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30 customer reviews of

I purchased a lawn mower from 1-day for my daughter...
I purchased a lawn mower from 1-day for my daughter which she received and when she went to use it read all the instruction booklet and the details on the outside of the box both of which stated that the mower came without petrol or oil so she purchased these and filled the mower with petrol but when she came to fill the oil the mower it was already full with oil. Looking at the dipstick the product was oil as it looked and smelled like oil and so she used the mower which after a short while seized. This is what she told 1-day in an email after getting nowhere with their on-line chat:
A phone call from a real person would be great so I can explain everything a lot clearer! There is not RESIDUE in the oil sump. The dipstick was reading FULL. I have even tipped a little out since & there is still plenty left in it. I know it says on the box, on the tag and in the manual that the lawnmower does not come filled with petrol or oil and must be put in before starting it. Hence I put petrol in then went to put oil in and saw it was FULL of something. I assumed this was oil, being a simple female with no extended knowledge on lawnmowers etc. So carried on to use the lawnmower. The lawnmowers engine seized. I asked around my male friends why and what could have happened. Most were puzzled. Then one who has dealt with lawnmowers plenty said it had a special lubricant in it to stop everything from rusting or seizing. And that the lubricant is to be emptied and oil put in. So I re read everything. (Box/manual) and nowhere does it state this. So this is why I feel it is not my fault and should be covered. There are warnings everywhere stating it has no petrol or oil but there are NO warnings stating there is some other crap in oil sump which needs to be emptied first! I feel like I am being treated like an idiot and just started the mower with nothing in it and am making this up.
There is no reason for my daughter to be lying as she had actually bought the oil already to fill the mower. And would have done so had the sump not been full of what appeared to be oil. Plus she had two witnesses who saw her check the oil with the dipstick and who say the dipstick was showing the lawnmower was full of oil. One of these also read the manual which never stated that the mower had a lubricant in it, and in fact this lubricant should have been emptied by the shipper at the time of shipping but wasn't so patently an error on the part of the shipper not my daughter but disputing this and negated the warranty.
Now they have said to take it to their local lawnmower service people to be checked but as she is a non driver and her husband works away up country she has no way of getting it to their mower service people after all she can hardly take it on the bus!
Serious doubts about a company that will not hand out a phone number on request so that my daughter can explain all this in person. Luckily my bank will chase this up and claim the money back from the supplier who is looking more and more like they do not honour their warranties.
I am of the opinion that this company is selling goods that they are unhappy to then service. A simple phone call would be nice, emails are not the way to proceed. In this instance it is obvious to me that the mower was not emptied of the lubricant that is used to prevent rusting and this is a simple error on someone's part at the other end but no one wants to acknowledge this.
My advice is to avoid this company as their after sales service is appalling and they really do not what to know when things go wrong.

Disgusting excuse for service
Caution Purchasing electronics from 1-Day

Before purchasing any electronic products from 1-Day? Please read the below.
This has been the worst experience I have ever had in purchasing from any Company.

I purchased a referb IPhone 6+ on the 8th March 2017 for $699.
The unit was purchased for my wife who looked after the unit like an egg in a cake, it was in a quality case with a quality screen protector.

In May the screen became non responsive and started glitching at the top.
I followed the 1-day warranty process, sending the phone and all original packaging back to them for checking.
After several follow ups from me, three weeks later told me the phone was bent and they would not cover it.
I asked for another opinion and they said they gave it to a tech who confirmed it.
Their service report said that 4 people has viewed the phone, two could see a bend, two could not and the final tech could. The unit was never properly diagnosed or dissembled for evaluation.

I researched myself and found that this is a known fault. I also contacted Apple for help. Apple were fantastic trying to help, 1-day stalled dealing with them also, and would not provide them with further evidence such as photos.
I asked for the phone back so that I could take it to an Apple authorised service centre.

I did this and got a service report saying that the unit indeed had a very slight bend but, that it also had another fault. Both Faults were not caused by the bend.

On receiving the report 1-Day told me that the service centre was not Apple authorised and they would not accept the report. I replied with proof that they are.
It is now three weeks and I have not had a response.

Apple has since replaced the phone themselves through the Authorised Apple Service Centre I took the phone to.

It is unfortunate that dealing with an International company such has Apple has been an exceptional experience with their customer care, attention to detail, and their willingness to go the extra mile,
While dealing with a New Zealand company such as 1-Day has been the worst experience that I have had with any company suppling goods or service in my 22years associated with the electronics industry.

I want to make sure as many people as possible are aware of the potential nightmare dealing with this company

If I could give a zero I would, 1st time I brought a gazebo and when it was dropped off by the courier opened it up realised it had been damaged so I sent a message to let them know and to organise another one ( not there fault) BUT it took 3 weeks just to email a courier ticket... that same day I sent it off and I gave it a week to see how it was coming along said lost the return... and then it took another 7 weeks to send me a replacement only to find they had sent me some broken up shelving unit so I had to wait another week for a courier ticket then it took a further 4 weeks to finally get a replacement very much a big hastle and very time consuming not very good a communicating either! Then my Father in law wanted to buy a phone off them and so I brought it for him only to be sold a dud! Worked for 2 hours then went blank wouldn't charge or start up so requested a courier ticket waited 2 weeks for it to be emailed yet again and now its been a month keep emailing for an update to be told ill get back to you and yet again nothing finally another 2 weeks went and this time I had enough wrote a heated email saying I want a refund now and then got a swift reply that a new replacement will be in the mail within 5 working days, So save yourself the hassle and frustration and dont even bother buying off them not worth the countless emails and headaches!

Appalling customer service
My daughter bought an iphone. The home button failed. The phone was "repaired" fairly smartly. So far so good.

However, the home button failed again. Phone was returned again. Because the phone had a cracked screen we were told we would need to pay for new screen- we agreed= seemed fair. Details would be sent to us. This is where the service falls apart. No contact whatsoever from 1day.
Another live chat-"phone is being assessed". Another live chat-"phone is still on track to be returned by end of Jan".

1-feb- no phone and no contact. Another live chat- "we will get a tech to ring you". No call.

Another live chat- "a supervisor will ring"- no call.
Another live chat- "a supervisor will ring"- no call.
Another live chat- "a techwill ring"- no call.

Another live chat- "a tech will ring"- tech calls-he has no knowledge of phone. WTF. He has not seen phone- no tech has seen phone let alone assessed it. Looks up computer- phone is logged as having a screen problem no mention of fact that home button has failed again.

As best as we (us and the tech) can tell 1day still have phone.

All those times that 1day live chats said it was being assessed appear to be in correct.

Over a month has passed.

1day get your act together and sort it out

Bad services pay extra and buy expensive items elsewhere
I purchased 4m dog runner. I received package without correct parts for gate. I have two of right side pole and nothing for bottom of the gate.

I emailed 1day day who apologize and asked if anything damaged. I decided emailing would take too long. I try find a phone number and remembered there may be a few. Fine I'd pay just to get things done only to discover no number. Ok I said to myself there has to be another way so I log onto site and discover live chat except it's offline. After waiting hours it's finally online.

I explained to staff the of the problem and was advised this will be looked into and a response would be given within a couple of hours. IBefore was delighted. Before I could respond live chat again was offline.

I emailed again no response be the end of day. I went through fb which lead me to messenger and was advised request to manufacturer was sent through and a response would follow next day. Since it was now evening this made sense.

The following day I finally got response from female I live chatted the previous day stating she had just sent request to manufacturer.

I am not happy with communication and services from 1day. I strongly recommend you never buy expensive items pay extra and order elsewhere

Sucked in...
Well, I feel like an idiot. The one time I don't look up reviews for a company before spending almost $1000 and I get duped. Here's me thinking I was doing well by avoiding these Chinese based companies with. domains, selling used phones as "brand new" at too-good-to-be-true prices, by buying from what I thought was a reputable NZ company... WRONG. are no better than the Chinese junk merchants! I paid for what was described as a NEW Samsung Galaxy S8+, which cost more than the refurbished versions they were selling at the same time. I receive a phone that is clearly not brand new: unsealed, opened box; used accessories including a generic power adaptor which, when plugged in to the phone would say "slow charging, use original charger that came with device". Emailed 1-day to inform them of my discovery and send me a brand new phone to which they replied that they would send me an adaptor ONLY. I demanded they give me what I pay for and they simply re-sent the exact same email saying they would send me an adaptor! Absolute scam artists. Have made a complaint to the commerce commission as it looks like I'm not the only one this has happened to and these thieves need to be investigated.

Opened Electronics!
I brought a UE2 boom from these guys and received an already opened product that then did not charge! I had to send this back to them, who said it has charged perfectly and sent it back, my first question to them was, that it was not NEW! And I expected a band new Item when I brought it. There was nothing written in the sale post saying that I would receive an already opened product? Nor any where on the website that states parrallell imports are opened to replace with NZ plugs, It did not say it was a parrallell import on the sale page either, so my expectation was BRAND NEW! UNOPENED PRODUCT, this was clearly not what I got, and then to have it sent back to me after they have done something with it, saying its working perfectly... I did not pay for a second hand product, I requested an Item in a NEW unopened package but did not get that! This is very misleading, and wrong on so many levels to sell a used item as New! Which is what they did. I have not had any problems prior to this, I have been happy with 1day and have brought a lot of products, but this time spending $180 I expected a NEW UNOPENED PRODUCT AND DID NOT GET THAT! Shame on you 1 day sales, I intend to take this further.

Check you get what you paid for
I ordered a Lenovo Miix 64Gb, the ordered confirmed this, I received a Lenovo 32Gb. As my daughters old netbook had broken, she could not be without this one now, but 1-Day wanted it sent back and then would replace it. I said no, they would need to send the 64Gb one I ordered, then I would return the 32Gb version, but nope, they wouldn't have it.
I also wanted $75 compensation, but nope, they wouldn't do it, though would do $50 if I returned the 32Gb one, I said no, and spelled it out very slowly for them on many occasions, my daughter needs it for school.
When they declined I said it was my way, or I would let everyone I know that they sell wrong products, they then replied back quoting me the Defamation Act. So I replied saying that Defamation only applies if the statement is untrue, if I pay for a 64Gb version and receive a 32Gb version, that is applicable.
I told them I would not budge, it was $75 and I'll shut up, and left it up to them. They have not replied, so I guess they are prepared for the negative reviews.
WAs not surprised to find many others with issues as well.
I'll be leaving negative feedback about 1-day where ever I can.

Do Not Buy Iphones
I brought an refurbed iPhone 7 128gb all was great I needed the upgrade as was rocking the 5s for sooooo many years.
Anywho waited the three weeks for it to arrive not good at all
When I opened the box no headphones and a charging cable n plug that over heated, the phone itself the volume button didn't work did my head in and that wasn't even the worst bit!
Upon updating to try get to iOS 12.1 the phone shut down all cell and data on my phone I googled if there was problems with the software to find out certain models had been faulty and the main login board had a fault Which basically the phone became useless, I sent it back after days of trying to get in contact with 1-day when said they'd get a tech to look over the phone trying to make any excuse not to replace it, but because the phone was a recalled Apple product they just refunded me the next day they received the phone back to dispatch.
But by this time I'd already brought a brand new iPhone 7 from Naol lemmings coz least I knew it came with the proper warranties and customer care is primal there.
1-day Are no good never buy from them.

Don't buy any electronic items from
I purchased a refurbished phone from this company and had problems straight out of the box. The phone had very poor GPS performance, the battery life was poor, 4G reception at home was worse than my old phone of the same top brand and it dropped a call in the first few days at home which I do not remember ever happening before. The appearance of the phone was as new but the rear cover cracked for no obvious reason and warranty repairs were denied because of this. did offer to replace the cover for a fee but the phone was sent back to me the same day as the email was sent. I replied back to them 4 business days ago saying I would accept the repair price for the cover if they agreed to repair the other faults too. So far I have not had a reply. The rear cover is supposed to be glued in place and require a heat gun to remove it, I was able to remove it with my finger nail and no heat. The battery installed had a decal on it from a different phone and IMEI number. If I get a response to my email I will update this post.

Never buy from here again
Brought a phone as a gift for my husband for communication as I was pregnant with health issues. The phone did not reach me in the timeframe gave but they only advised me they were out of stock after I enquired why I had not received any delivery notification. The phone eventually reached me and only worked for ONE DAY then would not charge at all. After I sent the phone back on warranty they advised it was requested urgent but I still had no word from them 2 weeks later. They only got back to me after the date they promised the phone would be back with me because I kept querying. This was highly stressful in my situation and not worth the hassle at all. I purchased the phone 28/08/2017 and they just advised me yesterday 12/10/2017 that the technician had approved it as working and it was being couriered back to me. I still have no phone. I requested a refund several times and requests were ignored. VERY UNSATISFACTORY AND INFURIATING. Do not buy from this site if you are seeking trust-worthy items or service.

Total Muck Around
I ordered a refurbished Lenovo Miix from 1day on 8th Feb 2018 for my daughters birthday. Shipping time frame was 10-14 days... received an email saying the wrong cords came with them so there would be a delay.
After talking to numerous people on live chat and each saying something different, it finally turned up on 13 March 2018. In the meantime I sprung for another present for my daughter as this wasn't going to turn up in time.
Fast forward to now... the replacement chargers sent them with get horrendously hot and smell like burning plastic which will eventually burn my house down.
I sent an email today and she said to send it back for a check, I offered to send the charger but not the laptop as it is used in school and she already had to wait over a month for it. Apparently that can't be done, like hell I'm sending it all back I might never see it again! Guess I'll have to spring for a charger that isn't a fire hazard. Shoddy products and slack service, I won't be using 1day ever again

Totall Rip OFF!
I purchased a refurb samsung s6 which arrived in a sealed box, phone looked great, not one scratch on it. Plugged it in to charge and the screen was faulty and would not turn on. I contacted 1-day and went through the proper channels to return the item. Thier technicians inspected the phone and said the the warrenty was void because there were some tiny cracks at the top of the screen (i never saw these cracks) and hence the warrenty is void due to damage? The product arrived faulty and now are refusing to refund my money. Î literally took it out the box, plugged it in, saw it was faulty, packaged it back up and sent it back to them. So how did I cause this damage. They should be replacing the item or refunding my money. Instead they are sending the faulty product back to me? WTF! They have ripped me off $340 plus the $120 I had to spend to send back to them because I live overseas in the Cook Islands. Total cost $460 for nothing.

Incorrect shoe size
After ordering two pairs of shoes off 1 day I was looking forward at receiving them and strutting my stuff. On arrival of said shoes i was shocked to have been sent shoes that are two sizes to small. At first I thought that I must of made some mistake and selected the wrong size. So when I noticed that the shoes were on sale again i doubled checked. It appears that i did select the correct size, UK 9 and was sent UK 7. Looking at the pages shoe sizes i have no idea how made this mistake. So i sent in an email asking for a refund and expected that they would at least pay for the shipping since the mistake was solely on them. No it turns out that i have to pay for them to be re shipped and then all i can receive is credit for a online store that i no longer trust because they can't even get a simple shoe size correct. All and All would never buy off this site again unless it was something very simple like washing tablets.

Refurbished phones
We have had a terrible experience receiving not one but two faulty refurbished i-phones. The 1st one had a faulty screen and took almost a month to get replaced - the 2nd one stuffed around and with for a few weeks and their online chat was difficult to communicate. I repeatedly asked to speak to someone to be referred to the email contact to which we received no reply. We took the phone to an independent repairer as the microphone was not working. The repairer discovered the phone had long term water damage (we had only had it for a day before making the claim to 1-day and no way this sort of damage could possibly happen in this timeframe)! As their terms and conditions stated water damage would void any warranty we did not want to return the phone for repair until they acknowledged the prior water damage. We got nowhere so are taking this to the consumer institute. Be warned it may not be worth the cheap price!

1day sent me what was supposed to be a new S7 phone it was faulty and I do not believe it was new at all. will not send me a new phone or refund my money. They are going to fix my so called new phone. I don't want a faulty phone that they have managed to fix I want anew phone or refund. The phone is for my daughter who has special needs it's the only way she can tolerate car and we have special learning and language games on it so we are in week four of no phone waiting. I need a telephone number on my invoice to claim money back under my daughters disability fund. So they won't give me a response to any emails, I can't use live chat because of Mobil issues and they have no contact numbers. So my life is stressful as car journeys are very unpleasant for my special needs child; who has older siblings to take to school, sports, Abbeys appts and so on. I have never in my life experience such poor customer service.

Liars&rip off schemes with expensive fones!
Absolutely disgusted, spent near a thousand buks for a Fone that was cracked on back when received, rung Samsung&explained what Fone was doing, software stuffed! 1day said their procedure is to send Fone to Samsung, then refund, just got Fone back, no paperwork included from Samsung at all! & said won't repair due to back crack, it'll cost me 450! The software is f#*k#*! How dare they! Lied on phone talking to me about refunding, because didn't have the stock to replace it, now I have a thousand lemon! Don't trust this so called 'buisiness'! They think our money grows on trees! &happily rip you off! Working out of a dam house&snatch ur hard earned money up feel quick! I'm taking this further, so tired of scammers&greedy LIARS! Should be shut down! Some calls to get them investigated is a promise! Continual contradicting themselves

Watch out for their tech sales
May 2017, bought Sony tablet and estimated delivery was 10 to 14 working days. Got hold of them to check where my order was after waiting for 3 weeks. In the mean time I bought a leather tablet cover and sony tablet keyboard. Then sent me sony mobile phone so I asked them where my tablet was their response was that my order was sent to someone else. They have me a refund but they didn't want to know my loss caused by their mistake.
Then on 22ne September bought a Lenovo tablet and nothing arrived until 15th October. So contacted 1 day help desk to ask where my tablet was. Today got a response to say they over shipped my order whatever that means and gave me a refund saying sorry. This is NOT acceptable. DO NOT SUCK INTO THEIR TECH SALE.

Worst online shopping experience ever
Unbelievable - I ordered this product (refurbished iPhone 7) way back in September so I would have it well before a big overseas trip on 2nd November, I received a faulty product.
It has taken well over a month to sort out. Complete lack of communication. I was finally told last week after chasing up several times that I would receive the replacement on or before the 30th. As I have my trip planned for the 2nd I checked if this could be processes sooner, the person I was chatting with said would check and follow up with an email (they did not). Today I was told that a replacement is unable to be supplied however the product is available on the site to purchase and the only way it can be supplied is for me to repurchase the phone.

Bought a Samsung s9 as unlocked to all networks>>NOT!
Have bought here over the years with generally a good experience, usually shipping times are quick and items besides electronics are good, hence 2 stars not one,
But I would say don't ever buy the mystery bags, as you will be disappointed and electronics such as tablet and bluetooth speaker were cheap price, but 2 dollar shop quality. Tablet was so slow, it was from the ice ages and gave to my niece as a toy!
Recently purchased a phone, not cheap too, brand new samsung s9, that was advertised as unlocked to all networks.
When I get the phone, it is locked to a US carrier, so inconveniently must be sent back.
Waiting to see how deal with this, but it really should not of happened in the first place!

Do not buy anything electronic from 1-day
Having shopped with other "Daily Deal" websites over the years, I recently made my very first purchase from 1-day. Biggest mistake I have ever made. I purchased an iPhone 6 and was excited to receive it, however upon turning it on there was a problem, kept getting a pink screen and when trying to sync to iTunes all I got was an error message. I immediately emailed 1-day and then used their live chat. I was told I had to return the phone under warranty, even though I had received a faulty phone and never got to use it. 3 weeks later, still don't have a phone, and don't respond to emails. No phone number for them either. Don't buy anything of value as they clearly don't care. STAY AWAY from 1-day!

Can be risky
I've bought quite a few things from this site, sometimes I have received decent products in a reasonable timeframe. Other times I have received shocking quality products. I purchased some clothes racks that were advertised as usually >$160 but were very flimsy and average (I'd value them at no more than $40). I purchased a brand new phone from them which had it's speaker malfunction after 3 months, I sent it in to be warranted. I did not receive any email or phone after their deadline of 20 days. I did not receive any replies until I threatened to go to the Commerce Commission. I finally received my phone over 1 month later. When asked for compensation, they acted dumb about the situation.

Refurbished iphone
Bought a refurbished iphone. What a mistake. The phone never even worked. You then have to go through a process to return it. Then it will take 14 days to do anything about it Even hounding the chat service got me nowhere. I just wanted my refund for a phone that never even worked. Once FINALLY said they would process a refund after 14 days (almost 20 days after having received a non working phone) I had to ask them how long that would take. ANOTHER 5 days. An absolute effing joke. Will never buy anything off their website again due to horrific customer service (actually cant even call it service as they provided none - having to hound them to get any results is poor business).

Never buy from these guys
Bought a drone for Christmas for my kids - product is incomplete with no charger unit! After 5 failed requests for contact I went to live chat who told me to return it for a refund. I explained - or at least tried to - that parts of the drone once assembled cannot be disassembled. It won't fit back into the original box without some breakage or send a huge box to send this thing in. Told basically my problem - if it's broken no refund and they don't have big boxes! Told after an hour of live chat that a manager will call me. Still waiting. Am just going to disputes tribunal - much easier than dealing with this company.

Absolutely terrible service
When given a time period of two weeks and the two weeks passed, I got an email stating that there was a delay wth the stock with the warehouse being brought in! SO WHATS THE POINT IN HAVING A "sold out" or "stock remaining" if there are none in the warehouse and you can purchase off their site? SUPER MISLEADING! Unless CLEARLY stated that a customer is purchasing stock that has not yet been delivered to the warehouse, you should not make the product available to buy! Further, the customer service were repetitive and did not acknowledge my complaints. Absolute rubbish and will never be purchasing from there again.

I made the mistake of not looking up reviews prior to purchasing a refurbished iPhone, BIG MISTAKE! It came faulty, with the screen fully not working and I emailed them that day explaining what had happened and fast forward 2 months and I am still yet to receive my refund! If i could give them zero stars I would! I have contacted multiple people numerous times and have had no responses - and all I am asking for is my money to be rightfully returned! The customer service is appalling and should not even be called that, don't waste your time, money, effort or energy ever dealing with this horrible company

If there was less than one I would give them that - do not buy from these people!
Absolute shocking customer service... bought a mac book pro for my sons birthday a month ago and have been given the run around ever since. Each person we managed to get hold of (if we were lucky as hardly respond to emails/ messenger or live chat is always off) told us a different story. We were told at least 3 different delivery dates... still nothing and no communication as to what is happening... this purchase was over $1000 so not cheap. I wish I had looked at the reviews before going ahead with this... worst decison ever and now I have one very upset child. Stay Away!

1-day - rorting consumers and avoiding legal responsibilities
We bought a brand new parallel import Samsung s10. It overheated within 21/2 weeks and stopped charging. We sent it back and got told the warranty was void because water got into the charging port and caused physical damage. This model phone is supposed to be WATER RESISTANT! After feeding us this rubbish said they had got it working and would send it back without a warranty.

Absolutely disgusted when 1-day used to be so good. Will be taking them to the disputes tribunal and complaining to the Commerce Commission

Will never buy from them again. They have become rubbish

Stick with bricks and mortar stores
I should have read the reviews before I ordered a refurbished laptop
Only in the confirmation email did it suddenly say 4-6 days delivery. It took 8.the product was grubby and the cord and charger were incompatible with the laptop.
Worse you cannot phone 1day and won't phone you to sort out any issue. I spent over an hour on we chat and then they want me to fill in all sorts of forms and take days to refund.
Best advice... Go down to your local store, get your item on the spot and if it doesn't work go back and sort it face to face.
Wayne September 2019

Appalling after sales service
I've bought several things from 1-Day and usually they're fine. Stuff like dishwasher tablets and such. I made this mistake of buying a refurbished iphone for my son. The battery was stuffed when we got it, so I sent it back -- they've now had the phone for 6 weeks (longer than we actually had the phone) and I cannot get a resolution out of anyone. The online chat people all talk the same rubbish and can't actually DO anything. I just want a refund. Stick with basic stuff from these guys, anything costly or electronic? Stay FAR FAR away.

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Based on 30 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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