you in but were in the end empty lies.
About a month after my one and only purchase, while checking my bank account I was surprised to see a charge from justfab for $39.95 and I knew I had not purchased anything so I called the company and they told me that this amount of money would be taken out of "members" account on a monthly basis. Not only did I not knowingly sign up for this membership, but this monthly cost was not advertised online at all unless you go in search for it (which a person new to the site would never know this) and i never put any credit card information into their system so they must have gotten it somehow when I made my one purchase. The woman on the phone then attempted to change the subject bringing up other options when I flat out told her I wanted to cancel my membership. Eventually she did, but this ended up being a huge scam with false advertisement and they would not even refund me the money that they removed unannounced. Please avoid justfab, fabletics, and every other site related before you know what you are getting into! I would not wish this unfortunate situation on anyone else.

It has been a few weeks since i canceled my membership (and received the email reiterating that it was canceled) with fabletics and I checked my bank account tonight surprised to find that they had taken $49.95 out of my account... They should no longer have access to my credit card and I should no longer have an account open for them to take money from. This is unbelievable. I am baffled that this situation is occurring. I just called them back and explained to the woman on the phone what happened and she fumbled with her words unable to explain these actions. She then told me that she would give me a refund for the money that was removed but that it would take 7-10 business days and she couldn't cancel my account until that goes through. I am now waiting for this to occur, though with little hope of this being the last of the scheming wrongful behavior of the fabletics business.

Terrible company!
If you don't want to be charged £35 you need to use the 'skip a month' option between the 1st and 5th of the month. Like most people, I forget and of course, this is what JustFab hope for. Last month I called to complain about this and had my previous £35 'refunded' which showed as a store credit. I decided to use my 3 remaining credits each worth £35 and my £35 store credit then I would be cancelling my account.
There was a sale on the site which was two pairs of shoes/boots for £35.
I added 6 pairs to my order, which of course should have totalled £105 (3 credits) However, I noticed I was going to be charged £105. I didn't understand. I took two pairs off the order. There was then no charge so I placed the order. I then noticed 3 credits were gone plus I only had £11 left of my £35 store credit. I rang to complain. I was told that as a VIP I had to pay full price for the boots I had ordered and couldn't have the offer of two pairs for £35. I was told that if I wanted the offer my order could be cancelled and my credits returned but I would need to pay by my debit card. By doing this, however, they would still have a total of £135 of my money (3 credits and £35 store credit) In frustration I said that I wanted to cancel my account but not the order. Eventually, I was told that the remaining £11 I could have refunded to my bank account (big deal) I was told that by cancelling my account all my VIP priveledges would be stopped... What a joke! I paid twice as much for my order just because I'm a VIP member! One of the priviledges of VIP membership is supposed to be a welcome gift. I explained that I didn't even receive that. I was told that not everyone does... it's just random!
It's the craziest, most frustrating site I have ever come across!

So in short, as a VIP member you get penalised because special offers are not available to you. There are no offers of 2 pairs of shoes for £35 available to you so you pay full price for everything. And even worse than that, when you call to complain or get an explanation you get a stonewall scripted response. Absolutely Shocking!

And finally the products they supply are awful quality. Do yourself a favour. Take your £35 per month to your local shops and pick up a bargain.

Over priced poor quality items!
I used this company for about 2 years when it first began, I understood the terms and made sure to "skip the month" when I did not want to make a purchase. I canceled in 2013 when I moved out of state and no longer needed lots of business attire and shoes for work as I did then. During the time period when the service just started I acquired so many lovely shoes and handbags that I still have until this day! The quality was the "best" for my money... fast forward to 2018-
I restarted service in Oct 2018 and was excited about the plus size clothing. I ordered a pair of jeans and a pair of boots for less than $40 I ordered according to the size chart on both.
The boots were supposed to be wide calf-JustFab were not! The jeans were 2 sizes too large even compared to the size chart. I called and complained and I was told I could not return them as they were "sale items" I specifically looked at the return policy prior to ordering and according to all I read, I should have been able to return for refund or exchange, however the CSR told me NO!- what a disappointment!

I continued the service as I really love handbags and figured maybe someday I would find that must have handbag and still use it!

I find that even though I have added my preferences - no heels over 1.5 inches and plus size clothing my boutique typically has heels and wedges with 2+heels and no plus size recommendations... I set google calendar to remind me everyday the 1st-5th to "skip the month" but during an extremely stressful time I forgot and was charged $39.99

You are not allowed to purchase sale items with your VIP credit- I continued to look for something for a few months and a particular pair of sneakers kept standing out to me so I finally went for it this past July and paid the full $39.99

When the arrived I noticed they said "shoedazzle" and went to the shoe dazzle website to price check them and they were half the price. I really loved the sneaker so I kept them, and now I regret it! There is no cushion in the shoe whatsoever and after wearing them for a week to see if I could "break them in" ive had no luck!
Once you wear them you cannot return even if defective!

The only way to cancel your membership is to call... humm... that's fishy! Ill be doing that today! Ill stick with AMAZON! Moving forward!

Do yourself a favor and don't waste your money on this service!

Despicable Dishonest Company!
I am usually pretty careful when I order from "vip" membership type programs like this. SO I ordered some shoes, with the intention of canceling my "vip" services after I received my order. I received my order quickly and had to do one return for size. That order was received quickly too. I talked to a customer service rep who I asked to cancel my vip service, I asked if I would receive any more charges and she assured me that NO I would not. One month later I checked my online account to see if I was an "active" member and it showed I was not. It showed no billing info, no shipping info and actually no order history (even though I had ordered, twice technically), so I assumed I was cancelled because I had none of those above listed things to make me believe JustFab had me on as a VIP member. Fast forward three months... I begin being charged a monthly VIP (after I cancelled and did not receive any charges for months) I did not know I was getting this fee because it was on a CC I do not use often and I had already checked out my account with them and thought I was canceled. My husband noticed them but never said anything because he thought I was getting products delivered from them. I have received no additional shoes or hand bags or whatever from them just charges that go on my account as "credit" to use to purchase things from their website. Guess what? NO "credits" show up on my online account through them. NO packages were sent with product after being charged, they were basically STEALING my money and hoping I wouldn't notice. Luckily my husband noticed and asked me what I was getting from them every month and I told him I cancelled it months ago or so I was told I did. This company is barely legal in how they steal from you (if there is even a way to be legal about stealing money?) They lie about their membership in the first place. I was told if I chose to NOT cancel my "VIP" I'd receive monthly orders. NOT TRUE! They give you an online credit that you can use to place orders. So basically they are hoping most people forget they ordered from this site (which signs you up for their VIP service) but if you do know this fact they hope you forget to cancel and then if you DO try and cancel they won't actually cancel you and then begin charging your card months later in hopes you don't notice! This company is despicable to say the least about them! DO NOT EVEN ORDER ONE THING FROM THEM! Even if you plan to cancel their membership fee the next month, they will still charge you... aka rob you! STAY AWAY!

Okay... but be aware
So, if you would have asked me last year or even a few months ago how I felt about this site, I would have told you that is okay... good prices... etc...

However, in the past weeks I have had A LOT of trouble with them. I was just reading through a few comments and what other people have stated below is basically TRUE! JustFab do charge you a restocking fee if you want to return an item and if you return it and just ask for a store credit (to spend at a later date) they do not charge you this fee... so their ad stating that it is free return is BOGUS! It's a bit of a grey area because when you do request a return for store credit they do apply it to you account without the fee but if you want your money back then you will have to pay the fee... I also wanted to note that you have to basically return all of your things at the same time or you will run out of time to make a return... I will explain what happened to me... I purchased many items for New Years Eve parties and Christmas events etc... A few of the times did not fit properly and I wanted to send some items back and then decide on some of the items a bit later on... so first of all I purchased some of the items for a super sale (which should be a good thing) and then when I wanted to return them they were going to charge me the 6 dollar fee-which for some items was practically half the purchase price-and then the representative told me that if I didn't return all the items at the same time I would run out of time and it would be impossible to return the other times because they must receive and process a return first before they will allow you to send any other items back...

BUT what really upsets me about this site is that they offer a live chat option and I swear that most of the time you try and chat with a representative that IT IS A COMPUTER GENERATED program answering you... many times the chat doesn't work or it cuts out AND THE WEIRDEST things keep on happening... like I went on this morning and all I was requesting a return for a store credit for the shoes I purchased because they ended up being too high for an event and the "representative" aka Riza started writing back that she is sorry that I have requested to cancel my membership... I wrote back and wrote back and said "No, this is not what I am requesting." Then "Riza" continued by writing back stating that I will receive an e-mail confirmation and so on... I also find it strange that the "representatives" can't go back and find your past order or items or find your address properly.

Also, be aware that many of their sizes are really off because sometimes I wear a 3X and then other times a 1X... sometimes the size 11 fits and then another time I can't even get my foot into the shoes... and this wouldn't be an issue but due to their return policy (see above) then it does become a bit of an issue... ie-I want a pair of shoes for 39.99 and then they don't fit... then I have to spend the 39.99 another time as a credit or I have to pay a 6.00 charge just because the shoes or clothes don't fit... and think about it... if you order 5 shirts and they don't fit then you are out the $30 of restocking fees (yes it is per item!) if you want a refund and maybe find a shirt at a different store or perhaps you simply changed your mind... or you are stuck with a store credit that works only for this store...

Quite the Opposite of 'FAB'
After JustFab messed up my order and delivery address, I received a BROKEN product. I called the poor excuse of a customer service department and went through with them (at snail's pace' what the issue was and we arranged for the courrier to collect the item and I would receive a refund within 8 days. The boots were collected from my home address, three days later a courier turned up at my work address to collect the boots?!

As if this wasn't bad enough in January I noticed that I had been charged £35. I called Just Fab and asked why. They explained I was a 'VIP Member'. Now, being a VIP member isn't a choice (Afterall, why would someone choose to be a VIP member and pay £35 a month for sub standard products and have one hell of a time with delivery?!). In actual fact what they do is sign you up automatically when you make your first purchase. There is no consent, tick box, explanation, notification or ANYTHING. Infact, in most cases the first time you actually know you're a 'VIP member' is when they take money from you.

I further checked my bank statement and noticed that they hadn't even refunded me for the boots that I returned. I called them and asked for a refund for both the boots and the member credit, since I never signed up to be a VIP. I was told I couldn't have a refund for the member credit as I signed up for the account. Apparently it was made clear that I was signing up for the account, I received email confirmation that I had signed up for the account and I had also received an email stating I could 'skip' this month if I didn't want to be charged £35. Clearly those were all LIES. After being adamant I never signed up for the account I spoke to a manager, who was rude and incompetent. She said that when I purchased the boots I consented to the membership! Since when does a PURCHASE count as CONSENT for £35 a month?!?!?! After arguing she continued to refuse a refund, stating it wasn't int their policy. I took the details and said I was going to trading standards.

I looked on their social media accounts, and to no surprise they were full of complaints and bad reviews from others who had experienced the same issue. Upon reading the comments and conversing with others I found out that some of them had been given a refund. I called Just Fab straight away and started the whole process of trying to get a refund all over again. When I was told no by the first person, I asked again to speak to a manager. He came back and said I could have a refund! I will not believe this until I see the money in my bank however!
Bottom line is, do not use this company. They're scammers! Just take a look at the rest of the reviews on this site and on their social media site!

I've ordered 3 pairs of shoes from
I've ordered 3 pairs of shoes from The first were cheetah pumps: JustFab were your average shoes, I paid $39.95 for them and honestly, I don't think I would of spent a penny more. I mean, I went to the Shoe Department the next week after I received them to buy my daughter some shoes and saw some pumps very similar to the ones I ordered from the site for only $22. The second pair were some flats: they looked ok, nothing special, wore 3 times and the sole came off a little bit. Got those on discount for $24.99, wasn't worth it. The last pair of shoes I ordered were the Maddox Boots. They looked beautiful online and looked like great quality shoes, only to receive them and be disappointed. Very "pleathery," cheap looking, DEFINITELY not worth the money. I've only worn them twice because I'm afraid the zipper might mess up and I don't even have fat calves, at all. My sister got some boots extremely similar to mine for $15 at Body Central. JustFab sells cheap shoes, save your money and go somewhere else, at this point I think L. E. I shoes are the same as JustFab, except they're sold at walmart at cheaper prices.
I don't understand why people won't read the disclaimer they provide about the V. I. P members, skipping months, or the monthly charges. I mean Hello?! It's common sense, you waste up to an hour looking at shoes but when it comes to reading disclaimers you "don't have time?" Ridiculous.
I decided to cancel my account but had to call customer service. I told them I wanted to cancel and they started asking a million questions, seriously, was on the phone for about 15 min. For something that should of taken no more than 5 min. To do. The representative kept saying she was going to email/txt reminders about skipping the months and all this stuff and said she didn't want to make it seem like I had no option other than to agree w/what she was saying when in fact, that's exactly what she wanted me to do, just agree and say "it's ok." I called w/patience but at the end I wasn't so nice. My problem was not the "monthly skipping" or "monthly billing" my problem is that I just DID NOT like the quality of the shoes what so ever. Might as well go to Wet Seal, Body Shop, or another store and get the shoes for less price w/out having to wait a week or so for them to arrive.

I was attracted to the website advertising shoes from £9 via an advert on Facebook. Upon finding a pair I liked reduced in the sale and then with further reductions when becoming a member, I decided to join the membership (not that I had much choice otherwise as I realised the scheme had already made me one). As I was given no reason to believe this was anything other than just a free service upon which I would receive emails about the latest promotions or suggested styles like other such websites (ASOS, Very) which I am also a member of, I went ahead and joined.

To my horror, after my purchase I discovered that becoming a VIP would require £35 a month to be withdrawn from my account?! I am absolutely furious that I have been tricked into a purchase of a membership that was not brought to my attention sooner. I think this service is outrageous as it is operated so sneakily with clauses hidden in terms and conditions that make you 'opt out' of the automatic scheme rather than 'opt in' like on other customer friendly, respected websites.

This whole ploy to get 'VIP' customers by tricking them into a devious payplan, conning its customers into paying a significant amount of money each month? I'm surprised it is still legal. Although JustFab obviously found plenty of loop holes in the laws, their operation is not the decent thing to do and certainly makes me wary of their company and the desperation to cling onto customers? Suspicious...

Luckily, the customer service lady that I spoke to was very decent indeed. I was geared up for a long battle with her after reading the many reviews telling me nothing but the struggle with customer service, she was actually alright. Although I was not rude or did not raise my voice I made it very clear that I had made up my mind about the cancellation of my account and after reading her script (which you can't blame her for; it is her job), she immediately ended my VIP contract.

I suppose I was one of the lucky ones as my contract was terminated the day after I had made the VIP account so it was not long enough to withdraw any money from my account but we shall see if any is snatched from me next month! I will give them hell if this is the case! It is a shame because without the snide process of signing up to be a VIP the company would probably find that more people would sign up to it e.g. regular customers, first time buyers to try it for the first month. This is a very bad was to build a client base. Beware.

I am so angered by this. I have been dealing with a refund from JustFab for 18 months now. 18 months ago, I got a confirmation of a refund I was making. I was to be getting 3 cheques: $153, $145.50, and $119.85. The girl sent me a confirmation and said it would take 10-12 weeks just to issue the cheque, then mailing time after that. I wasn't happy with it, but what can you do. At least I was getting my money back, right? Wrong. 11 weeks later, I called to ask them about the status of my cheques. The lady on the phone told me it can take up to 12 weeks, and promised it would be done in the next week. Fast forward a month, I call them again after not receiving a cheque. JustFab say they need to check with the back office, which is "closed" (It's always closed, I've called about 50 times after this, and they always use the same line). They say that they'll leave an email with the "back office", and they'll call me within 24 hours with an update. 3 days later I have no update, so I call them again. This time I get serious and ask for a supervisor. The supervisor says he needs to contact back office and he will call me within 24 hours. I gave him a rant about how this happened 3 days ago and I never received a call. He promised he would. He didn't. A few more months later (6 months after my refund confirmation), I receive a cheque for $153. Excellent. I cash it and wait for the remaining 2 cheques. Two months later, nothing. I call them again. I get the same robotic comments about back office, 24 hours. No call. A month later I call again. This time they have answers. The cheques have been processed and just need to be mailed. A month later, I still haven't received the cheques, so I call again. This new supervisor tells me the last supervisor made an error, and that the cheques were never processed. He needs to email back office, which is currently closed, and call me back within 24 hours. 24 hours later no call. Fast forward months and numerous calls with no real answers until today. Today's supervisor tells me that my $145.50 and $119.85 cheques aren't coming. She tells me it's actually supposed to only be $159 left on one remaining cheque, and that all of the 10+ previous supervisors I had spoke to were wrong. She tells me that even though all 10+ supervisors had confirmed for me time and time again the $ amount of the cheques (because I was scared they would scam me one day and pretend they don't owe me as much as they do) were all wrong, even though they kept confirming the same numbers. She said she saw nothing in my case notes that corroborated my story.

They she had the balls to tell me that there was an error made in the processing of the (erroneous) $159 cheque and they would need to start the entire process again. It would take 10-12 weeks. I asked for this supervisor's manager, and she quoted me a 1 minute wait 25 minutes ago. I've been on hold for 25 times longer than she estimated, and I'm almost willing to bet my life savings that they're gonna let me hold for a bit longer, and then hang up the line. It wouldn't be the first time JustFab did that to me.

4 year customer - NOT WORTH IT
So I have been a customer for like 4 years now. At first I liked it because it was easy and I really like their stuff. Then... JustFab started making everything lower than $39.95 which you think is great right? WRONG! Because now you cannot use the $39.95 they debit from your account every month to pay for it. You have to pay that amount only. At first it was not bad and worth it but now everything seems to be less than $39.95 so no matter what they are always holding on to that $39.95 EXCEPT if you do not buy anything for that amount it just keeps accruing each and every month. I now have 9 credits with NOT 1 THING I WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE TO PURCHASE THAT IS WORTH $39.95. Back when I had only 5 credits to use (I was working a lot and never found anything I would like and hoped something good would come along for $39.95 but it never did so they kept adding up, I had too much faith) I went online to try and buy some things. I finally made an executive decision to buy 5 things each worth $39.95 and then cancel JustFab forever... WRONG AGAIN. They had some special deal going on (that seems to always go on) where I get 20% off of an item, meaning I have to pay $31.96 and cannot use my credit... I called customer service not only because of this but because even after they wanted me to pay that it still did not show that 1 credit in my account! BTW it is really hard to get a hold of customer service if you work a normal day job considering that is their hours too!
So this woman decided to give me another 20% off making me pay ANOTHER $31.96! No one understood what I was saying...

I want to delete my account but that is $360 waste and I still cannot buy anything I want w/o it making me pay for it even though I have the credits... and yes I know I have to pay for taxes which is a lot but I still and willing to. It is just $#*! they have become so manipulative to everyone and they don't even have as cute of stuff anymore. Even their freaking jewelry stock has lessened.
I am willing to use my $39.95 credit to pay for shirt that is actually cute and only $12.95 as long as I can just get what I feel is my moneys worth and then stop paying them.
If you are reading this and having the same problem then cancel them now. Do not let it get to almost $400 and still have nothing you can buy or even want to buy!

As a VIP member, you get LESS benefits.
MY FIRST SUGGESTION: Sign up for the new membership deal "buy to pairs of shoes for the price of one", SET A REMINDER ON YOUR PHONE TO CANCEL THE ACCOUNT LATER, get your shoes/items, and then cancel your account immediately.

I got a JustFab account in July of 2016 when I saw their add for the awesome deal of "2 pairs of shoes for the price of 1". Who could pass on that? I signed up. Made a VIP account. Ordered my first pair. I understood that signing up for this would really be signing up for a monthly membership but an easy breezey "skip this month" button and cancellation was advertised to me. So I thought why not.

My first two pairs of shoes were great, especially for the price I paid. I was immediately pleased. So I decided to keep my membership rolling, thinking "if this is what $20 can get me, I"m excited to see what a monthly membership of $39.95 can get me". WRONG. SO WRONG.

I have spent the last 5 days trying to search JustFab up and down about what to spend my 3 VIP credits (about $119.85) on and have come up with close to nothing. Every time I go onto the website without being logged in I see an advertisement offering benefits to newcomers, such as the "2 boots for $20" deal that got me to sign up, while offering little benefits to me as a VIP member of close to 6 months. As a VIP member of 6 months, I COULD NOT participate in the black friday or winter time sales offered by the website, my $119 of store credit could only buy JustFab products at their VIP price. An example of this situation is during a winter sale, there were jeans that are normally $55, If you are a VIP Member then their normal price is $39.95, and at this time JustFab were on sale for $16, when I added the jeans to my cart I was NOT able to buy them at the $16 sale price, only at the $39.95 price. This is how the VIP membership applies to ALL sales. After scavenging the website for days I reluctantly put 3 items in my cart, totaling to just under $110.

After seeing the better deals being offered to newbies and nonmembers, I tried to contact JustFab customer service to get my 3 months worth of money refunded and cancel my account. Their call service center is AUTOMATED ONLY. Even pressing 0 or * won't connect you to a real person. The automatic operated asked me for my reason for calling and I said "file a complaint and cancel my account", the response the automated operated gave me was "Alright, I here that you would like to cancel you account. Your account has now been cancelled. If you would like to reactivate your account, simply log back in." and then it hung up on me. I was initially very panicked because I thought I had lost my $100+ in store credit. I was able to log back into the account with my information and my store credit was still there, but I was pissed about the lack of REAL customer service I got from the phone, so I tried the online services offered, which were just as unhelpful. I ended up cashing in my store credit for 3 items- a pair of jeans and 2 pairs of boots which are equivalent quality to what I could have gotten at a payless for less than half the price I paid. I immediately canceled my account afterwards.

Nothing about this experience was worth it besides the initial new membership deal. The shoes are NOT good quality.
Their selection is NOT up to date or varying much.
The customer service is NOT real.
The "Skip this month" button is NOT easy to find, making something that should take no more than 30 seconds to do a frustrating process that can cost you $40.

Definitely Pros and Cons
Definitely Pros and Cons.
I like a few other reviewers, thoroughly read everything when performing transactions online. As such, I knew exactly what I was getting into regarding the VIP status. I'm also a pretty savvy shopper, so I am familiar with the adage "you get what you pay for". My dissatisfaction is neither with the VIP program (in any capacity - labeling, enrolment, implementation, TofS, etc.), nor the quality of product. My issue is with the management of Customer Service issues, and the ethical handling of legitimate complaints.

My first purchase with JustFab went off without a hitch. I even love the product (a pair of genuine leather boots for a decent price). My second purchase however, has left a poor taste in my mouth. This round, I purchased another pair of genuine leather boots, and a jacket. Jacket is fantastic... have already worn it twice since receiving it a week ago. The boots however, were a problem. When I opened the box, the wrong product (incorrect style, colour, AND size) were inside. Outside of the box reflects what I ordered... inside not so much. Contacted Customer Service through the chat feature to inquire about resolution, only to discover I won't be able to have them ship me a replacement pair of the correct boot, as JustFab are sold out. Customer Service rep offers me a credit. Excuse me? Not only is it clearly indicated in the Returns Policy that full refund (minus a re-stocking fee) is an option, but this is not an issue of "it doesn't fit" or "I don't like it/I changed my mind". They physically sent me the wrong boot, and in the wrong size, so even if the style was agreeable to me, it doesn't fit. It is nearly the equivalent of a defective item. So far, my requests to customer service for a refund have gone unaddressed. I've shipped the boots back in order to at least obtain my credit, but I suspect that short of having to get extremely aggressive, this vendor won't honour their policy, nor do the right thing with regards to not charging me a re-stocking fee and/or waiving replacment product shipping should I use the credit.

I'm truly disappointed. Consumers deserve to be able to rely on the published policies and be treated with respect when a company makes a mistake... regardless of how much they spend on an item.

Can we sue them?
JustFab won't let you cancel your account. Their website says you can chat with them 24/7 but that is not true. It's close to impossible to get a hold of a human being on the phone, which is the only way to cancel your account. I stuck it out one morning, though, and ONE HOUR later I finally convinced the guy to say something other than "Yes, essentially your account is closed." I knew this was a way for them to continue charging me since he wasn't actually answering my question which was "Will you be sending an email confirming my account is cancelled? Please verbally confirm my account is cancelled." He did everything to dance around this. THIS IS A FRAUDULENT COMPANY! Anyway - I was surprised to see that they actually did send me an email confirming my account was cancelled. But don't get excited! Because I was charged the next month! I tried to get a hold of a human being. No such luck. You cannot even write to them! I decided to take a breath for my own sanity's sake, and let it go until the following month when I would remember to (if necessary) skip the month and then try to reach them again. What do you know! I just got an email telling me to remember to skip the month so I won't be charged! If you do cancel all of your plans for at least one ENTIRE day and night in order to speak to someone on the phone? SADDLE UP! Because they are going to speak to you as though you are a moron, and when that doesn't work they are going to simply start ignoring your words and repeating over and over again, "You have credits you should use so let's use those and you can call another time if you'd like to reach us." That's just the beginning! They are going to eventually become so rude to you that you'll want to hang-up (and I'm sure this is another way for them to get most sane individuals off the phone before cancelling their account.) If you're zen enough to still be talking with them past this point? They will cave, tell you that your account is essentially closed, and then they will hang up the phone and have a good laugh. I am now going to cancel my atm card since they ignored my request to even skip this month and CHARGED ME FOR A THIRD TIME AFTER "CANCELLING" MY ACCOUNT. Cancelling my debit card means contacting all the companies with whom I have automatic monthly bills paid... and many, many more annoying things that I shouldn't have to be doing.

I was a JustFab member for a total of Three days!
I was a JustFab member for a total of Three days! I went online, expecting to buy 2 pairs of shoes, since that is the advertising that JustFab have on their commercial and on the website "buy one get one free" well that wasn't the case, my 1st pair would be $19.95 as a VIP first time costumer. I was ready to pick my second pair and it was costing me the regular price of $39.95, I was confused because I was expecting to pay NOTHING since that is what they promised on TV and website. I ended up getting only one pair of shoes.
I Called costumer Service, and after an hour of waiting (while I was working) I get a very annoying robot, I mean why do they have to say every two minutes "I understand Donna, we value your service as a VIP member" I swear that alone was getting on my last nerve. I tried to explain to this person that I did not get my second pair for free and I wanted to know what I had done wrong. She explains to me the way it ACTUALLY works, the first time that I buy shoes as a "valuable VIP Member, my shoes are for $19.95 and in order to get the second pair for free, I need to go on the clearance section and pick something from the $9.95 SECTION, but WAIT this can only be done if I am getting the original 1st pair for $39.95. I was upset and told her that the commercial did not say that! She said that she was not sure as to what to tell me about that.
I tried going online, thinking that now I WAS going to do it right and I was going to get my free pair of shoes! I picked an item for the original price of $39.95 and I went on the clearance section and picked something for $9.95. When I tried to pay for it, I was being charged for both pair at the price of $39.95 (each) I was is mad and confused; I just cleared the cart and waited for the first pair that I bought.
I was provided with a tracking number so I was happy to see when I would get my shoes, when I went on the tracking site, it said that the shoes were delivered in 1969! How is that even possible, I wasn't even born! I called again and they told me that they did not know what to tell me, since the number was generated by the computer and they had nothing to do with that! HOW IS THAT EVEN AN ANSWER?
I ended up receiving my shoes but the tracking site was never EVER updated with the right information. I believe it still says that it is 1969. I do not recommend anyone to buy from them and or even to register.

Liked it at first. Not anymore.
First off, I ordered several months ago when JustFab were having a two for one sale for new members. Was fairly content with my purchases every time except the product I received was never what I expected. Looks great in the online photos, not so much in person. I chalked it up to color setting and whatever when viewing on a computer screen. Its pretty common. Whatever...
Forgot to skip a few times and had a really hard time trying to find things I liked in my size. Everything is ALWAYS out of stock. PLUS, if they are offering some sort of VIP discount, they automatically apply it and then you cant use your member credits. If your total comes to $38, too bad. You have to pay that out of pocket and then use your member credits for an item worth $39.95.
Finally remembered to call them today to cancel because I wasnt able to on the mobile site. Rafael answered and asked why I wanted to cancel. I told him that I have a hard time finding things in my size that I really, really like. Everything I LOVE is 9/10 out of stock. He proceeded to give me some spiel about receiving email reminders and I can skip or ask for more time. I told him that sometimes I forget to skip and I honestly just didnt want to worry about it anymore. He started to give me the spiel again. I said Can I just cancel, please? I dont want this anymore. He then informed me that I still had points that I could redeem for 20% off my next purchase. Yeah, but then I cant use my credit, if I had any. Started his stupid email reminder, skipping bull$#*!, so I said, Ill just cancel my credit card.and hung up. Rude? Yes. Do I feel bad? Not really. Usually, I would, but seriously? No means no, dude! I realize its not his fault. He is supposed to try his best to get people to stay; however, it should not be so hard for me (and others) as customers to get rid of something we dont or cant use. Its ridiculous and aggravating. Shame on this company for forcing their employees to partake in such business practices.
Finally went to the full site and saw that you are able to cancel that way. Wish I would have known that months ago.
I better not see any charges from them on my account now that Ive cancelled.
None of their merchandise is worth what theyre charging. Stick with brick-and-mortor department stores where you can see the quality in person and know that it will fit you right.

Not Really a Valuable VIP Member (lies!)
I am very disappointed with this company, even though I "was" a valued VIP Member, I will be closing the account as soon as I am finished with this review, I did not feel that I got special "valuable" "VIP" treatment.

My original issue was to find that your company was automatically withdrawing money from my account, even though I never selected to become a "Valued VIP" member, nor was there ever an option to be or not to be a "Valued" VIP member. However, seeing how I love a good deal, I decided that I would NOT close my account. That I would keep the account active, and once I had my finances reset, I would actually allow a few more withdraws so that I could enjoy the spoils and self affirm all the hard work that I will be doing in the next year.

It has been crazy busy this holiday. AFter all the gifts were unwrapped, it was time to shop for myself. Oh yes, I have (2) credits of $39.95 sitting with the company Justfab! Perfect. Time to love myself. Use my money and get me some nice things while getting a great price.

As I proceeded to check out, again having the Amazing "Valued" VIP membership, that your company so loudly boats about, I found that I was not being given any special treatment. I had to choose between purchasing two items at FULL PRICE to be "allowed" to use "my" credits, or I could use the "card" on hand and get the holiday sales price, which anyone could quickly sign up for get the discounts, and then cancel the subscription.

If being a VIP member is so great, then why is it that as a "valued" VIP member, I am not allowed to use my credits on my sale items?!

Any other store/site, allows me to use coupons, certificates and gift cards, while getting the sale prices. If you truly have the most amazing company, best quality products and best "Valued" VIP Membership, why then do "valued" VIP members have a restriction as to how JustFab use their "valuable" credits!
You pulled $39.95 out of my account twice, so you earned $79.90 from me. Why then can I not use "my" $79.90 how I want.

As I said, I am very sorry that I will no longer be supporting your company after this incident. And I will be contacting and spreading the unfortunate news about your "valued" VIP customer satisfaction.

Try being an "honorable" truly good company with great values, and honesty and integrity and understanding for your customers, instead of swindling them out of a few monthly withdraws.

Honestly, signing up for this website was the biggest mistake of my life...and that's a big statement. I became a VIP member in 2016 (without really signing up for it), and JustFab began charging me $39.95 at the beginning of every month. Luckily, I caught on pretty quickly so I called and they gave me a refund. I didn't think much of it so I have been "skipping the month" every month, and sometimes, they still charge me so I'd have to call and get my money back. Because I don't use it at all, I forget about it and forget to skip the month which results in another $40 being taken from my bank account.

What threw me over the edge was when I asked to cancel my account through customer service via chat, and the consultant told me she was going to do it but needs to contact her boss. I confirmed to her that I wanted my membership 100% canceled. It took her a bit to get back to me, so I completely forgot to go back to the chat to practically say bye, after she asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" But because I did not respond, my membership never got canceled.

So...I did not skip the month for June and that $40 turned into credit in July. I called and they said that I could not get my money back because it turned into credit and that they already refunded me many times before so they advised me to use the credit before I canceled. And because I did not confirm to the other consultant that I was done, it did not go through (so it was my fault apparently.) I was heated. But I thought, "What's done is done. I'll just buy some random stuff and call it a day. Besides, they are having their 50% 4th of July Sale for VIP Members."

BUT: The 50% sale items could only be bought with your own credit card, and NOT the membership credit that is worth $40. How does that make sense?! So what I had to do is either pick the promo and pay with my credit card, or pick the item that is VIP priced and pay with credit. The thing is, the VIP price is still expensive considering the quality. So in the end, I bought 1 crappy item for $40.

After this whole mess, I called back and finalized my membership cancellation. PLEASE. To save yourself from the hassle, headaches, and money, DO NOT PURCHASE/BECOME A VIP MEMBER from this company. Besides, their items aren't all that cute anyway. You can get similar items for the same price(or less) with better quality.

Wouldn't recommend this company
I saw an advert on television for justfab so I decided to check it out online. I had to make an account in order to get the 75% discount JustFab were advertising. I had to answer 5 or 6 questions so they could 'match me with the perfect shoes'. I then had a choice of approximately 20 pairs of shoes, most of which were nothing like the ones I had selected in the previous questions. I had answered sandals and flats for most questions as I was shopping for a holiday in Spain and was given a choice of 5 different pairs, the rest were trainers and boots. I eventually chose a pair of sandals (you only get 2 hours to decide, then the offer expires) that were listed at £44 (not the £35 that they advertise on the tv adverts) but had been reduced to £8.75. I went to check out, put all my details in, and selected the free7-10 day delivery but had been charged an extra £3.95. I thought it was still a pretty good price so I ordered them anyway. They arrived about 5 days later and I couldn't wait to try them on. I opened the box and when I saw them, I was very disappointed. The straps were so thin it felt like they were going to snap as soon as I tried fastening them, the soles of them had no tread on them making them easy to slip in, they were not what I expected at all. I found two pieces of paper in the box, one an invoice for my order, the other details about my account. I read through this information looking for details on returns, and found a phone number. The woman I spoke to was very nice and made it very easy to sort out a return, all I had to do was print off a return slip and select a pick up date. The delivery guy came the next day to collect the package, but 6 days later, I am still waiting for a refund. As well as all this, I have since found out that once you order something from them, you have to order something every month or skip a month by the 5th. If you do neither of these things, they automatically charge you £35 and add it to your account. I have now decided to ring them on the 1st of March and close my account. I would not recommend this website at all.

Update: I waited just over 2 weeks for my money to be refunded and still hadn't heard anything, so I rang them back to see what was going on. The person that I has initially spoken to had 'forgotten' to put the refund request onto the system, so they had to re request it. 2 days later the money (lacking the amount I paid for p&p) was back in my bank. I rang them back and asked to cancel my subscription. I had to ask for this three times as the person I spoke to kept telling me to skip the month instead, and even offered me 25% off my next order. After 15 minutes of listening to him trying to persuade me to keep my subscription, I went onto my account on my laptop and cancelled it myself. When I told him to forget it as I had done it myself, he said in a very rude tone of voice 'well, now you can't access the offers so now it will cost you £44 for everything you order' then hung up the phone. Because of this, I have changed my rating from a 2 star to 0 stars, and I warn you to stay away from this rip off a company and their very rude staff.

Be cautious
Be cautious.
My friend told me about JustFab about two years ago. She warned me, though, about the monthly charge if you don't skip. Reading through the website I was well aware of why this happened or that it would happen at all. That's okay--sometimes I'd forget to skip since I wasn't visiting the website, so I made a note on the calendar on my phone to remind me on the first of every month. This is very helpful.
HOWEVER: as a VIP member, you get some perks, but, JustFab have taken months worth of money from me. Costumer service is crazy. Every time I called, I had to wait. Once it was 20 minutes, the other times I didn't allow myself to even waste that much time so I just hung up. I emailed them and asked them to cancel my membership. I got a response within three days and they apologized and said it was cancelled. Since I was under the impression that I was no longer a member, I didn't bother visiting the site and "skipping" (since their over priced products are cheaply made and mediocre at best). That next month, my bank statement indicated that JustFab had charged me $49.95... After my account was "cancelled." I emailed them again with the problem at hand. Two weeks passed, no response. Another email. Finally a response, saying it was "against their policy" to cancel account memberships over email. I screenshot the confirmation email I received on having my account cancelled and let them know how I always had to wait on the phone and it was no longer a practical method to get a hold of them. Another "representative" emailed me, apologizing, and after several emails back and forth they agreed to "make an exception" and cancel my account. I logged in and it said I was no longer a VIP member, BUT, my credit card information was impossible to remove from the site. This is what is super creepy about it. You can't delete your account from the website--you can't remove your credit card information either, only change it to a different one. Three months went by and I hadn't realized it, but I had accrued three months worth of charges... I called again with no response. I emailed and emailed and once again got the "policy" bit. By this time I was absolutely enraged. I didn't want any credit to their awful products and just wanted a refund, but they refused. I wanted to speak to some sort of manager or SOMEONE who would fix this--couldn't get a hold of anyone except over these eerie emails.

I know not everyone has had this problem. But, beware. Notify your bank ASAP about them if you're getting charged or want to ensure they can't charge you if you want your account cancelled. They may even be able to help with getting your credit info off of there--I'm still battling with these people.

I signed up to buy a pair of shoes because I saw the...
I signed up to buy a pair of shoes because I saw the advertised discounts. Lucky for me, I paid attention to the VIP Membership notice, so as soon as I got my stuff and noticed the "39.95 monthly charge" mentioned, I looked to cancel my account IMMEDIATELY!
JustFab must REALLY want to scam me out of as much money as possible because cancelling my membership was much more difficult than it should have been. First, I had to call them. It's not a "click a button and you're free" option, like Facebook. No, you have to call them. So I did. The person I got (David) seemed nice enough, but when I told him I wanted to cancel, he began telling me about all the discounts and perks I can get as a VIP member. He told me to just give them a try for about another month or so since I'm a new member -- I told him no, I just want to cancel my account. We went on another roundabout conversation where he explained to me about the membership again and asked me to stay. Getting impatient but still trying to stay polite, I told him again I just wanted to cancel my account right away. He told me he would do so.
After that, I decided to look up some reviews about JustFab to see what they're all about, and I guess I did myself a huge favor by taking action as soon as I did because I saw a lot of people getting scammed by them!
I read a review saying the person was still able to log into their account after their membership was supposedly "cancelled," so I tried logging into mine, as well. Still there. I gave it an hour or so - maybe it needs to be processed? Nope. Still there. So I called back to make sure they really cancelled my account. I got Lucas, and he informed me that my membership was, indeed, terminated. Okay, thank you! Still wondering why my account is there. Also, the fact that I didn't receive any "cancellation confirmation" email from them or anything makes feel even less inclined to trust them (I even checked my junk mail; nothing!). So I called a THIRD time just to make sure (because after reading all the bad reviews about their shady business, I felt really unsafe), and I got Christine, and she explained to me that I will always be able to log into my account even if my membership is cancelled, but to make sure it is, I can try adding an item to my shopping bag; if I don't have that option, that means my membership is terminated and I will no longer be charged and don't need to "Skip a Month."
So after hanging up with her, I double checked everything, just to make sure. It seems that I'm safe from them. But just to be absolutely positive, I am going to my bank tomorrow to see if I can block them from charging my account. After reading shady reviews about JustFab one after another, it feels like if you don't treat it like the plague and take every precaution imaginable, you will get the short end of the stick.

Scam and theft
Two huge issues with this company. One is the credits JustFab draft from your account. You can't apply them to sales! This Is you're actually money, and you are literally penilized for using their credit system. The second is their customer service. Here is a message I sent to them after an hour long call. It's suppose to be immidiate response, never heard back. I have sense filed a BBB complaint.
I just spent exactly one hour and four min on the phone with your customer service. I've been a loyal customer for years. I've also, worked in customer service my entire life and have yelled on a call exactly twice, both for my last order with you. The first was the scam with the credits, that makes you a bad business. The second was you switching my address on an order and refusing to properly refund me, that makes you thieves. It's clear after an hour you don't care about customer service. You have stolen from me.
From the three people I spoke to my understanding of what happen is that one of my items was sold out when I made my purchase. When this happen your system updated the order and put my old address and billing address in! I asked several times for a call to be placed to fedex to switch the address, but the most I got on response was the last manager who said they could try, but it probably wouldn't work. I deal with FedEx everyday, it would have. I've made mistakes and sent things to the wrong place. Infuriated I demanded my money back. I was told, several times that Justfab is incapable of refunding on a card, it would have to be a check in 12 days. You are an international company, this is flat out not true. The guy selling local produce at the farmers market can refund to my card. I don't claim I handled this well, and I'm ashamed for raising my voice, but I have never, never received such customer service. These were Christmas presents. I don't have a ton of money, that's why I let the credits be drafted, a sort of savings account for Christmas presents. Now I don't have them, or the money for them. I don't know what I'm going to do. My heart is broken for this, and I am so angry. You took my money, changed my address without permission, and refused to refund me. This is the definition of stealing.
I have no faith this check will ever be sent to me, and if it is it will probably be to the wrong address.

So I was a "VIP" member of theirs for about a year
So I was a "VIP" member of theirs for about a year. So about 9 months ago I started to notice random charges of 39.95 being taken out of my account. I looked at the name and went to their website and read their user agreement. I realized why I was being charged with it and was somewhat fine with it at the time. Then when I moved and was living on my own, I didn't have the money to afford it. So I started to skip every month, and eventually unsigned up for VIP membership. At least I thought I did. For several months I wasn't charged. I checked my account on their website once to make sure I wasn't a VIP anymore. Then tonight I was looking at my bank statement and there was a charge from them. That is literally all the money I had to my name left right now. So I called the company and explained to the representative that I know what the user agreement says and that I was not a VIP member anymore. She gave me some shbeel about how I wasn't charged for those months because I didn't have enough money on my card. I told her no I specifically cancelled my membership before. She said "no you have to call to cancel it!" That's so BS. I even told her some people don't have access to phones all the time, but I know I cancelled it. I explained to her this money is what feeds me for the rest of the month. She tried saying "oh I'm sorry, but you can use that credit to buy one of our products" I said "shoes won't feed me, you took the rest of the money I have to my name." She says "oh I can give you 70 points to your account" "points won't feed me". She replies with "okay this one time I can give you an extra credit for another item" "I DO NOT want anymore of your products, I want my refund" She tries to start the act about the agreement again and I explained that I will not yell at her, but I do want a manager. So she says "Okay well I can give you this one complimentary refund, but that only for VIP members so if you do not want to remain one I can not do it" I told her I wanted a manager now. So she put my on hold and talked to one and she came back and told me within 3-5 business days she I will have my money back and had the nerve to try to upsell me some other BS payment plan JustFab have. After I refused that she quickly hung up. I'm calling my bank tomorrow and banning them from ever charging my account again. Not to mention notifying my bank that I expect to see a full refund because from the comments you guys posted I see they have a knack for not fully refunding all the money. Yes you should read the user agreement, but if a customer has cancelled membership with you already you legally can not keep charging them. UGH

Don't Fall for this Money Trap
After several months of ordering cute shoes, I decided that I wanted to cancel my membership. I don't necessarily think JustFab provides a bad product - the styles are on trend, JustFab ship relatively quickly, and while not always being the best quality, it's decent for the price.

However, when the time finally came around to cancel my VIP membership (it had been about four months, and I hadn't used any credits - the money was just going to waste), I found it EXTREMELY difficult to cancel my membership and impossible to get a refund for those unused credits. You can't cancel your membership online, forcing users to call in or online chat and wait on hold for a while. Then, before finally confirming they will cancel your order, the JustFab representative will ask you multiple times "Are you sure?" - Obviously, why else would I waste my time calling?

THEN I find out that they are unable to refund my unused credits, and they can only be used for a purchase. If this had been made clear to me in the beginning, I wouldn't have signed up or I would have made sure to skip more months so my money wasn't wasted. So, now that I have canceled my membership and realized that I still have $160 worth in credits to use, I decide to do one last order to use them up. Lo and behold, when I go to check out, the only way to use those credits is to sign back up for the VIP Membership! A total trap and complete waste of money - and a very frustrating buying process.

I wouldn't be so irritated if they had made all of those contingencies clear from the moment you sign up - the fact that you can't get your credits refunded isn't even in the FAQs on their website! And yes, for those of you reviewers who claim "you should have read the terms & services of the membership more carefully" - I skimmed it like everyone does and didn't understand half the legal jargon. Key facts about the membership should be listed on the website in clear & concise terminology that everyone can understand without having to Google legal jargon.

So I had to renew my membership to use those credits (I didn't want my money to go to waste) and I am going to cancel once I receive this order, before they can suck any more money out of me. Absolute scam.

Absolute Con!
In May last year I decided to order a pair of shoes for a wedding and thought JustFab was a good deal. Little did I know I was signing up to 'VIP membership' without even realising! It wasn't until August that I noticed JustFab had been taking £35 from my account every single month. I phoned to complain and cancel my membership (which I didn't even know I had) immediately. They basically only offered me a part refund and that the other £35 would be transferred as 'credit' but I still insisted on cancelling as I wouldn't be purchasing anything further from them. I then checked my bank statement yesterday and discovered they had taken another £35! I was absolutely furious and phoned JustFab immediately to make a complaint and request a refund. The first time I phone the lady explains that I cannot receive a refund and that I did not actually cancel my membership back in August... I then obviously begin to get more frustrated. I demand that she goes back through their phone records to prove that I cancelled. She puts me on hold for about 2 minutes and hangs up on me! I call again... same lady... different name. She claims that she will put me on hold while she listens to the phone recording... she puts the phone down on me yet again. I phone for the third time. Same lady again... another different name. I called her out on this and asked her why she was claiming to be someone else and using different names to which I did not get an answer. In the end she refused to refund me and called me a lier denying I ever cancelled in the first place. I even asked to be put through to her supervisor/manager... her response was that no one was available to talk to.
Obviously still extremely frustrated as my complaint had not been settled, I phoned my bank and explained the situation. My bank informed me that they had not only taken a payment in January, they had also taken £35 in October, November and December so £140 all together! As my bank account is VISA, they confirmed that the £140 would be back in my account the same evening and would block any future payments. Although I am happy that I have received my money back, I am certainly not happy that JustFab will continue to do this to other people! AVOID THIS COMPANY LIKE THE PLAGUE!

Money stealers.
A year ago I saw many adds for JustFab and really liked the look of their shoes. So I went ahead and ordered some while it showed JustFab were having a "deal". I was unaware that this deal meant that you were signing up for a VIP membership that would charge you $39.95 a month counted toward credits for whatever you buy (as if I'm going to be buying a new pair of shoes every month). When I signed up and made my first order, whatever and wherever it said it would charge me each month this price was nowhere to be seen and not made clear at all. After 9 months of it charging me I finally noticed it in my bank account (foolish of me for it to take so long to notice). Unaware of why I was charged, I called my bank and they told me it had been doing this on the same day for the last 9 months. When I called JustFab to discuss this, it was only then did I learn about the credits for VIP membership and that if you didn't want to be charged each month, you would have to call before the 5th to "skip this month". Who's going to remember every single month to do this? That's unrealistic. I explained to them how this was not made clear at all and asked for my money back. They told me it was "impossible" but that I had to use the credits (9 months worth of getting charged $39.95). After arguing away with what felt like a computer or robot due to this person way too rehearsed for specific lines to say, I chose to use my credits before cancelling the account. The website is awful to use, is very slow, has many glitches, and it's clear it's not good for your device as shown by it heating up both my phone and computer while trying to use it. So I used up 8 credits, still frustrated about not being able to get my money back. I just now called to cancel my account, which they fought very hard for me to try and keep and told me I still had 1 credit left. I asked for my money back again, hoping since it was just ONE credit that they would do this. Their answer? "I'm sorry ma'am but that is just impossible seen that this was charged many months ago". Lady, I don't care if it was 2 years ago, this company is awful for doing this and not working with its customers in a reasonably financial way. I'm so frustrated. My advice, always read the super fine print before signing up for anything, and take MAJOR caution when dealing with this company and website.

They've been great, but...
Their plan is something you get stuck in. It's a business model for making money so it's quite brilliant. If you don't opt out each month, you get a charge which banks in your account for credits. Each one is 39.99 towards purchases. If things are more expensive, you have to pay cash in addition to using a credit and for sale things, you still have to use a whole credit even if it's only $10. JustFab claim that the $10 is a sale available with no other offers (which includes VIP's very special price of $39.99-[actually, that is not a cheap price], so you pay the regular price of $39.99 + via one of your banked up credits, or you pay cash and get the special price. Sometimes you cannot return clearance. You do get free shipping with VIP membership. I have never had a problem with making a return or exchange in 7 years except they run out of my size often. It's been just as easy as Amazon returns with the exact same requirements BUT, if you want a refund you will pay restocking fees which may include S&H. The way to avoid that is by having them issue you credits. And this is why after 7 years I can't seem to get out but I am in the habit now of "skipping the month" as to no get any further credits. I don't want more credits, I just want the membership for the great sales. That's the way to do it! Some stuff is super cheap but others are good enough and some are surprisingly good. They have a great selection of stuff that I get compliments on all of the time.
ONe time, my stuff was shipped to the wrong address in my account ( to my daughter's house in California) by my own fault. Worse yet, she didn't live there anymore. 3 pairs of boots were delivered and enjoyed by somebody. Just Fab gave me back all 3 credits which they certainly did not need to do. Website is sooo slow! Phone agents are to rehearsed and annoying, trained to say, "yes ma'am I am sorry to hear that this didn't work out for you, blah blah..."
I was kind of annoyed with them and started reading reviews and I realized that most people just don't understand or aren't cut out for this program. I been treated so well and felt I had to share that I haven't had any of the complaints I have read in this forum. You do need to be responsible as with all online accounts, and reconcile your account on occasion. I don't think they are deliberately trying to rip people off (beyond what their business model intends & we agree to).

Around Christmas I signed up for JustFab because JustFab had an offer "your 1st pair $10" so I signed up and YES I KNEW it was a subscription site. I figured I would try them out and $10 for boots is crazy. So I get the boots and no wonder theyre $10, they were a faux suede but literally felt like the felt craft paper lol and too small so I figured for the cost of returning/hassle I kept them. January came around so quickly skipped the month but next month March I called in before the 5th to cancel membership so I wouldn't get charged and they kept trying to get me to just skip which I kept saying NO then was told I was cancelled. Well it's now April 9th and I look to check my bank account and boom see JUSTFAB $39.99 CHARGE so I immediately head to their site and see another member credit from March they charged so if course I call had to keep saying customer service in order to actually speak to a rep. Which after 15mins of music "Kylie" like gets on the phone which is obviously a fake name considering the accent. Told her my dilemma and was told see sees record of my call and it says I called to cancel but rep told me the "greatness of being vip" so I just skipped the month and they can only refund "1" month back to me lol which is of course isn't true so I said no not correct I wanted to cancel account it completely that I want my money she said as if I was lying well I can review the call YESSS REVEIW I SAID I WANT MY MONEY BACK. So she tells me to hold on while she listens to it and no joke literally less than 10secs comes back on line saying she listened and I agreed to skip the month. First all I work in customer service and phone sales for 10+ years and they can't just pull up a call like that, second of all less than 10secs jump back to me after listening to a call that was a couple mins long because the lady took forever just to cancel me since she wanted me to skip. "Kylie" should've at least kept me on hold for much more than a few seconds to "review the call" to actual make it sound believable lol so I called her * bluff and told her I'd like to hear it and receive a copy as well where exactly it is written on their terms that once they take money they cannot refund it back, since that's actually against the law. So she said I need to get my supervisor to get you a copy of the call. So she then jumped back on the line with no Supervisor and said they cannot let me listen or provide me a copy of the call, but after talking with supervisor they will go ahead cancel and issue my refund since they're allowed to refund up to 2 credits so I'll be getting my $80 back and an email... UMMM YEAH YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TOOK THE MONEY THE PAST 2 MONTHS WHEN I CANCELLED 3 MONTHS AGO! But really what a lying bunch of bul$#*!, LYING about names like I see the names on here too "snow" "kylie" when they all have Indian accents, ONLY taking a few seconds to pull up and listen to a couple minute call from 3 months ago LYING AGAIN to tell me I did call to cancel but skipped the month instead, LYING about only being able to refund 1 month credit back. SO NOT WORTH A PAIR OF CHEAP SHOES TO LIED TO, BE SCAMMED AND GIVEN A RUN AROUND. Seriously just go on Amazon if you want a cheap pair is shoes and see all the reviews/customer pictures if your want a good deal but GOOD QUALITY shoes.

*Language redacted by admin

I work for an online shoe retailer similar to yours and i understand business but i am very frustrated and disappointed with the ethics of your company. I know that this email will most likely be sent to a customer service representative and it will probably be deleted and not even bothered to be read.

I ordered two pairs of shoes at the end of september and was satisfied with the products and would have shopped again with your company. I noticed today a charge of about $55 on my credit THAT I DID NOT AUTHORIZE. I called and was prompted by a ridiculous automated service which i do not appreciate. After i was connected to customer service i advised the customer service person of the unknown charge and he advised me the charge was for the VIP membership. I told him i did not authorize this charge and was very distraught. I had no idea i was signing up for fraudulent activity and bad business. Perhaps it was in the fine print but had i known that i was being charged FIFTY FIVE dollars a month for a service that is free on any other shoe retailer website, i would not have signed up. This information on my VIP membership was NOT available to me and was unclear if it was. To shop you MUST be signed up for this membership and the "skip this month" option was not made available to be whatsoever. I did not know i was involved in a paid membership or any of the details about your websites offerings until i was talking to customer service today.

The person i talked to was prompt and advised me exactly what i needed to know and i understand customer service is trained to say what JustFab do. However i feel bad for anyone that works for your company because they are fooling customers into a ridiculous "membership" and this is terrible business. I will be telling everyone i know about your scam and will not wish to ever shop with your company again. Im sure you will be tricking more and more people every day but hopefully these people realize your company is absolutely untrustworthy. I will be filing a formal complaint to the better business bureau.

I now have seen many reviews, videos, posts and comments about your website with situations similar to mine and people having issues canceling their account! Trying to sway customers into keeping their account is absolute $#*!! If someone wants to cancel, your customer service representatives should CANCEL the account, not offer them bogus points systems and other nonsense. I will be sending this email to your company as well as posting it to all of your social media sites and notifying everyone i know about your terrible company.

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Based on 50 reviews from JustFab customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Millions of members worldwide are given the celebrity treatment every month as they receive a new and personalized selection of shoes, handbags, jewelry and apparel. Members have exclusive access to fashion tips and content, inspirational looks to shop complete outfits, and the team of JustFab fashion consultants for expert advice.

Address: Headquarters, 90245


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JustFab is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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