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Reviews Finance, Credit Cards CareCredit

50 customer reviews of

Bad system and even worse customer service - specifically a Manager named Jessica, ID # 1921
CareCredit allows you to call and allocate your payments the way you as the consumer request for your payments to be allocated. I have been trying for almost 2 months, 6 calls later to have 3 payments allocated to a non-promotional balance because its building interest. Im assured at the end of every call that my request is being processed but it never happens. CareCredit move my money and continue to disperse it to whatever transactions they please (the promotional ones that are NOT building interest even if they dont expire for another year or so). After my fourth call, I finally asked to speak with a manager. Jessica ID # 1921 came on the phone and was incredibly rude. She would not let me speak, interrupted, controlled the conversation, made many statements such as it doesnt matter and carecredit provides you only with the information that you need to know, and she hung up on me after I was on the phone with 4 other people for 2+ hours trying to figure this all out. Beware of carecredit. And Jessica ID # 1921, is an awful representation of the company. Clearly, she does not like helping customers so I am so confused as to why she has a job in customer service. As a faithful customer of carecredit for about 10 years now, I will no longer be using this company, and have told all of my friends and family as well so they know of the major risks.

Don't use Care Credit Synchrony Bank, terrible customer service and they don't represent you.
I used Synchrony Bank with my T. J. Maxx card years ago and it was a terrible experience. When I hit a $20,000 medical procedure done my doctor talked me into using Care Credit with no interest for 12 months. I can tell you I wish I could just use my Chase credit card or talk to my bank about a medical loan. Care Credit is a nightmare. I paid on time and in advance and I finally ran into a huge problem when I had a bogus contract with a chiropractor's office. Care Credit and Synchrony Bank did not represent me at all. I had to dispute because the chiropractor it told me I could cancel it with a full refund if I was unable to get a doctor's clearance to use his services. I was unable to use the services and wanted a full refund and his office gave me the run-around and when I filed a dispute with CareCredit CareCredit never represented me. His office sent in some partial records and they went along with them leaving me a balance for services not rendered of $590. I was Furious. Synchrony Bank and Care Credit was not in unity and it was a mess. Yesterday I went to the chiropractor's office and saw him directly and he told me his staff had never told him the circumstances and he apologized profusely and wrote me a check for the balance of $590 for the refund. When I called CareCredit to let them know I had resolved the issue myself in my favor their representative was rude and uninterested other than curtailing the call as quickly as possible. I only wish the promise survey had come on after I completed my call with her but instead I got to dial tone when she hung up on me. In 20 years I never had a problem with Capital One or my Chase credit card when I've had the rare dispute. I have clipped my CareCredit card and half and we'll pay it off at the end of the month and be done with it. Be careful of the free months of interest-free used with Care Credit because when that. Is over your interest rate will be anywhere from 24% to 36% and that is no deal my friend. Use your credit card, get a medical loan and if you can't do that don't get the procedure. Run from Care Credit Synchrony Bank less

First - I have used CareCredit for years and it has been very handy. But I agree that no one in customer service knows anything. CareCredit make it up as they go along. I made a $4000 payment and got the usual email that it would not be reflected on my account for 48 hours. That was 7 days ago and it still is open on my account as due and the amount is not reflected in my available credit. I have since paid off the remaining balance in two payments over just over $200 dollars, which have been subtracted from my account and included in my available credit. Now about the missing $4000 - I called and was told that for large payments, it took 5 business day to credit because they had to make sure the amount was received (this was an electronic payment that was out of my bank account and in their bank account within minutes of its making - they sent me an electronic notice of receipt). They told me date it would be credited. That date came and went and no change, the amount is still listed as being due and not included in my available credit. I called again today, and was told for payment amounts over $500, they held crediting the payments for 10 days to make sure they get the money (which they have acknowledged they got on the day I made and which they acknowledge on my online statement by saying no further payments are due because the account is paid off). I asked was it 10 days or 10 business days. This one said they are supposed to say 10 business days, but since they do business on Saturday and Sunday, it really is 10 days. (Sorry, lady, you are making it up, business days is defined by law), So they will not reflect the payment, and increase the credit available until the hold period is up because they have to make sure they get the payment -- Fed law requires this? They really do make it up. I do not expect them to credit the payment until 10 business days have passed. Essentially they have had $4000 to do what they want to do to make money on it. In the interim, if one of my pets has a crisis, I do not that access to that $4000 to take of it. By having these hold periods, you are deprived of the use of your money and use of credit and it impacts on your credit score. This is a huge ripoff and some class action attorney should sue them again. I do not know when this started, but I do know I have made payments over $500 in the past and they credited them immediately.

If I could give zero stars I would. I needed this card to cover vet cost. The application process was simple and I was approved for MORE than what I asked for! My dog was seen and I paid the balance off in 3 months on time before time and more than the min pmt due. Had the card for 10 months in that time I have had NO issues with my acct until Aug 2020 when I get notice from credit karma that I have a closed acct and my credit score dropped 23 points TWENTY THREE POINTS... come to find out CareCredit closed my card. Claiming "credit worthiness" mind you my credit was WORST when they approved it than it was when they closed it. When I called they couldn't give me any information so I escalted and asked for a manger... 30 mins of sitting on hold (that pissed me off all the more) for the rude supervisor to come on the line read me the letter saying a bunch of bull that to me and is not grounds for cancelation as all of what she read was already well on my credit report PRIOR to them approving the card is now reason why they are canceling the card. When I told her that didnt make sense and she had no justification the call quickly escalated she started yelling and by then I was over it and hung up because they will not reinstate the card! This card can really hurt your credit if your trying to build your credit! Dont do it! Find another way! Everyone knows a closed credit card can hurt your credit score, and when you paid them on time for them to randomly make the choice to hurt you when you did nothing to hurt them isnt right and isn't fair now i have to work twice as hard to get back to where I was no thanks to them! DON'T GET THIS CARD EVER!

6 months after the fact
So Im sitting here at the Vets office trying to pay my bill, it wont go through. I call to ask why because I still had enough available credit-I made a payment (more than my minimum) always do, days before it was due. I just used this card a week before.
CareCredit will not approve my transaction do to needing an ADDRESS CHANGE we moved cross county 6 months ago. Weve been getting our bills (they where forwarded) even received new cards! I am a card holder on this account but it was in my husbands name, he was at work.
Well he can contact us on his lunch brake (how inconvenient with only 30mins), were here till midnight, well the vet office is not!
Im sitting here confussed as to what im going to do this is my only way of paying this ($300)bill. An the only thing this lady can tell me is your not the primary card holder.
1) We moved 6 months ago, changed our address with you 3x now. An 6 months later your going to freeze the account with out warning.
2) Have put more than $800 on this account in the last 6 months
3) Even received NEW CARDS
What if someone had got the new cards an had been using them, and wracked up even more. Would we have been held responsible!
Was never was contacted about this issue, have talked to Representatives more than once before this.

I use to think this card was a life saver, we could use it pay our bill. An was given a decent amount of time to pay it off with out getting crazy intrest fees.
Have 3 other cards with Synchrony Bank, an now im paying them all off and getting rid of them. If they cant get there (Sh*t) together putting us at risk than not even realizing there mistake. An putting me in a very hard spot than they cant be trusted with our business!

Customer Service doesn't know their own rules on promotions!
FYI, I reviewed statements from 2012 - today. Their practices are or should be against the law! I spoke to a CRep/female 2x on same day..., that attitude? I'm not sure how she got away with it, telling me conflicting stories until I finally spoke to a Manager? Well, in my opinion it's not a solution, to defer the amount 30 more days when another one is due yet the whole time my two year long promotions, with an amount that doesn't qualify for two years ( I read their policy) and is minimal has been paid off in whole just about. Trickery. Only two prior to promotional ending payments are used to pay down the relevant promotion. CareCredit didn't even do that. I went back to last year, when the two were the only ones on statements. History shows, in other years too, that I was almost done paying when emergency vet service was needed. So, since adding that onto account they just take money of a balance which is low, use it elsewhere! And we, the card holders are the dummies. Somebody had gotten up earlier, not me! I'll recalculate the last two years, and each discrepancy will be brought to light... Under GE Capital I NEVER had these problems. Everyone taken for a ride... submit a clam to FTC, the consumer protection unit. The more the merrier. CARE CREDIT counts on folks not paying attention to their moving $$ around. Please be super vigilant! We have rights too and don't need nor want to be lied too! Thank you. - only gave a Star Bc I had to... Star - not for their greatness!

My husband and I opened this acct with Care Credit after our cat was taken to our vet for an emergency in June 2018. I called to make a payment and after giving all of the info CareCredit requested I was sent to the recovery dept... recovery this is a brand new acct. I argued with them for an hour as they continued to give me the 800 number I called in on. This has happened every month since then. I call they refuse to listen when I ask to please give my acct number, they tell me they have my acct number and send me to the recovery dept. I'm not sure what they're trying to recover since this is a new acct. Obviously the call center is in another country and refuse to transfer me to an individual that speaks and understands fluent english. I fear every month that the payment will post to some fictitious acct sitting in their recovery dept. When I called in to reverify the payment because it hasn't cleared they refused to discuss the acct status because my husband is primary. I've been discussing this acct since June with them... why now refuse to speak with me? I can't get this card paid off fast enough. When I ask why they can't get our acct straight all they do is apologize and tell me my phone number doesn't match what they have on file. Same number we've had for 20 years so lets hear another excuse. This company (Synchrony Bank) needs to get to the bottom of these issues and fix them... obviously for someone elses benefit because once this is paid off I'm done with them.

Simple question gets run around
With my assistance, my senior Mother applied for CARECREDIT to help pay a dental bill over time without interest... It turned out to be Biggest hassle and waste of our time ever for credit. First I had to get an affidavit notarized by my bank because I didn't own a smart phone, only a flip phones. Then we followed all the procedures only to not have an answer the day of the Dental Surgery to pay our dentil bill so I had to put on my regular credit card. Then when all the paperwork came by mail regarding the account along with the card, I could not find any information pertaining to how long my debt would be deferred based on $4,000. Would it be 6, 12, 18, or 24 months and then I read that all other non promotional purchases would be charged interest at 26.99 % Interest! When I tried to chat to get the answer I got a short reply from a rep that posted only the phone number to call... so I called, then the rep told me that I need to put my mother on the line... I did but then CareCredit said she had to stay on the line and apparently I could not ask the question and get the answer, it had to be my mother who doesn't hear well and need assistance but they never allowed me to talk to them in order to get my question answered. They kept playing games that they can not talk to me, only my mother... SO Frustrating! I told them to close the account because they were very sketchy about a simple question that should be clearly posted in the card holder documents, about how long the interest would be deferred on a qualified purchase. Should be SIMPLE but we never could find out the truth... I am glad to get out now as I can only imagine that my first bill would show 26.99 % Interest charged and I would never get a resolved without paying in full. IF it is this hard to get a simple question answered, I am glad not to have thousands of dollars subject to such a rip off interest rate... This whole thing stinks of PREDITORY COMPANY due to the lack of solid information necessary to make a smart decision on the use of their credit offer.

I had excellent credit, then CareCredit send me a new card and said it was for an upgrade, I was randomly selected cause I was a great paying customer, and my credit was above 768... Well I get the card and activate it, thinking my old card wouldn't be good... well 30 days later, I get a credit alert that something has change on my credit, I check credit karma, an sure enough, Care Credit closed my acct! And my score dropped 93 pts! I ws livid, tried calling transunion care credit, they were just like oh we didt close your acct, I'm like, I'm looking right at it... CLOSED OCT 10TH 2017! Long story short, all they said was we will submit a ticket and if we are at fault, they will reverse it with Transunion, after telling me I activated the card, and if I read the long attorney like letter, I would have known that acct would be closed. I said I thought u guys said it wasnt closed. She didn't know what to say. So basically, they upgraded me, closed my acct, screwed my credit from an A rating to a D rating, and that was my thank you for being a great loyal cst.,, F... ed right up the butt,,, So moral of the story is, never upgrade with Care credit they will close out your acct! Kicker part is, I never asked to upgrade or close out the acct. Everyone knows when u close out a 5 yr card, your credit takes a huge hit@!

So thanks Credit Care for taking care of your great credit csts. What a bunch of unethical morons... Lets ruin someones credit cause they have great credit and close out their acct... Who does that? Baffled in Florida

Shady Company
I got a care credit card about 1.5 years ago. $500 limit. My credit wasn't great but I was improving it. I used it almost immediately for $30 for a pair of glasses for my daughter (the balance that medicaid wouldn't pay). I am trying to buy a home so having credit lines in good standing is a big deal. I paid the balance off before the due date. I didn't use it at all again for a long time. It stayed at 0 balance. My mortgage lender told me I needed a few points for their new score requirements and that their score simulator advised I put 1-10 dollars on the care credit card. (IDK why but credit is weird.) I hadn't even had time to do that. Within the week I get a message from credit company (I monitor my credit) that care credit has caused my score to drop. I couldn't find anything on the report. The next day it showed the account closed. My score then dropped even more. I logged into my care credit. It shows account closed due to inactivity. (I had made and paid my only time used it about 10 months before that and everything else I read online said a year to 13 months. Inactivity.) I was furious. I contact them. CareCredit tell me there's nothing they can do, I have to reapply. Well my score wasn't dinged too badly (less than 10 point which was more than I gained over the time since I last applied) So I reapply. Get denied. There goes another credit ding. I contact them again and they tell me they closed it due to information from Transunion and to contact them. I finally get a letter in the mail from them. Most of the crap was bull. I can't remember all of their "reasons" but one was lack of mortgage installment loan. I didn't have a mortgage installment loan when I applied the first time! My score was better than when I first got approved. Nothing else on my credit had changed. What is the point of having a card for emergencies if they just close it?! I read online its because if they aren't getting interest and making money off of you they have no reason to keep your account open.

No Care in Care Credit
I'm an Orthodontist and in my opinion this is the worst company I've encountered in my life. If you are a Doctor run away from this. CareCredit give the illusion that they will handle all the hassles of collection and that's why they take that high percentage off and give you the remainder... they have your back... works with me... sounds good right?. Problem is... not true at all in my many years of dealing with them... bottom line... there are too many examples of how unprofessional they are... I could write a novel on their unethical ways... one recent example... when they experience fraud on THEIR behalf to not only owe them back for the full case but an imaginary higher amount than what you collected... happened to me... and they will take it out of your account... without your permission (because you didn't read the fine print of not retaining a copy of the responsible party's driver's license on a case that is years old)... the patient was happy with the work and so were the parents and grandparents... so you should get paid right.?... but CareCredit apparently had a problem collecting so... all on you Doc! Even on a case that is years old... long gone... every one happy... Care Credit seems to want their money back because the patient whispered a charge dispute and goes under investigation... yes... they have an investigation officer and a staff of many to inform you that you are responsible for full refund and more... not one staff member asked about the success of the patients treatment... not an issue to them... but we did do the work... the patient's they want us to pay for were happy... have the progress photos to prove it... yet we gave all the money back... we received and hundreds more...(in the fine print)... I was penalized over the amount we were paid... kind of stings when the patient is so happy with how straight their teeth were... this is not an isolated case... one more head's up... if you begin treatment... and say you are 3-4 months into treatment... if a patient whispers a dispute charge... not critiquing your work... all happy with progress... but dispute charges... all on you Doc... you will not only give a full refund but interest on top! You too... will be responsible... you pay them handsome percentage to handle this... they claim to be on your side but wait until they don't collect or unable... they will go after you... just a fair warning... on and on... This is my first bad review on any person, place or thing... They are modern day rip off artists... and you are the fat cat they will target... they made our lives more miserable... here's a solution... works for us... just set up a decent payment plan with the patient... but one way is to give the patient 20% off and you will be light years ahead in profit and just cut out Care Credit altogether... oh... PS... EVERYONE I tried to reason with at care credit did not CARE... which I wish I would have known years ago... Recap: run away! Already with Care Credit? Get out while you can... you may have surprise bills from their bank saying you owe them thousands over old cases even if you do... so standby...

Care Credit is a Scam!
In 2018, I took my dashund to a veterinarian to have his teeth pulled. I am on SSI and could not afford my Vet. Bill for my dog. The veterinarian's office applied for me Care Credit so I could get help for my dog. I was told that I would only have 6% interest and I would pay Care Credit each month. My bill was around $700.00. Well, here it is 2020 and I still owe $466.00. I pay my bill early each month and even pay way over the minimum amount. Well come to find out I did not pay the promotional balance and was tacked a high interest rate, raising my bill a little over $200.00. If I had that money, I would not have gotten this awful card in the first place! CareCredit are going to do that to me again in August as well! This company does not care and will use every excuse in the book to scam customers! They put all that in fine print and knowing full well people like myself will never get this paid off! I have had to go to foodbanks because I have been paying extra to pay my Care Credit bill! I have contacted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for help. I encourage everyone else to do the same! Instead of receiving help, this has done nothing biut cause financial burden amd hardship for me! Do not get this card! They do not care about their customers! This is wrong how they are doing people! I may also see if Legal Aid can help me if I cannot get any help! This is an unfair policy and is dicrimnation against people on a fixed income! They will not budge and their policy needs to be fixed! Stay away from Care Credit! They will scam you out of every dollar you have and will only make excuses and justify their unethical policy! They need to be held accountable and that is exactly what I am going to try to do!

Taking advantage of customers on automatic payment plans
You get the 0% promotional balance on some of the purchases and set up the account on auto payment. For this card, Synchrony bank does not give you any notifications on when your promotional balance will expire as most other cards do. For example, store card, which is issued by the same bank, can be set up to notify you that there is a promotional balance expiring soon. Not with Care Credit. I had a purchase of about $800 for my prescription glasses from Lens Crafters, I've been paying this bill on auto payments for months and suddenly my balance increased by $188. I called customer services, but CareCredit told me that 30-days have passed and they cannot reverse my money. I consider this a legal form of theft.
Another frequent issue with this card is that not all medical purchases are covered by the 0% benefit and there is no way for you to know if you don't ask. The medical facility must be registered with Care Credit in order for you to get the benefit of 0% financing. If they are not registered and you pay with Care Credit thinking that you will pay no interest, very soon you will discover a high-interest charge (mine was 26.99%) in your next statement. Frequently the clerks at the medical facilities don't know if the business is registered with Care Credit or not because the card has the Master Card logo and will go through without any warning.
After paying much higher interest than from any other credit card that I have in my possession, I decided to pay off my entire Care Credit balance and stop using them.
Now I even have bad feelings about the card because it is issued by the same Synchrony Bank.

Horrible Company. Any other payment method is better
This company completely screwed me over. The company is manned by minimum wage people who just don't care. The company needs to tank. Any other payment method is better. I would rather go into credit card debt then deal with these jerks.

Let me tell my story.
My dog needed emergency surgery. I was approved for $5,500, which should have been enough. My dog had complications and needed a second surgery and MRI. I called Care Credit the same day and had my limit raised to $10,000. So my dog survived and is doing well. My husband waits outside with my dog while I pay the bill. I went to the first desk and explained that I had raised my credit limit to $10,000. CareCredit tried to add the balance to my loan but could not get the promotional code to work because the computer didn't understand that the additional $2,500 was part of the same bill. I call Care Credit while waiting. The young lady told me to have them back out the $5,500 and then charge the corrected amount of $7,800. Of course it didn't work because it takes time for the refund to show. But the simpleton that helped me was too stupid or tell me that. Most likely she just didn't care. So I call back and get another person. That girl states that there is nothing they can do. I demand a manager. They manger says there is nothing she can do. I then demand they up my limit. That is the only way they can make this up to me because they gave me the wrong information and screwed me over, after I had gone to all of the trouble to get the credit increase days before. Of course they would not raise my credit and I have excellent credit. I refinanced the loan the same day with a more reputable bank. I will never let this horrible company make one cent off of me.

Oh, keep in mind that the whole time that drama was going on at the front desk my husband is waiting outside with a drugged up dog who is supposed to be recovering from surgery.

I told them how they screwed me over and they denied it all. Thank goodness I had another payment method or I don't know what would have happened.

AGAIN, THESE ARE HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS. THEY ARE TRASH. DO NOT USE THEM. Use any other method. Please learn from my story.

They want your money!
Care Credit users beware! Interest at 26.99% & $25-$39 late fees charged! Check your statement's due date & charges carefully!

For convenience I used Care Credit for a dentistry bill. All went fine with my automatic monthly payment through my bank. No interest, no late fees. After it was paid I again used it for husband's new glasses. I set up a similar payment schedule for the glasses, same date with different monthly amount, of course. On a fixed income, automatic payments are a must for me.

I was unaware that, unlike normal credit cards, the payment date did not remain the same & had changed to 4 days before I had scheduled the automatic payments. I received no late payment notices, but over a 6 month period I was charged $158 in late fees! The initial statement for the glasses included a $55 payment that was not even due till the next month! Yet CareCredit are saying that the early $55 payment does not count as payment for the next month. That amount was over twice the minimum payment amount, but all that gets me is a "thank you".

Yes, I should have looked carefully at the statements that were emailed to me, but I was thinking "Credit card - same pay date - all set up with my bank" & just skimmed over the statements. I did not check the statements until I saw that their balance was much different than mine. I called them & was able to have the outstanding balance waived & set to zero, but that did not cover all of the late charges. They will not refund me nearly $70 in over payments.

Just a warning for other Care Credit card users.

Uncaring if you lose your income: DON'T use them!
I've never written a review here, but this company left me so angry I just have to. It goes okay at first when you are making payments on time, but if you come to a hard time where you fall flat on your face due to sudden loss of job and no income coming in at all. CareCredit DO NOT CARE. I called them about it to see if they can freeze my account temporarily, until I found something, due to the issue, but they said, "We can't put a freeze on your account because it's too new." I even remember the associate helping me after that stated, ". So how would you like to pay?" I re-told him, "I CAN'T (said it to him like three times before I had NO money)!" Seriously?! Even after I was begging for help, he/they wouldn't do anything. The only thing I could do is let the account lapse on itself. You can't pay with another credit card either.

A few months later, I did get a hold of a helpful associate via the phone who offered a payment plan that was very very low. By this time, I was able to get some sort of payment (but very low just enough to live on) coming in that is temporary. So I accepted it, BUT here's the catch: THE ACCOUNT WILL THEN BE PERMANENTLY CLOSED. I was warned of this, but quickly accepted given the problem I've been facing with them. So when I log in now, it shows the card image with "CLOSED" and "No purchases can be made. Pay account until full amount is paid." They no longer want to deal with you if you come to that point of that type of payment regardless of the reason.

I for one am glad because I get to wash my hands of this company after I'm done payments and I don't want to deal with them either. The amount is less than 4k, so it should be payable in full this year I hope...!

Please listen to the reviews like mine! Everyone's story is different, but it goes to show how much they value getting that money over helping their customers. And HA, on their site it says, "We are here for you." What a joke that is. I will give them a star for two associates that were nice over the phone and waived my first two late fees. However,... it took them this long to say this option was available to me and I've called like 5 times for help? N-O! NEVER AGAIN! I will STRONGLY advise against using their services if someone asks or may need their type of services. I don't care if I will need their services again myself not that I could reopen it anyway. I would rather suffer in pain or go without the health need than ever having the option to reopen/open a new account with them in the future. NOT WORTH IT AT ALL! I'm disappointed greatly...

I see this line a lot from other people, but I too am in their shoes: "I should have listened to or first read the reviews"!

Extremely MAD and disappointed. Had $13,700 worth of dental work done last January 2017; January 13th to be exact. Only had $8,000 in cash so took out the Care Credit card and applied the remaining $5,700 on the card for a one year interest free so I was told......Made payments faithfully in total amount of $3,150.00 between February and December of 2016. Last Payment was posted from my bank on 1/13/2017 from their stmt closing date of 12/22/2016. I withdrew the remaining balance due from my retirement plan this week $2,550.00 to pay off my balance and meet my obligation on the interest free payment schedule and clear the balance on the card as I have more dental procedures starting in March. Opened my statement, closing date January 22, 2017 (like 12 days ago which needs to be paid by 2/14/17) and CareCredit have nailed me with $1,319.00 in interest indicating that the service date of my procedure was January 13, 2016 and the full amount needed to be paid in full by January 13th. Are you kidding me!!! Why wasn't my statement not set up to close with the same date as the initial transaction date then if the balance is due then to avoid the interest. I would of paid it off last month. Even more mad to find out they have options that weren't offered like 14.9% monthly rather than the interest free, Didn't know that until I started doing my research on them this morning. Burning mad right now..... Buyer Be Ware!!! Google Care Credit before applying.... wish I had.... you'll find they just had to pay out 34.5 million in 2014 for defrauding people on their interest free accounts. Approx 85% of their borrowers are placed in a deferred interest plan. During the course of the Bureau's investigation they found deceptive enrollment processes and inadequate disclosures and poorly trained staff. Sound familiar for some of you folks? I will fight this and immediately transfer my balance to another account until I can see if they'll remove the interest, which in reading several reviews it's looking like this is business as usual for them and I may have just got nailed for $1300 based on a 9 day difference in the posting of the treatment vs the statement close date. Anyone experiencing problems with them need to file a compliant with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the CFPB is who nailed them two years ago with the class action suit where they had to reward 1.2 million of their customers. It's looking like they need to pursue again. In protest of and Symphony Bank I'm closing all of my accounts with Symphony bank. Their the big culprits behind these actions. GE credit is who was served the judgement then GE switched to Symphony. Good bye Amazon, JC Penny, BP and Citgo..... Symphony will never get another penny from me. CROOKS!! It's hard enough to make ends and then you have to deal with scumbags that take advantage of hard working people. I rate them a "0" but I can't submit without giving them at least a 1 star....

Rip offs and liers!
Used care card twice for my dog being to the vet first time had problems but paid off card second time I used was for a vet bill $560 CareCredit did not send me any paperwork or due date for 3 months then when I did get it from a phone call they tacked on late fees for 3 months in a total of over $110 when I told them that it was their fault that I never received any notice of when the payment was due and the actual due amount I made them a payment then I made another payment a month later after making 3 payments and over $300 paid on a $560 bill they still said that I owed $427 when I explained the first time I made my payment that they didn't send me anything they said there was a 10-day grace. Over the due date that you would not get charged when I just talked to a manager he said there is no grace period and he couldnt explain why my first bill was not sent to me until three months later but couldn't take of the fees because it automatically charges on the due date when i asked him where the other $350 i had already paid went he also couldn't tell me! When i made my last payment the bank said my account was paid but it would take 48hrs to post on my account. I asked if that 48hrs would cause a late fee on my account when i paid it on the due date he said yes it would! So when you make a payment on your due date the bank takes 48 hours to put it on to your account in that 48 hours they will charge a late fee so another words you pay for their 48 hour post when you actually paid the payment on time! This is the worst bank I have ever dealt with I will never use them again!

I went to Boulder Dental Center for an expensive tooth implant, which was well over $3,000. CareCredit had care credit pamphlets all over and were more than happy to get me to sign up for one saying it's the best way to pay off balance with no interest if paid within promo period. I was told I had a 12 month promotion for interest free payments to make paying off the balance easier. They had me pay in two separate transactions (over 1,300 for both payments.) But apparently without my knowledge or explanation they used the 12 month promo period on one of my purchases but changed the promotion for the second transaction to 6 months. It makes no sense, I signed up for 12 months with the dentist and they had not informed me that the second transaction I made was not included in the promo period I originally signed up for. You'd think if I applied for 12 months at first, they'd sign me up for 12 months again or include it with my first purchase since it was for the same procedure. They scam you by going paperless with statements that don't inform you of promo periods ending, or that you've accumulated interested until after they charge you for it, as well as sneakily signing you up for the shortest promo period banking on you not noticing and not paying off balance within the time frame like they did for me. Luckily for me, I noticed just in time once I saw my due balance increased by $125 from interest, and caught it in time before 30 day grace period ended and they helped me take interest off so I could pay rest of balance in full and never deal with them again. After reading reviews which I should have done before singing up (but dentist makes it sound SO easy and in your best interest like they're doing to a favor even though it's you that's doing them a favor and how they make money off you.) This practice should be illegal. I even called care credit about not having signed up for 6 months at all and they told me there's nothing they can do and to call dentist. Called Boulder Dental Center multiple time through out the month saying they'll look into it without ever getting back to me until I kept calling and finally told me your initial services was a different promotion then we are offering with your second services so unfortunately there's nothing that we can do. That's how they get you. Complete scam on both ends. Never using this card again and Boulder Dental center lost my business and will be getting the same review. If I could give 0 stars I would. Reading the reviews it also states if you haven't used card in a while even if you've paid balance in full, they will close your account and drop credit score. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of care credit and companies who try to make you sign up for them. They will scam you.

Zero stars
Absolutely terrible! The first month a payment was due, I had autopay set up through the Synchrony bank website. First months payment was pulled from my account and I was under the assumption that the payment was made fine. I was surprised to know that the payment was refunded to me and caused me to miss the payment and I was charged a 60$ late fee. I called customer service and asked what the issue was, I received no help and was still charged the late fee. From there, I paid my monthly statement over the phone with my debit card since I no longer trusted the Synchrony bank website. Just to test it again, I attempted to make a monthly payment through the website again, but this time using my checking account instead of my savings account. Again, the money was pulled from my account then refunded. To avoid having another late payment, I called the next day and paid over the phone with my debit card. To my surprise, I received a letter in the mail stating that my account was closed. I called customer service and was on hold for 34 minutes before the call hung up and I tried again. I was then on the hold for another hour and 10 minutes before speaking with the Supervisor, Troy, who shared that due to the money having to be refunded to me, the rules were that my account was closed and could not be reopened. I blatantly shared that there is an issue with the Synchrony bank website. He did not care. Had zero empathy. I am extremely disappointed and will never use this service ever again. Horrible experience.

Based on sitejabber's descriptors for ratings, saying 2.5 stars - between "meh" and "very average".
Have two promotionals going with them for major periodontal work done in June and August of this year. I have one year to pay off both debts interest free, which is why I applied for this card through my doctor's office.

What I like: 0% interest. Courteous agents. Promo expiration date listed clearly on both paper and online statements.

What I do not like: When I would request a distribution of a payment; i. E., X amount to Promo 1 and Y amount to Promo 2, I had to double check to make sure funds were allocated correctly. It was explained to me that allocation requests go into a large queue and may not appear on your statement for up to TWO BILLING CYCLES.

I never had to wait that long to see the payments or how CareCredit were applied, but there was one that was allocated incorrectly (this was fixed while I was on the phone) and now another one I am not sure is right even after talking with the agent, because she told me the last payment had an odd amount--which I know I did not request--applied to one of the promos.

After each payment I receive a letter stating "we have applied your payment..." however it does not give any amounts, so you are still flying partially blind.

In the interest of simplifying matters, I decided to just pay off the first promo as another agent told me if I do *not* request a distribution, the entire payment will automatically be applied to the first promo.

So I made an online payment last week and... I still can't make sense of the remaining balance when I look at my statement, which the agent insisted was the current balance.

I already feel married to this creditor due to the payments I am making out of each paycheck and which will continue for months to come; I don't like having to constantly follow up to make sure things were processed correctly, or to get something fixed.

I expressed my concern and frustration to the agent today (the call was pleasant and I made it clear I wasn't frustrated with her, but with the system) and asked for a manager's contact info. She had an address to write but no name or email was available; I had to get to work so I let it go for now.

It would be great to work out a payment plan directly with the doctor's office, but those days are long gone. Review: 2.5 Stars, rounding to 3 for now. I can't say I wouldn't recommend it only because of the 0% interest--but the rest is "meh".

No Problem
May 15,2015 I placed $2,000.00 on my Care Credit card. CareCredit have been pleasant to work with. I have read the other reviews on here and have had the completely opposite experience with this company. My credit plan was 0% financing for 12 months (0% APR if paid off before the 12 months. After 12 months it would increase to 26%). I understood the loan that I had signed up. The woman that helped me establish the account was wonderful over the phone. I applied a week ahead of when I had to pay at the office and was given a $4,500.00 balance. I then used the card and it went as smoothly as other credit cards. The charge was on the account within 24 hours and the next statement started in the beginning of June. I could make a payment online, over the phone, or through the mail by sending in a check. I preferred to pay online and the statements showed up each month under the statement tab. I have only called twice and both times if I had any questions the automated system would ask me what I was calling about and then I would say my question and ask for a representative. It would roughly take top 5-10 minutes to get a person on the other line. They would ask a few verifying questions and then I would be able to ask my question. I have also used the CHAT online and I find it easier to get to the point and answer. I will use this loan company in the future. I paid off the credit of $2000. 00 in the beginning of August and have received a conformation letter. I did request this through the online CHAT. I have not had a bad experience and if you might have issues with credit or a loan this might not be a great card. They give you a few choices for the loan, different APR's for the length of months, and the monthly balances change on length of credit. CareCredit was a great card to use because my regular credit company would have charged interest on the 2 months it took to pay off. Thank you CareCredit for the great experience!

Care Credit Treats Their Loyal Customers Like Trash
I've been a loyal care credit holder for 9 years. Financed several large transactions with them and paid them off in full early, each time. CareCredit all of a sudden closed my account and reopened a new one for me, hurting my credit score. I called them about this and they didn't care at all. I recently financed another large purchase with them. While in the attempt to pay the balance off in full early again they all of a sudden closed my account just because a payment got returned to them. It wasn't even late or the minimum payment or overdue. It was an extra payment. I went on vacation and my bank froze my bill pay for security reasons. They didn't even call me to talk to me first. When I called them to explain and ask how to send my remaining payments even though I had no where to send it because they closed my account, they talked to me like I was trash and a criminal. I've never been talked to anyway close to this by any lender or business. They absolutely do not value their customers at all. I'm a home owner and have over an 800 credit score. Care credit treats their loyal card holders like TRASH when they've never done anything wrong. I don't see why anyone would deal with this company. They don't even make an effort to communicate with you. Definitely stay away from this company! This is the worst customer service I've received from any company in my life!

Awful company
I called to retrieve my account number for paperless management. The first representative I spoke to was rude and condescending and lied to me about the abilities of her department. She claimed that her system was down and she was unable to look up my account at all, and then immediately afterward said that she didn't have the authority to look up my account. When I asked to speak to a supervisor, she tried to dissuade me by saying that the supervisor would say the same thing. I explained to her that I didn't care and wanted to speak to one anyway. She placed me on a silent hold and then came back and claimed she could not find a supervisor and then continued to repeat the things she'd already said. I repeated my request for a supervisor which she outright fought me on (what CUSTOMER SERVICE representative fights with customers?) and I insisted on still speaking with her supervisor. I reminded her that she is in the business of customer service and that I am the customer and the customer is always right. Eventually she backed down and actually put me on hold (with music this time) and another woman with the exact same voice came on the line, repeated the same things as the "previous" representative, became irate when I accused the "previous" representative of being rude and lying to me, and then hung up on me.

Stay far, FAR away from this company. If CareCredit treat customers with $0 balances this poorly, I cannot possibly imagine how they treat customers who carry balances. I still don't have my account number and no access to my account whatsoever. I cannot find my card and truth be told I'm actually afraid to order a new one. I just want the account closed and out of this nightmare that is CareCredit.

Sneaky and Rude Company--Steer Clear!
I am appalled at the rudeness of the customer service agents. Two of the people I spoke with yesterday, asking for help regarding my account, were not only less than helpful but were actually very mean. This is not the first time the customer service reps have been rude. After being kept on hold for 32 minutes, one of them--a manager, no less--told me she could not wait longer than two minutes for me to get my husband on the phone to confirm that I was allowed to access our account. When I refuted this, she said, "Actually, I am under no obligation to wait at all for you" and then hung up on me! WHAATT? This same person also argued for a good 5 minutes that the customer service phone line is available 24/7 but on the Synchrony site it says M-F 9-5. More than just the way CareCredit treat their customers on the phone, the company is sneaky in their practices. Some providers will offer promotional purchases--like 6 months no interest. However, some don't or will only offer it for purchases over a certain amount. If you have both promos and regular charges on your account, Care Credit will apply your payment to the promo (no interest) first unless you call and tell them to apply it to the high interest (23.9%) purchases first. So it is VERY easy to get huge interest charges building up very quickly, without being aware. It is a deceptive, awful company. I do not recommend them at all.

People Read the Fine Print
I used a six month promotional period to take care of a dental procedure. I paid the amount off before the deadline and was charged 0 interest on the purchase. CareCredit are legitimate, but will take advantage of you if you are not attentive.

Here are the specifics:
They ultimately rely on deferred interest to make money. This means, when you use it for a promotional purchase, if you are late on any payments or fail to completely pay it off, you will be charged a high interest percentage on the principle amount.

Autopay: Is a sham. If there are any issues with it, that causes you to be late on a payment, they will charge you the deferred interest amount. Don't use it. Instead make sure to manually pay.

Paying Your Bill: The easiest way is adding a bank account, logging in once a month and paying it manually. People have reported issues with payments going to the cards full balance rather than the promotional amount. This is because the default is set to pay the card amount off. You have to manually choose what promotional period you want to pay, in order to ensure money is added towards that account. And do the math. Never just pay the minimum. Figure out how much your need to pay each month so that the whole amount is fully paid off.

Don't use this, if you are not responsible enough for it. There are no Grace periods, one mistake will cost you a lot of money. Lastly keep all the records, and I recommend removing your bank account information when you are done paying it off.

Only use it if you can pay by the promo deadline.
This is not a scam. Like most banks who lend money, you have to pay loan off by end date, or there is usually a stiff penalty. That's one of ways banks make money, and CareCredit generally are not happy if you don't pay it off on time, honoring your agreement with them. This is one way you get good credit and are deemed responsible. Most all credit cards are backed by banks and you have to stick with your agreement with them, or you are penalized; by late payment fees, for example.
With no interest promotion credit cards there are strict rules about how card is no longer interest free if you don't pay in full by promotion end date and they tell you clearly that this is the deal, All your accrued interest will be added to your principal if not paid off by promo end. I always pay in full a few weeks before promo ends and send the last payment with a return receipt so i have evidence that i paid it off on time.

Unfortunately these promotional cards work better for people who don't really need the loan, but want to leverage their money with a no interest loan. If you are sometimes short on funds you would do better paying monthly interest on a card where the minimum payment will be less and so will the interest if you can't make a payment on time. But for cards that have no interest promotions, the rules are the same for all of them. It's not a scam, it's just the way business works.

Decade-old debt, revived
In 2006, I struck out on my own financially at the age of 22 and quickly encountered a medical condition that necessitated a Care Credit card (my first credit card, in fact). At the time, the bill totaled about $3,500 and I made regular payments as I could. Over time, as Care Credit changed hands from GE Money to Synchrony Bank, interest rose and I could not keep up with payments. After 7 years, the debt dropped off my credit report in accordance with California statue of limitations on debt. Just this June 2015 (9 1/2 years after I first opened the card), Synchrony Bank decided to engage in a lawsuit against me to obtain **$9,600** to include interest accrued over the course of 9 years. Without the means or funds to fight this, CareCredit garnished a working capital business loan that had just been deposited into my SAVINGS ACCOUNT to help my current retail shop stay open. They were merciless when I explained the situation, as I cited again that this was a nearly 10-year old balance, past the statue of limitations of debt collection. THey said I could pay in 2 installments instead, starting that day, but wouldn't release the $9,600 garnished until this was done, essentially forcing me to come up with an ADDITIONAL $9,600 to cover the balance before MY MONEY was returned to me. This is effectively putting me out of business and I absolutely cannot believe a credit card company is permitted to take these measures when the economy is so tenuous and people's livleihoods are at stake.

Total rip off. Prey on people who can't afford dental work.
My wisdom teeth were impacted and causing me a bunch of problems. I have permanent jaw issues from not being able to afford to pay to get them out when I was 19. So the oral surgeon told me about CareCredit. I was approved and was able to get my wisdom teeth out. Awesome, right? Wrong. Their interest rates are abserd. If you're literally one day late on your payment they'll charge you a $25 late fee that's just free money to them. I ended up getting so sick of making monthly payments and it never touching my balance that my dad ended up paying it off for me. A couple years later I had my daughter, since hospitals send bills from 80 different places when you have a baby I had a couple small doctor bills hit collections and ding my credit report. Right after that, CareCredit sent me a letter stating that they're closing my account due to 'recent credit inquiries'... What? I use it, pay it off, and CareCredit keep running my credit and close my account for absolutely no reason? I was never more than a day late with them, and closing credit accounts hurt your overall credit health. I never would have used them again, but how can they just close my account when I was always in good standing with them? They get away with it because they know that sometimes people are in bad situations and need help-and they feed off of that. Terrible terrible business.

Rude mangers/Reps and they trick you
This card is the worst. Yall are better off applying for a loan or different credit card rather than this one. I applied and made 2 purchases on different years so each had different expiration dates. CareCredit set up a monthly minimum fee that won't cover the full bill by when a promotional purchase expires. (That's how they get you). Additionally, the money gets allocated in a way that doesn't make sense which ends up with an account getting more money than the other. For example, my monthly payment was $134 (way high) and my purchase that's expiring by the end of the year was getting 100 and the other that was literally expiring within a month was getting the rest $34. Like what?! I had to find a way to pay $600 dollars by next month because the purchase that was expiring later on in the year was getting all my money. When I called to ask about this the operator told me I had to call to fix payments a certain way every time my bill was due. Okay, so next month I call to put 100 towards my purchase due soon and the rest towards the other one. Statements come and nothing was changed. I call to inquire about the error but instead the manager starts yelling at me that I got the wrong info and basically talking to me like I was dumb. Well it was your mistake to begin with but whatever. So at this point I got over care credit and didn't want to deal with them again. Luckily I'm banking with a great union bank and I got a loan out and paid off care credit and I am now paying off my loan at a way lower monthly rate and no interest! Oh and btw when you call customer service expect to talk to someone overseas that can't come up with no resolution and gets mad when you start questioning things.

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CareCredit Rating

Based on 50 reviews from CareCredit customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Discover the healthcare financing credit card from CareCredit. Learn about financing for procedures like LASIK, cosmetic surgery, dental, & more.

Address: PO Box 960061, 32896-0061


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