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Reviews Relationships, International Dating

50 customer reviews of

I would never have met my soul mate without find-bride
I had given up on finding my charming lady and it so happened that I came across this site and took the last chance at finding happiness. After vising find-bride, I then decided to join it in the hopes that I will find someone who values love the same way I do... I was contacted with a girl who has showed interest in me. We conversed and it is like we have known each other for years. We are so compatible, in every aspect that I have never been so certainю Without this site being a medium where true love can be found, I would never have met my soul mate.

Find-bride does it really work?
Personally, I questioned myself a lot before the registration on about safety, reliability, and lots of more. I reviewed tones of comments and users' feedback on this topic and I could make a conclusion that I was too bothered without the major reason for this. It turned out to be a usual dating site where anyone can communicate with charming Slavic women. That's it, nothing really surprised or shocked me about this site. So, don't hesitate and sign up on any resource, because each of us will definitely have another story and situation

Helped me find my wife-to-be
To tell the truth, I was very surprised having read some negative reviews here. Find-Bride is a decent website that helps people break up with their loneliness. I met my wife-to-be here in three weeks after registration. I texted her, she texted me back. Then there were real dates, flowers, first kiss, first intimacy...
By the way, a good friend of mine is dating a lady he met on Find-Bride as well.

I feel in the deepest caring relationships in my life
Evidently the platform does have its advantages to narrow down a search. We have a good start to a good relationship and are very compatible, and a promising future. As with any relationship, input is still required to maintain a healthy relationship. I met my wife here. I’m in love. Now I feel in the deepest caring relationships in my life.

Many woman are not who or what say. Only interest in getting your letters and chat plus gifts, which they receive a commission. If you are writhing one talk about a visit in a short time and ask her to arrange a schedule to visit her. Once you meet you have her info and can direct contact her, no commissions. All I have talked to loose interest and refuse to talk about meeting when you set a time? Scam.

Some things lost, some confusion, some bots
I don't like getting chat requests from different women who've worded their messages word for word the same. It's also happened in emails. That tells me that many women are bots... fake.
I'm told that I can get on the site without showing up as being online, but I've not had it explained just how that's accomplished. I don't understand all the interest in me, I'm just a man like any other, and I'm grateful and humbled, but it's too much sometimes. I'd like to be on the site without getting inundated by messages and chat requests.
I'd like it if texts from chat weren't discarded. I'd like being able to refer to some exchanges in order to maintain some continuity in follow-up texts.

Another proof of blocking users coming too close to any woman
Find Bride is systematically blocking users becoming too close to any woman by just prohibiting them to chat with the concerned women. This happened to me several times. Each time excuses and given information by the lady herself shows that even the woman must be fake profile too. Find Bride covers up each time by their response and than the concerned woman tells me that this happened by accident. How many accidents are credable by this systematic way of blocking clients to become closer to any profile? You can compare so many "accidentally" reactions like cleaning a revolver and one shoot is being made by "accident"... a second one a "very rare accident" but lets be honnest that from the third shot we can call this "shooting" and no more accident... right? I wonder which excuse Find Bride will tell me and you this time? Who can still believe such a dating site wanting to cover up each time their behaviour? By the way, still block profiles of clients too... Such companies should be punished and hope you spread out ReviewFeeder to your friends to check what is realy going on.

Find-Bride- Beautiful Loving women every one of them unique and special in their own way.
I have been on Find-Bride for a while,
I have chatted with and sent letters back and forth to ladies who have all been extremely lovely, easy to communicate with, caring, understanding, interesting, intelligent, beautiful and looking for exactly the same thing I am, in fact it has been extremely difficult to choose as every lady at Find-Bride is special and unique.

Find Bride. Facts
I have been on Find Bride
For 5 years. Yes. A long time. Lol.
My Reason:
My cousin had a friend in Dallas Texas. U.S.A.
Met a young woman on your site. He was 69. She was 30.
I had the Chance to talk to them
She said: Slavic women do Not have a problem
With Age difference. So I joined. are still married

Friendly people
Issue was taken care of

Total Scam and fake women
I was writing one lady and I Google search her photo. The search led me to the VK which is the Facebook and I found out that it was not the lady I was communicating with. The one on the site said she was 27 but the one on VK is actually 20 years old. I discovered that the one I was writing to had downloaded her photos and pretended to be her. All these girls are beautiful but this site is a total scam and a complete waste of time and money. Most girls on this site are models and women have downloaded their photos pretending to be that person. There is nothing I hate more than fake ass women who pretend to be someone are not.

My advise to everyone is save your money because you will waste your money on fake women. I am glad that I Google search her photo cause I was considering traveling to Ukraine to meet her and it would have been a major mistake. Hope that this posting saves some of your guys time and money

Ray from New York

$750 to get ONE real contact!
VERY important! This website is now charging $750 for the real world contact of the lady, per lady. Did you know that? 1500 credits min. To spend, and it is 2 credits per 1$. 1500/2=750. Why don't you send a message to their customer service, and verify? You will see that it is true. You need to spend this much on the lady you're interested, to be able to make the request for her contact. Request contact button is not going to be active, unless you spend this much, on one lady, that lady. And, you need to spend more to get the actual email request to be executed, in addition to that. As of today, this website is not a dating website, it is a place where you will spend a lot of money to talk to -pictures- of women. This website is dead, and finished unless change this ridiculous policy.

Over 3 years with Findbride
I experience with find bride has been good I have watched the site grow in the last years from about 35000 ladies to around 48000 ladies, and I don't know how many men because I don't see the man side here.the site has always taken care of the few problems I have encountered. I visited Dnipro in 2018 and met some ladies on the site threw the agency affiliated with this site and it was enjoyable trip for someone like me that had never been out of America before.

The has always taken care of the small amount of problems I encountered on

My opinion
If you come to this site looking for someone to talk to and have some fun, it's a good site but if you are looking for someone to spend your life with, I don't think this is the site for you. I haven't met anyone here that actually wants to meet someone for a relationship or marriage.
A little expensive for some fun. Again, it depends on what you are looking for

I had a problem with reoccurring charges. solved the problem quickly and we're very nice

Beautiful ladies that write lovely letters--NO brides HERE!
I am fully convinced the ladies are paid a commission for the letters write.
The first one agreed to meet me with me twice but when I came to Cimferopol she refused to meet. Another invited me to come to her but when I did she also reused to meet me.
Another I was writing to also from Cimferopol when I told her I was in her city asked where. When I told her where I was staying replied, " I go by there going to and from work every day.
That was the last letter I got from her.
There were two others I wrote to, also from Cimferopol.
One owns a photo studio / beauty model training business.
The other ran her father' renovation construction business and lived in Cimferopol until Russia took over Crimea. When that happened she moved her office to Kiev.
I wrote all of these months and did do some video chats with many of them.
Some of them I wrote up to 3 years. I was off the site for one year and some of them continued to write although I was not responded. I learned that later.
Oh once you are registered on their site---YOU are there FOREVER. You cannot remove yourself NOR will they remove you. You can ask to be made inactive--and they will respond.
To keep the male interest and simultaneously retain a modicum of decency their policy is no nudity. That is preserved by the bare minimum for the female body--her nipples and the
Very constricted vulva area. With so little left to the imagination it does keep the male attention and their currency rolling in to their financial accounts.

I see there are some reviews of some men making a real contact but I do NOT know of any way of verifying the truth of it! You can bet even if there is some truth there it is a very small percentage of their male clients.

Total Scam as all the women get paid for blatant lies
Wrote and paid for Contact Details but after receiving E mail details only one or two replies as the ladies only get paid if you contribute 15 Credits for any of their personal videos!
The real scammers are on line 24/7 and seem to have stand-ins because sometimes don't realise where the chat was heading and conveniently avoid answering your previous questions And always have a huge gallery of foxy photos which can be dished up on a rota every few months Just mercenary $#*!-teasers!

Satisfaction Guanteed
I was hesitant to join a site that had some restrictions on communication, but now I understand that these were put in place for protection.
I've been inundated with thousands of letters from numerous ladies that crave my attention. all seem sincere to me, but it's so difficult to make a choice as they are all beautiful and I have to create filters to weed out the most attractive and beautiful women that are willing to meet me in my home country.

I asked, if I could edit my summary profile because it was incomplete. I wouldn't have this issue, but I bent the rules and I was chastised appropriately.

Thank for the wonderful woman
I've found who I want to be with a wonderful woman. I'm hoping she'll accept me wholly. We've made great progress and it continues. My reason for this entry is to tell all you exquisite women how much I'm glad to join There's never been a Ukrainian woman who was not beautiful! Please pray to God that my Love will work out for me as I hope and pray for all of you. Thank for my love.
Ray from US

I opened a can of worms with my initial post about this site! I am still a member but respond to none of the girls expect at Christmas when I was given 40 free credits! I am still getting letters every day from 8 ladies who have written nearly everyday for over 14 months! are all trying to get me to go on "chat" which costs a fortune I had a great one the other day two girls who have written EVERY day for 14 months both wrote to me as per usual nothing wrong in that I thought but the pictures! I got a picture of a girl called Marina who had previously sent this to me from a different girl called Ekaterina! Ekaterina then sent me a second message signing it in a different way with her picture!
The site is a total con maybe the guys who say they have found love on there also work for the site! As an ex journalist I recognise a style of writing and it would seem one person id writing for about 20 girls. I have also noticed something else if you build up a "favourites" file or a "match" file go online and see what time they logged out at least4 girls all logged out exactly the same time 38 minutes! What are the chances of two girls logging out at the same time let alone 4! Good Luck I will keep you posted!

User protection
I don't like filling out long profiles on dating sites. It is very boring and time consuming. Here the questionnaire has the most important data and that's COOL. I can skip certain points if I don't want to. It's not obligatory. But on the other hand, the company wants to protect each user; therefore, it has such a reliable protection system. I am sure that women's accounts are also verified because I have not seen any fakes.

No name.
Well that some's this site up for me. Have just received a message for the first time from this girl and nearly always start off with hello Michael. This letter started off with hello %NAME% and then near this end of the letter she said, please reply to me %NAME% I did receive a letter a month ago and the photo with here letter was a totally different girl and one that also sends me letters.

Datingsite with no real girls (!)
On FB you can chatt with +2000 mostly very beautiful girls, ladies, MILFs, etc, but you can never meet them in reality. Admin is actually, to some extent, the one who you are interacting with, posing as the girls. Where the line is drawn is unclear. Admin repeats himself/herself in the language so much that it is obvious that it´s him/her writing to you, or a bot, not the actual girl, she is just lending her face to this "look at Glamour-model, see- but -don´t-touch business".

The thing is that every move cots a lot of money. That could be affordable, if you then could meet the females, often models, or equally beautiful or/and sexy. The thing is that you have to pay 1580 credits just for an email adress! That is about $US1000. For one single email-adress.

It is of course on purpouse, so you never will meet, or ask for it more than once, most guys don´t become aware of this after have spend a lot of money, let´s say communication with many girls and getting some interests and you want to meet with 5 ladies and then ask the site and BAAAMMM; yes, you can meet them, just pay 1000 x 5 Us dollars for their email addresses!

It´s crazy that some newspapers like Kiev-news gives an interview with the owner and gives positive feedback. ( How did he pay for that, hehe)

All sites in romance are some sort of scam. FB is one of the worst. It´s not just expensive to communicate with females, it´s economically impossible to meet them in reality, at least for 99% of the male population, plus those who make some sort of kamikaze-dating.

Avoid this site. Learn Russian or Spanish (also Colombian girls on FB) if you want to meet such girls in reality and go to these countries, start with that, otherwise you will always be a sitting duck, paying a lot for little, or in this case, NOTHING!

FB is 100% SCAM - it´s NOT a datingsite.

Be very care ful
I have had a lot of experience on this site,, there is no doubt a lot of scammers are on this site
What most annoys me is the evasive answers from the admin of the site which makes me think do not really care,,, even when I have proven girls as scammers or with no serious intentions what so ever the site refuses to refund my credits or they lie to me, they just say we are investigating and will let you know when we have the answer,, well I do not know how long it takes to do an investigation,, and I already had given all the information in any case
Well the cost of using these sites are very high and the least any site can do is refund credits when a girl is found to be fake or not real intentions,, they sit there all night chatting, and proclaiming there love for one only me,,, but come back an hour later she still sitting there chatting,,, and when ask her who she chat with she totally denies she talk to another,, if so why is she still on cam smiling laughing blowing kisses,, she say I am doing work on computer,,, OMG she must think I am stupid,,, then she say she has never had email when I ask her,,, really,,, no one can register there profile with out a valid email or unless they use email of the agent who signed them up
So when I report this to admin they suspended the profile,,, when I asked for my credit to be refunded was refused
This is find a bride for you
Another case,, girl I actually met in Ukraine,, too long a story to tell all,,, well she cut me off after agreeing to meet me a 2nd time,, yep waits till I paid for the tickets then vanished,, real nice this one,,, well much later I received letter from her on find a bride, well I should say her profile,,, I still had some contact with her very seldom on vk. So I had thought when I received a letter from her on the find bride site that may be her profile was being used as scam,, so I write her on vk and asked if she had registered on the site again,,, she seem slow to give answer, she say I will check this,, later after I asked again she say she knows about this but please don't tell this is bete=ween you and me,, I thought strange,,, so I went along with this for a while but nothing seem to add up,, after I exchange some letters for a while it was so obvious the profile was not real and was full of lies in the letters,, so I filed a report to admin just to say we will check this out,, the profile was suspended, but the site claimed that was the lady that suspended the profile her self
I believe this is as well a lie as I understand girl can not suspend her own profile but only through agent
Another girl I chatted to a long time agree to meet me and as well after I thought she was serious I bought tickets and was ready to see her,, then she just stopped coming online and after a while her profile was as well suspended,, on this occasion the site refunded me 500 credits
After a time I eventually exchanged letters with this girl on another site but never would she give any answer as to why she disappeared and no apology for what she did in cutting me off. So many full of lies is very disappointing to realise many are just making money from these sites and collecting gifts
Some girls are just beggars and asking for gifts they say this is a sign of my care and love for them, well I don't usually fall in love on the net,,, and I believe this is a bad sign if girl is asking for gift
Recently a girl begged for me to take her private email,, again another cost,, she wanted to talk me on email she said,,, so I did this and can you believe the first thing she asked me on my email was can I please send her 100 dollars,,, and as I am Australian this will be about 140 dollars if I send 100 us dollars, well when I said I am sorry I will not send she seemed upset by this,, but soon backed down.
Well I think these problems are on all dating sites but I am sure that find a bride seems to be the worst in my opinion,,, I would not mind so much if they were will to refund my credits and take some responsibility for these scammers
If you read there FAQ they promise that all there girls are real and no one will waste there money on there site,, well that is the biggest lie of all,, many many girls are not there with real intentions I think many just want to have fun others just scamming,, and who knows how many are with serious intentions

I met a really nice woman there.
Have you tried online dating? There are a lot of dating websites nowadays indeed. But a lot of fraud ones too. You should beware of them. I have used for such a purpose. We are really happy together. I found the person I was looking for. Thanks a lot. We are happy that this group made us connect. So it's time to move on and focus on the relationship I have.

A good and reputable site
After using the site for just over a year now, I must say that I am very happy with the service it offers. I have met a wonderful woman who if not for the travel restrictions placed during the pandemic would be with me right now. This site offers a service that might cost you a few more dollars to be a member but it is worth it.

Biggest Rip-Off on the whole Internet
Been on this site a few years, and spent lots on money on beautiful girls, at least what I imagined were real beauties, but most profiles were false - from college yearbooks, and only of gorgeous women. Although I am nearly 80, most replies originated from young and very young women professing love after a few letters.
I was naive enough to fall for 37900 from Sevastopol (Juicy Lucy) name of TANYA, whom I eventually purchased Contact Details (which now cost a Fortune) Her E-mail was "*******"
Firstly I had to send 4000 Roubles for her Visa and then more for a medical which she needed to visit me. I also had to send copies of my Passport and letters to say she would only visit me here for a short time, and she had to prove she still had work back there, as an Accountant,, when she returned. It all seemed so legitimate, so I sent her an I- phone but it had to go to Moscow as Mail was unreliable there In Sevastopol
( so she claimed) However, she said her aunt in Moscow told her the phone arrived all smashed up, although I had packed it properly.!
I felt aggrieved at this so sent her a money order for over thirty-thousand roubles to compensate her, because the Royal Mail, in the U. K. will not insure phones in transit.
This was the last I ever heard from her - although we had used VIBER to talk to each other every day, but I always caught her on live chat when I was looking on the site, meaning she was up half the night, talking to many others, but when I challenged her on this, she said her work was all on-line which was why she was so busy!
She is one of many, who exploit their beauty like prostitutes, all over the world, Via Server Senders, which automatically send out the same repetitive letters to scores of men at the same time., and if you video-chat, you can see them talking to others at the same time, because as you cannot hear them on Find-Bride, but only see that are actually talking, usually not in synch, and if you go to the various dating site reviews like Trustpilot and especially "*******" and ReviewFeeder you will be stunned by the amount of bad reviews this site receives, bar the odd exception like Kurt, whom they pay to post the odd good review. What a con. The worst in the world as regards dating. So disingenuous. Be Warned

Getting clients together not a priority.
I have spent years on the site and believe that most of the women are real. In previous years (prior to 2018) it cost $45 to purchase a woman's contact info. Now want over $900 spent on correspondence with each woman you want to contact off site. Bogus excuse stating on average the women are uncomfortable with a man getting their address before they had written 250 messages to each woman. As before, the women must agree to a guy getting her contact info. This site is a waste of money due to this policy change.

This is an update to my original review.
It is Total scam.
But I'm retired. Lot of time on my hands.
I'm sending letters to Govt agencies, and US Better Business Bureau.
And organzitions such as AARP, others as warnings to their male members.
Also the offshore account info to the Gov agencies for a look see.
That is only the beginning.
The thought these people prey on lonely older men, with no compunction, frankly pisses me off.
Who knows where or who might find the audacity of these people as disgusting as I find it.
If nothing else, perhaps the warnings thru different U.S. organizations may save others the money, the time, and the false dreams.
I would highly suggest that others with the same bad experience do the same.
Remember guys, a movement, a scandal, an investigation and or shutdown only starts with one man.
Be vocal, not passive.
Who knows.

Real Ladies, Real Relationships
This site makes a great effort to provide quality introductions with real verified profiles off quality individuals. The ladies are lovely and have genuine interest. I have been able to meet several very interesting ladies.
The trouble with such a site is inherent in the difficulties of actually meeting someone who lives halfway around the world. Overall as a result the use off this site becomes more expensive than I might have expected.

I am a single male who is very interested in meeting a lady off eastern European descent.

Some tines my issue was handled promptly and others it was a bit of a hassle.

To many fake profiles
This is the second time I followed through with the website criteria to meet the lady, the first time once we were able to exchange our information she decided to leave the website, no explanation just said bye and gone, the second one her name is Olesya #44460, beautiful and feminine, seemed like we had so much in common, as soon as we exchanged our information, she became very harsh and asking me to buy her a phone, she was supposed to be a successful business woman, but can't buy her own phone, my opinion is, stay away from this site, it is all scammers

The perfect solution for finding wife
I don't even think that you can just chat with a nice girl in such a short period of time. I just went to the site Fine-Bride and immediately began communicating. I was happy when I saw the pictures of Maria. After talking with her I could not live even a day without communicating with her. A month later I met with her, and a week later she moved in with me.
So I met my love by this way, and I wish the same to others!

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: FindBride is a place of real hope where singles find their soulmates. This isn’t a place where you see any shocking statistics about how many lonely people live all over the world. The website works in the next simple way – it heals the heart and helps to find the woman of your dream. Meet the most beautiful women from all over the World directly on our site.

We believe everyone deserves happiness. Watching how more and more customers get their love, we become happier ourselves and every time hope that the love will be strong and long, although it depends entirely on the couples. Anyway, we don't lose hope and continue improving our best customer service by considering any FindBride user to be helpful in this review.

In addition, the punchline of our website lies in a great variety of Ukrainian and Russian women looking for a dream partner from abroad. The whole world knows about the unearthly beauty that combines with the unrivaled mind of every woman. Surely, you would like to speak to one of them – and not to scammers, and fortunately, here you have such a perfect opportunity to do it.

Address: Spyrou Kyprianou, 14 Office 101, Cyprus, 3070


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