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Reviews Aircoach

20 customer reviews of

The bus is on time, clean and on schedule so no issues there. The prices are decent too.
Things to be improved:
1. The WiFi doesn't seem to connect for the last 4 travels. It would be good to have a speedy WIFI working to make the travel easier.
2. It would be good to have mobile holder behind the seats to hold the mobile phones since it strains the neck and hands to hold the mobile phone throughout the journey while watching Netflix or YouTube.
3. The seats design is really painful and sprains my neck everytime I decide to sleep on my journey. If you could do something around the neck cushioning, it would really be a top class travel
I know you will take another decade to implement any of these, so I have probably wasted 8 mins of my life typing this out. But this is a general complaint I have heard from ppl travelling with aircoach so it would be nice of you to implement these if you really listen to your customer's.
Have a nice Day

Firstly i emailed to arrange wheelchair seat for my husband 3 weeks previous and still didn’t get a response.originally booked a later journey but when we arrived i asked person at terminal 2 if we could go on an earlier bus, i showed her my booking and she checked and said we could,very nice person,bus arrives so got my husband on and then when I showed my booking i was told it was already still on the bus to terminal 1 spoke to inspector and explained that maybe the lady scanned when i showed her was told there was a q for the bus but we were allowed stay on.counted at least 3 people paying driver when they got on so they didn’t have a booking.the bus went on to Dublin City,a few people got on and next the driver comes to me and said a person was booked and no seat for him cause i had it, i said why so did you take money from other passengers after I was already seated with my husband,we didn’t get off anyway I’m still on it and it’s absolutely freezing people are putting on extra clothes. I understand it was good to let us get an earlier bus but i was made look as if i hadn’t a ticket, i only got off a flight with my husband who received surgery abroad,we paid and had out booking, i would think it should have showed time and place my ticket was supposed to be scanned.I’m extremely dissatisfied with this service .

I must share my recent experience of Aircoach whereby I was not allowed onto the coach because the driver had sold my (paid) seat to another passenger, which led to further problems which almost led to me missing my international flights connecting to Japan, and which resulted in several hours of unexpected distress/panic, and additional train and taxi expenses.
I have requested a refund of my unused ticket but have not received any response.
Saturday 23 July 2022
0757 - I rushed to the Aircoach stop in Cork, for the 0800 departure to Dublin airport. My first of 3 flights was due at 1500; I had checked-in online, so I needed to just drop off my bags by 1330 (i.e. 90 minutes prior to departure). By getting the 0800 coach, I would arrive at Dublin airport, 2 hours before the bag drop limit. I had booked and paid for my seat on the 0800 Aircoach over a month earlier, while planning my Ireland trip at home in Japan; I envisaged a smooth journey where I could relax/sleep on the coach journey to Dublin airport.
I explained that I had paid for my seat on the coach; he told me it is stated in the ticket conditions that passengers should arrive 10 minutes before; latecomers' seats would be given to other walk-up passengers. In my mind, I wasn't late - the departure was at 0800, I had arrived a few minutes early, so I expected to be able to take my seat.
* I admit that I had NOT read the conditions on the ticket; I had assumed that like in all other transport - trains, buses etc. - as long as you arrive before departure time, no matter how last-minute you arrive, you are allowed to ride, especially so if you have bought an advance ticket. So in that respect, strictly speaking, it is all my fault. Throughout the following hours, during train and taxi journeys, everyone I spoke to were of the opinion that Aircoach's policy is at the very least unusual, and it could be argued that it is really quite unfair to paying passengers*
I would like to share with you how my day unfolded after I was refused boarding of the 0800 coach.
The driver told me the next Aircoach is at 0900 and I could ride it instead.
0845 - the 0900 Aircoach arrived. I thought I would wait for all 0900 departure passengers to board, then I would ask if there was a spare seat for me. I hadn't realized that several people with no booking were speaking to the driver and he was making a mental list of who was waiting. I thought that because I had been waiting the longest (1 hour), I would be automatically first in line. The result - several people who had spoken to the driver got the spare seats; I did not. I was confused about the system, the driver told me that I must make my presence known to the driver to be in his waiting list.
0945 - the 1000 Aircoach arrived; I had stood outside the shelter in the slight rain with my bags, so I could make a desperate attempt to get this coach; any later than this, I would miss my flight. I "grabbed" the driver immediately and told him I wanted to wait for a free seat. I was first in line. Everyone turned up - I could not get on the coach. The driver suggested waiting for the 1100 service (this would arrive at 1430; my flight was at 1500, and the bag drop limit 1330)
1000 - sheer panic set in. Would I need to pay 100s of Euros for a taxi from Cork to Dublin Airport? A waiting person told me the train station was nearby; I should take the train.
1010 - arrived (running) at Cork (Kent) station; paid around 47 Euros for a train to Dublin Heuston.
1310 - train arrived (12 minutes late) at Dublin Heuston. I had carried all the bags through the crowded train so I could be at the front, to get off ahead of the crowds, to run for a taxi.
1320 - get a taxi to airport (25 Euros)
1350 - arrive at Dublin Heuston airport. Run with all my bags to Qatar Airways counter. Bag drop limit was 1330; I knew I was late, thought perhaps I might not be able to board the flight - stay in Dublin more nights, pay for flight on another day?!
1400 - arrive at Qatar Airways counter. Some passengers were having a problem.
1415 - staff allows me to drop off my bag and gives me free FastTrack for security, so I don't miss my flight.
1445 - after security, immigration and more running, I arrive at the departure gate, and catch my flight.
In my mind, I had arrived (just) in-time for the 0800 Aircoach; I had paid for my seat.
Instead, I had an extremely traumatic day, paid an additional 72 Euros for alternative transport, and didn't have the chance to use the Aircoach ticket I had bought.
I suppose you could say that everything that happened was my own fault.
But I would urge Aircoach to rethink the boarding policy so that other future _paying_ passengers do not have to experience the distress I did, or even worse, even miss their flight.
Of course I would be particularly happy if Aircoach would as a goodwill gesture offer some compensation in regards of my additional 72 Euros expense.
But at the very least, I would expect that Aircoach would refund the 19 Euros for my unused ticket.

I have just taken a quick 5 min glance through these reviews as my sister is coming over from the UK for a weekend visit. I needed a coach for her from Dublin Airport to Ballinasloe. I am wondering about the truthfulness of's rating for this company, because there are a vast number of one star ratings and some serious issues here. Biggest red flag for me is that buses just don't show up! Second biggest is that unless you are there 10-15 mins early (if the bus does show up) you might lose your seat. As my sister lands at 1800 and the coach leaves at 1830, how is she supposed to do that?? I think it is amazing that in this day and age a customer has to make a choice of driving 107 miles to collect a relative rather than risk her having a terrible experience. Really needs some attention. And - are you paid to massage the data? In whose interests are you curating the results?

I have used Aircoach for many years and it had always been a very good service. However this was very changed on my most recent experience on booked journey (03/07/22 at 08:30 a.m. on coach to Leopardstown coach)C15 registration no 142D15749). The driver’s rudeness to passengers and unnecessary slamming of his security screen was totally off putting and what an awful impression of Aircoach for first time visitors. A very helpful supervisor had to intervene as the driver was then refusing to proceed with the journey as my partner had requested him to tone down his attitude as we were both uncomfortable with the situation.
To avoid inconvenience to the other passengers we left this coach, were given a refund of tickets and travelled on the next available coach without any problems, likewise our return journey to the airport was pleasant.

I regularly travel on the Belfast to Dublin Airport route and I have had no punctuality problems so far, and the drivers are generally first class (although some could be a bit more pleasant). Prior to the pandemic, before 07:00, there were buses leaving Belfast on an hourly basis - please arrange for this to happen again. There is clearly a demand as the buses are packed every time I use them and airline timetables are normalising too. It would allow people travelling from Belfast a greater opportunity to make their flight and have as stress-free a journey as possible. Working WiFi onboard would be appreciated too. Have to say though, the service being provided is critical, so well done to all involved.

My daughter booked an Aircoach journey for 4 adults and 1 child for the 25.7.22 and thought she booked for 1 in the day i.e. 1 p.m. however she booked for 1 a.m. in error and we emailed your company (Aircoach) explaining how this mistake was made and explained she suffers with dyslexia and could Aircoach change the time of the outward journey (Cork to Dublin Airport) however she received absolutely no reply to her email. I then emailed Aircoach and explained again what happened and how due to her being dyslexic she made a small mistake when booking the times therefore we just needed to change the time of the outward journey to the day time instead of the night time however I still received no reply from Aircoach. I then rang Aircoach on 01-6418451 on numerous occasions just for it to ring out and got no answer at all. I used Aircoach fairly regularly and am astonished at this lack of customer service. Very disappointed and if I could give zero stars I would.

Absolutely pathetic customer service. I had to request a refund due to someone in my party contracting COVID a day before travel. Aircoach simply ignored my email for 11 days (later blaming a 'backlog') and only responded at all when I rang them up.
They were also unwilling to offer a refund or even a change of ticket. Would they prefer people travel on their buses while they are knowingly infected with COVID? Absolutely disgraceful policy and useless customer service. I can understand not offering a full refund, but to not even offer an exchange ticket in that case? Translink for comparison were very quick to arrange for a refund and responded within a day.
I'm due to travel to Dublin again this weekend and I'll certainly be making other arrangements. No doubt they won't heed any bad reviews since they are the only game in town other than Translink, but I certainly won't be using them again.

I booked my return trip from Dublin airport paying the flexible fee. My flight was due in at 17:10 so I booked the 19:00 bus to cover delays. My flight was delayed but we landed with still enough time for me to collect my luggage and still get the bus, unfortunately there was a longer delay at reclaim resulting in me being 5 mins late
and missing the bus. Not Aircoach fault.
However, when I asked their agent on site would I be able to get on the next bus I was told “not likely and I don’t know the computer is down and the bus is likely booked up”. I explained the delay and flexibility option I was told I had up to one hour before bus departure to change however as I was on a plane I couldn’t ring, nor did I know there was a problem at baggage. I was then advised to try Translink, which I did and had to pay another £15 but least I got home.
Thanks for nothing Aircoach - definitely would not recommend to anyone

Our flight was delayed by 24 hours out of Chicago, so myself and my 83 year old Mum arrived in Dublin exhausted.
I had a return ticket but it was 24 hours late also.
I spoke to the supervisor and explained what happened and how my 83 year old Mother wasn’t able for anymore hassle. He said he saw many 83 year olds travelling on the coach and he had no empathy or understanding at all for our situation.
He insisted that we had to pay for another ticket to take us back to Cork even though we had paid for a return.
This was only if there was a seat available.
We just about got on and we did end up paying twice for our journey.
I asked the supervisor if he could make an exception but he was so cold and indifferent about our predicament.
The journey back from Chicago took a lot out of my Mum, as she is quite feeble and I had to have wheelchair assistance during our time at the airports.
I didn’t expect the same mentality that we got in Chicago, dealing with Aircoach in Dublin.
I’m very disappointed about the way we were treated.

Game of 2 halves...
1st. Journey from Dublin Airport to Dublin centre, bus very busy and not clear whether we would get on but driver very helpful, did a headcount, said he could fit us on and we bought tickets at the ticket booth - perfect!
2nd. Return journey back to airport. Thought would get ahead of the game and went online late at night to book ticket for next morning. Went through entire process (as Guest) only to find after payment that must "PRINT OUT TICKET" for journey. Not possible as in a hotel late at night so why not mention that AT THE BEGINNING not the end of the online sale process?
Better still, how about move in the 21st Century and cater for digital bookings/tickets?
Will be having an interesting discussion with the driver in the morning....

Aircoach did not honour the time and there was no show of bus at the time which we booked. It was ridiculous especially so when we were foreign visitors to the country and do not know what is the next action to take.
We booked and made payment for a 10.30 pm bus from Dublin City Centre to Dublin Airport. As advised on the web, we were at the bus stop at 10.15 pm. The bus did not arrive until 11.34 pm. The worst thing is that the bus driver was so hostile and unwilling when he checked my online tickets. We stood in the cold night for more than 1 hour to get such service and it is better off taking the public bus or even the cab as we are only 20 min from the airport. In comparison to the express bus offered in Scotland, they are definitely more efficient and friendlier than in Ireland.

Aircoach in my experience is generally reliable and efficient. My recent journey from Dublin Airport to Dublin City Centre was disappointing to say the least and I felt shocked to think that tourists receive such a poor welcome to our city. The driver in question was at best gruff towards passengers, refused to answer reasonable questions regarding the validity of tickets or schedules of similar routes. His tone was agressive when dismissing these queries. He also was dismissive of passengers who were trying to expain a technical problem with their phone. Aircoach should remember that they are reliant on customers and ensure that drivers have the correct training and skills for a customer facing role and the correct information to assist customers.

Also, booking only on-line is terrible for those who are not computer literate. Also, I had to call your booking office because you wouldn't accept my credit card.... although every restaurant and hotel had during our visit in both N.I. and the Republic. Only because your agent was an understanding person, did we get to book the tickets and seats.

Arrived to the coach in Belfast to head to Dublin.
Was refused entry to the bus as the driver had sold our tickets to someone else??? (Would love to know if that was official or cash in hand)
He was beyond rude and actually quite intimidating.
When I asked for a refund he refused. Once I asked for his name so I could lodge a formal complaint he turned his ID card around so I couldn't see his details and refused to give me his name.
We then had to walk to the other side of the city to get a train to Dublin instead.
On the way home from Dublin to Belfast, 15 mins into the journey we were told to get off the coach and onto a different white coach from another company (so why did we pay Aircoach) which was half full so we were packed on.
Shocking, won't be using Aircoach again

Honestly. Got the 11pm bus Cork to Dublin. It was packed as so few buses on late. Absolutely roasting. Had to ask bus driver to put on air conditioning. I didn't know if there was a radiator on in bus or was my seat over engine but the metal panelling next to my seat was boiling. Burned my ankle against it. Bus driver never announced we were on bachelors key so I had to ask him to let me out after he'd come back on his once I'd gathered my bags. Driver made no reply just heavy sighing. Loads of people drinking cans on bus, most people going out from airport
If you can avoid aircoach, please do. Not a pleasant experience
2 stars are for driver getting us there. I imagine being a driver on that bus is no fun and he definitely seemed stresed/unhappy

We booked the bus from Dublin to Belfast at 2am, waited in the airport from 11am, came to 1.50am and queued, the driver called out for anymore online bookings and we got on, scanned our tickets, only to be told their was no more seats on the bus. After asking what we should do, the driver and other aircoach staff worker just shrugged their shoulders, didn’t show any interest and were plain rude about it. Unprofessional. Had to wait in the airport for a further 3 hours. Got the next bus at 5am, and the same worker was working. (I couldn’t remember what he looked like so didn’t realise it was the same man) so when he asked to see our tickets I started explaining the situation and he cut me off with “doesn’t matter when the tickets are from”. Then had to sit a further two hours with him onboard. The new driver couldn’t have been nicer which was the only positive to the whole situation. I wish I had of read reviews before booking, I will not be using aircoach again. Staff need retrained in how to work with the public and shouldn’t be taking night shifts if it means they are going to be rude to paying customers.

Have used this service for years and used january 2022 and again may 30th @ 3.00 : as planes are un reliable ,we were always advised if you flight is delayed do not panic as we will get you on the next coach .On Monday may 30 th at 3:00 pm ,I have to say we encountered the most rude driver I have ever met, we had been delayed coming in from usa for 2 hrs ,we waited from 2:30 pm for coach to arrive and at 2,55 I seen people boarding a white coach ,I said to my husband as no aer coach bus had turned up maybe it’s that white one I better check and sure enough it had sign at front Belfast aer coach ,he loaded our luggage while I went to door to enter bus I explained we were delayed he said you can get your stuff of coach and walk to terminal one ,he was ready to leave ,terminal 1 is a good distance from terminal 2 ,he said bus full you need to walk to 1 and see if you can get on ,I asked could we even leave luggage on ,nope get it of ,( I don’t expect different treatment ,but as we are both over 60 ,I thought with a bit of decency he at least could have let us keep luggage on ,) we raced over to terminal 1 were there was others in same situation ,had been made to charge from thermal 2 to 1 ,it was now 3,15 the bus was running 15 mins late as this driver was being a jobsworth getting people to check in by time ,another gentleman came over to me and said what time was are original time I said 0ne he said on you get ,the bus driver seen me getting on and said you not getting on ,the gentleman told me to get on I said ,he then said it’s my bus ,long story short at the end of this bus drivers rudeness checking peoples times etc etc ,their were 12 empty seats ,I realise that we don’t have entitlement over people that have book seats for three ,but with mobile phones etc between terminals ,I am sure their is a better way to do this ,if the system continues like this it would definitely put me of using this service ,as in all the years we have used aer coach this is the first time I have experienced such a rude and unprofessional service

Bought return tickets and on the first journey the driver incorrectly scanned the QR code for the return trip alongside the correct QR code. We were told when trying to get onboard the return trip that since the QR code for the return had already been scanned (incorrectly) we no longer had tickets which could be used and so had to pay for two new tickets. Outside of this ridiculous scenario, the customer service we received from both the ticket attendant at terminal 1 in Dublin Airport and the driver of the bus was nothing short of unacceptable. Both rough and intolerant in their dealings with us, it was if us trying explain the scenario was an inconvenience to their day. Both rolling their eyes and clearly not even giving a moments notice to us as we attempted to explain our predicament and how we had already paid for our return journey. The driver of the bud also proceeded to ignore our request for two students tickets, instead charging a full adult rate. Awful experience

There used to be a great service called the Patton Flyer, which from Killiney and Dalkey, through Dún Laoghaire and Blackrock, picked up people along Sandymount Strand and then over the East Link Bridge, into the Port Tunnel and straight to the Airport.
Aircoach put this service out of business by bidding for the route. That was fine until Aircoach started changing the service, making the buses go into Ballsbridge, over Mackin Street Bridge, basically into a load of traffic.
Now, Aircoach have reduced the service, so that, even with two routes, there is often only one bus every 09 minutes.
It's disgraceful that they can get away with this. No one seems to care. Monopolies should be regulated.

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Aircoach Rating

Based on 20 reviews from Aircoach customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Ireland's favourite coach operator with services from Dublin Airport to Cork, Belfast, Galway and three routes to Dublin City Centre and onward to the South Dublin suburbs of Leopardstown, Killiney and Greystones. We are proud of our Airport Coach Operator of the Year 2020 title, and we remain committed to innovation. Hop on board our modern coaches for safe, reliable, convenient journeys to Dublin Airport and beyond - all at a great value.


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