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Reviews Entertainment, Books, Comic Books Eaglemoss

10 customer reviews of

Better to pay a reseller than buy direct
The setting: 3 IN STOCK ITEMS that were ordered on Dec 5th.

At the time of the order, the website stated 2-3 business days for processing, and 7-10 days for standard shipping. After 6 business days of the website order status showing as processing, I emailed customer service on 12/14 for a status update. I received a generic response that my order had been sent to the warehouse for fulfillment. Unsatisfied with this response, I called customer service on 12/18. The representative informed me that my order had been sent to the warehouse on 12/7, and should have been shipped no later than 12/12. She could escalate the issue, but nothing more. Less than 4 hours later, I received an email with an Eaglemoss tracking number. Basically, an "in house" tracking number from Pitney-Bowes assigned until the actual USPS accepted the package.

On 12/21, I received an email from "escalated" customer service stating that eaglemoss had no control over shipping via USPS, and that I should have my package by 12/29. All well and good, but that didn't explain why my order sat at their warehouse for two weeks prior to being fulfilled. So much for the plan of Christmas presents!

The last update? My package allegedly arrived at a Pitney Bowes in Alanta, GA on 12/23, and left the next day on 12/24 in route to a USPS facility. As of 12/29, the USPS still has no record of it.

In summary, I wouldn't recommend eaglemoss to anyone, and in the future I'll be using a reseller or doing without. It's simply not worth the headache.

Don't waste your time or money.
I've tried twice for their different build your own models. First with the Delorean and second with the Enterprise D. With the Delorean the first couple months went smooth. Then Eaglemoss skipped a month of parts. When I called they said they'd fix it. Instead I got parts from a previous month I already had. When I called back they said the parts I wanted are on back order. Kinda hard to build the model in stages when you can't get the parts in order. And with the Enterprise D good luck getting parts on time or at all. But oh they'll be right there charging your bank account. And they are sleazy. The so called bonuses the offer with the builds. I got charged separately for. I got the bonus one month but no parts.


Disappointing Company
The company offers awesome products but I wish I never heard of them. Eaglemoss don't promise what they offer. They are quick to take your money but slow to ship your items. I have no clue why it takes them so long to ship. I was so pumped to do ECTO-1 build but now so disappointed in how they do things. It's like a bad relationship. Now with a partial built car I'm lost at what to do. Im a honest person and would tell you to think twice before participating in there build up programs. I would buy the 1:6 scale that's already built. I fell sorry for the customer service reps because I'm sure they are not getting the training they need. Come on Eaglemoss! Get your act together.

Be Aware
Ordered the Ghostbusters ecto 1 back in July and cancelled the month after. The reason I cancelled was the fact that the parts where delayed and missing. When I phoned about this Eaglemoss said they would not charge me for anymore parts and the account was settled. However today (9th November) I recieved a letter from a debt collection agency saying I owe £50. I phoned them again to resolve this and they said it is settled. So watch this space. Just be aware and watch for hidden charges, eaglemoss have just lost a customer.

Items are never shipped on time. The items are always broken. Customer service is garbage and if you're an idiot like me you'll be stupid enough to do something like sign up for a big build like the ECTO1. Note: I've been signed up for this since 2020 and stopped getting items to finished about 6 months ago. No calls no emails. FU eaglemosss

Such a disappointment - terrible customer service
I was super excited to subscribe to the wizarding alley monthly subscription. I should have read the reviews first, because my story is practically a replica of everyone else's. I received no information or update about my subscription for weeks, so after 3 weeks I contacted them to find out when I would receive my first shipment (the site and automated response email says the first shipment will be 21 days from payment.) Eaglemoss said it was on back order and they didn't have an ETA. I gave it another week, but after 4 weeks and no proactive updates, I've decided to cancel. They make you call in to do so. The rep I spoke to didn't even ask why I was cancelling. Ironically, they offered to make the time between shipments longer.

I also want to mention how terrible their email support is. It takes multiple emails to get all the information you need. In fact, I had to ask the same question in 3 emails because they kept ignoring it (I had asked if they had other wizarding alleys available to subscribe to.) After the third time, they just didn't respond back at all. I'm not sure why their support team thinks it's okay to ignore their customer's questions. That's about as terrible support as you can get.

As an avid Harry Potter collector and online shopper, my strong recommendation is to avoid this company. They should not be selling products that they don't have in stock and have no idea when they will. Their support team needs to learn proper customer service. As a whole, they need to get their act together.

DC Graphic Novel Collection
I have now been waiting over 1 year for backordered issues amongst others that are at 9 months & 6 months. Communication is terrible. Receive emails back saying I'm on the priority list but don't get any ETA. I've currently got thousands of dollars invested in this collection. I currently have around 140 issues so cancelling is not an option. At this point in time I've paid for 13 issues that I haven't received. Eaglemoss, if you are reading this my acc no is G1001990 please look into this as I'm really at a loss at what to do. I've been getting the Marvel collection from Hatchette and Eaglemoss are always up to date and that collection is up to 250 issues.

Multiple items ordered
Purchased 9 items on their website on 11/7/20. Called their customer service 2 weeks later to check on my order, Eaglemoss could find no record of it. Called several times the next few days as well as sent numerous e-mails, they finally found my order, said it was sent to USPS, provided tracking number, to be delivered on 12/7/20. Never received it, called again on 12/14/20, they said it must have been lost, would re-ship it. Called on 12/18/20 to see if it had been re-shipped, they said they were out of stock on 4 of the 9 items and could not tell me when the rest of the order would be shipped. Working now with Paypal to cancel my order and get a refund, as Eaglemoss appears to be a completely scam operation. Do Not purchase from them!

Where's my order
It was so hard to get any info about tracking
Placed an order in October now December still no order
Called multiple times after 5th call got a replacement but still no order and no tracking info
Took about 8 months for Canadian site to come back up
It's a nightmare

Terrible Customer Service - It's your fault, not theirs...
Signed up for a bi-monthly program where I would be shipped a new Battlestar Galactica Ship every 2 months in 2019. A few months into the subscription, there was a special release of a statue of a cylon that Eaglemoss would send me unless I specifically contacted them to cancel it. This was in addition to the ships I was receiving. I called and spoke to a customer service rep to cancel that special and discussed with her that I did not want to receive any future special releases of statues, only the bi-monthly ship subscription that I signed up for.

Fast forward to 2021 and I see in an online store that they are releasing a new statue as a special release and since I do not want these statues, I am happy that I stopped them from being added to my account. A couple of months later, I get a charge to my card and a shipping notice from Eaglemoss. When the package arrived, I was surprised to find a statue instead of the ship I was expecting.

I then called Eaglemoss customer service, spoke to a customer service rep, and explained the situation. She then proceeded to tell me that I did not cancel the special releases and that is why I received the statue. I explained my previous conversation with the previous rep and how I was not supposed to receive these special releases. She said she saw that I cancelled the last one, but there was no cancellation of these special releases on my account, just the single cancellation. I explained the previous conversation and said that the previous person apparently did not cancel the special releases moving forward as we discussed. She contined to insist that "the system" said that they were not cancelled and despite my insistence that the conversation happened, "the system" said that it did not. I asked to speak to a supervisor, so she asked me to hang on. The phone disconnected - she hung up on me.

I called back and immediately asked for a supervisor. After being put on hold, the same person kept coming back on the line asking if they could help me and I explained I was waiting for a manager. The 4th time, it seemed to be the same person but she started asking questions. I explained that I wanted to speak to a supervisor and she said that was her. She did not identify herself as one until I asked. (It is possible that it was a different person, but I don't believe that it was.)

In speaking to this person, they seemed to have little concern that the previous rep hung up on me. After explaining the situation again, they went back again to "the system says" that I did not cancel the special releases. After several hopeless rounds of my explanation and insistence that I did cancel them and she insisting that "the system" said I didn't, she put me on hold. After a few minutes, she came back and said that she was going to submit a request with their corporate office to accept a return. That was 2 weeks ago and I have heard nothing. I don't have the energy to keep chasing my tail with a company and customer service department that insists that it's my fault, not theirs. This is incredibly unprofessional.

How about, you stop sending the special releases that your customers never asked for and only send them what they subscribed to?

I guess I will have to keep something I didn't order... because they just don't care. Business must be pretty bad to have to force people to keep products they didn't order.

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Eaglemoss Rating

Based on 10 reviews from Eaglemoss customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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