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10 customer reviews of

She was so helpful and knowledgeable. She let me know options that was available to me that other agents did not... She found me exactly what i needed. I will stay on hold until i am able to speak with only her. I don't know how much she makes but she deserves a raise. She's also wonderful and pretty funny. She brightened my day. Thank you J. Kelley

"6 armed guards sent to patient room! "An altercation at Memorial Herman Hospital, Memorial City, Ka
Say Wat?
"6 armed guards sent to patient room! "An altercation at Memorial Herman Hospital, Memorial City, Katy, Texas!" "Let's go Mama!" ~ J

I do not have the words to explain what we are up against as people in these United States, but I can guarantee you will experience lies, hatred, and various forms of propaganda sooner than later. This country operates under the guise of diversity, fairness, and equality when it is really a lying, covert, mess. In this particular situation it is the "F"ailing healthcare profession of Houston, Texas.

Without Harris County Healthcare Services this city would be in shambles. Harris County Healthcare Services has been a proven safety net for affordable, reliable healthcare services for the entire community, City of Houston, and beyond; especially for hundreds of uninsured citizens. Ben Taub is the leading Hospital that networks with Harris County Healthcare Services and the surrounding medical colleges (i. E. Baylor College of Medicine). The problem is getting there for immediate emergencies, if you do not live within the city limits and weekends. That is how I chose Memorial Herman Hospital and not because of its anasthetic exterior and interior.

In my case I am very ill with a pre-existing condition called, Plastic Bronchitis (P. B.) This disease and especially the drugs used to treat it leaves you even more dilapidated. In an effort to live longer I have often opted out of going to hospitals, especially emergency rooms because refuse to recognize my diagnosis and treatment that has literally become a painful patch job. Sometimes I leave the hospitals in a worst state than when coming for treatment. This blog is long and a warning to many. I decided to chat about it to relieve the hurt, anger, and pain I experienced at the local Memorial Herman Hospital located in Memorial City, Katy, TX. If you want to live longer "Do Not Go There!"

On the surface it looks like your needs will be met. Their greeting and smiles at various check points like the ER, entry into the actual hospital itself, in addition to introductions made by employees during shift changes gives the impression that you will be treated and cared for properly. In my case I let my guard down opened up about my needs, family, personal experiences with PB, and basic life in general. Little did I know that I would actually be looked at as a threat to the safety of staff or looked at as causing a disturbance that would require six armed guards to be stationed outside my room door. So what would they actually do to me physically?

All I could think of was all the senseless killings based on the lies of others (#metoo Movement and "Black Lives Matter.") (i. E. Sandra Bland forgot to put on her turn signal, arrested, and found dead in her cell or the young man going to the store in his own neighborhood and being shot because he wore a hoodie, or people being shot or arrested because of lies and misconceptions told to authorities and they overreact. I can't really say the incident was racially motivated, but simply a hateful, biggity person's hidden agenda).

Once I realized that I was being kept unnecessarily and they refused to look at other physical matters connected with PB. "I asked, to be discharged with the proper refills and prescriptions." A part of being discharged is making sure you have the meds and supplies to survive another day, lol. It is a habit of mine to make sure I would be getting the right meds that my doctor and I agree on and that my insurance would pay for it. If done properly I go and pick up the meds on the way home.

In this case I would have to place the blame on getting the wrong dosage and script on Dr. "C" the M606 floors attending physician. On Friday, March 15,2019, the CVS pharmacy staff or Pharmacist "T; stated that Dr. "C" wrote the script wrong and she spoke to Dr. "C" about it personally, telling him the correct way to write the prescription. She stated that the Dr. said, "it was, too much or troublesome" to make the small adjustment that would cover my meds and supplies." This person "T" went beyond and above to help me knowing the importance of getting these drugs. These drugs are very expensive (i. E. a pack of 5 vials could cost from $500 to $1000 easily when paid out of pocket).

Furthermore, my personal RN, Jenny and the discharge RN, Isoken stated pretty much the same thing, that Dr. "C" refused to make the simple correction, but Jenny related Dr. "C's" message that "I should make an appointment with my primary physician. The discharge papers stated follow-up within two weeks with my primary physician." I was genuinely upset because we all knew I would not last long without the proper supplies and could not make an emergency walk-in appointment with my primary physician on the weekend.

RN, Isoken insisted that I sign the discharge papers prior to getting the matter addressed by the Doctor in Charge or admissions. This moment was very prophetic because the day before an administrator came to my room to tell me she wanted me to sign forms stating that "I had been notified about patient rights that included the ability to change physicians and not leave until I felt I could. I acted on this info by contacting someone that identified themselves as admissions/administration this was prior to the 7 PM shift change. She assured me that she would get someone to resolve the matter. However, it seems like administration is more concerned with MH being aesthetically comfortable and pleasing to the eye rather than being a facility that supports Patient safety and quality, especially when it comes to being available in dissolving disputes during the weekends. High end executives, administration seem to break a leg getting out the door promptly between 5 and 7 PM.

[Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Involving patients in their care: Chapter 28 The Impact of Facility Design on Patient Safety
John Reiling; Ronda G. Hughes; Mike R. Murphy.

"Involving patients in their care"
The IOM9 found that many patients have expressed frustration with their inability to participate in decision making, to obtain information they need, to be heard, and to participate in systems of care that are responsive to their needs. The availability of information for patients increases their knowledge regarding their illness and treatment options, and being informed gives patients the opportunity to participate in shared decision making with clinicians and may help patients better articulate their individual views and preferences. 6971 This reflects several dimensions of patient-centered care, "including respect for patients' values, preferences, and expressed needs, as well as providing information, communication, and education." 72]

Other major problems that occurred were contacting a specialist that I did not request and no longer deal with. MH had access to records that included a Pulmonologist, Dr. "J" that I stopped seeing because of a botched surgery at Methodist Hospital, Katy location, not filling out necessary forms to get various and continual Geriatrics services, and he did not even acknowledge PB within my medical records according to his staff nurse. However, against my wishes Dr. "J' was continually consulted as the referring Pumologist. MH seems to network with Harris County's Healthcare Services or used another entity that allows them to see some of my most recent medical records.

During Dr. "J's" visit, he made it clear that "I would not be getting a way so easily," Basically, my choice did not matter. After he left I was quarantined with a contamination warning outside my door, staff coming in my room on high alert with masks, and plastic full length gowns." It scarred me because PB is not contagious, although it mirrors some symptoms of bronchitis PB's side effects is far worse. Later I learned that I was actually placed on the ward for contagious diseases that include tuberculosis (TB). My bed and chair even had an alarm on it that was so loud that the sound went throughout the entire ward alerting them that I was leaving my bed. It scared the "bejebbies" out of me because I was not forewarned. After they swabbed my nose and got back the results their stance became relaxed and some opted out of wearing masks. I hope I was not exposed to TB.

In closing, I shared that I was so angry when I saw those 6 huge officers. Two were female that would allow them to search and arrest me should I loose it, which I did in the following video below. Later, I experienced fear and disbelief in how close my daughter and I came from hospitalization to victimization. It was like the Lord was showing me what "a family member went through when her friend and working associate lied on her causing great harm."

Sleep eludes me. I actually woke up in tears because I learned that the actual person that called security was young, beautiful, and Black; Jenny my own nurse that smiled and introduced herself and other staff nurses to me. We even spoke about her 4 month old newborn and my family.

I haven't slept well. It's now 7 AM and I have got to find a way to get rid of feelings of shock, being violated, betrayal, anger, and anxiety. We could have experienced a severe altercation, jail time, or even been shot due to outright lies and deceit. But I unknowingly rebuked these demonic forces when I asked for the Chaplin for prayer that very afternoon.

As I look back over the situation like winding a movie in reverse, I know it was nothing but God that protected me and my daughter. That brought two or more together in his name that just met and mirrored "true diversity," hailing from Vietnam ("C" a MH volunteer and airline hostess), Nigeria ("D" a Baptist MH Chaplin), to the U.S. (yours truly) ending in a prayer for me, my family, and our environment. My room was blessed!

Nothing but "Jesus!" Please pray I receive the proper treatment and assistance. I am still very ill and learned just prior to the discharge and altercation that my kidney's took a hit (kidney failure). God I thank you for holding me down...

Click on the video below: " I am sorry for the outburst and bad language, but it really caught me off guard!." No matter, I am posting this! Six armed guards against a sick patient and child. No one is exempt now. Watch your back! #MemorialHerman #altercation03152019 #LIVESMATTER #STAYOUTOFMH #IRRESPONSIBLEDRSANDNURSES #SENTHOMEWITHOUTPROPERSCRIPTS #THISWASREAL #TAKETHATDAMPICTURE #YELP #YouTube #CHECKINBUTYOUMIGHTNOTBEABLETOCHECKOUTALIVE #6ARMEDGUARDSSENTTOPATIENTSROOM #TYYOUCVS

Received thousands call trying to sell me insurance from the day I input my information in this website one years ago!

SCAM! Do not use this site!
We tried to get health coverage and paid the application fee. When we called back the next day to ask some questions, hung up on us. We never received the quote by email. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY! DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!

Never ever pay an app fee
Never pay an app fee. I am a license insurance agent. We are not allowed to charge app fees it is against the law go to if you need coverage. An app fee is never charged. Contact the attorney general in your state and insurance commissoner as well. Get detailed info if asks for an app fee.

Private Website is a private site, not associated with. Gov.
If you want no obligation quote on premium and to see whether or not you qualify for ATPC (tax credit) and CSR (Cost Share Reduction) go to

Don't use
Customer service was rude. Had to put personal info on their request for info. Got a call right away. asked if it was for pregnancy insurance. Then they asked if I needed healthcare today. When I said "no" it was for open enrollment, they hung up!

How can we take legal action?
My mom ignorantly put my info. Into this site trying to find a health insurance quote for me.
It is against the LAW set by the FTC to not provide a customer with a first and last name and name and address of the company if you are calling to solicit - I could get none of these questions answered when called me.
I had to threaten, on the 30th phone call in 3 days, that my lawyer was sitting next to me to get taken off the list. Even then, I felt threatened on the phone.
I cannot believe that what this "company" is doing is legal... can we do something?

Customer Service was rude
I called just asking for information on how to contact one of the Insurance companies represent and the rep very rudely said "We don't do that and then just hung up!" I am from a physicians office. That's not good PR

I've received over 70 calls in 3 hours.
It is a nightmare. gave out my number and i have received over 70 calls and texts in the last 3 hours. I have called three times to have them take me off their list but the calls keep coming.

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Based on 10 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Address: 3401 N Miami Avenue, Suite 205, 33127


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