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Reviews Relationships, Dating eHarmony

51 customer reviews of

EHARMONY is the abosolute worst date site that I've ever been on and I have been on a few. Most of them make it rather difficult to find a phone number to reach them but after digging and digging I finally found a phone number only to get a person who kept repeating the same story, "sorry you are unhappy", "eHarmony don't refund after 3 days", "and perhaps you should broaden your range". Well how far am I supposed to look for someone to date? Anyway that person was supposed to send me an email giving me the contact of where I could further take my complaint and perhaps get me (2) of my scheduled payments to not happen. Well needless to say I never received that email. So here I was searching again for a contact, via email to EH. I found their Customer Service (HAHA) email on the site, wrote 2 emails to them and it's been 3-4 days and no reply!
So now about the horrible site... I see the same people every single day, no email whatsoever, no new matches, no "what ifs available", NOTHING! Oh wait I do see the option to add more, upgrade my membership. I signed up for the $14.95/mo membership, 1 year plan, 3 monthly payments, their Basic Plan. I think thier Basic Plan is as if you are a non-paying customer. I like a lot of you are not a bad lookng person. If I were to post on one of my favorite FREE sites POF then I would have probably went on a date or two by now or at least had a handful of potentials to fish through. I would not recommend this site to anyone. Maybe back in the days (10 years) ago it was a legit date site but it is the abosolutely the worst site now and I highly recommend you take heed in all of the negative comments on here and DO NOT JOIN EHARMONY!

Credit card scammers. After you finish navigating the obnoxious questionnaire, you'll ask yourself why you even bothered. If you take a look at their terms of service, you'll see that eHarmony can't guarantee that you won't be contacted by 3rd parties, which means that you'll have jokers from the site emailing you with fake messages. They'll also claim that from "time to time", they use "test" profiles to monitor site activity and create interest, which means that you're seeing fake profiles and pictures, many of them stolen from Facebook, Tumbler, or porn websites. Others are private scammers looking to draw you off the site to hotels, apartments, or housing project addresses. One message came from a truck stop. Yeah, ok. Many aren't just interested in dates. A surprising number are seeking "arrangements", chronic divorcees, college girls "working" their way through school, druggies looking for pals to get up with, girls looking for sugardaddies, Russian and Nigerian scammers looking for a cheap ride into the U.S., and men and women wanting "pay for play" hookups. These sites all have the same thing in common. They're all looking for the same thing, and guess what it is. YOUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION! They'll sign you up for a trial membership, usually 1-3 days. Once that membership times out, they'll auto-upgrade you to a full paid account, and that's when they robbed me for close to 200$. Then they register you with other scam sites without you knowing it. Because I wasn't paying attention to the warning signs, they were charging me for 3 different sites before I knew what was happening. By the time I realized that all those pictures and profiles couldn't possibly be real, the damage was already done. I needed to cancel my credit card and close my checking account to get rid of the thieves. The first clue that something isn't right, is your email inbox. Dozens of people claiming to have seen your profile and liked it, and you haven't even finished it or posted anything yet! Many of the messages that you get from them are fake, or come from towns that dont exist. Either that or the names of the towns are spelled wrong or the town is too small to have that many people signed up. I was emailed by a woman using the name of the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, which was destroyed by a coal mine fire in the 1980s! Another email, supposedly from Ventura Beach, California, had the Eiffel Tower in the picture! One of the few people to contact me that claimed to be from my same city didnt even know the name of the main street and had Yosemite Park in their profile picture. Just how dumb do they think people are? It won't matter, because they have your money, and have a nice day trying to get a refund, and they'll take the scenic route to giving it back, and that's if you get anything at all. You can try contacting their customer service. Good luck with that even if it's in English. So if you take one thing away from this, it should be to not make the same mistakes that I did, and just AVOID ALL THESE SCAM ARTISTS AND SITES!

Horrible experience
It really doesn't get any worse than this. Anyone with a credit card and a pulse can and will get on this site because it has such good word of mouth, TV ads, etc

This is what I found. Anyone who has just got out of a relationship either goes to eHarmony or If eHarmony don't get totally turned off by internet dating then they will try the free sites.

I'm in my late 30's, my kiddos are about to turn 18, just bought a house, and I'm starting to look at what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. The women I met on eharmony are either 1 of 2 types.

-They're in their early to mid 30's, single, no kids, and they're looking for a guy who can give them a baby. If you can imagine what Lisa Simpson would be like at 33yo, that gives you 3/4 of who's on eharmony.

-They just got out of a bad relationship and they're too stuck on why the relationship failed. So for whatever reason their 'Relationship' valued minds compel them to give eharmony a whirl.

I went on several dates and the amount of freakshowish happenings would make a free site like POF blush. This was beyond anything normal.

Ok, so when I first signed up I got 5 matches. 3 of the 5 matches I got, I had already talked to those women on a free dating site. The good thing was I had hit it off with those people in the past... but never met them. That gave me hope. The bad side was I though that maybe the same people on eharmony were also using free sites.

First date from hell. We went through the motions of the site. Then we talked on the phone a few times and we really seemed to hit it off. We decided to meet right away. The date went normal for a while but she got really flirty. Then she initiated a sexual conversation. She asked when the last time I had sex was. Then she bragged about having sex with someone 2 nights before out date. Then she told me how many FWB's she had. I asked her why she's not on a free site like POF? She told me that she's not a S1ut.

The second date I had for eharmony was by far the worst online date I had ever gone on. Again we went through the motions, had a great texting and phone conversation. Then the date came. She kinda resembled her profiles pics. However the worst part was she would not stop talking about her ex-boyfriend. She told me all about him, why he's crazy, etc. Then at the end of the date she invited me to grab her butt.

The other 5 dates were bad, but not on an extreme level. It's just very frustrating and I lost faith in eharmony.

The only good part is after my membership expired they cut me a deal where I was paying $11 a month.

Why else does the site suck. Let me count the ways.

I live in a metropolitan area with 3 million people. After 4 months I had to expand my search parameters to get any matches. The site encourages Long Distance dating to make up for it's lack of a membership base and it's countless numbers of inactive members.

Also, I came across a profile of a woman I know. I actually called her up and asked her about her eharmony profile. She said she hadn't logged in since 2008. I called her in 2014. Also, toward the end of my run, I started to get profiles with digital camera date tags that were dated for 2007-2009. Anyone who takes a current photo takes it with their smartphone camera.

The other fact is, 95% of the people on eharmony, you will also find on Tinder, Okcupid, POF, zoosk and I mean why pay an enormous price for eharmony when you can go straight to the source.

Do not get trapped on this app like me!
Before signing up and paying such huge amount of money for this app, I had heard good reviews and I thought I give it a shot and see, maybe there will be more serious guys in here and I couldn't be any more wrong in my judgment!

- There are not many guys available in this app because it is expensive
- The ones which are available are not any better that the ones who are in free dating apps, oh and to be fair, let me tell you, the guys in free apps are even more fun and entertaining.
- There are so many profiles of guys without even a single profile pics, let aside the rest.
- Majority of the guys I contacted follow the same ghosting trend, no difference because it is paid.

So, what I did, I raised my concerns (not many memebers according to my filters, no profile pics, impolite and rude guys, etc) to the customer service, and you would be surprised by the response I got from them; here are few:

- Your filters are too tight, and your distance is small (50KM) and your age range is low (between 40-45) you can increase the population of the members by increasing the KM to 100 and age range 38-50! Really? Like no brainer, I can even date someone from Australia if I increase the distance to few thousands! Oh and trust me, I know what age range I am looking for, but thanks for the help!
- You can pass on your membership to a friend by providing so and so code! Oh, how am I even going to refer you to another person when what I see is already awful! I wish I would written a lovely review here, based on an amazing experience I have had with the app, and highly encourage others to subscribe, but nope, that is very remote as I am writting.

I have had so many communications back and forth and I don't want to bore you with those. All I am saying is, this is a business unit with the same corporate profit and loss concept and eHarmony care zero about who is there and who is not there. All they are looking for is money without providing any services.

One important thing which was even more surprising, there is no background check on the members joining this platform. If at all you have an extra $250/- in your pocket please do just anything than paying for this app.

All these have been purely my personal experience and I am happy for those who paid and got what they were looking for.

Is there no rating star or negative that I can choose? :)

Accept it for what it is!
EHarmony is an online dating site. Period. The site is a venue for meeting people online. That's all! If you go in with lofty expectations you will be disappointed. I can speak from experience that and are the same. For them, it's a business. You pay a membership fee, and in return, eHarmony provide you with "compatible" matches. What are lofty expectations? Unrealistic expectations for a match. For men, unrealistic expectations are assuming you're going to get swimsuit models or stunningly gorgeous women with perfect proportions to go with their perfect personality. For women unrealistic expectations usually start with the "man of my dreams" who will take me to a romantic dinner, a walk on the beach, then a ride on his Harley to his art studio where he croons me to Frank Sinatra after showing me his latest GQ proofs.

If you can get past the above, the challenges still abound. The older you are the harder it is. If you're recently divorced how the heck are you supposed to find a profile pic without your ex-wife and kids in the picture? Obviously when those pictures were taken you did not think you would have the challenge of positing them on eHarmony later in life, and of course posting pictures of "single you" are probably 10 years older or more and not an accurate representation.

So you get past this part. On to your profile. EHarmony (and other sites) coach you to "be yourself" and answer questions honestly. This often results in one, two and three word responses or simple sentences that may make sense to you but baffling for others. This ends of as a guaranteed block.

So in conclusion - IF you can accept what the venue is (an organized fee service to match you with others), AND you can make an effort to pen an honest, well thought out, profile, THEN your chances of getting more quality responses increased substantially.

If you get that far (as many do), don't assume that the first match you have communication with will be the person of your dreams that you will partner with and ride off into the sunset. EHarmony is a dating site, not an online spouse selector.

Above all - let's face it. Being singles stinks. The younger you are the more that matters and the older you are the harder it is. I've had great success with getting 1st dates on eHarmony but not so great on 2nd and 3rd dates. These are on me, not eHarmony.

Not even worth the one star
This company in itself, let alone the app, are a huge scam and not even worth one star. I signed up for a year membership and kept getting matches that I had nothing in common with and who were outside of my preferences by a long shot! And eHarmony don't allow you to search the database on your own. I emailed the company and it took almost a week for them to even get back to me and basically told me too bad just delete the people who you don't like. I used the app and services for about a month and was beyond unhappy about the matches. I emailed again and requested I be charged for the month I used and to cancel my membership and refund me the rest of the money which was almost $200. They refused. Told me I could not be refunded and could not cancel my membership until the last payment was made. I told them if I could not be refunded I would just continue the services even though I was unhappy as the membership was a gift from my parents and I wouldn't waste their money. Almost a week later I get an email stating they made an exception and canceled my account for me but would not refund me any of my money. I called at this point and told them this was unacceptable and if I was not being refunded my acct needed to be activated again being as they canceled my acct without my permission. I was told they cannot do that they only way would be to sign up for a brand new subscription! All of their customer service is horrible. They told me I asked for my acct to be closed even though I stated several times I only wanted to do so if I could be refunded. They interpreted the emails to fit what they wanted to do. They don't care about finding matches for people they only care about scamming people out of their money. I will never recommend this site to anyone and I've never regretting using a service so much in my life. Unhappy is the understatement of the year when it comes to eharmony.

Under No Circumstances
I've used a number of dating sites and none have been successful. But the only "Absolutely, never, ever, EVER again" site is eHarmony. The biggest problem is that eHarmony thinks it knows better than you. Whereas every other site will let you browse it's members, eHarmony will have you wait patiently while it delivers your ideal matches for you. "Trust the process" eHarmony say. (Wait. You're asking me to trust you to lose my business. "Be patient!" says about half their promotional materials. Gee, I wonder why?)

Even the inability to search for myself would have been tolerable, if the matches had been any good. But yet, in the 3 months I used eHarmony I received six matches within 4 hours of me. Let me put more emphasis on that.


And before you say it, yes I adjusted their "within X miles" parameter. It just stopped giving me matches. No, I didn't live in the middle of nowhere. I lived in a college town with two other big-universities within 90 minutes of me.

"Well, the matches you received were really good right?" Ha! Absolutely not. There was no option to filter out out matches that lacked a photo and no option to filter by body type. Excuse me if that makes me shallow, but I want to be attracted to my partner. It also had no option to filter out matches that had been inactive for months.

And even the ones that had a photo, were decent-looking, had been active recently weren't beacons of compatibility in a sea of disharmonious relationships. Sure, there were that would have been interesting matches if distance hadn't been prohibitive (did I mention almost all my matches lived at least 4 hours away?). But there were an awful lot were I read there profile and thought "she's just not for me."

Frankly even when the system delivered active, attractive, photo-having members to me it was no better than Match or any other dating site. Except that Match never matched me with women 4 hours away.

I haven't paid yet and eHarmony must do more to convince me to.
Ok, I'm probably in the minority but I actually really like the way eHarmony encourages everyone to take the time to create a detailed profile. I want to see detailed profiles that tell me about the person whose photo I would be looking at had I paid for that privilege, and I want the opportunity to give plenty of details about what makes me different from other people a) as a chance to stand out and b) so I know I'm not wasting my time or anyone else's talking to someone who wouldn't like a person with my quirks. So far so good.

Ok, so I can't see the photos of the people matched with me yet. That's not necessarily an issue at this stage. We can get around that once we exchange phone numbers or whatever she prefers.

Here's the problem: I've sent things back and forth with three people so far in the three days since I installed the app. One in particular got as far as exchanging open questions. I sent her mine and answered hers. The next notification implies she's sent me something to read but when I click through to read it it actually says it's going to show me some safety tips instead. But we're not at the point of freely messaging each other yet. I haven't seen her set of answers. More suspicious is the safety information and therefore any further communication with this person is behind the subscription paywall. One more thing that's suspicious is that one of the three open questions she asked me was "Why did you join eHarmony?". On its own it could be a point of conversation for a potential date but now it looks like plain old market research.

So far this is just a small problem. Someone's gone to the trouble of creating and running a service. EHarmony want to be paid for it. Fine. Unfortunately there are two things that make it into a bigger problem.

Firstly, I don't have any indication this person is a genuine match (here by genuine I mean user looking around, seeing my profile and deciding she particularly would like to talk to me). I've seen nothing written in her own words directly to me. A reasonably detailed profile, but nothing very particular, and from the guided communication only the multiple choice answers. So I suspect I haven't begun getting to know a real person at all yet.

Secondly, the minimum subscription length is six months! Six months! I'm sorry but if you need to be on a dating service for more than a couple of months before you find people worth going on a date with then the service is poor. I might have been tempted to pay for one month, or even three months at a reasonable rate, but neither is offered, and the service is actually quite pricey per month too.

Also any service I pay for really must include a keyword search feature. I want to jump straight to the minority of profiles that match me and I can do that with a keyword search. Okcupid has it even with its free version.

So on the evidence I've seen, I'm forced to conclude that the whole thing is a scam.

Terrible experience! Do not waste your money on E Harmony!
I have wasted my time and a lot of money on this website.

First, I signed up for 6 months, and was charged an insane amount of money. Not even 3 weeks after signing up, I met a guy who seemed interesting, but who eventually turned out to be a scammer. He had a strong accent and said he lived in Long Beach, CA, (I have an accent, too, so I didn't judge him as much) but the moment I proposed meeting in person, he had an "urgent" trip to Kuala Lumpur (out of all places!) and then he proceeded to ask for money after he was "robbed" of everything he had while traveling... Yeah, riiiight! Like I'm going to send money to a perfect stranger I haven't met in person...

Anyway, thinking that I was paying a premium for this service to find real, honest men who were interested in a long term relationship, I called to complain and ask for a refund.

I never got a refund, even though I have already found (and reported) another 3 (for a grand total of 4!) scammers who used similar language and tried to get me to text them or email them shortly after being matched to them.

Another issue is that, even though I am an attractive woman who has had plenty of success in finding matches on several other dating sites, in the nearly 6 months I've endured on this site, I had only received a total of 3 guys who have initiated conversation... Everyone else I've been in contact to, have been through my reaching out to them first.

I've been on 3 dates from e-Harmony since I started this service: 1 was a nice guy, but he was extremely shy and we really didn't click after a couple of dates, the second one was a very nice guy, but our views and beliefs were extremely opposite (how did we even get matched by e-Harmony? I wonder...). The third one was a guy who didn't have a car, had serious health problems and who basically wanted me to drive him around to different places... Soooo, definitely NOT a good experience...

So ladies, and men, too: DO NOT WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME AND MONEY on this site that does not offer quality matches and that is only after you to get you for an unfair amount of money for the poor service EHarmony offer...

Not good for finding suitable dates
First, I want to recommend that before anyone puts their time or money into dating sites, eHarmony google the name of the service and then "reviews," e.g.:

Eharmony reviews

I think that the comments below are all accurate, that is, in that my experience is that eHarmony wasn't good for finding suitable matches. I do like their interface, where you can see a larger photo of your matches than some sites where it's smaller than a postage stamp, and then hover over it and it'll reveal their age and location. They also have icebreaker questions so that you can contact people without thinking about what to say at first, and secure e-mail and phone numbers, where you don't have to give out your real e-mail and phone number, which is great just in case you happen to be talking to a psycho. However there's a long list of things I don't like.

First, I'm a woman, a middle-aged woman, attractive and intelligent. I'm looking for men in my age group. This probably isn't eHarmony's fault, as I've heard from a radio show about dating sites that men typically prefer women in their 20s no matter how old the man is. But basically, all of the guys who contacted me were either in the 20-year my senior range, or with obvious mental or physical problems (and so I assume they were contacting a lot of women to get over that handicap). I did go on a date with a man almost 20 years my senior, but then decided that I had to stop wasting both of our time like that. He was nice, but also at the age where I couldn't be confident that he'd live even another year, which isn't fair to me. I did try contacting quite a few men in my own age group, from all over the US and Canada, and none of them contacted me in return.

Also, the way that eHarmony records which person you're reviewing and then reveals that to the person you viewed unless you pay extra -- one guy who was very creepy took it the wrong way. I wasn't interested in him at all, in fact was checking for e-mail from all of the weird guys who'd written me, just to be polite and not upset them (since they probably had frail souls from their handicaps). Another guy wanted me to call him directly, and blocked me when I asked that we start by using eHarmony's secure line, where they don't reveal your phone number to the person to start. I was also contacted by quite a few hacked accounts that were obviously scam artists.

Overall, I wasn't satisfied with this site because they advertise their membership as huge, but when you pay a decent amount of money to use it, they don't give you many matches and then they don't respond to you. I wish it were better, because I like their software better than Match or the free sites. I'm still looking for a site that's as nice as this one, but with enough matches to actually get someone in my age group who isn't terrible.

Just An Average Experience With Peculiar Aggravating Technicalities
Title was a mouthful, yet I feel it is necessary to give a proper back drop story. I've been involved in numerous online sites on and off like most folks. The experience with these guys was par for the course. A lot of the problems spring from the types of people using the app and the tech support people who review everything done by participants. I joined up and paid in October 2020. Like anyone new I had a few women send me messages and several view my profile. November came and I stopped logging in until January. I met several quality women in the winter and dated one for a couple of months. We broke up and I logged back on in March. I started to notice that my profile was hardly ever viewed like it was in the fall and winter. People had stopped flirting as well. The interest level was really non existent. Another thing I did hate technically about e-harmony was the ability for people (or tech people to make it appear it was someone) to block others so easy. For instance, when I met the woman I dated for two months in January, I announced on my profile I was in a relationship. So, that I could be kind and fair to people. A viewer of my profile did not like my honesty and regurgitated my statement to me in a message with another message attached to it that she'd blocked me. The site has a pathetic way of announcing you're blocked by stating: 'so and so says GOODBYE.' Once eHarmony use that feature you cannot send them a message. I got blocked by a woman I never contacted. I suggested to admin they needed to change this feature so that no 'bad blood' would make the experience aggravating for users. They could not understand why I'd purvey such healthy dignity in how I was to be treated. I also suggested a couple of weeks ago they use a feature like Tinder (even though Tinder is garbage) to set it up where my matches could only be women who had indicated they were physically attracted to my photo or I was in their age range. It makes sense to only want to flirt with people you know would flirt back. I got a response stating that 'they want to give us as many matches as possible and LET US DECIDE'. What that told me was they wanted to keep up appearances that there were more good matches than in reality. I don't have magazine cover looks, yet when I go out in every day life 50% find me attractive 50% don't. I do about average like most well rounded men would do. You get on a site like this. One week you feel like you have something to offer. 4 months later for 8 weeks you feel dog, ugly. Maybe I just went through a batch of good women, then a batch of bad ones. It was just real peculiar how that worked. When I paid for 9 months I announced I was not renewing during the onset of the contract. I'm a guy in my forties looking to date younger out of necessity in wanting a family of my own. The women I encountered on E-harmony were mostly socially inept, insecure 'church' type people. Those tend to be more restrictive in things like age. This is not a good site for seekers of age gap relationships. No one told me that... I just sensed it. Then again it's hard to know if my profile was hidden at times or I was intentionally mismatched with women in the end so I'd crave more matches and pay for a new subscription. Two days before my paid membership expired I attempted to announce on my profile I was no longer a paying customer and could not communicate if messaged. I want to be fair to people. I got an email from tech support stating I was not allowed to announce it. Seems as paying customers we have the right to announce what we want to announce. Makes me wonder why they don't condone integrity. That same day I opened my message box to see that I'd been blocked again. This time for liking someone's comment. No message, just pressing the 'thumbs up' button. I know there are some grasping people online, but still felt it was improbable someone would block me for that. I honestly didn't remember even viewing their profile. Usually when you do there is a mechanism on the left of your profile showing who you had interaction with. I don't remember seeing the 'ghost' member who had supposedly blocked me on that list anywhere. I remembered I accidently set up two accounts from October. It appeared tech support was up to some shenanigans trying to get me angry again about being blocked by a member I barely contacted, if I had at all. Before that I had announced on my profile I was not renewing and was going inactive. The pattern was as the time before. When I either announced I was going inactive or taking a break then, all the sudden, I'd supposedly get blocked by someone. I also announced on my profile that morning: "This account is inactive. Membership expired." I got a notice that my new profile message was not accepted. I went back and wrote: This account is inactive. I never got another message telling me to change it. I think they realized they couldn't win. The same type of thing happened with my account on about a decade ago. From my accidental first account I noticed the day after my legitimate, used account expired I got a message claiming a woman two hours away had sent me a message. After months of not getting anything happening on that account from both ends. I already deleted my used account. Still working to delete my accidental one, I had to use a password. When I requested an email to allow me to change it to finally delete, it never arrived in my inbox. Pathetic. The tech support people who run these sites are vindictive, insecure people who want to control others. They lose their crap when they come across someone assertive. You have to decide whether you want to leave your dating fate up to these types of factors you can't control compared to walking up and introducing yourself on the street. I finish this review better off knowing I'll go down to the local coffee shop and get a smile and a flirty message from the barista behind the counter. I'll do that instead to get a sense of what is real in how I fit into the dating paradigm.

Never ever do I recomend this
Easy way to loose money and all the matches ( if eHarmony are ones, not really) are in other continents, pretty far away and the account chancelation impossible

The spiral down is filled with money grab scams along the way
You don't have to search hard for negative reviews about Eharmony. From the billing practices of auto-renewing (no matter what you set your account preferences) to the ghost profiles set up to make the membership look larger then it is, Eharmony uses all the scams to get membership dollars month after month. If a customer wants to get refunded a payment taken for a membership that was canceled, eHarmony will have to file a complaint with the BBB of California and or file a complaint with the Attorney General of California or file a small claim in the local court for Los Angeles area. In other words, the customer will have to fight a battle if they want to cancel the service. If this isn't the worst business practice for a business that you would think wants repeat customers then I don't know a worse way to treat customers. This makes me believe its a money grab on the way out since long term goals of staying in business are out the window. Do keyword searches for "Eharmony scam" "Eharmony complaints" "Eharmony rip-off" "Eharmony sucks" and you will find thousands upon thousands of consumer complaints on a variety of websites, not just this one. I can't figure out why they wont do business like a legit company and let users sign up, browse their database (on their own) to see of they like any of the members and place a profile matching percentage next to the profile and if someone wants to quit the service then just effen let them quit! The short term capital gained from pilfering a few extra months of paid service for a customer that wants to cancel will just permanently turn this customer into a non-customer and there aren't "unlimited" singles who will just keep signing up. Businesses need repeat business even for a company that sells the "idea" that you will not need them in the future. Membership on Eharmony is way down, they no longer have the lions share of the Internet dating market or even the cubs share and they are further hurting themselves with shady business practices. Here is how to get around any company that auto-renews, buy a pre-paid MC or Visa for the exact amount of the first payment from Walgreens or Walmart, use that card in place of your credit card, websites can't tell any difference. This way YOU have control and you don't have to close your bank card to get the payments to stop. Eharmony will try to run more money on that pre-paid card but they will get nothing haha :) You can monitor every failed attempt and you will be able to see how they "would" have ripped you off! Do this with any new online company until they prove to be good businesses.

Some good people on the site but terrible service
Eharmony doesn't work like other sites where it shows you only a few matches every few days which can be a good thing, makes you think it was a well thought out process. I have to say that a lot of times I wonder why eHarmony consider a person a match like if you both like dogs, as another reviewer wrote, doesn't necessarily mean you have the chops to make it as a couple. I did meet (online) more normal good people on this site than on plenty of fish or okay cupid. So I would say yes, the filtration process for creeps is much better still not a very successful way to meet someone I believe. The consumer service is super crappy as "per terms and agreements" seems to be their only response to any dissatisfied customer. You can pay for a membership but can never opt out until your time runs out. Super crappy. So I'm thinking, well a year is a long time, so if I have a boyfriend, I'm meant to just stay on this site until the time runs out? That's just a fight waiting to happen but hey, maybe that's what they want, just to keep you on eharmony forever *shudder*. It doesn't seem like they really care about the users on the site actually finding love. It feels like they just want your money and put more focus into how they can keep a continuous income from people than actually helping people find a love match they can grow a relationship with. It feels much more catered to the first steps of dating than actually establishing something. Also, some profiles seem to be created by the company to entice you to stay on. Sounds like a heavy accusation but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Eharmony is that frenemy you don't need in your life that says they want you to succeed but will do anything to keep you where they want you to be. Well, if anything, it's good practice for getting yourself out there and having those epiphanies that help you move to the next real thing. Thanks for the life lessons, eharmony. Definitely looking forward to deleting my account and not looking back. Also, be aware of the automatic subscriptions! If you don't actually go turn this off, they will keep automatically charging you and you won't be able to ever get out. Hotel freaking California, man. Proceed cautiously.

Zero stars, phony contacts, terrible service
I signed up 7-08-17 and completed 100% of the profile and uploaded 6 photos. I am attractive. I never had one email for nearly 4 weeks from e-Harmony or any member. I called after 3 weeks and was told I was supposed to log on regularly to get matches. THERE IS NO INFORMATION WHEN YOU PAY AS TO WHAT EHarmony DO TO HELP PEOPLE FIND MATCHES. I log on and there are no messages. I called them to cancel and get a full refund. They refused and said I need to log on regularly to "refresh", and then I would get new matches. I said that there was never any instruction to do so when I joined, and they never disclosed how they help people connect with one another. They don't help. It is all on each person to reach out and make the first contact. Zoosk and others of the same type of service provide tools to their members that make it all easier, which makes you less vulnerable because they have "daily matches" and "carousel" sent to your email and then you view different potential matches and mark "yes" or "no" as to if you want to meet that person. They, in turn, are getting the same. So when two people say "yes" to one another, you get an email from Zoosk that you both have some interest in each other. That breaks the ice and makes it easier to contact each other because you already know there is some interest. E-harmony has no tools whatsoever. They charge more than double what most dating services charge and they don't disclose how it operates. If you are not happy they keep every penny and refuse to refund. Then, especially after you threaten to cancel and dispute the charge, they will send you a fake profile of someone interested to appease you. This happened to me. The very next day after I called to cancel I get a message, when I logged on, from a very handsome man that looked like he stepped out of GQ magazine with 6 pack abs standing with his shirt off on a surf board. I email him, did he really send me the smiley face and "HI" as I was suspicious that E-harmony sent it. He never answered me, and the next day his profile was no longer available and now the message is missing. It is fraudulent what E-harmony is doing in sending fake members as being interested. I accused them of this and wanted a refund and they refuse. I have disputed it with my Visa and will report them as well. It is a total SCAM. Don't waste your time with E-harmony. Try Zoosk or Plenty of Fish or other services over them. All they do is take your money and offer no assistance in finding matches. Rip Off!. EHarmony sends out fake emails to entice you to believe people are interested when the reality is nobody contacts one another. Eharmony has no tools to help you. It is very expensive and is much less effective than lesser expensive services. They try to lead you to believe that they are of the higher caliper in dating, but nobody reaches out to each other because of fear of rejection. In 4 weeks I had one person contact me, just one. I am fighting them with my VISA. They don't care and they will keep all your money and will not back down. Rip off, total rip off.

Waist of time and fake matches
I have called customer service to enquire about membership and eHarmony were so nice and proud about their guarantee policy and the certitude of providing the best matches. I have signed up for 3 months. The app and the matching process are very slow and frustrating. Whithin the first couple weeks I have realised i'm talking to ghosts or none payed members who are no longer active or can't see my profile and read my messages.

I have called support to cancel and request refund for the remaining of subscription and it was too late, I have told to wait until end of 3 months to request a refund or claim guarantee policy. In 3 months i was able to talk to 3 candidates which I believe 2 of them works for EH.

I called support after my 3 months subscription expired and here is the support answe after filling a questionnaire:

Thank you for contacting eharmony.
I received your recent inquiry regarding a refund and regret to hear that you have had a less than satisfactory experience using our service. As mentioned in our Terms and Conditions of Service, eharmony is unable to guarantee the quantity, quality or type of matches a customer may receive, as this is determined in large part by the specific settings/preferences a customer selects. We are also unable to guarantee a successful outcome from using our service, although, we have found that many members have successfully found the love of their life by using our service.

Please also note that per our Terms and Conditions of Service, refunds are not available unless a cancellation request is received within the cancellation period outlined. As a result, I am unable to grant your request for a refund. Your account is currently expired but your account is still open, meaning that you can continue to receive matches and notifications.

As we have now carefully reviewed Customer Care's original denial of your request and found it appropriate, this decision regarding a refund will be final.

Thank you for understanding and we wish you all the best.


My experience is EH is a ripe off company, playing games with policies and contract conditions to take advantage of desperate members looking for marriage and love.

For me the site is somewhat worthwhile but I will not...
For me the site is somewhat worthwhile but I will not give this site my full recommendation because of several reasons

1. Long and monotonous testing system. I have tried this test and the length of the test sometimes gets boring and tiresome.

2. Relationships found on the site are not always guaranteed to last because every relationship is different and no site can predict the future of these relationships especially this one.

3. There are problems with their charging policies. Here is s story that comes from

Date: 11/ 8 /11

"I signed up with e-Harmony in August 2011 for 3 months. I disabled the auto renewal feature. EHarmony kept sending me emails about my subscription payments, and the one I received in October stated that, it was my last payment. On the 5th of November 2011, I received an email informing me that they had taken out another payment for the month of November. When I rang them, they said that I had not informed them 24 hours before my membership had expired about stopping payment. E-Harmony have been very deceptive in their dealings. I would like to advise others to steer clear of them. I have advised the local Consumer affairs in Australia about this matter, and will also explore the possibility of contacting the Current Affairs show, which highlights such scams."

4. Inaccurate matching system and problems removing or canceling one's account. Here is another story from the

Date: 10/29/11

"I signed up for 3 months at $14.95/mo. After using for 3 months. My understanding of this service was that this was sort of a more serious, more specified service than Match. This was where people looking for a more serious relationship were more likely to pay their money.

All was well for the first few days and then I started receiving matches pretty far out of my specifications. Miles out of my range, and not even close to other specifications. I emailed EH customer service and they basically told me I just wasn't open-minded enough and that's why I wasn't finding love. Okay, fine. But I know my limitations. I work full-time and go to school. I don't have the time to be driving all over my region to meet potential dates. Also, I'm 5'10". Sorry, but I'm just not comfortable dating men who are 5'6" (nor are they dating me) so hey, don't send them to me. I mean, really, the 29 dimensions are rubbish. I was matched with whomever happened to sign up on a given day.

After a few days (more like a week) of receiving no matches, I was receiving a full inbox again. This time, however, it was full of matches which were completely invalid. Most had no photo and/or had not logged in for over three weeks, indicating to me that either they'd abandoned their account or they took the test for fun and, well, abandoned their account. Again, I contacted customer service and was told that I was being to picky. I needed to allow a man to give me a photo of his own accord. Also, I was being impatient. Many of their members are busy, and don't log in every day. I should also note that one of my matches during this time was a friend of mine who'd moved to Atlanta 3 months prior to my signing up for EH. According to him (and he's a very reliable source), he hadn't logged in since just before he'd moved, and hadn't been a paying member in 6 months. Way to go, EH! Yes, I did bring this to their attention. They chose to ignore it. I understand that it's impossible to know how active your members are but maybe only match the paying members up with each other? I don't know, it seems like that should be a perk of shelling out the cash.

I attempted to cancel my account after a month because of the fact that they had not upheld their end of the bargain. I was not receiving valid matches and wasn't getting any benefits from the money I was paying. They refused, stating I still needed to pay for the remaining two months I'd signed up for. I relented, and asked that they simply withdraw the balance from my account, subsequently close my EH account, and let me be on my way so that I didn't have to deal with their abysmal service ever again. They refused, stating I still had two more months left on my contract and hey, why not enjoy the benefits of my account?

Really eHarmony? Really. Avoid this dating service like the plague! At least with you have the freedom to move around on the site and make your own choices".

However despite the issues people do find others on the site and the site is by far still way more successful and even much more cheaper per month than many specialist dating sites out there but the issues are still worth taking note of.

Eharmony randomly closed my account after I submitted...
Eharmony randomly closed my account after I submitted a suggestion to make their service better. I tried contacting them by phone but the rep had nothing useful to say other than telling me to reply to the email i received, oh by the way the email said:

Dear Customer,
Based on recent review of your account information and activity, eHarmony has made the decision to close your account. We do not disclose the specific reason for our decision, however, for your consideration we can provide some general information regarding such closure decisions.

The most common reason we may choose to close an account is for a violation of our Terms and Conditions regarding the misrepresentation of personal information, such as name, age, address, marital status or criminal history. On rare occasions, we also may close an account due to specific complaints about the content of a profile, communication, or for any other reason as stated in our Terms and Conditions.

If you have purchased a subscription and we have confirmed that a Terms and Conditions violation has occurred, your subscription dues may have been forfeited.

For any questions related to this action, you may visit our Frequently Asked Questions section concerning the closure of user accounts. You can find this information at the following link:

Risk Management

Note: Please do NOT reply to this e-mail, as the message will be undeliverable and we are unable to respond to your reply from this address. If you have questions regarding this notification, please visit the FAQ link provided above. If you would like to contact eHarmony, please visit our Help page.

Also here is some bits from their terms and conditions that are SCAM indicators.
11. Term and Termination.

This Agreement will become effective upon your acceptance of the Agreement by your use of the Site or the Services and will remain in full force and effect unless and until terminated hereunder. Either you or eHarmony may terminate your account at any time, for any reason or no reason, without explanation, effective upon sending written notice to the other party. EHarmony reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate your access to any of the Services, without notice, for any reason or no reason. We also reserve the right to remove your account information or data from our Services and any other records at any time at our sole discretion. In the event your access to any of the Services is suspended due to the breach of this Agreement, you agree that all fees then paid to eHarmony by you will be nonrefundable and all outstanding or pending payments will immediately be due. You may terminate your account by following the steps in the applicable section under "Cancellations" below, or by sending a notice of cancellation to: eHarmony, Inc., Attn: Cancellations, P. O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408 USA. Following any termination of any Registered User's use of the Singles Service, eHarmony reserves the right to send a notice thereof to other Registered Users which whom you have corresponded.

This is an unfair policy, a great money making scam, and it encourages a fraudulent situation where in the company could cancel accounts after subscriptions are paid for and not have to provide any service. However, if you see there TV commercials, eHarmony claim to be the "best".

When I contacted their so called customer service center they provided no useful information as to why the account was canceled and referred me to respond to an email and that there was no phone contact for the section that deals with the cancelling of customer accounts, yes they have an entire section dedicated to searching for and cancelling user accounts. They even sent me some sort of legal affidavit requesting personal legal information about my marital status, under penalty of perjury. Now since giving them the personal legal information would be unreasonable considering the nature of their business and reputation as well as the means in which they requested it via a webmail service is simply inadequately secure for such personal and vital information i did not provide it. As well as the statement within their terms and conditions that states that"eHarmony and its contractors may use various ways of verifying information that users have provided. However, none of those ways are perfect, and you agree that eHarmony and its contractors will have no liability to you arising from any incorrectly verified information." In other words if they are wrong and threaten you with perjury they are not liable. So when I didn't provide them with the legal information they canceled my account. I think eHarmony and other sites like it are Big Business and Big Giant SCAM.

Yeah seriously #wasteofmoney, don't ever signup for this service they can close your account when ever they want for what ever reason or no reason and they can screw you over and not be liable. I put a fraud complaint in with my credit card company and they are getting my money back.

TWO SCAMS IN TWO MONTHS! A match was a disguised scammer (and not a good one)-Nigerian Scams
I've been on EH for a while, and although I've seen what looks like plummeting membership (getting matches who've left long ago), I had a new experience with them a couple wks ago. Someone who called themselves Sarah, 51, from Sioux Falls reached out to me. Thru email conversation she looked to write with very lightly broken English, but not quite enough to suspect one of those Nigerian scams. She professed to go on a trip to Cairo Egypt to find some art work for a business she alleged to own, and for 5 days sent daily photos of her posing at this or that artisan's market. Finally on the day she was supposed to leave, she writes and gives me a variant on the old Nigerian scam of being marooned there, hotel mgr holding her passport (eHarmony never do) until she settles up and asks for $980. Of course I didn't. But I did say it wasn't appropriate for me to assist. Then, the next day she writes with another even older Nigerian scam that I've seen, saying she'll send me a check to cash, then I'm to cash it and send her the money; in this scam, by the time the bank processes the int'l check, it's 30 days before they discover it's fraudulent, but the scammer's already gotten your money and they move on. I traced the IP addresses of these 2 emails to the Nigeria area, and told EH about it after closing her, but I don't know if they'll do anything or can. There's certain things about the way they write that indicate that they're not from the US or Canada. Anyway, beware! I don't know if this 'Sarah' is actually a blonde or some guy in Nigeria trying to scam EH members.

UPDATE: Get this everyone: I got yet ANOTHER SCAM MATCH. The person wrote to me, a Joan from Los Angeles (probably Nigeria too), who requested EH Mail. I didn't give her any personal info that you can't find on the internet, but five minutes ago EH Customer Relations sent me a msg saying that they've terminated Joan's account because it violated their terms of usage, translated, it was a SCAM ARTIST. My opinion is that EH is getting saturated with scammers now, and I am extremely suspect of all matches unless their public information on the net checks out, like a lawyer, doctor, etc that can be verified.


Eharmondy fraud, stand up for your rights, State and federal laws prohibite this type of fraud
Stand up for your rights, contact your local State Attorney's office and file an affidavit testifying to the fraud committed by any company violating your rights.
Florida statute 817.44 Intentional false advertising prohibited.—
(1) WHAT CONSTITUTES INTENTIONAL FALSE ADVERTISING.—It is unlawful to offer for sale or to issue invitations for offers for the sale of any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, or any services, professional or otherwise, by placing or causing to be placed before the general public, by any means whatever, an advertisement describing such property or services as part of a plan or scheme with the intent not to sell such property or services so advertised, or with the intent not to sell such property or services at the price at which it was represented in the advertisement to be available for purchase by any member of the general public.
(2) PRESUMPTION OF VIOLATION.—The failure to sell any article or a class of articles advertised, or the refusal to sell at the price at which it was advertised to be available for purchase, shall create a rebuttable presumption of an intent to violate this section.
(3) EXEMPTION.—This section shall not apply to any publisher of a newspaper, magazine or other publication, or the owner or operator of a radio station, television station or other advertising media, who places before the public an advertisement in good faith without knowledge that the person so engaging or hiring such owner, operator, or publisher has the intent not to sell the property or services so advertised or with the intent not to sell such property or services at the price at which it was represented in the advertisement to be available for purchase by any member of the general public.
History.—s. 5, ch. 59-301.
Florida statute 817.06 Misleading advertisements prohibited; penalty.—
(1) No person, persons, association, copartnership, or institution shall, with intent to offer or sell or in anywise dispose of merchandise, securities, certificates, diplomas, documents, or other credentials purporting to reflect proficiency in any trade, skill, profession, credits for academic achievement, service or anything offered by such person, persons, association, copartnership, corporation, or institution directly or indirectly, to the public, for sale or distribution or issuance, or with intent to increase the consumption or use thereof, or with intent to induce the public in any manner to enter into any obligation relating thereto, or to acquire title thereto, or any interest therein, or ownership thereof, knowingly or intentionally make, publish, disseminate, circulate or place before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly, to be made, published, disseminated or circulated or placed before the public in this state in a newspaper or other publication or in the form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, bill, circular, pamphlet or letter or in any other way, an advertisement of any sort regarding such certificate, diploma, document, credential, academic credits, merchandise, security, service or anything so offered to the public, which advertisement contains any assertion, representation or statement which is untrue, deceptive, or misleading.
(2) Any person, persons, association, copartnership, corporation, or institution found guilty of a violation of subsection (1) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
History.—ss. 1,2, ch. 11827, 1927; CGL 7311, 7312; ss. 1,2, ch. 57-410; s. 846, ch. 71-136.
Note.—Former s. 817.07.
817.061 Misleading solicitation of payments prohibited.—
(1) It is unlawful for any person, company, corporation, agency, association, partnership, institution, or charitable entity to solicit payment of money by another by means of a statement or invoice, or any writing that would reasonably be interpreted as a statement or invoice, for goods not yet ordered or for services not yet performed and not yet ordered, unless there appears on the face of the statement or invoice or writing in 30-point boldfaced type the following warning:
"This is a solicitation for the order of goods or services, and you are under no obligation to make payment unless you accept the offer contained herein."
(2) Any person damaged by noncompliance with this section, in addition to other remedies, is entitled to damages in the amount equal to 3 times the sum solicited.
(3) Any person, company, corporation, agency, association, partnership, institution, or charitable entity that violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083.
History.—ss. 1,2, ch. 69-246; s. 845, ch. 71-136.

Very bad dating site
So I hardly make a complaint because I am a bussniss owner and I know how it's feel, also I am very reasonable person, Been busy with business and full time medical student there is no time to go out and meet new people, so my self and friend we joined together, it's on 3 payment plans every 4 months eHarmony take a payment, I was talking to few people on there because I was looking for the right girl, I came cross a girl who asked me for financial help, and I said 100% No I know there is lots scammers there, so what she did she went and made a complaint agains me with eharmony, on the 17th of march they took second payment, on the 19th two days after I received email it's say my membership hase been cancelled because of a complaint, they didn't call me and take my side of the story which I have messages to back me up, they didn't tell me the reason they gave me whole bunch a reasons and it's could be one of it, they didn't tell me who made the complaint which I understood, but what I didn't understand that's they cancelled my membership, took my money, with out calling me and give me a chance to say my side of the story, make matters worst, they email every one I was talking to and warned them about me, I have great thing going on with a local girl after she received the warning she no longer want to talk any more which I understood because I will do the same, the friend I joined with she was talking to a guy who asked her for a nude photo and she said hell no, he did same thing, and eharmony cancelled her membership with out talking to her, so if you thinking of joining pleas don't do that's, I am taking them to court to get my refund and for defamation case, my sister is a lawyer and start the case already, and when I called the support team, some one answer the phone from Asia I can't hardly understand a word and no help, so I give this site 0 of 10, if you look to meet someone it's not here on eharmony, if you have money to waste then it's for you, I hope that's was helpful for any one who read it, and if u been scammed my eharmony you well com to join my law suit
Thanks regards

Do not join eHarmony!
I had a terrible experience with eHarmony. I'm writing this to protect you! Please read this:

I tried to be a mature adult about it. This makes sense, right? From time to time in life you will buy something and realize it's not what you wanted, so you'll contact a business and see if you can work something out together.

I called so many times in my short 6 weeks stint that I saved the customer service number in my phone. Their Customer Service representatives treat you like you're stupid. Even when eHarmony were nice, they have little ability to actually answer questions about the site.

These are the reasons I was dissatisfied:
1) I had an issue signing up, I couldn't access my account because of an email issue.
2) I had technology problems with the website. The pages, photos and profile wouldn't save. I would enter information 6-10 times.
3) The app didn't work at first, my information didn't transfer over and was completely blank for several hours.
4) I accidentally purchased a $24.99 add-on. There was no confirmation button and it took the money out of my account immediately (they did refund me).
5) I changed my match criteria countless times (when it would save) to improve my options or potential. Because my matches never replied to me. I posted several photos, asked others for input, filled out the profile fully, and took it seriously, but after 6 weeks I never matched with one person who I would actually date. Scientifically, it doesn't make sense that I should send numerous "smiles" and never get a reply. I'm not everyone's type, but I'm also not an Ogre.
6) My matches were too old, too young, not attractive to me, or had little to nothing in common with me. I was matched with 2 friends, one from childhood, another was a coworker. This told me their criteria for choosing matches is very shallow and unfounded.
7) When you call, their customer service has little to no real information to help you.
8) I asked for a refund and they sent me an email because they couldn't help me or answer my questions. I had to write out and explain all of my frustrations again. There is no number to call and follow-up after that email.
9) They deactivated my account... I was a paying customer! But when I called to ask about it, the Customer Service person said he didn't have the reason for why I would be kicked-off. 10) I finally sent another email and they would not tell me why they deactivated me or allow me to reactivate. I paid a set price believing I would have 3 months to use their product, but they cut me off halfway through with no explanation. When I called, they made me go through the email process again.
10) When they did finally reply to my email, they said I broke the Terms and Conditions, but would not elaborate. I literally have no idea why I was kicked off.
11) Even after they kicked me off halfway through my paid subscription, they still wont refund me.
12) eHarmony claims they are successful. But they refused to refund me after all of my frustrations and disappointments.

Here's the bottom line. EHarmony will not give you realistic matches, they will allow you to pay and they have no problem taking your money and deactivating your account without giving you a dime or explanation. Do not join eHarmony. Read all the reviews!

Eharmony is the worst site I have ever spent my time and money on. EHarmony dont provide the service they say they do and in their own words, are Not obligated to provide the service you think youre getting. I wish I would have seen even half of the bad reviews Ive found since, before signing up. I could have saved my time and a ton of money. I also found that the company not only has those paid commercials to show you how great they are, but they PAY for good reviews. Most of the positive reviews I found before singing up, were from compensated 3rd party reviewers and not from actual customers. I was giving the site an honest effort to. I sat through the giant questionnaire, took the time to fill out my profile honestly and completely, and was instantly disappointed. You cant search for anyone so youre stuck with whatever the site recommends. However if your matches have absolutely nothing to do with what youre looking for, such is my case, tough luck because there is nothing the company will do about it. Literally, because their exact wording was something like, we do not guarantee our service to work nor are we obligated to ensure a satisfactory experience. So now Im stuck with an inbox full of email notifications of women I have no idea how were chosen for me, with nothing in common with me at all, much less a desire to be romantically involved with and the companys response is an unwavering, Oh well, too bad. Pay us anyway. I cant close the account because of the weird payment plan they have me on and they wont let me change anything to get even close to a desired result. So Im locked into either fighting them in court or paying an entire years dues to cancel after just 1 month.

Found my ONE!
I joined out of boredom (and some loneliness) one night. Did their assessment and thought it was fairly accurate for me. At first, the matches were pretty lack luster and I sent a few messages and got some responses-but then the conversation would fade off, or the guy would turn it to a sexual conversation. VERY IRRITATING GUYS, especially when a woman makes it clear in both profile and conversation that she is seeking a long term relationship.

Anyway, after about a month, I got a match and reviewed the guys profile. It was pretty bland, but he had some humor, and I loved how he spoke of loving being a father (I was pretty much turned away anyone with kids under 15... didn't want to raise someone elses kid). His son was a senior in high school when the guy made his profile. So, I decided to send him a message.

It took a day or so but he did respond. At first, like all the others the conversation was slow to start, but once we brought up hogs. Hahaha. Yes HOGS... the conversation took off. We were spending HOURS on line, messaging back and forth. I think that was for a week and a half. After that, emails were exchanged.

Then phone numbers... hours upon hours of conversation, getting to know each other. Then came the first date (we both had to drive well over two hours as we were in different states). At first, I thought, "oh well, nice guy but not my really my type" (physically-he's very tall and thin). But he asked me if I wanted to drive around and explore the town we found ourselves in. I had my pepper spray with me, so I thought why not. I'm so glad I did! We drove around, talked, and then we stopped at a store. He had to use the restroom... well, as he walked away, I realized I didn't care about how much taller and thin he was, he had a bum that didn't quit. I had to turn around so he didn't see my red face when he walked out of the restroom.

We left the store and he took me back to my car, kissed me on the cheek and off I went, so happy and feeling light as a feather. On my way home, he called to say thank you and wanted to make sure I was making it home ok. I got home and he called again to make sure I made it home-and we talked for another 2 hours.

We are so compatible, we often say the same thing at the same time, laugh at
The same things and when it comes to physical. Chemistry like crazy. It's been just about a year and we both couldn't be happier.

Eharmony WORKS, but you have to work on it too. The right person isn't going to just fall in your lap. Their chemistry test WORKS as long as you are HONEST with it and yourself.

Want the love of your life? PUT IN THE EFFORT! I LOVE EHarmony and am so thankful I was bored that night!

Horrible Support
I joined eHarmony on a Saturday night. Previously, I had been a member but we are talking over five years ago. I didn't have a very good experience then either but thought that maybe eHarmony got their act together. Boy, was I wrong. It's worse now than it was then.

First, as soon as I logged in I updated my location since I had moved about 700 miles away from where I was when I originally had the account. I started to get sent matches within the first eight hours. Those matches were all located where I used to live. So, naturally, I deleted them. Those types of matches continued. I emailed support. Their response was that my settings were too strict. Um, NO. Try again. I emailed them again explaining what I had done. They gave me the same, obviously scripted, answer. I decided to call because clearly they weren't understanding. This was now day 3 of my trial which was about to expire. I spoke to Matt. He explained that I needed to take the assessment over again since it had been so long since I was on and after that was complete I would start getting matches in my location. That last part made zero sense. You would think it would prevent me from getting ANY matches. You would also think that I would have been prompted to take a new assessment. He also extended my trial period because of this issue. The following day, still no matches. I called again. The woman I spoke to said "oh, I see what needs to be done. We need to refresh your account." Ya, okay. She told me that within the next 24 hrs I would start to get matches. I waited. Still nothing. I called back. They, again, said that I should really consider changing my distance from 30 miles to 60 miles. 1. You mean to tell me there is nobody at all in a 30 mile radius? 2. I am not driving an hour or more to entertain a relationship. Been there. Done that. Not again. I do not have so much time on my hands that I'm going to spend all of it driving. By now, I see that "extending your distance" is their "go-to" statement.

They must use computers from back in the 60s because if your algorithms takes 24 hours or more to match things up then you have serious issues. They make you jump through all of these hoops that put you past their trial period and then you get locked in to paying. This is not fair to the consumer.

I called to cancel at this point. If you can't get it together after being in business this long then you aren't ever getting it together. I spoke to Cody who then tried to encourage me to stay if he added on a free month. Uh, NO. Refund please.

Not worth your time or money - eHarmony to be avoided
I signed up on eHarmony as I was hoping this would be a site where people more interested in a long term relationship would participate. While looking at the possibility of signing up, a live chat appeared from an eHarmony rep to see if I had any questions and although her responses were boiler plate, I opted to sign up.

That was the last conversation I had with an eHarmony rep, despite contacting them on two occasions and never receiving a response from them. EHarmony seem to have placed all their reps in the sales dept.

So, now onto the participating on eHarmony. Of the 30 matches they sent me thus far they are of people who probably are not even active on the site anymore or they are way outside my area or age range. (side note: I live in a city with a population of well over 600,000 within a 10 mile radius of me and if you put that criteria into you will come up with over 1,200 participants) And as I mentioned previously I am looking for a long term relationship but when I hear from a man on eHarmony whose profile writes he is looking for a woman who wears nothing under her a dress or another who write awesome sex as one their hobbies, I surely am not finding the quality I was hoping for. I'm even surprised comments like that are permissable.

In regards to the activity I've gotten alerts that someone is interested but when I go on-line, they just aren't there. There's no profile, no photo, and their name is not even there. Did they ever exist?

They highlight 3 couples repeatedly as successful whenever signing on - I'm thinking they may be the only 3 that have been.

I'm sorry I wasted my money and time. I've mentioned my experiences to others and they echo mine. Wish I had asked around first.

I had used eHarmony on and off for a while and had ok success with it. I had ok communication and at one point actually had a fairly serious relationship come from the site that only ended due to me moving away and her not wanting a long distance relationship. The thing that I loved about eHarmony over all the other sites was the guided communication. That was a great ice breaker to lead into normal communication. A couple of days ago, Guided Communication was removed for a system that in the words of their customer service people, "makes communication easier because it lets you continue to message someone before receiving a response." EHarmony give you a list of 50 "ice breaking" questions you can use, or you can just start communication on your own. The problem is that a lot of members don't have enough on their profiles for you to figure out a good way to start communication. Guided Communication eliminated this problem. Essentially, the site has gone from a very effective system at ice breaking to a system that removed nearly all of its uniqueness to allow people to send the equivalent of a follow up text. Forgive me if this isn't the same for everyone else, but in my experience, follow up texts or messages are typically frowned on in daily life and I fail to see how this makes communication easier. I expressed my dissatisfaction with their customer care team and they could not give me any other reason for how this makes communication easier besides being able to message someone multiple times. EHarmony is now practically unrecognizable from other dating sites. Unfortunately, I did not know about the change in time to cancel my subscription without being charged for a full year, but I have turned my auto-renewal off and informed them that I will not be back until they become distinguishable from other dating sites again. It's annoying because the Guided Communicaton system was the only reason I joined and I am now stuck with a system that I would've never signed up for.

I was RIPPED OFF for $ 99.00.
I was with E for about 3 weeks, and yes I wasted my time answering there questions for nothing. I was supposedly connected with a woman named Paula, and I even sent, her messages, and I received good responses back, then one evening I went to go onto E, and a page came up that said my account was closed, because it was " HACKED."
There is NOBODY you can get help from except by e-mail, so you get NO HELP at all.! After approximately 2 weeks of B. S., and getting no where I said that I want a FULL REFUND of my $ 99.00. I then received an e-mail back that said E NEVER GIVES BACK REFUNDS, but eHarmony will give me 1 month for free... well it would not be free because they still owed me a $ 99.00. Refund for services that they did not fully give to me after I paid them in full for there services!... I am STILL waiting for my refund, and it has been 2 years now!
I have talked to other people that told me the same thing has happened to them.
I guess E's motto should be " Sign up with E so we can STEAL YOUR MONEY! "
Instead of wasting your time with E do what someone told me to do, and that was go to " Meetup. Com " or in you area, they are usually free, and there is a lot of Meet ups to look at and join, something for everyone! I like the Dance nights, and the Game nights meetups! It may sound kind of Corny, but it works, you meet a lot of singles, and have fun doing it.
I met a very nice woman, and we have been together for almost 1 year now! Just try it, get off of these sites, and meet someone in a more natural setting, and save your money for dating, and movie nights!


I subscribed to this dating service over a year ago thinking their "compatibility matches" may be helpful in the world of online dating that is infiltrated with fakes, fraud and lies. I spent hours answering all their questions thinking it was a good investment of time. Wrong!. Over the course of over a year I wasn't "matched" to anyone that was remotely what I was looking for (not even close), so I stopped logging onto the site altogether months ago as it was a total waste of time (and money).

Then a few months ago I started receiving email notices of "missed payments" from eHarmony, and when I investigated found it was eHarmony stating my renewal payment had failed, and I now owed them $550.80 for payment in advance for another calendar year all the way until January 2022. Twice the original annual fee I paid to start my membership. I told them I wasn't interested, and asked for them just to cancel my membership and eHarmony refused. The said since the "automatic renewal" which THEY maliciously set to auto renewal had already passed, that I would have to pay the total balance due (for services not yet rendered), and that I could cancel in 2022 if I still wanted to! The auto renewal tripped because I simply stopped visiting their site, and they of course never sent any reminders alerting the consumer of an impending charge, and to cancel the membership if you didn't want to incur the renewal charge. Jay B. Eharmony Customer Care representative advised me that their decision was FINAL, and that I must pay; for what I didn't want, for what did not work, and they refused to reconsider.

Avoid these thieves like Covid 19, as the results will likely end up to be similar.

Not for black people! Don't waste your time
I've been on this site three times in the last 5 years and never, ever had any luck, not even a decent number or decent array of men. I know it's not me because I went on black people meet and ok cupid during the very same time and have gotten over 200 messages from BPM and average 242 messages per week on OK Cupid (which seems to have a really good mix of different races). I looked into the racial makeup of eharmony and found that over 80% are white, so if you're white, then you'll have a much better chance because this site is not geared for any other races. Maybe the white men are more interested in white women (I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if this was the case and probably neither are you... we all know how eHarmony can be). Go to OK Cupid... the guys are just as successful and a lot nicer and less stuck up (better looking, too). EHarmony kind of appears to attract a lot of old guys (40+). I'm more interested in younger, successful guys anyway, but it was really surprising that 4 years later, the same thing is still happening. When I called to canceled they kept me on the phone in customer care for like 30 minutes trying to negotiate a lower rate, so just know you don't have to pay those extraordinary prices either. AND out of all the sites I've been on, eHarmony is ridiculously high and definitely not worth signing up for--even for free because they'll just harass the crap out of you until you either sign up or delete your account. Anyway, why would you even want to sign up for free, you can't see people on there, only the few matches they send you and it took a week for me to get any at all--and that' s after spending all of that time filling out all of the information. Don't waste your time, there are many others that's a lot cheaper and have better options, and at the very least, if you want to do it free you still get a chance to see the choices you have to at least see if you want to sign up. You don't get that on eHarmony--only a few matches they send you, if any at all.

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eHarmony Rating

Based on 51 reviews from eHarmony customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Los Angeles-based eharmony ( launched in the United States in 2000 with its patented Compatibility Matching System® which allows eharmony members to be matched with compatible persons with whom they are likely to enjoy a long-term relationship. Millions of people of all ages, ethnicities, national origins and religious and political beliefs have used eharmony's Compatibility Matching System to find compatible long-term relationships.

Customer Care Information:

Phone hours: 8am - 5pm, Monday - Saturday
Email: 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week
Refund Policy: Regarding the Singles Service, the buyer, may cancel the Agreement, without any penalty or obligation, at any time prior to midnight of the third business day following the date of the Agreement, excluding Sundays and holidays.

Address: 10900 WILSHIRE BLVD, 90024


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