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50 customer reviews of

Open your eyes
I'm an average hard working guy who lives pay check to pay check and quite honestly tired of the trump this or trump that has everyone forgot about bengazi and health care issues from previous presidential pukes like Hillary and Obama with all there lies and who pays Mr mullers investigation bull shi t cause honestly fire all them what a joke go after the real crooks that let our soldiers die and killed are health care and lied to all the American people I'm sorry but what a joke I'm 43 with no retirement can't even afford to put anything into a retirement program and the physical work I do I will be dead before I can even collect social security witch I have paid into since I was 15 and CNN just keep upping the age to collect not to mention taxes I will be gone and my family won't have shi t. But yet all these political figures retire early with unbelievable pensions amazing the hard working people like me support this country all over the world and get nothing but the easy pencil pushing political figures and the rich just keep riding to the top are country is a joke and I stand by getting all immigrants out this country needs to help the so called middle class not the rich you no that's a big problem and I do support trump in that aspect I love my country and freedom that I have paid out the ass to live in but don't think it's fair to people like me who 90% will never see social security they so well deserved because they work physically hard job's that will leave them dead before they can retire I hope a lot of people see this and realize that it's just not right 4 kids and a wife with no savings and no retirement God help us all from

CNN Website Bites
Not only does it load slow but the whole appearance is irritation... CNN have blocked out more of the screen with more ads... it feels if I have just a sliver of my screen to see the news... and I must be getting old because I could care less about always having a video... I would prefer some written detailed news reports instead of mindless visuals... whichare often accompanied with a micky mouse news article that is primarily a written transcription of the mindless "journalist" in the video. Furthermore, CNN has become less news and more entertainment... and even writes there real news stories as if it was entertainment... I will defend CNN against those morons who accuse CNN of being a liberal bastion... it is not... it is a capitalist bastion that just wants you to click open their article... so CNN will cover anything that will get you to read it... this is different from the pure propaganda news station Foxs News... In brief, thank god there is BBC on line... onle can still find detailed real news there... and can even read it!

CNN is irrelevant, Fake News!
CNN is nothing more than the propaganda arm for the Democrats and the far Left. The title of being called Fake News is well deserved, because CNN are! I am in my 70es and remember very well when CNN used to be THE go to news network many moons ago, back in the days when everyone was still watched them, including myself. But they have lost their way and have been in the tank for the Left for quite some time and no longer report the truth, they can not be trusted any longer. CNN has nothing but a bunch of leftist working for them now, like biased so called journalist that have no respect for our President and the office he holds, they also don't show any respect when in front of him. CNN teach your employees to show respect to President Trump and not just Presidents from the Democratic Party, I don't care if you dislike a president for whatever reason, every president deserves respect, so show some please! It also seems like a lot of disgruntled ex-government employees that got fired from their jobs and have an axe to grind, show up on CNN as " CNN contributors" very shortly after they got terminated. The dislike and hatred CNN has for President Trump is so obvious, they don't have a problem showing it, neither are they trying to hide it. CNN don't call yourself a News Network if all you do is report one sided untruth like you are doing now, if you ever decide to get back on the right road and report unbiased news, I might watch again, but until then your channel no longer exists on my TV.

I am an Indian Immigrant and an American citizen. I can't believe this channel is allowed to do what CNN are doing here. I have not heard one positive news about Mr. President, come on now. Even positive stuff they will turn into negative, I feel like getting into the TV and punch that fool Don, Wolf etc, what are they trying to do to this country. Oh now they are airing a ATHEIST commercial on prime time, I could not believe my eyes. Guys we should get together and take some action, this is on freedom of speech. It's worst than a terrorist actually, they are trying to build opinion by fake reporting. Pushing pro Gay, Trans, women's, etc agenda. These politicians and media want us to keep busy and fight with each other on the basis of race, religion, sex etc meanwhile they pocket big money. It is divided and rule policy, open your eyes and see what is going on. I voted for Democrats or should I say Obama for last 2 terms, but was disappointed. That guy was just a good speaker, he did everything opposite to what he said. He let the banker's go free, went to wars and destroyed several countries and kept on printing more money and increasing our debt. Stupid people are worried here where the trans will go to bathroom, you should be worried about your kids future. Don't let the media mold your opinion, be an independent thinker. See what's happening around you and ask questions why is it happening. Why there are 60% divorce in this country, if you count people who don't get married and live together than it would be more than 80% rate. Why are kids doing drugs, why are people taking anti depressant pills, why are young men acting like wimps and women like maniacs, why are so many people on food stamps, why is black community suffering, why there is more crime in black communities, why does media and hollywood push gay, feminist, trans and anti God agenda. Ask yourself what's the motive behind these agenda, open your mind before it's too late. God bless America, it really needs help right now. Trump is doing great by the way, YES I AM INDIAN AND SUPPORT TRUMP. He one smart person, media has just portrayed him like a baboon. Fake very fake news.

The true story behind the fall of CNN
I can explain what happened to CNN. We need a little history lesson first.
Once upon a time, Jeff Zucker, the head of CNN, and President Trump were business partners. These 2 men knew each other very well.
Jeff Zucker ran NBC and Trump had his profitable show on it called: The Apprentice.
In 2013, Zucker took over CNN and transformed it from a prestigious, trusted organization to the sensationalist media wh0re that it is now.
Then Trump ditched NBC because he said he was running for POTUS and everyone laughed.
Jeff Zucker, ever the sleazy capitalist, knew that Trump is entertaining and good for ratings, so CNN stopped paying attention to anything that matters and started obsessing over Trump wall-to-wall-to-wall, 24/7 and then some.
However, this totally backfired on CNN and Trump became more and more successful. A full-blown rivalry blossomed between these 2 former cohorts: Zucker vs Trump.
So then, thinking he had complete control of public opinion since he owns the mighty, prestigious and trusted CNN, Jeff Zucker directed his minions to release the pu$$y tape. This would be the killshot. Jeff Zucker had a complete meltdown that it didn't work and Trump won, and now has completely lost his mind and his professional integrity as he orders his hapless employees to lie to millions of people every night. Zucker is SO hungry for vengeance.
These days, CNN knows that CNN get their ratings from rabid Trump-hating leftists, so all they're really doing is pandering to them for guaranteed ratings.
CNN takes advantage of the fact that once, it really was "the most trusted name in news". It is so warped and so sickening, what they have done with that trust.
I used to respect CNN and thought of them as the most neutral news source. Whenever I wondered what's going on in the world I'd go to
They have taken their clean image, that feeling of trust and have completely betrayed the public's trust. Jeff Zucker stuck the knife in our backs when we weren't looking, and twisted it and pushed it in deep, all because as Trump's former boss, he is now so envious of Trump outshining him and discrediting him in every way imaginable.
I trusted CNN merely 3 years ago. Now, I avoid them like the plague. How rapidly they have fallen.
I just wonder, what are they gonna do after 2024 when Trump rides off merrily into the sunset, and CNN had completely lost all its integrity? What will they report on if there's no more Trump? Who's gonna tune in?
I predict the coming demise of this network, they will go the way of Blockbuster.

CNN is an embarrassment
Obama's answer to Goebbels, CNN reports are often not just bull$#*!, but easily proven bull$#*!. CNN take advantage of vulnerable liberals who won't bother to double check their stories to create a large cult of uninformed fools who then troll online during the part of the day that Americans are working. They've been so successful at dumbing down liberals that many become so frustrated and overwhelmed at the world around them that they react violently to opinions they can't comprehend. In the last couple of months, angry, ignorant liberals have attempted murdering their political opposition out of the fear and hatred CNN works to impart into the uneducated, ignorant masses that constitute the dying liberal and progressive movements. When caught lying, CNN has a history of narrowing their focus to manipulate the dumbest/angriest progressives, such as those in the LGBTQP community, who have already been duped into paying the same price that real graduates pay for education, only to receive quack degrees in such absurd "majors" as soci-ology.

America we better wake up now before our behavior cripples our childrens future!
Suddenly every day we now see coverage of another murder in each state, assaults, kid nappings, rape, theft, robberies, terrorist cowards plowing vehicles into INNOCENT civilians who mind their own business. In fact i would luv to know when Americans have strolled into other countries as Suicide Bombers to blow up innocent people? And isnt the USA routinely giving out more funding financially to help other countries, year after year? Yet we have massive issues right here & failures with the likes of Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans & heck even NYS today again reported more people are leaving than arriving yet again in NYS. The signs could not be more blatent & obvious that effort & funding is a necessity & must be allocated within our country first! I dont go inviting people over to my place when my roof is leaking, power is out, or i dont have money to stock my party plans. We are in rapid decline folks. The truth hurts :( Daily our own citizens and govt. Cant even make it thru a day. Whats next? Any children who grasp it all must be affected, as i know its screwing with my brain as well. Massive internal strife, constant hate, arguing bickering & crime dominates our news! More & more are in depression & pain as the days are chuck full of rampage crime and disaster! Extra media sources are not the reason. This is becoming a corrupt way of life in America and how will this improve? We all evolve, things change, people change, times change & we would hope for better! Ask those families and friends (which branch out greatly like the Kevin Bacin principle), how they're coping losing a spouce, parent, brother, wife etc. From the World Trade center! Religious groups were not declaring war on our minimally developed America a few hundred years ago. So yes now we must be smarter & stricter for the safety of our children. Just as i would "expect" to be heavily scrutinized traveling abroad. Thus if i am Not "shady" & i followed
Requirements, i should have nothing to worry about. We have been built from lessons & mistakes, learning from them & identifying risks or threats, however small. I can park & lock my car doors for 1 lousy minute to grab a Stamp with my baby left inside the car for 2 lousy minutes. *But are you prepared to even risk a 1% chsnce of harm? Most good parents would not! *News flash - This is not 1776 folks. We can NOT remain resistant & stagnent to change (common sense for most). I would luv if we could welcome everyone, but for safety & financial reasons alone, its just not feasable! Our national debt is out of control. Hopefully this government and country begins working together again and soon - before its truely too late!. Daily its about stubborn politics, agendas & causing way too much drama. This is why Americans are frustarated, fed up, annoyed and at each others throats at every turn. The powers to be Must begin working together again & maybe this invloves change to the systematic approach, to become United for tangible results! The emotional baggage & wasted time with "He said, She said", has america spinning its wheels! Enough already; help us advance & not falter & stagnate growth. We must begin checking-off many significant agenda item actions, accomplishments & high visibility results; if we EVER expect to bounce back soon, as "one confident powerful nation, once again"!

Talk about what matters! Stop trying to control interview to get the answer you want!
CNN, you have lost touch with the viewer, you must think that we are "DEPLORABLE"? Drop the topics that make you look like a rag magazine with SHOCK HEADLINES, like "FAT MS. UNIVERSE, now after 20 years has come out of the wood work to tell her story. Is this the best news you can come up with? Focus on what matters to viewers, Americans Rights, The American Constitution. We the people for the people, not we the politicians know better and will tell you what you need to know! Report on the facts that pertain to the candidates running for the presidency. We don't care what your TV personalities ( not journalist) think about on the issues or how CNN use carefully selected statistics to sway the few people who still watch your network.
Right now the senate has over turned the VETO iby an unprecedented number of votes! Why is this not the headline? Let's hear the facts, why would the now, unpopular president, VETO this Bill? Is the present administration afraid that if other countries try an sue the USA for what they have done, that the truth may come to light and blow all the lies Americans have been told right out of the water?


Hateful Opinions
CNN is not news it's all opinionated talk and hatred of republican people. Don Lemon is an ignorant dumbass racist wanna be white so bad he has to take white penis in all his holes to make him feel white. Anderson Cooper is exactly the same as Lemon very opinionated and too lazy to actually do research and seek real news so CNN go by what they hear on social media. Cuomo is a murderer just like his brother and starts lies cause he is too lazy to get out there and find real news to report. No reporter on CNN ever wants to debate with a conservative. They never have the people they love to talk about on their shows just other democrat liberal trash and their uneducated ignorant racist opinions. FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS... LIES LIES LIES LIES... Heres a little common sense for you to report dumbasses if you have had the China Common Cold AKA COVID then you dont need a mask or a vaccine. If you've been vaccinated you don't need a mask. If you are a child you should never wear a mask. You democrats and liberals need facts like how we all know you hate children you want to uneducated them, molest them, and abort them. You all deserve to die from your vaccine. I can't wait till next year when you all have side effects from it hahahaha. Science is wrong every day just look at all the lawsuits on medications. Your poles are always wrong because real republicans dont do poles. We work so we dont have time. The welfare trash that watches your fake news shows are the only ones doing your ignorant poles. TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. REPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO DESTROY YOU. FAKE PEOPLE FAKE NEWS.

Report honest news and not bias liberalism
I am so sick and tired of the liberal mainstream media BS! I am so tired of Hollywood stars using their platform to voice their political opinions. I pay for their acting skills, not their political or religious viewpoints. I'm so tired of people like George Seros who should be locked up for treason for stiring up trouble and paying for scores of protesters. How dare he? I'm so tired of Hilary encouraging protesters and pushing so called "Democratic" ideals - you lost Hilary, for a second time... grow up and the same to all the sore losers. Move on, get over it - you are all a bunch of spoiled babies. Hilary, all your money and "special interest" donations did nothing for you. You are and will always be dishonest. The media has lost touch with most of America. Report on non-bias news and you might get my vote. I won't look at CNN again until CNN discover what most Americans believe. That their far left liberalism is so far left field, they should be playing baseball and not spewing their own take on the news. You have tried to take this country down with your BS and liberalism and the people won't allow it any longer.

Clown News Network
Imagine being so contradictory, So wrong, So disgusting, And so evil? As well as racist? Well, the "folx" at CNN don't have to imagine. CNN just are. Trying to make everything about race and then crying about racial inequality. Shut. Up. 24/7 whining and racism. These people will tell Latinos how to speak their own language using "latinx". Latin (language) X-terminators. So gross and racist. I'm not a huge Trump supporter, But go and turn your TV to CNN. I can bet all the money and property that I own that they're talking about "Trump bad/Orange man bad" or "White people bad" or "Republicans bad" or "Conservatives bad". Straight up bigotry. These are the same people who got so butthurt about a meme gif of Trump bodyslamming CNN that they found the creator and threatened to release all of his information. That creator was a minor (15), And CNN was well aware. All the anchors are whiny, Contradictory, Always resort to personal attacks, And so hard to listen to. So even if you agree with them, It's a challenge to listen to them for more than 5 minutes (Anderson Cooper to a lesser degree, However). You're honestly better off watching racial propaganda, Because at least they're not subtle about their disgusting behavior and words. I absolutely hate... No... DESPISE supremacists (of any color), But their sad excuse for "news" and "journalism" makes me want to be one. Ugh.

The Concocted News Network
I've never seen a major news agency report more about conjecture and what "CNN don't know", than what they actually do know.
I couldn't help but laugh every time I heard their anchors say... Russian collusion. Well we don't know that but.

CNN Is 92 percent anti Trump, anti Republican rhetoric filled with hate speeches meant to divide the country, and brainwash people into thinking that the average person in America. (you know the majority that voted the POTUS INTO OFFICE) ARE A BUNCH OF PREJUDICE $#*!S WHO hate everybody from vegans, to every child under 12.

CNN insites more riots and more divide and should be held accountable for taking advantage of the mentally challenged people that don't have the ability to question or research the truth that's fed to them by CNN and their subordinate sock puppets.

Maybe one day they'll go back to reporting the news instead of sarenading the only people shallow enough to NOT COMPREHEND THE FACT that CNN IS ONLY TRYING TO MAKE MONEY BY MOVING AND STIRRING PEOPLES EMOTIONS THROUGH POLITICAL THEATER.

CNN unethical biased reporting network
CNN finally proved to me the President was right. I was 'on-the-fence' until recent reports and a consistent driveling, sniveling, blatantly biased and one-sided onslaught against our President over the years, finally broke my resolute neutrality. NOW, I know. CNN? What happened? Did you drink the purple liberal idiot juice? When did you forget news, factual reporting, and ethical standards? You're just a liberal hate-mongering, fear-mongering machine. Horrible. Just Horrible. You guys really suck and are no longer a house-hold name we use for NEWS!

To quote a great review "Hey CNN, the Hallmark Channel has better ratings than your network. When the Hallmark Channel is kicking your tail, you have lost your way. I tuned in, just in time, on election night, to hear Don Lemon say there is no way to polish this t. U r d., referring to the newly elected president. My god, when did journalist become so unprofessional? I would have terminated him on the spot. When you followed buzzfeed down the rabbit hole again I decided to block your channel. Btw your Desert Storm Coverage was was great! How did we get here?"

CNN is unconstitutional and acts like a little girl!
I look at the reviews and most of it about how bad Trump was... the Network let's Democrats speak in full but when it comes to a Republican speaking CNN are always cut off. CNN has become a little girl as far as wanting to get their own ways, if they don't then they cry like babies. You are suppose to report ALL news not just positive Democrats and negative Republicans, you are so bias that it's clear as day and it's ashame. At the end of the day, we all have the Freedom of Speech, not just Democrats but Republicans also, and furthermost WE THE PEOPLE have a voice also. And as far as the impeachment is concerned, his speech had nothing said about going down there & create violence. At the end of the day the people that did this should be held accountable, not just Trump supporters, but also BLM & Antifa since they were escorted by Capitol police into the front grounds & building, there are videos showing that. I'm not condoning what happened at the Capitol was right, it was totally wrong, but the blame should be our system, our government, and ourselves since we are always pointing fingers to who is right or wrong instead of owning up to our own bull$#*!, I am a vet and I served my country for the freedom for everyone in this country, for democracy, for freedom of speech, not all this one-sided crap that's going on. I voted for Trump, but the difference for me is that Biden won & the people voted, even if there was or wasn't a STEAL in the election, there is a way you handle the situation democratically by both parties, and not incite violence, cause at the end of the day both parties should be held accountable not just one man. And no matter who is the president, that president has an X on his back always as far as satisfying everyone in this country, cause that can never be accomplished. We need to look at ourselves first before anything else. If I get charged for this post for me acting within my right of Freedom of Speech is wrong to do so. At the end of the day, all I'm saying is that there were more than just Trump supporters that created that horrific act of violence at the Capitol, Democrats party, Republicans party, Trump Supporters(Not All), BLM(Not All), Antifa (Not All). NO ONE is above the law nor the constitution. Just to be clear, I normally don't ever get involved in politics, but I'm sick & tired of people pointing fingers when they need to look in the mirror first, this society is getting soft overall. Just my opinion. I'm totally disgusted with this Network so far.

A network disgrace
For years I have tried listening to all sides of the pokitical discourse on the US trying to keep an open mind but I must say the the disgraceful behavior or Bertie's anchors and reporters starting with the Cavanuagh heading, the verbal disrespect and belligerence shown by Acosta and others for the president has led me to conclude that CNN is a biased, unreliable, news source with people with a single minded slanted view. This is no longer news or commentary, it is advocacy for a liberal, left wing agenda perpetuated by its editors, reporters and commentators. The constant garage of negativity toward the president with virtually no coverage of accomplishments in trade, monitory unemployment, GDP growth etc crosses all bounds of jounaustic decency

While I am not a fervent supporter of the President, outlets like CNN are virtually ensuring republican control in the coming years. CNN is do one sided most people I know not only discount it's content but have a strongly negative reaction to the constant negativity ensuring the exact opposite result CNN apparently promotes. When anchors are visibly shaken and cry at election results something is so wrong as not to be understandable

I hope my comments are tKen in a constructive way that I intend them

Instead of bashing your own leader so we can all move forward as Americans not individuals or group of individuals as you always promote to cause friction, you should support and our country and leader whomever it may be at the time. So sad and upsetting to see you twist comments, wordings, actions etc to make it look as bad as it could seem to portray negativness in our country only because a politician from the left didn't move into office, I would have supported whomever the majority of Americans put in office because I'm American and believe we have to move forward United instead of putting everyone against each other like your news does, so sad CNN. TRUMP wont be in office forever, we need to support all our leaders and stop promoting hate, racism, hate groups & inequality like you do CNN, stop being so biased and give positive news so we can all come together or shut down. Sad that this network and all its employees just think of making money with all this negative promoting, wake up CNN and help this country come together as one opposed to separating us!

The most biased and fake news available on television!
After any news conference with president, no matter how many important topics and information was given by present and his team or the experts, cnn commenter's start with the lease impotent of course, no matter what, nothing that president and his team say or does is never good enough for cnn! All the focus is how to show that he's no good. Negativity and hatred of your own president is appalling and ridiculous and of course so obvious.
How can you call yourself a journalist l will never understand, do you think that all Americans are stupid and CNN will buy anything you try so hard to sell them!
This chanel is for democrats only, they stupid enough to believe your fake news.
By the way l am citizen of different country and we can only wish to have YOUR PRESIDENT running our country. Let's swipe we give you Trudeau, you want have to worry much about the virus, you will be able to fly to any country you want and he will tell you to wash your hands, don't worry about sanitizers.
Cenceling your fake news Channel. Installing FOX NEWS!

Don Lemons priorities
I have been an avid CNN watcher for years and I did note vote in the last presidential election so I am neither for Trump or against him. In the last couple months I have noticed that Don Lemon primarily focuses on racial allegations against whoever he can. I understand there is a need for constant dialogue about racial issues but I dont need it thrown in my face by Don Lemon every chance he gets. Nor do I need to hear his personal opinions on Trump all the time. Please just report the news and leave your personal threats, daily racial rhetoric and obvious hatred to yourself. As a democratic nation, let the people decide and vote accordingly on those politicians one way or the other. I promise you that the majority of us are not stupid and we will vote those out that agree with a President that is as horrible as you drill into us each night. We are also not ignorant to the racial issues of this country but dont need to hear you talk about it. Your constant diologue is only pouring fuel on the fire. I have started to turn the channel when Don Lemon comes on. CNN... you are better than this.

Truly a joke
So before I begin I would just like to say that I am not conservative. I fall somewhere in between so I usually call myself a libertarian. Basically I believe that the government should not heavily intervene in the economy as well as in people's everyday lives. I just wanted to express to CNN my feelings towards their content and what CNN seem to think is important to broadcast to the entire nation. It is puzzling to me how they say that they want justice in our society for minorities and politicians yet all of their content is inflammatory to society. How are we supposed to assimilate and eliminate the rift between races when all the media talks about is how terrible white people are and how blacks and whites aren't getting along. Of course people are going to think they are being oppressed when they turn on their tv and see the media painting this picture of an innocent, compliant black man being gunned down in cold blood by a white police officer. CNN acts as if the only cases of police killing people are cases of white police officers killing an innocent black person. There is a pluthera of cases in which a black police officer has shot a white man or a black police officer has shot a black man or a white police officer has shot a white man. These officers put their lives in danger everyday and there's a reason that they shoot first and ask questions later. I mean seriously, put yourself in the officers shoes. You see a man who is dressed like he's a gangbanger, he smells like drugs and is obviously high, he hasn't complied with your requests and he reaches into his vehicle against your demands. Would you honestly wait to see if he's going to kill you? Would you really take that risk? You can lie for the sake of arguement and say yes but any reasonable human being would have done whatever they could to stay alive. Also, I would like to address the incessant amount of content on the president. The average person does not want to hear about how awful their president is anymore. We get the point. You all are mad because some right wing businessman beat the annoying, "liberal" politician. You think he's a liar and a racist. The problem is the media continues to just bombard our country with all of these conspiracies that have no facts behind them. Ok we understand that President Trump has made a few mistakes and has done some suspicious things, but for pete'a sake are you really going to pretend like no other politicians have made mistakes or acted suspiciously before. I mean really, look at CNN's candidate. Hillary was a proven criminal on several occasions and that all just slips through the cracks. Meanwhile CNN is covering the newest groundbreaking Trump story of how he gets two scoops of ice cream. Are you people living in la la land? A man posted to wiki leaks proof that Hillary Clinton rigged the nomination against Bernie sanders and that man was murdered not to long after. That's not suspicious at all, but when Trump speaks to another country, which is his job, its all of a sudden one of the biggest conspiracies of the past 50 years. It's like CNN doesn't even try to hide the fact that their manipulating us anymore. Also, why continue to turn the people against the president. If CNN would just stop being so selfish and naive they would realize that supporting the president is much more beneficial to everyone. He's our president. We voted him in democratically. Deal with it for four years and support him. Hope that he does good. Give him some praise when he does something good and support him when he messes up. The more we continue to turn against President Trump the worse he's going to do. He's just a man and like every other man he needs his people behind him. That's all I have to say. I hope some of you will realize the truth behind what I've said. I hope that not just CNN but the rest of the media will see that they are contributing heavily to the destruction and turmoil this country is facing right now.

My experience with Covid-19
I just need to say that wen checking for fevers and stating, "you're negative", is wrong.
I had the virus, was not checked, as I refused to go to hospital. I had many symptoms, more vomiting than most, but the chills, ect., and loss of smell, taste. This was over 2 months ago and I still smell the things I did smell, (2 different items), and my taste hasn't bn the same. Headaches r almost non stop, and many days I'm still feeling the symptoms.
To me, there fever checking is off.
Wen I went to Dr. to check if I was free of virus, CNN checked my temperature, no temperature, so they said I was negative. That evening, the paramedics came to where I stay, (not for me), and I was not breathing good, so after they were done with complaint, they asked if I was ok and if they cud take my temperature.
Guess wat, I had a temperature.
So I'd like that explained.
And as for your president having Covid 19, don't expect him to change any of his thoughts/ways on the virus.
FEELS THE PAIN, THE AGONY, THE FEAR OF FALLING ASLEEP, FEARING YOU ARE NOT GONNA WAKE UP, CZ OF SHORTNESS OF BREATH. UNLESS HE FEELS THE PRESSURE ON HIS CHEST, and all the other awful ailments that r included in this awful virus, like over 7 million of us have felt,.
That's wen your president MIGHT acknowledge this virus is real.
If he's a lucky one and feels none of the symptoms, he will continue saying it's just like a flu. Sniffles, and however else he described it.
If he

Petty-tics, not Politics.
I know CNN is trying to connect to younger audiences. Especially through their always-developing Snapchat story section. However, their politics isnt real politics. It's awful. Their social media coverage amounts to petty jabs at right wing conservatives hard, and even harder on Trump. What CNN think I want to know, is how Trump shakes hands awkwardly with every person he meets, or how a 3 second video clip of the First Lady of Poland made what appears to be a Savage move to avoid shaking Trump's hand. Or how Melania seemed to be masking her emotions behind Trump on the day of inaguration. Or how he compliments women publicly, which is completely irrelevant to anything I want to know.

CNN is so childish it's embarrassing to me as a reader. A total $#*!show of pettiness. Low of lows on political coverage, and as a college student, I feel totally undermined in what the quality of coverage they think would satisfy me.

CNN doesn't like Trump. Sure. Not expecting everyone to have the same views. But God forbid, post quality articles that weren't written by teenage gossip girls, or I will $#*! talk CNN for the rest of my days and do so with great ease. Articles are $#*!, uninformative, petty, and a huge waste of time. Get intelligent journalists behind those desks.

Fake news
CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake news CNN is fake 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A Responsible Counterweight to Baseless and Biased Fox News
Everyone likes to watch news programming that reflects their views. Politically we find ourselves in two camps ~ Democrats and Republicans based on candidates that capture the vast majority of all votes. However, there's a spectrum including Independents and left and right of center. Frankly, the system has become confusing, often fueling unnecessary hatred and bias. So I like CNN because its TV personalities are journalists with solid credentials performing due diligence.
Unlike Fox News which tends to have commentators and "personalities" who
Thrive off of unsubstantiated claims such as "The Deep State" and "Obama Birther
Theories" that are without merit, CNN represents legitimate coverage of
Important issues affecting everyone.

I've never bought into this liberal/conservative crap because those are merely convenient labels which tend to isolate and divide rather than unite. We're all people, we all have needs, feelings and beliefs which are shaped by society, social
Interactions, and also the news. But in the final analysis, the news should represent what is true, what is logical, what is informative to provide sensible and well-grounded public policy and most of all, make us feel that in the absence of news programming, we would suffer a vital learning deficit. This, is where CNN delivers.

I enjoy the evening lineup with Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. Each one of them deliver. I also like many of the political analysts, particularly Kirsten Powers.

With that said, look at the other side of the coin, Fox News. You have conspiracy theorists, inept journalism, and nonsense from the likes of Sean Hannity ~ Trump's shadow Chief of Staff and a leaky conduit for Trump seepage, Tucker Carlson ~ the
Product of an absentee Bohemian mom who has warped political views and is
Another prominent conspiracist, Jeanine Pirro ~ a former respected DOJ official
Who has devolved into Deep State alternative thinking but really wants Trump to
Appoint her Attorney General, and the list goes on and on.

So, CNN appeals to people with a mature point of view that are focused on believable issues. However, Fox News, which in fact, has viewers who rank 2nd from the bottom in educational levels for the top 25 news programs, is the go to source for those requiring 24/7 screwball, screw loose entertainment, and serious surrealism. The upshot, CNN for those with a head on their shoulders, Fox News, a bulwark for Donald Trump to prop up his relevance
And his oversized mushroom head.

Corrupt News Network.
Thinks about it America. There are 7 billion stories out there and this Looney-Left Rag fixates on ONE! TRUMP! CNN tout themselves as ". Most Trusted." At what? Backing a losing Dead Horse? The DNC? Well, they sure have a fine stable of IRRITATING anchors. Who can look more aggressively negative, abrasive and predictable than that CUOMO character? He is a single-subject reporter whose demeanor OOZES a despicable, subjectively-biased, search-and-destroy pursuit through contrived character-assassination-by-any-means of OPUS. What is worse, CNN includes in their stable of failed orators that slew of speed-talkers and slurrers of the Queen's English which includes COOPER, BOLDUAN et al? How did they ever make it past basic elocution class? Wake up America! This station is so obsessed with killing the Golden Goose, Trump, that it has become a BORING, IRRELEVANT source of single-issue SLEAZE. If you truly want un-biassed, wide-ranging reporting look no further than BBC World News. They are a CLASS ACT which, by comparison, places the C(orrupt) N(ews) N(etwork) squarely in the lead of the GUTTER PRESS!

Unprofessional at the highest level
The coverage of the Presidential campaign has been such a huge disappointment that I can no longer tune in to watch your programming anymore. Your employees you call journalists have not only embarrassed themselves for their disgustingly biased opinions against GOP nominee Donald Trump CNN have embarrassed the network and the intelligence of the American people. Them thinking that we the people have not picked up on what they are doing makes them even bigger fools and should be removed from their employed positions and replaced with hard working honest journalists willing to be fair and just.
I have read a high percentage of the reviews and the fact that the powers to be within CNN have completely ignored all the negative comments and continue to be as one sided as they are can only allow me to come to one conclusion and that is that the network as a whole is very unprofessional and not worth the veiwers valuable time.
In closing 14 million Americans have spoke in favor of Mr Trump and whether your network likes it or not it is your job to report the news without bias towards one candidate or the other.

Dividing the country
I'm done with CNN! CNN are obsessed with the president, and without a doubt out to destroy him. On top of all that, they are extremely biased, and do everything possible to play with the American people's emotions. They seem to love wherever they run into a story if it involves anything involving 2 separate races. Even if it has absolutely nothing to do race related, they will make it into a race issue, and will mention the color of a person's skin numerous times as though they are trying to anger their viewers. Like they're pushing to hit a nerve. There hate for the president is just too much to handle. Its obnoxious, disrespectful, and extremely disturbing. They don't even report the news anymore, they sit around talking to each other about how much they hate Trump, and make stories up about him. I want to know what's happening in the world, not what you think is right or wrong, or your opinions. Give new news, and the truth for once! I just recently changed my party to Republican. I seriously couldn't continue to vote for a party that has obvious ties with the MSM, especially CNN, and feel good about myself as an American. Its actually pretty scary of what I've been witnessing these past 4 years. Very questionable about who is running CNN these days and what they're really up to. Well thanks to CNN, I'll be voting for Donald Trump this election. Although I voted Democrat last time, I am awake now do to CNNs sick obsession with the president and their disrespect of not only him, but the first lady and the rest of the family. Its pitiful.

Stop making fights
As a Canadian, I follow CNN to find out what's happening in the world of Trump. To be clear, I believe Mr. Trump is nothing more than a waste of flesh. I have absolutely no use for this sicko. His inability to tell the truth, coupled with the number of people he's hurt, as well as his bully approach, is beyond anything I have ever seen. I want to see him charged and given the punishment he deserves.

Having said how I feel about Mr. Trump, I was disappointed with the behavior of CNN's morning reporters, John Berman and Aliysn Camerota. Their approach this morning of continuing to try to get their guests to attack Mr. Trump's lack of style regarding the passing of Senator McCain was cheap journalism, and beneath what I expect from CNN. Report the issues, don't make them, and that is clearly what CNN were trying to do. John Berman's behavior with his guest was painful to watch. Over and over, his guest tried to get John to cease his attempt to move the topic from the passing of Senator McCain, to the boorishness of Mr. Trump. In the case of Aliyson, her behavior was even worse, getting to the point where the guest being interviewed actually told her he was disappointed with her behavior. Sadly, i share that belief.

CNN, please get back to doing your job with integrity. Report the news, don't make it.

Constantly Skewed
CNN prior to 2000 was a staple on in my house as it was informative and seemed at least impartial.
Now, every time i hear or read "bomb shell report" or similar concerning this Administration, it has become predictable that there will be a tiny "correction" issued in the days following which completely renders the initial claim pointless. It's apparent that the important thing is to get the headline out there false or not, to fuel a narrative.
The failure to do anything but report negativity concerning Trump and avoiding of reporting anything that doesn't support their consistent agenda has made them entirely untrustworthy.
This President certainly has his negatives and those items require reporting; however, the insane levels of word manipulation, clearly staged or cherry picked field reporting and over the top efforts to twist everything into an implied evil act have turned CNN into a parody.
News, without the opinionated assignment of wrong-doing to every gesture, expression or action would be refreshing. News, reporting the actual impact of things on the economy, taxpayer or policy, void of the individual emotion based opinion of the reporter, would be a welcome change.
The often hyperbolic, breathless pursuit of a desired point is the only thing CNN focuses on.

All CNN ever does is criticize Trump. Its amazing anyone can buy into this brainwashed mockery of journalism. CNN should be outlawed. Never once have I seen a story that supports our President. How can this President get anything done with all these fake news places totally bombarding main stream media. Every day I look at articles on my phone Trump this, Trump that, shut up already and let the man do his job. We choose this guy because he is REAL. He does not play into the politically corrective-ness that has torn through our country. I am a hard working american who doesn't want to pay anymore taxes so immigrants and people do not have to work! My insurance costs have tripled through my job since Obama care. If you don't want to pay for insurance you should not have to! Democrats continually chip away at freedoms. Every True American that cares about this country should stand for a national anthem, should support our elected president (as
Republicans did when Obama was elected), and should vote for things that help our communities and our nation prosper. I agree 100% with Trump on his analysis of situations and trust he will do what we need to do to prosper. Maybe some of his commentary is not the best or politically correct for a President but I would rather have that than puppet president bending to the will of his party and counterparts. Trump is in this to make America Great Again and if everyone would give him a chance we might be able to see the real issues in America not what Trump tweeted last night or another editorial from some over educated a-hole who thinks we care about their ridiculous opinions. CNN- we know your trash and Americans will never forget your childish ways.

Just a thought.
I watch full video clips about President Trump on Fox News, and yet CNN will cut portions out to make him look bad to the US citizens. How stupid does CNN think the citizens are. CNN have put the noose around their own necks. All news stations need to keep their own comments and bias out of the news reporting. Stick to the facts. The whole world is laughing at the United States. You elected Trump, so stand behind your leader for goodness sakes. The constant fighting among the government and the press is laughable. Witch hunt it is!. Help your leader to succeed. I would say the same if Clinton had been elected and run through the mud the way Trump is. I hate how the anchors at CNN can't hide their hate of Trump. Grow up and do your job right, or maybe it's time to clear the deck and get some new anchors and reporters in before you CNN really do sink. Oh yeah. I'm Canadian. I don't watch CNN anymore. I used to all the time. Like I said. I see the bias and the hate in anchors and reporters faces and the words they use. Cutting video clips to suit them etc. FAKE NEWS IT IS!

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