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Reviews Relationships, Gay Dating Gayquation

10 customer reviews of

A Good Service
In the age of the app, when people are half-hearted and non-committal for understandable reasons, this service offered me a matchmaker that weeded through many out-of-network sites and patiently separated the wheat from the chaff. Nick did this with honesty and integrity. To sweeten the deal, his company includes incredible guarantees to make sure I'm given good value, and additional protections I did not think to ask for, but felt grateful Gayquation did.

Nick is also a coach that you can count on to be sensitive, aware, and help you navigate through obstacles I might be creating through old habits and the like. I came from a culture that operated through informal matchmaking. Although I knew I'm in a different culture now, I could not let go of needing someone to "be my agent". Nick did such a good job, I felt cured from that need. Yes, I did not make lasting connections with my introductions, but it is not from his lack of trying.

Works for me, may work for you
A very nontraditional traditional form of matchmaking - if that makes sense, especially for 2019 and this tech age. Gayquation have an interesting approach and perfect for me or those who don't have the time nor want to waste the time with the online scene. I find value in it as I don't have the time to screen all these disingenuous, flaky men in the NYC. I am also patient, realizing what I am looking for is quite specific, Their methods may not work for you or fit your needs but they seemed to have adapted well to the changing times of dating and apps. One little neg is I wish they offered more than 4 intros per month. Apparently they did but understandably it's getting more and more difficult to find relationship oriented men especially in my city. I guess harder to fill that kind of "order".

Apple Valley Bachelor
Man there's too much selection out there and hardly no one here in the high desert. It's like choosing off a menu. Thank God for GQ. So, I signed up for Gayquation about 3 months ago thereabouts and I really like the service. The first round of matches were not to my liking. The first match was a sexy piece but didn't have any substance. The next match was always busy since he was a doctor. We didn't have much in common although both guys matched my request. As a 33 year old mechanic, I work on race cars it just seemed silly to pursue him if he couldn't make time for me. The next month my matchmaker consulted me and we made some changes to my preferences and I got two dates and a bonus match that has turned into a good friend. (Mike if your reading this. Shout out) waiting on my next set and enjoying the matchmaking rodeo. Keep rounding them up for me guys. Totally stoked and love the service. Already told my friends.


Expat looking for love
I'm a fish out of water and that makes it hard to meet men, let alone quality men. Also, it seems like the number of people looking for a relationship has dwindled to nothing. I was told during my consultation that Gayquation would act like a blood hound and, boy, did they. Within the first month I met 3 men 1 that turned into a short term relationship. I think I jumped in too quick in that relationship as it did not end up lasting. I am a romantic at heart and learning to pump the breaks. I came back to Gayquation and they continued where we left off without missing a beat. I am going to take a little more extra time as I was advised if I find the "right" guy. This time I will be listening. Kudos!


Great effort!
A quick thank you to the GQ team for being on my team. I am looking forward to the future and you may be a big part of that. Being new to the country has made things challenging so this truly helps me in more ways than you can imagine. Keep growing and happy you are opening up to other parts of the world. It's defintely needed believe me.

They showed me love is possible
Wanting to meet someone to love and to share life with in that exciting and romantic way is something everyone deserves to experience. I figured out that I was gay when I first started college. I was scared that I would never be able to find the man that I was meant to be with. Yes, there are apps and dating sites, many that have a lot more sophistication than the sites that first came online when I came out in 1995. Back then, and more so now (that everyone has phones that have apps), the algorithm of the computer does not best help connect the hearts of two people. Generally, it is not leading to love. I tried the dating sites and found more heartbreak then the dream. Then I thought, there has to be something better, and I began to find all of these dating services that would help with the right match, but who did not have a focus on, and in some cases would not help, gay men, and cost thousands of dollars. I wished that there was something for me, specific to gay guys and affordable.
Four years ago, I discovered Gayquation, and it was exactly the type of guidance that I needed. Not only did Gayquation help me find an awesome guy, but, given that I worked in the public spotlight, I was out, but not put your picture on a dating site out. Thats where the service really helped. I found people to date that I could start a conversation with immediately, not about the superficial but to matters of the heart. The coaching services helped me out greatly as I had not had a long-term relationship before. I learned the key was pacing the enthusiasm that comes when first meeting a person so that you aim for success over the long haul and not cause burnout. My coach Nick helped me through the challenges of a long-distance relationship. He taught me about accountability in a relationship. He taught me about what all gay men should have the opportunity to learn when they were teenagers, to learn to express the love that comes naturally from within and be able to use that to build into a relationship. There is a saying that many gay men who grew up prior to the Obama administration, before gay marriage was accepted by the majority of America, are reaching back to our time as a teenager and trying to grasp at the time lost to where we could have learned how to love, date, and dream about being married to the most wonderful man, a man you had not yet met. The time of exploring who you are attracted to, dating and the fumbles often associate with a time earlier in life happens to many gay men at a later time than others. Like many who have seen it, I was so moved by the CGI animated short film, In a Heartbeat. (If you havent seen it take a look, For many it shows what should be, I have viewed it as what I wish I could have figured out before I was in college.
This is where the Gayquation team helps. You cant go back in time to and relive those years when you could explore what being in a gay relationship is all about. Gayquation helps bridge that gap, saves time and emotion by being your teammate in finding your partner. They are also your big brother, there to help you navigate the world as you aspire to find the most valuable resource, love. Their services made a difference in my life, thanks to them I met the man of my dreams.

Hugs from Hallandale
I want to stick up for these guys who are trying to find needles in a haystack. This is not easy fellas! Cmon now. And my haystack is small with all my wants. My go-tos are Tinder, Realjock and GQ

Trying something new
I am relatively new but after spending thousands of waste less dollars on a local company, I decided to roll the dice with gayquation - Gayquation seemed affordable. I am thus far pleasantly surprised. I did not have expectations going in because of the low price point. I have met several men and remain hopeful as I am also open to making new friends being a newly out gay man. I am also too busy to be searching for quality candidates so that's why I went this route. I do realize they are not God but I do like someone filtering out the bad weeds out there. I will update if allowed in the future.

I took a chance with this company. The person who I dealt with which I believe is also the owner (1 man operation) was very nice and pleasant. Being nice is one thing but providing a service that is paid for is another. The first 2 matches that he sent he flat out told me that he did not think that I would like. Why send them to me? The other match was not interested in dating anyone. Finally the man working for the company told me that since I lived in South Florida it was extra work trying to match me. We have a HUGE gay community here. So that I did not understand. I stated that I was open to long distance. I went at least a month and heard nothing. Finally I received and email stating that he suggest I cancel my membership because he was having a hard time matching me... DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY WITH THIS SO CALLED MATCHMAKER!

Improved immensely since last go-around
I was a client back in 2013 and decided to return as I noticed several changes, including Instadates, momentum service and a more thorough vetting process. The interview as well ran over 1 hour - not pushy and plenty of time to discuss all your criteria. I have already been introduced to 7 men, went on 4 dates. Love is probably not in the air... yet! But I feel confident.

I also don't have to spend time on these apps (uhem... Grndr) which consumes so much of my week. I see a lot of value in that. It is a month to month membership which I feel comfortable with as well. I didn't sign up for the coaching but I did elect for the momentum service which provide me feedback from my match and matchmaker which I find useful.

I will update my review after a few more months and introductions.

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Gayquation Rating

Based on 10 reviews from Gayquation customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Address: 75 Miracle Mile, 33134


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