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Adore Me

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Reviews Clothing & Fashion, Lingerie Adore Me

50 customer reviews of

Waste of time. Seriously, don't bother.
I want to first say that Adore Me isn't a scam, it's just awful. Read the fine print and unsubscribe where necessary.

I had high hopes for this brand, I really did. A couple of friends have said good things and a girl always needs more lingerie, so sure!
I signed up for the Elite box and immediately had a problem with being charged 49.99 without actually buying anything. I contacted support about it which took about a week for a response where Adore Me just said oh, yeah, we just needed to test that your payment works. You'll get the money back
And I did, but that's something you should tell the customer first.
Also, I never got an order number or a shipping code. If I wanted to check on it, I had to go the actual website. Sucks.
My box was said to come May 27th-29th. Now listen, COVID-19 has made shipping a little questionable with some businesses, expect some delays, but Adore Me themselves never made a statement and did not change the estimate of the delivery to suit the situation.

On June 6th, I got an email that said my box arrived. No box.
I took this time to go online and 'finalize my order' as they phrase it to see what I would be paying for (or not) in the box I don't have.
2/3 of the items were things I specifically and aggressively said no to on the style quiz. 50$ sweat pajamas in summer and an unlined bra set. Apparently the style BS means exactly nothing, which is kind of the whole point of the Elite box business scheme.

I email support a day after my box was supposed to arrive since, again, mail is finicky during COVID and as of June 11th when I write this, I still have not received a response from them.
Thankfully my box actually came on the 9th, and let me tell you. Massive disappointment. A part of me didn't even want to open the box and just ship it right back. One set was the most generic push up bra known to mankind, and the two other were the aforementioned sweat pajama set and an unlined bra set. Despite hating unlined bras, that's the one I ended up keeping because 1) it had the most character and 2) the 20$ 'styling fee' you pay in the beginning is a discount, so a 20$ bra set is a great deal in itself.
But, like, it's VERY poorly made. I can't even vouch for the quality of their product. It's only cute because I'm cute, thanks. I attached a picture of the inside 'fabric' on the unlined bra. I would also put a picture of myself in it, but that's probably not up to code.

The major take away is that the customer service sucks complete ass, no communication, there is no 'styling' to fit your own personal style at all, and the product isn't even good in the end with all of this suffering.

At least returning was easy, as advertised.

It's been days of emails back in forth with morons...
We are done. Fit just isn't right at all, and now there's a glitch in their system and we can't return the latest shipment, that arrived a week and a half ago. It's been days of emails with idiots, who keep finding something else to ask or point out. Got an email with a "we need your order number". My response? "it's in the title of the email". IDIOTS. I wish I'd looked at their horrible BBB rating first, it's no wonder.

**** An update. And it gets worse. Not gonna believe this, but Adore Me have an UNWRITTEN rule on exchanges. You are only allowed 2. On the 3rd one, when you try and do an exchange, it prevents it. I talked to several folks at "customer service" (their definition of "service" is what a bull does to a cow), per their Terms and Conditions, they can change them anytime they want. And they SAY they don't have to put it in writing (they do). Per the Customer Service "Floor Manager", this policy has been in place for 5 months. But their latest Terms and Conditions, dated just 3 weeks ago, doesn't have this restriction. So, they are completely unethical. They have some "secret" Terms and Conditions that customers aren't allowed to know about. Right... So, they say we are stuck. I guess I'll have to take it to the next step.

UPDATE #2: They sent out a voucher. While your voucher is appreciated, you folks have STILL not changed your Terms and Conditions to reflect your "secret" Exchange/Return Policy, that prohibits more than 3 exchanges. If this has been in effect for 5 months, as indicated by your "Floor Manager", it HAS to be in either your Terms and Conditions, or in the referenced Exchange Policy. Otherwise, this "secret" policy is not legally binding, and is a bad-faith policy by your company. What other "secret" policies do you have that we should know about?

I don't think it's in the best interest of consumers to do business with a company, that has a policy of hiding details on their Terms and Conditions. If you can't be upfront about this, what else are you not upfront about? This is so deceptive and sleazy. Just change your published policy, and quit screwing people.

Zero Stars if I could
I was so excited when I saw this service advertised. I signed up in January 2021 so i could receive a box before Valentines Day. I paid Jan 25, Received Feb 5th. Okay fine whatever shipping was much slower than advertised on their website. I was less then impressed with the box I received. I decided to keep one set, since I already paid the 20 stylist fee. I tried on a black robe Adore Me sent me, and it was extremely large. I tried it on for about 10 secs over my clothes, did not take ANY tags off, and placed it nicely back into the bag it came in and the other set never opened. I disliked it from the start. I went to the post office and they refused the packaged because they could not read the provided return label. So I had to pay $9.55 to send it back. A week later I get an email stating the items were damaged, and a 40 charge on my account appeared. When I contacted customer service a Nathaniel O told me it did not pass sanitary inspections and would not give me any other information. Which was very questionable since the email stated "damaged" and one set was UNOPENED and SEALED. The company could not give me any evidence these items were damaged. Then told me they would grant me a ONE TIME courtesy credit due to me not understanding their policies and implying I made the mistake. The company carefully choses their words to NEVER take any responsibility. So my second box, was charged on Feb 24th, and has been in processing and they refused to refund me my second 20 stylist fee when I demanded they cancel this. Then advised me when I get the shipment to immediately put on the return label and send it back. Why go through all that hassle for something I don't want from an untrustworthy company? I'll send an UNOPENED shipment back, and somehow I will be charged another 60 bucks plus restocking fees. No way. Its March 13th, and nothing has been shipped. I just want this order cancelled and be done with this company. I'll eat the 20$ charge for a February box that I never received in Feb just to have my hands cleaned of this company. So at this point, I have paid 20 bucks for January, 20 bucks for Feb, have been charged 40 bucks from damaged items that were not damaged. And have only had one barely decent bra/panties. Don't even get me started on the sizing. I was told I would receive a refund for that 40$ charge, but I'm not holding my breath. I have filed complaints with the BBB and my bank to investigate their charges.

One of my friends at work was telling me about this...
One of my friends at work was telling me about this website. About how cheap Adore Me were and how adorable they're products were. So I course I had to check it out. At first I was having trouble finding lingerie in my size. Then I found a cute bra with panties. So I purchased it, while checking out the website was not very specific on the whole membership thing. And I couldn't understand it. I just wanted my cheap lingirie set. I got charged 39.95$ for two months in a row before realizing this site was over charging me. When I called customer service I was on hold for half an hour. The woman on the phone told me I was taken off of the membership list and I wouldn't be charged anymore, and that she refunded my money. ( this Ashe because of the charge my account had been over drawn twice already). And then the third month comes around and my bank sends me a statement saying that the following charges of 39.95$ was trying to be taken out of my account and there was not enough in my account and that I was over drawn 64.35$ (including the 25$ fee my bank charges). I calle customer service again just to be put on hold again for another half hour. When the second woman answers I explain to her that the woman from the month before was supposed to take me off the list and she had not, I wa charged 3 times for 39.95$ and she could only refund me for one because they can only look at the past months tranacrios. The First Lady I talked to COMPLETELY LIED TO ME. She told me I would get all of my money back and I didn't. Now they're telling me that I have to go through claims to get the last to transactions back in my account. I had to cancel my card because this website wouldn't quit charging me. This is absolutely the WORST customer service I have EER had to deal with. The least y'all can do is be honest with me since y'all charge my account three frickin times.

Terrible customer service and return policy. Do not buy from them!
Adore Me has the worst return policy and customer service I have ever experienced. It's truly unfortunate because Adore Me have some great product. I returned some tights because they did not fit. Which means I had to put them on, saw they did not fit and put them back in the box to ship them back. I had loved the other products I got and they fit perfectly, so I decided to try again and buy another pair of tights in a bigger size. Unfortunately they didn't fit either. Well after I got an email saying they received the return, I noticed I had been charged an additional $20, instead of being credited back. After further investigation, I noticed for both pair of tights, that were no longer in my possession, I was charged for the full price and that additional fee! I immediately contacted customer service thinking there must be something wrong on their part. But, come to find out, they said it was accurate due to a sanitary test it had failed and they had an "odor of tobacco or perfume". First off, I have never smoked in my life and secondly, I don't wear perfume. I literally had only put them on my legs, saw they didn't fit and put them back in the box. So unless the box it was in, had a perfume smell, there was no way for this to be true. Not only that, to be charged for something I don't have and to be charged extra on top of being told I returned something with an odor smell. Was beyond insulting. Let me back it up by saying I have been in retail management for 10 years, and was appalled by this, I would never return something in a condition like that. So, I contacted the company to voice how upset I was over the situation. They emailed me back saying they were sorry and to call a number for it to be resolved. I was relieved thinking they were going to apologize and credit me the money back. I was wrong. The representative had no idea what I was talking about when I gave her my claim number. I explained it all over again and she kept saying she was sorry but couldn't do anything. That was their policy. I asked for a manager and she said she was the manager and couldn't do anything about it. She even made a comment about me being a repeat offender (due to the first pair of tights I returned being classified as having an odor too), or she would have credited the money back to me. So incredibly insulting! It would be different if I could understand. But I can't. In retail, you make it right for your customers and you don't accuse them of being "smelly" and charge them for it. For a company to claim to have a slogan of "easy returns", I have never seen anything further from the truth. DO NOT BUY from this company. I hope this review saves others from the same costly online purchase mistake I made.

On the plus side, the items they carry are LOVELY,...
On the plus side, the items Adore Me carry are LOVELY, and also very high quality. But, I've been having many problems. It's a new company, so I understand that there are going to be some glitches... but I have experienced numerous issues with this site (ranging from placing orders for products that turned out to be out-of-stock, to complications with them claiming to never have received my returned merchandise). The Customer Service you receive can also range from VERY helpful to VERY UN-helpful. The worst "help" I received was via the Chat Screen, and the woman I spoke to REPEATEDLY gave me "standard replies" (i. E. replies which were OBVIOUSLY pre-programmed into the system), rather than address my unique concerns directly. This, of course, resulted in my not having ANY of my questions "truly" answered... and, in fact, left me with more questions than answers. However, today I had a VERY helpful conversation with Andrea. She was thorough, and her replies were CLEARLY written HERSELF (they were NOT the pre-programmed responses). Another "gripe" I have is that they do not replenish their sizes NEARLY as often as they should. I have been waiting since JANUARY for my bra size to become available... well, today is July 1st... and there is NO telling when (or IF!) my size will ever be back in-stock. They also need a larger plus-sized (AKA "Curvy") section... as this section only contains (at present) bras and lingerie. But, for those of us who would like to try their leggings, for example, they don't currently offer those items in plus sizes. If you have a site that CATERS to larger women... then ALL of your merchandise should be available in larger sizes, NOT just "select merchandise." I think this company has a lot of potential... but there are many issues which need to be addressed AND resolved.

I hate AdoreMe
Ordering from AdoreMe has been one huge headache. I ordered my first set from their website on January 14th (after normal business hours - around 6pm), and realized only 2 hours later that I had entered the wrong city on my shipping address. This was my mistake. My issue lies with how their customer service handled my case.

I immediately called customer service and explained my issue. The lady who was "helping" me said their policy didn't allow for any changes in shipping address unless the issue was addressed within 30 minutes of placing the order. I asked why this was the case and if I could speak with a manager who had the authority to address my concern, as there was no way Adore Me had my order in a box with the shipping information on it ready to put it on a truck within two hours (when I had ordered it after the business day was already over). I was put on hold while she looked for a manager, and she came back and said all of their managers were busy on other calls and she couldn't help me. She said it was probably already on a truck (load of crap) and I could just wait a while for the tracking information to say it had delivered, then call them back and process it as a loss. This would take even more time, then I would be sent a voucher to make a new order (she explained that because this was my first set, my voucher would've been for the $20 I spent, not for the $49 item I purchased - so I wouldn't have even been able to get the merchandise I ordered with their voucher). She also made sure to give me some advice: "Next time you order I suggest that you double check your address before submitting". Thanks, hon. That helps a lot *eye roll*. I hung up, very dissatisfied, and called back about 10 minutes later as my issue had not been solved and I wanted to come to a more definite solution.

After being on the phone with the second representative for about 5 minutes I asked for a supervisor. I was on the phone with the supervisor for 45 minutes as she fed me the same lines over and over again about their policy, basically saying she couldn't do anything. I explained to her that I know how businesses with warehouses work and I knew that was a load of crap. I also explained numerous times that I was more than ok with cancelling my order completely and taking a refund, but apparently orders can't be cancelled (also a load of crap). After asking to speak with a manager who had the authority to actually do something about my case, I was told there were no managers available but I was given a time when a manager would be in and was told to call back then (my order was supposed to be shipped before then, and I had been told before that my order was ready to put on the truck immediately, so this wasn't going to help me but I was BEYOND pissed at this point and I wasn't getting anywhere so I hung up).

A few days go by, my order was supposed to have shipped but it still said "processing" online (oh also they took my money the day after I made the order - I had tried to cancel before they even processed my payment but apparently that couldn't be done. At this point I was out the money with no merchandise on the way, and when it did ship it was going to somewhere nonexistent). 5 days after I ordered, I get an email that says "Sorry, your order hasn't shipped yet, our warehouse is backed up". I immediately call and ask to speak to a manager, but before she puts me through to a manager I am forced to explain my entire situation, and she feeds me the same lines the other customer service people fed me before. I explain that I've already heard that numerous times, manager please! I'm told AGAIN that managers are busy - "call back in 30 minutes and I'll write you down on the list of people who need to speak to them". So I wait and call back in 30 minutes. After sitting on hold for 10 minutes, my call is not picked up, and the line disconnects. I call again, and my call is finally answered after 8 more minutes of waiting. I FINALLY get through to a manager who automatically assumes I'm calling about their warehouse backup issue and starts feeding me lines about how they're so sorry, they've already sent a discount code, yaddah yaddah yaddah. I have to interrupt and say, "actually sir, I have a different issue" and explain everything again. I simply ask if, since I have just been told that my order has definitely not been put on the truck yet, as I was told it had been 5 days ago, my shipping city could be changed. He says "oh yes, that's simple!" and changes it in literally 2 seconds. I checked the order on my online account and confirmed that he had entered the correct address. He says "I'll expedite that for you to make sure you get it at that new address in just a few days". I hung up happy and breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I was done dealing with them. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.

Still giddy that I am done with calling their customer service line, I patiently wait for my email confirmation that my order has shipped. I received this email on January 24th. AND it had the correct address! Boy, that manager sure worked wonders! NO.

I have been keeping an eye out for my package since the day I got that email, and it never showed. I checked tracking info yesterday, both on the AdoreMe site and on the USPS site. The AdoreMe site says that it was delivered, yay! The USPS site says it went to the wrong city, and was returned to sender. NOT YAY. I guess the address change the manager said he did didn't actually go through or something.

Feeling defeated, I send an email to customer service last night, hoping to hear back from them this morning (this was late at night after their call center closed). After receiving no response, I called their customer service line after lunch today to report my order as a loss, as the first customer service lady said I should do if this happened. I sit on hold for 10 minutes and the line disconnects. Not surprised, this has happened before. I call again, the line disconnects again after another 10 minutes.

Folks, I gave up.

I pulled out my debit card, called the number on the back, and filed a dispute. I no longer care about receiving my cute underwear set (I actually stopped caring a long time ago). I no longer care about letting them have a chance to fix my problems, as they are clearly not capable of doing so. All I care about is getting my $19.95 back and never ordering from them or calling them again. Now that I have washed my hands of this horrible company I can go back to living my normal, happy life with the bras and underwear that I already have. Unlike AdoreMe's customer service, at least they'll always be there for me.

I like the lingerie and I like the idea behind the...
I like the lingerie and I like the idea behind the site, Adore Me just have horrible customer service.

The first time I experienced it was when my credit card expired. The site wouldn't let me update my new card because it was the same number but with the updated expiration date. I tried entering the new expiration date but I kept getting a warning that said that the card was already on file. Yes the card number was on file, but the expiration date was different. I contact customer support. They offered no real solution. They told me to delete the card then put in the new one. I wasn't able to do this because you have to have a card on file. I tried putting in the card number with the expiration date, the system still wouldn't take it because it said the card was already on file. I finally gave up, because I actually like the lingerie, and just put in a completely different card.

The second issue I had was that my packages never arrives on time (This was my 6th shipment and I finally got fed up). When I contacted the support team, they sent me a link to how the shipping works. I am not a moron. I know how shipping works. On their site they say that a package should be delivered in 3-5 days. I did not receive my packages until the 8th or 9th business day (excluding Saturday and Sundays). That's ridiculous. I sent that email to customer service on January 20th. Today is February 6th. I still have not received a response.

I skipped this month. Needless to say, I will not be ordering from them again until this shipping issue is figured out and customer service improves. I work for an internet subscription company myself, and we never leave our customers this long without an answer. If our shipments are delayed, no matter if it was our own fault or the shipping company, we offer our customers some type of compensation.

Fraudulent Return Practice
I ordered from the site three set of bra/panty. When I received the merchandise it was too small. The site states true to size and that is what I ordered my bra and panty size that I would usually wear in the garments if I had purchased from a department store. I called and requested a return which was granted and approved. The items were sent back, unworn and in the original packaging and shipping box within a week of receiving them. Adore Me received my returned items a week later. I waited another week and called to inquire about my refund to my bank card. At this time the CSR advised me it had yet to be processed and to call back in two weeks. I again called today to speak to a CSR about my $149.85 refund. I was informed that although the company determined the items had not been worn, they deemed them "dirty". How can they be dirty if I could barely try them on and placed them immediately back in the packaging? I was also inform I would receive neither a refund or a credit. Really? For returning unworn perfectly returned merchandise? A company that has it's items returned and refuses to refund $149.85. I don't even want a credit from this company. I will never buy anything from them nor any other company associated with Your merchandise is not true size, poorly made, and your customer service policies are fraudulent. I have pruchased many items from other online merchants and shopping networks and never encountered policies as yours. I have contacted my bank and the BBB and filed a complaint against and I will be receiving my $149.85 back to my bank account one way or another!

Second Delayed Shipment; Terrible Communication & Customer Service.
On March 28th, 2017, I placed an online order for apparel on AdoreMe's mobile app. The shipping estimate I was given at the time of purchase was 5-7 days. On April 2, I was contacted via email stating my order had been delayed, but did not provide an updated shipping date. As I experienced the same issue on a previous order, which took almost 4 weeks to ship, I did not want to wait that long and attempted to contact the company to cancel the order. Over the course of the next several days, I made repeated attempts to contact the company via telephone to cancel the order (having had no luck getting a response to my emails on the previous order referenced above). Each time I contacted the company, I waited on hold for approximately 10 minutes before being disconnected because the company was "unable to attend to me at this time." Finally, on April 20, I sent another email to ******* and received no response. I attempted additional phone contact on at least two other occasions, and followed up with a second email on April 23, to which I also received no response. On April 26, I was finally able to make phone contact, during which a representative told me the company was experiencing delays and no one would be able to tell me when I could expect my merchandise. I requested that my order be cancelled and was informed that there was no method to cancel my order, so I would have to wait for the merchandise to arrive. Despite my repeated requests to speak to a manager or supervisor, the agent would not transfer me to anyone else and ultimately disconnected our phone call. At this point, it has been 30 days and I have not received the merchandise, and the company has not offered any additional information as to when I can expect my merchandise or fulfilled my request to cancel the order.

The only thing you can count on is the disappointment.
Disappointment from day one. My experience began in November of 2021 with the order of two sets. After being charged and receiving confirmation of my order I was told one of the sets was out of stock, reorder something else. So, I did and received it and waited for the other set. With this current shipping climate and Covid delays I was told to be patient. When it finally did arrive it was only half of what I ordered. The other half was an XS pajama top that I did not order. Not the bra I was expecting. Enter the annoying returns process. Once that was finally sorted and the incorrect item was back in the mail courtesy of the company's prepaid envelope, (this is important), the wait began. I finally got confirmation from USPS that the package was received by the company on January 5th. I waited until the 17th when I reached out regarding when I could expect my product. Keep in mind I have already paid for this. I was told Adore Me do not ship out exchanges, you use the voucher code you are given and reorder something else. After explaining I was never given a voucher code or told this was the process, I was given a code. And of course, what I ordered originally was out of stock. Fine, I ordered something else. Again. Less than 24 hours later I see a charge on my account for $30, citing that my return arrived outside the 30-day window. But just this one time, as a courtesy they will refund the fee. Seriously?! For starters, I have already paid for the item, and now you are charging me an additional $30 because the return shipping that you selected when you prepaid for the envelope took too long? Once I drop it in the post it's out of my hands and my receipt is proof that it was on its way well within the return window. But shipping delays are only acceptable when it's them shipping to you. I have cancelled my subscription but now we'll see if I receive the replacement product I ordered or if I'm going to have to petition God to get a refund. This is a ridiculous amount of hassle for something that is supposed to be a fun experience. I should have listened to the bad reviews and not wasted my time.

Terrible Customer Service & Elite box doesn't care about preferences
I had been an Elite Box customer for a couple months, and initially I was pleased with it. The quality is not amazing, but it is relatively cheap. I have done other subscription boxes based on preferences previously, so I know there is a learning period.

Two months ago I provided constructive feedback that I had updated my preferences a couple weeks prior to the box shipping and was disappointed to see that Adore Me still selected items that I did not like to send to me. [Side note: you pay a non-refundable styling fee that you forfeit if you do not choose something, so I feel it is very important that they listen to your desires]

This past month, I received a box and ALL THE ITEMS were categories I said I did not want, so after ensuring my preferences were set up correctly and reviewing the feedback that I had provided them the previous month, I reached out to customer support.

Customer support took 12 hours to respond to me [live chat] and only did so because I re-reached out. They "apologized" and told me that they were unable to send me items in the categories I liked because of stock issues, but they did send me "best sellers". I do not care if they are best sellers, I am paying you to style me off of my preferences and you send me things that I clearly do not want!

It has been nearly a week of trying to come up with a satisfying resolution and they have done nothing. So if you are an elite subscriber; do not expect good customer service, conflict resolution, or for them to even listen to your preferences. Maybe they do not understand what "elite" means?

I would have preferred to post on Google My Business or Facebook, but of course those are not set up to receive reviews.

Customer Service is Non-Existent
First time buyer and placed an order for two sets and a robe, which I purchased all at full price (did not receive the advertised "discount" for the first set at $24.99). In any event, paid for overnight shipping, tracking info states delivered, but package was not received. I called UPS twice (hoping to get a different answer if I got a different rep) and Adore Me indicated that it was my responsibility because the delivery states it was left at front door. They told me to call Shipper. Called Adore Me and they told me to call UPS to get a case number. So, called UPS AGAIN and after much discussion, no case number would be provided because UPS didn't consider it an "undelivered package" (driver said it was delivered, so I guess that means it was delivered) so no investigation would be started. Called Adore Me AGAIN and she then told me to call UPS and get a case number. More discussion in which I explained to the Adore Me rep that getting a case number from UPS was not an option to which she finally said there was nothing she could do as I was "refusing" to call UPS. This was not a "refusal" on my part to call but I had already told her multiple times that UPS would NOT give me a case number (offered to conference her in, which she actually refused) so she was asking me to do something that wouldn't work. Customer service should be service oriented (its actually in the name) and this person was unwilling (and also not all that friendly) to veer from her script to offer up a viable alternative that would have probably resulted in more business if I had actually been able to receive my merchandise (supposedly its actually nice). I have no comments on the lingerie itself as I never received. As a first time customer, I'm extremely disappointed in the way this was handled (and the fact that I've lost $170) and will not order from again. I'll continue to pay more for my lingerie if during the few times that I may need customer service, they will actually be helpful.

Great Pros and Some Cons
First, I would like to start with the wonderfully positive experience I have with the site:

1. The bras fit amazingly, especially for someone who has a larger chest size (36-38DDD).
Adore Me are comfortable!
The quality is definitely there.
There are a variety of colors and styles, which Victoria Secret doesn't often offer for my size. (Though I wish they did offer more cute neutrals, aka blacks, whites, and a variety of nudes to match skin tone.)
I really enjoy the look of the bras. (But I personally don't like the underwear at all.)

2. The website itself, I believe to be clear and organized, as well as their emails they send out. I can find information relatively easily and find bras I'm specifically looking for.
The customer service representatives, when I have called, have been very pleasant.

3. The time in which you received the shipped items are right on time with no delays and also when returning items.

Secondly, the negative side to the overall experience is in the their current system regarding payments, returns, and overall customer service: (These are all things I believe the company should really consider changing/improving because they do have great products and cater to a wide range of female body types, which is wonderful.)

1. The exchanges are free but not the returns.
I believe this to be unfair, though I understand the purpose of the restocking fee, because in my experience the size that I would have exchanged was not in stock. So I was forced to return this particular item. I believe this restocking fee to be a turn off to wanting to buy more items for the website, as other sites offer free exchanges and returns.

2. The costumer service system can be improved.
The number system when you call in can be confusing as I never know which one to pick.
When there is no one to answer your call, you are given the option to leave a message.
This I don't personally like at all.
I rather wait on hold, knowing I will be connected with a person, than leaving a message unsure whether or not my question will be answered.
I also believe that their customer service representatives should have more training, though they have been nice and helpful, it seems as though more training would help in their confidence of handling the situation.
Also I have gotten three different answers on when items are restocked. (From two different customer service representatives when called in and also in the email format.)

3. Like most people I don't love the system in which they automatically charge you every month. Even with the two months opt out option I currently have on my account, it still makes me nervous that they might charge me or I may forget to opt out for that month. It makes the consumer feel tricked and uneasy, even when the consumer understands and reads the guidelines of the system.

4. Maybe offering an option for the consumer to buy just the bra, may be able to reduce some costs, as I personally have no use for the underwear, since I don't like it at all, but I know others having the full set is a major pro for them.
*Just over all catering to the consumer more opposed to setting guidelines for the consumer to work around.*

I love these bras overall and will continue ordering from them for now but I just believe there are some important improvements to be made, in order to take them to the next level.

I would give this a zero if I could!
I would give this a zero if I could! I had a horrible experience with this company. Not only do Adore Me charge you outrageous amounts for lingerie they don't make themselves (it is the same as other brands), but they also fraudulently charge you an extra $39.95 a month. When you place your order, they sign you up under their VIP account, and no where on the screen does it inform you that you will be charged $39.95 credit every month. So you place your order, there are often times issues with the orders, and then when you finally receive it you think you're all done, but you're really not. After my initial purchase, they gave me a store credit of $39.95, however, I also noticed a charge on my debit card for the same amount. I was not at home when this occurred, and so I could not go to the bank to rectify it. A few more days passed, and there was another charge for $39.95, and this charge sent my card in to overdraft, so I was charged another $35 for that (by my bank). When I called to try and have these charges reversed, I was on hold four separate times, three of which were hung up on their end, for a total of about 40 minutes. When I finally reached a representative, I was informed that by ordering that pair of underwear, I was saying yes to the credit and because it had been thirty days past the initial charge, and I had not opted out of that month, even though I was not aware of the charges to vein with, they could not and would not refund the first charge. They ended up refunding the second charge, but as I was looking for a way to cancel the account, since you cannot edit your credit card information, the representative informed me that it was not possible to do online, and that I should spend the credit that was on my card, and call back after I spent that and cancel my account. I would then be forced to pay another $10-30 for the difference between the two accounts (VIP and normal). When I informed the representative that I did not want to spend the credit, I just wanted to cancel my account, she informed me more than once that I should spend the credit. When I told her that I was not going to buy anything from them ever again, she finally cancelled my account. I then the next day had to file a fraud report at my bank and cancel my card. I was able to get the second charge and the overdraft fee reversed, but that first charge I will never get back. I have read other reviews of people who had this same problem, and they say that every time someone posts negatively on Adore Me's Facebook website, it gets deleted, so this is my attempt to spread the word. Also, I just checked, and it does not look like they deactivated my account. Now I have to wait until February to see if I get charged again. Worst mistake ever. I filed a report with the Better Business Bureau, and they have sent the report to the company, but so far, I have had no response. Be wise, fellow shoppers.

Almost $500 was taken out of my account and I have to wait 30 days for a REFUND?
In 2013 I had ordered some lingerie from Adore Me without realizing I had signed up for their "VIP" service. Several months later I realized that my bank account was debited monthly of $39.95 totaling almost $200. I contacted Adore Me customer service to be told that I cannot be refunded my money and would have to use the credits. So like a fool, I went ahead and used the credits and ordered what I could and had the customer rep cancel my account. That was in 2014. A year later March 2015, after having my debit card compromised by an unknown service merchant, and relocating to a new area, in my city, I checked my bank statements to see what merchant had access to my account and I was shocked to find out that Adore Me was still taking money out of my account totaling almost $500 in their so-called "VIP store credits". There's no way I'm buying any lingerie from this company for that amount of money. If I wanted to spend that amount of money on lingerie I would go to a high end boutique here in NYC where I live.
After calling customer service, I was told that I could only be refunded for 3 months and would have to email their claims department for the refund of the rest of my money (that customer rep was actually very nice and professional and she understood my frustration and outrage). I then received this email from their claims department --->"Hello Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to email us. If you have sent an email request for a refund of your store credit you will receive a separate email response within a week.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact customer care directly, as this is a request platform only. Unfortunately replies to emails are not monitored and will not receive a response. Have a great day! Best Regards, Claims Department"
It has been more than a week, so I decided to call their customer service department again today and explained the situation and cited what the email from their claims department stated and I was given this response: "a response takes about 30 days and this is our customer service department. I don't have the tools here to help you with recovering your money and I'm only being honest with you. Whatever the email said I can tell you that it takes about 30 days". Are Adore Me seriously thinking that I must wait 30 days for a response to get my money back when their email stated that I will get a response in about a week and to contact their customer service with questions? I will wait a few more days to make it a two week waiting period and if I don't get a written or verbal response from Adore Me, I will seek other actions against this company, because this is not good business practice on their part. I'm really DISAPPOINTED that this is what this company does to its customers and expect to have customers return for future purchases.

Horrible Customer Service!
Have been trying to process an exchange for the passed 4 days and no one is responding to my emails. I call and keep getting told "oh you can process it tomorrow" but when I try to do it, it tells me that I have to get authorization first. Everyone keeps says that Adore Me "pre approved it" so I can do it on my end and yet I can't. My item is exchange only and I need it soon but they keep $#*!ing around and if the swimsuit goes out of stock of the size I need I will be very upset. I already had to repurchase it in another color because apparently the same set in different colors isn't the same set so you can't exchange that way... so I had to spend another 39.95 to get it in another color and their size chart is f'd up so you're never sure if something will fit or not. And, for me, none of those things would be an issue if customer service wasn't so $#*!ty. Four emails unanswered. Four phone calls giving me the same weak flippant responses and I was told that "they don't have managers, there is no one above them, nothing they can do, they don't have resources to fix the issue" I was hung up on when I insisted on speaking to someone else. They disregard my questions and statements when I ask about a supervisor and just kept repeating some script. All emails I received after each call had same script but didn't address my issue or reflect what was said during the call. I feel like they only have 4 or 5 women working there answering phones and emails which is terrible when they all or a majort has crappy customer service skills. If a manager happens to read this, do reach out to China P. Adore Me, you only have one number from what I can find and seems like 5 ppl to answer and none are supervisors so how do you get feedback about the ppl answering customer inquiries? I can see why people are saying it's a scam. It shouldn't be this hard to get a hold of a manager or someone who can ACTUALLY HELP. I love your merchandise but your people experience is pushing customers away.

Underwhelming customer support policies
This review is aimed towards the principals of the matter, not the costs.
Well to start, the idea of this service is on the surface, excellent. After delving into the nitty gritty I found the policies and ethics to be questionable. I recently bought a nursing bra set for my Fiance'. She had been sized as a 36DD and after exploring the interwebs we decided on Adoreme. We found a set she liked and chose a size bigger than she needed after reading reviews of their sizes running on the small end. The order process was painless, the shipping arrived with anticipated speed but the product was still smaller than what she needed. So I went back to adoreme and created a return label for a larger size. The website did not list a larger size on any one of the nursing styles available. I called customer support and after a lengthy 15 minute hold was greeted sweetly by a CSR. She was unable to help me find a larger size as Adore Me do not carry nursing bras over a 36DDD and offered to allow her to pick another, non nursing bra that would fit. We ordered this set because she needed a nursing bra, I pleaded and asked that we be able to return the set for a full refund. She spoke to her Manager about the request of avoiding the restocking fee they charge on returns. She was not given authorization to circumvent the restocking fee and apologized. I can understand if it were an issue where my Fiance' didn't like the bra, or were trying to return the set for an illegitimate reason but I didn't feel like we should have had to incur the cost of their return policies. To make an argument, I guess it's our fault for trying to buy something like this on the Internet and not thoroughly researching their inventory in case it was too small (we did, after all step up another cup size.) And needed to return. We will keep the set, and will have paid a hefty price for a pair of lacey panties which looked amazing on her by the way! We are both saddened by the greed of a small restocking fee because she was looking forward to buying other sets after she was done nursing! I have cancelled my, I use this term loosely, "VIP" membership.

Worst Customer Service of Any Online Retailer
If you live in Canada note that you will be provided with a link to a tracking number that is either "undefined" forever on their website or that hasn't been received yet (usually until after it's delivered) if you check the app. It's incredibly frustrating because the carrier Adore Me use doesn't deliver to your door if you're in an apartment building. They'll leave it in the lobby even though all other couriers knock on your door for delivery. If you're like me during COVID-19 and working from home and social distancing like you're supposed to be that means you really go down to the lobby so tracking is how you know things have been delivered if it's done properly at your door.

My first order was on time but had no tracking and was not delivered to my door. The second order was late and missing half of a set. When I said half a set was missing, instead of doing the logical thing and sending the missing piece of the set they asked me to go to their website and fill out a form for an exchange so that I physically have to send the half I actually received back, go to post-office and potentially catch COVID-19 and wait for an item they're definitely not going to send me the right tracking number for. Why would I send one half back to potentially be missing a full set, instead of them just sending the missing half of the set. It's like they try to do things in the most inconvenient way for their customers.

Tracking wasn't even provided until after I complained to customer service and the order had already been delivered (two weeks after it was shipped). Customer service says just wait up to three weeks instead of tracking down your orders they say do have tracking numbers for (and should therefore be trackable). They're just there to keep you from cancelling late orders, not to be helpful.

The clothing items are hit and miss and sizing can be all over the place. Some items fit fine, but then you can be a completely different size in another product, so you can't really go off their sizing charts because they're not always accurate, which is not good for online ordering. I also find some items seem to be good quality and others are made from cheap, flimsy materials, so do make sure you read what items are made of because the photos can be misleading. So far I can say the sleepwear I've ordered is very thin and not as high quality as the bra and panty sets.

I do have another order that is on it's way (that I ordered before finding out my second order was missing items and was late) but if it doesn't go perfectly I will never order from this company again. Presently, I don't think it's worth the hassle to shop there and would definitely be wary of ordering sleepwear.

Three months to return, shocking customer service
Worst customer service I've ever had save your money. TLDR: their systems are ridiculous, their reps are incompetent and condescending, took me three months to return a set.
There's no size guide on the site for underwear, and as a rep told me later, it's perfectly normal for there to be over an inch width difference in two different styles of panty both labelled Medium. How are you meant to know which size to pick then?
In order to exchange, you fill out the website form, it tells you to email *******, which is unstaffed, I haven't had a reply ever, and I first contacted them in January. I ended up having to deal with the US team, who kept closing my tickets after it took them too long to answer me, then their reps refused to look up my previous tickets, so I had to explain everything to customer service reps from scratch at least four times, when Adore Me should have access to my previous emails right there. I consistently provided previous ticket numbers to every new rep so they could look up all my previous correspondence. Not a single one did.
Once I finally got my return label and asked them how long it would take, someone responded to me "I am afraid that this is not how our exchange/return process works." Responding to an email thread which included their colleague sending me those instructions for returning?!
I received my sets (which were great quality, no complaints there) in late December, and finally received a refund this week (despite the fact that I was told I could only return for store credit, and had subsequently requested a store credit multiple times). What would have been a very simple exchange for any other company (or no exchange at all if they'd had a size guide on the website), turned into a huge waste of time lasting over three months and ending with AdoreMe giving me my money back when I didn't ask for it, which seems like an odd business move? I just don't understand it at all, it's the stupidest system I've ever seen.
Needless to say, I'm cancelling my subscription.

I first read about Adore me in my InStyle magazine...
I first read about Adore me in my InStyle magazine and decided to check it out. I saw that there was a price advantage for purchasing and allowing VIP membership to occur. This was a mistake. I received the product (wrong size) and Adore Me were really good about exchanging it, hassle free. I was shocked, however, to find my credit card was being charged monthly for automatic store credit. This type of scenario makes me uneasy. I don't even like my utility companies to have that ability, and that's for a service I'm actually using. I ended up requesting a refund (I had to do it twice, because the first time I used my mobile phone and even though I received a confirmation message, it didn't go through. I ended up getting a refund after the second try on my laptop. The email confirmation was sent the day of my request and 3 days later the credit appeared on my bank statement).

I tried to email their Client Services department to cancel my VIP subscription (after being told I could always skip each month by visiting the site, but that still seemed like a lot of effort on my end with little reward). They said for security purposes they could only cancel the sub over the phone. So I called them, was on hold for 20 minutes, and left a message. A week went by and I hadn't heard a thing from the company, so I emailed them back. I received the same auto generated reply that I could only cancel my subscription over the phone. I tried calling again, listened to the "boom clap" hold music for another 15 minutes, and was finally connected to a representative. I explained that I wanted to cancel, she was courteous, and I just received my confirmation email that my VIP subscription has been cancelled. I asked her how long this takes to go into effect, and whether or not I need to check the first of January to "skip" a month if I don't want to deal with an unnecessary charge, and she said it is effective immediately. So time will tell.

Over all, I like the product of the lingerie set that I did end up buying, but I think the fact that they actually CHARGE you first, and ask questions later was really unsettling.

While this website seems legit, they are a huge scam
While this website seems legit, Adore Me are a huge scam.

They auto enroll you in a VIP membership which charges your credit card $35 every month to "give you store credit." That's literally the most ridiculous thing ever. If I wanted to buy something, I would. I don't need my hard earned money (not earning interest) sitting on their website.

When you call to cancel this membership, the most annoying voice ever comes on a recording and offers you a small hold time. However, you will likely be on hold for 20+ minutes, a tactic to get you to simply hang up and continue to be scammed.

If you email them about canceling, they indicate that you must call do it. Wow, amazing customer service!

They claim calling is the only option due to "security purposes." Hilarious because there are a million websites on the Internet that can easily accommodate the simple task of canceling one's account. Not to mention--this is just a lingerie website! It's not a banking website or something important. Geez!

So, they offer you the option of going on a payment vacation. Which is when your account is frozen and they can't put those monthly charges on there. But these vacations only last 1 to 3 months. Since they never pick up their phone calls, put you on hold for insane holds times, and tell you via email you can't do what you want to do, the payment vacation is virtually the only choice you have to keep your credit card from being charged.

When you do have the not so great pleasure of finally speaking with someone in their "customer service" department they then inform you that you cannot cancel your account because you are on a payment to vacation.

Even when you point out to them that a payment vacation was the last and only resort to keep your account from being charged, they say they simply cannot do it.

This is astounding because any other website on the Internet would cancel your account if you requested that. It really is that simple.

They then ask if there's anything else they can help you with.


This website is the biggest scam on the planet and once you get sucked into it you're pretty much stuck.


23 days later No items & no response
LONG OVERDUE UPDATE: Sorry, I just saw this email that someone rated my review and realized that I never updated it.

I was contacted by customer service shortly after this review, and I did receive my order shortly after this review, as well as a full refund, which I by no means expected. The lingerie was not amazing quality, but I think the corset was worth what I paid at purchase time. One metal piece that the hook rests on it did break off the 2nd time I worse it, but I might have strapped it too tight to get more curves. I've heard from people that the site has gotten better, but unfortunately I don't have the money to spend on it right now. We're doing fertility treatments that aren't covered by insurance so I have to save everything I can.


I ordered something online, reading that it takes a few days processing plus the shipping. That's no big deal to me. I ordered on 01/17, order was in processing from 01/18 onward.

I needed the items for February 2nd, which has passed. I emailed them twice, and for no response. Their own website estimates 2-3 days delivery for my items after a few days processing. My estimated delivery was by January 28th. The site also says they'll do their best to respond within so many hours of a business day to messages. I never got a response.

After 21days I got an email that my products have shipped, an estimated date of delivery by January 28th, which LOL has long passed, and a tracking number. The tracking number said no status for two days. On Feb 10th it finally showed on USPS site as a valid package being tracked. It says on the 8th it was picked up by a shipping partner and as of the 11th the USPS is still awaiting the package so that Adore Me can actually get it to me.

I don't care that they rebrand the lingerie with their tags. I liked their site, I liked the look of the lingerie, I liked at the options and sizes. I don't even really mind that it takes longer than 5 days.

What I do mind is that I ordered on the 17th, it was being processed on the 18th and two weeks later when I needed it... I STILL didn't have it. I had no response from customer service. I have no refund. I have no items. I have no "we're sorry."... nothing. The money was removed from my back account by night 1 though. That sure didn't take time. I could have purchased similar items elsewhere, had them sooner, and paid about the same.

I cancelled my VIP membership, which I was actually excited to start doing so I could have a fun surprise for my man once a month. Had someone even responded to me maybe I'd feel differently.

Things happen, mistakes can be made, delays happen... not even programming an automated "if, then" email to your customers whose orders are majorly delayed isnt even bad customer service... it's no customer service. The company clearly doesn't care. I got a phone call when my Wal-Mart site to store order was 3days late. I think AdoreMe could at least email me.

Doesn't give full refunds or disclose all the facts!
After falling for their catchy intro prices, we finally decided to purchase two bra/panty sets from AdoreMe on May 14th, 2016. Worst. Decision. EVER. After 2.5 weeks, we still had not received the items, and hadn't heard anything from AdoreMe either. So we logged into our account to track the package. Which was listed as "undeliverable as addressed" (Even though the address in their system was correct, Adore Me failed to put the street number on the damn box!). So the item was being returned to AdoreMe because they messed up. (even though they declared by phone that it was NOT their fault). The rep on the phone said we would get a full refund as soon as they received the items back. Another week goes by. No notice. We follow up again, via email this time. They got the items back, and "conveniently" gave us a store credit, NOT a refund to our credit card! They claimed we could purchase the same items again and just use the credit. But, we could not, because now we are an "existing customer" and they will not offer any intro discounts again (which is the ONLY reason we bought from them in the first place!), meaning we would have to pay an additional $20 to order the same 2 items again. We had to request a full refund onto our credit card 5 times in email format, each time the rep, Diana, stating that we needed to confirm we wanted a full refund. At the fifth time, I simply replied "YES WE WANT A FULL REFUND OF $64.90 ON OUR CREDIT CARD". Two days later, "Diana" finally replied back stating we have been issued a refund of $53.00. Because there is a $5.95 restocking fee, PER ITEM ORDERED. Which was never listed anywhere, never told to us by ANY of their reps at any time in the refund request process, and was only stated AFTER they issued the refund to our card. If you can issue the full store credit, there is NO reason to take that money out to put it back on my card. Scam alert! I have already filed complaints with the BBB and will take all action necessary to get our remaining $12. Save your time, your money, and your aggravation. Just go to Victoria's Secret, or hell, go to Walmart. You can thank me later.
UPDATE TO REVIEW 06/06/2016: After filing a complaint with BBB, we finally got our full refund back, including the restocking fees. I am still not happy with the company and am leaving my review as a 1-star review of this company. They now deserve the "one" star for getting me all of my money back, but that was WAY too much hassle to ever want to deal with this company again.

Terrible customer service
I joined Adore Me a few years ago when the monthly charge was $29.95. For the most part I like the selection and products for the price. Adore Me claim to have this wonderful return policy. I got a bra that just didn't fit right and I sent it back. Nothing. No refund, no replacement. I contacted them and they said they couldn't replace it because I had tried it on. What?! They said they would send it back to me. I never got it. So I tried to cancel my account. They told me to cancel it online myself. There was only an option to postpone charges for a period of time. I asked them again to cancel and they said it was done yet they charged my card again the following month. I sent them a scathing email to cancel my account and they ignored me completely. I had to keep cancelling the charges every month until my cc expired. Then they were unable to charge my card anymore. Every month I would get an email to update my account payment options and I ignored them! This month, about a year later, they charged my cc! Somebody there must have updated my expiration date without my permission. I emailed them, again, to cancel my account. I just got some vague email saying that they received my request and hopefully I will be happy with the outcome. What?! In the time that I haven't used them I have been able to find almost all of the items they offer on for at least half the price which is probably where they are getting it from. Also when the price went from $29.95 to $39.95 there was no notification. Their business practices are shady and their customer service is non-existent. The products are cute but cheaply made and not worth this much money. You can get a better quality bra at Victoria's Secret for the same price if you can wait for a sale.

AdoreMe is my self-care: gorgeous lingerie, my size, unbeatable prices, brilliant customer service.
Adore Me is my moment of self-care, that lasts all month long. I'm not good at spending time/money on myself, but the membership auto-draft makes it feel guilt-free; I just tell myself that I have to buy underwear anyway, like I have to pay my car insurance anyway, so it's a convenience to have it come out automatically. But, unlike auto insurance, if I don't need it, the money is still saved in my Adore Me account.

And I get to enjoy the anticipation of shopping my Showroom and sales all month long; I know my delectable creation is always coming. Hubs and I can easily justify spending $40 on one dinner, so I can definitely claim the same amount for a durable necessity, like undies (not that he's complaining about my monthly ritual!);)

My complaint is: they'll offer 1 style in 4 different colors, for example. But each color will have a unique name. So I spend time looking through 40 items, when it's really 10 worthwhile items, with color options. I suppose newer, smaller companies have to try different approaches to find their optimum. But I do like that they'll repeat styles in upper and lower sizes, instead of just showing the tiny ladies, "Here's what a corset looks like on skin-and-bones. Guess what it'll realistically look like on you."

The whole atmosphere of the site helps me accept, love, and celebrate my shape. The only supportive 36DDD bras I've found at this price are itchy granny-wear, much less matched sets with trendy panties. But my choices from this website are just flat-out pretty and I'm actually proud to have them seen in the locker room or my bedroom. It's like being part of a glamorous world I never thought I belonged in.

And since I'm not locked into any size, style profile, category; I've even used my monthly selection to treat an amazingly strong friend who was going through a rough patch and needed to feel feminine again.

I don't usually subscribe to monthly services/auto-ship, if I don't have to; it just looks like a leak in my budget. But, on recommendations of other level-headed women, I've actually used, and loved, this one for over a year now. They'll even remind you each month that you can skip and not pay a cent, so I've literally got nothing to lose. The return policy is generous and easy to use, so I've tried styles outside my usual.

I'm actually shy about intimate sorts of things, so I'm more comfortable trying something online, rather than strut through the aisles of department stores with my inner fantasies flapping in the breeze.

When you become a grown-up, nobody taps you on the shoulder and says, "It's time for you to treat yourself to something comfy and pretty!", but that's what Adore Me does for me. I do it for myself, and it pays me back in every area of my life.

Scam Artists
Adore me is a horrible company. Do not order with them, especially within Canada.

My first order with Adore Me when I signed up with them as a V. I. P went fine. I got my order within 10 business days, with all the items that were ordered, in a nice protected box, and reasonable quality. (Not to be compared to La Senzas or Victoria Secrets quality, though).

Now that I've ordered with them a second time I'm being completely ripped off. I placed an order on October 15th. The expected arrival date was supposed to be on October 22nd-25th.

It is now November 7th and my order just showed up at the door. In a demolished box. And a receiving fee of $65 and change.?! I refused the package and called the company immediately. Apparently I have to pay the shipping fee, Adore Me won't pay for it, even though I paid for shipping when I processed my order. What's even more frustrating, is they are going to have to pay for the shipping regardless when it gets sent back to them, so why not just make your customer happy and pay for the shipping as promised?

The box is on the way back to them. Even if there wasnt an absurd shipping fee I would have probably refused it anyways because of the quality of the box; I'm sure there is missing items.

They will not issue a refund. I am now out $167.98 Canadian for only 2 sets of lingerie. (They get you with low advertised pricing in U. S currency). I never expect to see that money again even when they do receive the box back.

I can not believe they expect me to pay $240 for 2 sets of lingerie. I could go to a designer boutique and pay only a slight bit more for much better quality and service.

This company has turned into scam artist, caused me an unnecessary amount of stress, and literally robbed me of my money.

F you Adore me.

Firstly, I live in Canada so upon my first order being...
Firstly, I live in Canada so upon my first order being received I had to pay $40 in duty fees to UPS. I received daily emails from the company regarding promotions so I unsubscribed, well then I no longer receives emails letting me know that I had been charged the monthly "VIP Membership" fee so that went on for a couple months without me noticing. Then when I noticed I had racked up a $100 credit, I emailed them to cancel my membership I was told I had to call. Their on-hold music/Katy Perry and some chick saying "Hey Adorable" every 2 minutes is probably the most annoying thing in the world. Then 20 minutes later when I got through I was told that if I cancel, I won't be able to use my credit and receive the VIP pricing. I asked for a refund and was told Adore Me could only refund the most recent charge. Then I went on and ordered a bra and panty set. Most uncomfortable bra I've ever worn, and again duty and taxes. Then I called back to cancel my membership and was on hold again for over 20 minutes, I got mad and left a detailed message for a call back. Then I also emailed them to let them know that I had left a message and didn't have time to wait on hold. This was on December 16th. I never received a call back! Then on January 5th I emailed again asking if someone could please call me back so I could cancel my account and I received an email response on January 16th letting me know that to cancel I have to speak to a customer service rep at 1-800... etc. Are you serious? So I called back today (Jan 16) waited on hold for 10 minutes (despite the 3 minute estimated wait time) and finally cancelled my account. In summary: If you don't have time to check every month and skip your VIP membership fees don't order from this company.

Incredibly insulting poor service
I may be in the minority and I am fully aware that this is not a big deal in hind sight considering a pandemic and a lot of crazy things going on. With that being said poor service and lying is not acceptable ever when you are in a service industry. Ordered Nov 30 and live in the next state over. I could have picked up order the same day. The order covered 5 states before it got to us and 29 days later it finally arrives but low and behold Murphy's Law being what it is we moved 2 days prior. (Understand the move is not ideal but we didn't expect the order to take a month) Tried updating the address only the system did not take. Lol. Adore Me admitted initially to their employee error but after that refused to acknowledge they said anything and went full on it is all the fault of their shipping company. This is the absolute worst customer service I have seen and a company that is fully taking advantage of the Pandemic as an excuse for poor service. I'm sure at one time they were decent but at this time they are horrendous and insulting with their blinders to fact. I wouldn't mind if from the beginning they kept with their acknowledgment of fault but their insistence on trying to switch and use the pandemic and blame those shipper is not right. Item was returned, finally, 33 days later with no apology but then blamed their shippers again and then decided to blame me. I am sharing this as a buyer beware that this company has big time concerns and service is not something they are focused on. Be patient and i would advise to steer clear of a monthly subscription during a pandemic with a company who will use whatever excuse they can.

Nice bras, ugly undies, false advertising, terrible service
I love that Adore Me offer bras larger than DD, as they are very hard to find. Their bras are generally quite nice, although the underwear is usually pretty ugly and granny-ish. I generally just wear the bra from sets. The sets are expensive. The vip membership is annoying but not a deal breaker. What has become a deal breaker for me with this company is the terrible customer service and false advertising. Their website indicates a flat shipping rate to Canada and other countries outside the States. For Canada it is advertised as $5.95. When you go to check out though it comes up as $12.95 instead. That means it will be $49.95 plus $12.95 USD for a bra and underwear set where the underwear is ugly, plus the possibility of an additional 50% of that in duties to get over the border. If the bra doesn't fit there's no point sending it back as I will have to pay shipping and restocking fee. I contacted the company using their online feedback to say that their shipping rate was inconsistent and heard nothing back, so I emailed instead and received a form response saying thanks and here is the answer below, but there was no answer. I tried again to email and used the online feedback form, same result. I responded to the email indicating it looks like something has gone wrong and finally got a response, after all this taking multiple weeks. The response was that the shipping rate has changed and the website needed to be updated. It wasn't even am apologetic response. They said they would let the team know to update it. I indicated they needed to update it or start honouring the advertised price. No response. It has been 6 months that the advertised shipping rate and checkout shipping rate have been inconsistent. I never received responses for the online feedback form and the 1 email response I did get sent the message they really didn't care about the issue. I recommend people look at other companies, ones that give a damn about their customers and don't lie about their prices. If you can get past that and have piles of extra money to throw away if it doesn't fit and you live outside the US, give it a shot.

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Based on 50 reviews from Adore Me customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Adore Me is an online subscription-based lingerie boutique, selling high quality designs for a fraction of the price. Dedicated to flattering looks with the perfect fit, Adore Me carries a wide range of styles to suit every woman. With bras in sizes 30A-42I and negligee from XS-6XL, these gorgeous styles are rocking the intimates industry.

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Address: 401 Broadway, 12th Floor, 10013


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